It was Roe v. Wade that created this mess, and it won't be fixed until...

...Roe v, Wade is overturned.

The liberals took an unethical shortcut when they used the Supreme Court to ram legal abortion down our throats, and this mess with Kavenaugh is the bloody, rotten result.

The only way to end it is to overturn Roe v. Wade and give the abortion issues back to the state legislatures where it belongs.

Some states will outlaw abortion, but it will remain legal in others.

Pro-lifers will continue their work to convince people, using democratic, peaceful means, that every human life is precious and deserves protection of the laws.
What mess are you talking about?
Oh yes....the mess where white boys think they can tell women what to do with their bodies.

And as for the likes of you being pro-life......stop lying. You put the lie to that claim when you do nothing about children in cages and pedophile priests molesting children.
Black women have far more baby killing awareness than any other demo group.

Those darn white boys must be controlling them.

Racist much, Jewby?
Fascinating.....:eusa_think: It doesn't take much for trumpanzees to expose their real selves.
If the mother's life is in jeopardy, I don't think the state should be allowed to make her carry the baby. No, better to have a consistent law of the land. You'd just end up having women crossing state lines for abortions. Reduce the time frame to get one first.
Roe v. Wade is completely unsupported by the text of the Constitution, because there is no such things as a "Right to Privacy." The Supreme Court invented this right out of thin air.

Yes or no?
At least you’re consistent at being wrong and ignorant.

The Third, Fourth, Fifth, and 14th Amendments clearly recognize a right to privacy, limiting government authority to involve itself in personal, private matters.

That the word ‘privacy’ is not in the Constitution is irrelevant – just as the words ‘individual’ and ‘self-defense’ not being in the Second Amendment is likewise irrelevant.

The Constitution exists solely in the context of its case law, as determined by the Supreme Court.

“But that’s not in the Constitution” is a failed and ignorant ‘argument.’
Hell hath frozen over.
I just want to see women and doctors and their staff sent to prison for abortion -- I think that would be a good thing for our country-- it is always a good thing to punish evil doers
I just want to see women and doctors and their staff sent to prison for abortion -- I think that would be a good thing for our country-- it is always a good thing to punish evil doers

People who have abortions or who perform them are not "evil doers." If you are against sex, don't have it.

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