it wasn't a bow.............

Manu1959, are you stateing Obama does things that are meaningless.

some people right it off as a mistake, some people just dont think through thier thoughts. This "bow" was captured by the Moslem media and shown around the world. You think its possible that the moslems will now be emboldened, they see Obama, the president of the United States bowing to the King of the world, the true leader, they will understand anything else that Obama does or says in the USA is meaningless, they will know that Obama will give a speech to the infidels to appease them. The Jihadists now they have a brother in the White house, who bows to the leader of Saudi Arabia, the kindom of Wahhabi, the true Moslem religion.
please show photos of other heads of state bowing to heads of state

and i dont mean Japanese where they great each other with a mutual bow

Why does anyone care what other heads of state did, unless they are, as I've already suggested, overly self-conscious about America's place in the world?

Do you not believe that the U.S. is the greatest nation on earth? And that, as the greatest nation, we can afford to be gracious?

of course we can.....why did obama choose to be more gracious to a saudi king than to an english queen.....the depth of a bow means things......i get that you want to claim it wasn't a bow and that things words and deeds don't mean things but they do.....

Wow, there is just so much to focus on with our new President. Sleeves / no sleeves, jacket / no jacket...the depth of or if there was a bow, when in Rome do as we damned please and they better speak English there too! Heavens, you'll all be busy for some time to come. Reminds me of a piece of paper floating around a long tim ago, both sides printed with the same question, "how do you keep an idiot busy?" Carry on, and on, and on...
thank you i am aware of the state departments rules of protocol .....

why do you think he chose to bow to only this head of state in this particular manner......
oh, she doesnt care
yet she is the top poster in this thread with 52 posts
but she doesnt care at all, not even one bit


I said that I don't care whether or not what he did is considered a bow.

And, so far, no one has demonstrated that it actually does make any difference.

your statement is a logical obviously makes a difference given the length of this thread. you will brush that off is only right wingers...well, guess what, that makes a difference and there are arab news sources talking about it and claim only US conservatives.

and you still run away from the question that you have been asked:

why this particular head of state? why not the queen?
No one in the world is calling it anything -- no one, that is, besides U.S. conservatives.

Shouldn't that tell you something?

thats not true, i already linked you to an asian news story about it

That Asia Times article is discussing U.S. conservatives discussing it, as I have already pointed out. That same article can be found on other foreign news sites and it pertains mostly to issues of significance between the two nations.

The only mention of the greeting is "United -States President Barack Obama was caught on camera by journalists on Wednesday bowing in deference to Saudi King Abdullah as he greeted him at the opening of the G20 meeting in London, prior to being photographed with British royalty.... The meeting created a storm of debate, primarily among American conservatives, when pictures and a video were released that appeared to show Obama bowing to the Saudi monarch at the G20 photo-op."

Why are you repeating already refuted points?

why would the liberal media talk about their messiah's bow? the liberal media has ignored MUCH about obama. you saying that liberals aren't talking about it means it means nothing is an illogical fallacy. in fact, i saw this being discussed on CNN earlier today.

see, the internet is killing liberal news...but that doesn't matter, no one is talking about it!!!

Why does anyone care what other heads of state did, unless they are, as I've already suggested, overly self-conscious about America's place in the world?

Do you not believe that the U.S. is the greatest nation on earth? And that, as the greatest nation, we can afford to be gracious?

of course we can.....why did obama choose to be more gracious to a saudi king than to an english queen.....the depth of a bow means things......i get that you want to claim it wasn't a bow and that things words and deeds don't mean things but they do.....

It sure looked like a bow to me. I don't see it as America bowing down to Saudi Arabia though. It's more like, "Hi, we're going to change our relations with the Middle East just as promised. I'm not an arrogant oil man like my predecessor."
King Abdullah IS Saudi Arabia.

You bow to him, you bow to Saudi Arabia.

Whether it was designed to "improve relations" or not is irrelevant.

The mere fact that a U.S. president is bowing to anyone, Islamic monarch or no, is quite disturbing in terms of the message that it sends.

That message is in effect, "we submit to you".
of course we can.....why did obama choose to be more gracious to a saudi king than to an english queen.....the depth of a bow means things......i get that you want to claim it wasn't a bow and that things words and deeds don't mean things but they do.....

Apparently, the "depth of a bow" means a lot to U.S. conservatives.

Obama's greeting, however, means nothing to the rest of the world.

so it was a meaningless gesture and no one including the king and any of the kings subjects or even obama for that matter care.....

It was courteous. Courtesies convey to the recipients of courtesies that one is a courteous, as opposed to an unmannerly, person.

The rest of the world has not read into this particular courtesy what U.S. conservatives have. The foreign press has not declared that Obama has ceded authority to the Saudi king. The foreign press has not decided that Obama considers the king "on a higher standard" than himself. The foreign press has not speculated on whether Obama is showing submission to his Muslim king, ad nauseam.

This hysteria has been limited only to U.S. conservatives. Does that not tell you something?
oh, she doesnt care
yet she is the top poster in this thread with 52 posts
but she doesnt care at all, not even one bit


I said that I don't care whether or not what he did is considered a bow.

And, so far, no one has demonstrated that it actually does make any difference.

your statement is a logical obviously makes a difference given the length of this thread. you will brush that off is only right wingers...well, guess what, that makes a difference and there are arab news sources talking about it and claim only US conservatives.

and you still run away from the question that you have been asked:

why this particular head of state? why not the queen?

Please post the "Arab sources ... and Asian" that are talking about anything other than that U.S. conservatives are talking about it.

Have any "Arab sources ... and Asian" attributed to Obama's greeting the hysterical interpretations of U.S. right-wingers?
Why does anyone care what other heads of state did, unless they are, as I've already suggested, overly self-conscious about America's place in the world?

Do you not believe that the U.S. is the greatest nation on earth? And that, as the greatest nation, we can afford to be gracious?

of course we can.....why did obama choose to be more gracious to a saudi king than to an english queen.....the depth of a bow means things......i get that you want to claim it wasn't a bow and that things words and deeds don't mean things but they do.....

It sure looked like a bow to me. I don't see it as America bowing down to Saudi Arabia though. It's more like, "Hi, we're going to change our relations with the Middle East just as promised. I'm not an arrogant oil man like my predecessor."

No just a huge whimpy push over like Carter.
I said that I don't care whether or not what he did is considered a bow.

And, so far, no one has demonstrated that it actually does make any difference.

your statement is a logical obviously makes a difference given the length of this thread. you will brush that off is only right wingers...well, guess what, that makes a difference and there are arab news sources talking about it and claim only US conservatives.

and you still run away from the question that you have been asked:

why this particular head of state? why not the queen?

Please post the "Arab sources ... and Asian" that are talking about anything other than that U.S. conservatives are talking about it.

Have any "Arab sources ... and Asian" attributed to Obama's greeting the hysterical interpretations of U.S. right-wingers?

Wrong. Not just conservatives are talking about Obama being weak. Read the European press sometime.
Apparently, the "depth of a bow" means a lot to U.S. conservatives.

Obama's greeting, however, means nothing to the rest of the world.

so it was a meaningless gesture and no one including the king and any of the kings subjects or even obama for that matter care.....

It was courteous. Courtesies convey to the recipients of courtesies that one is a courteous, as opposed to an unmannerly, person.

The rest of the world has not read into this particular courtesy what U.S. conservatives have. The foreign press has not declared that Obama has ceded authority to the Saudi king. The foreign press has not decided that Obama considers the king "on a higher standard" than himself. The foreign press has not speculated on whether Obama is showing submission to his Muslim king, ad nauseam.

This hysteria has been limited only to U.S. conservatives. Does that not tell you something?

nothing to see here folks....the FOREIGN press.....the FOREIGN press.....the FOREIGN press.....

thats right, this cherry believes that matters. and if you are conservative and talking about it, forget it, you don't matter either.
thats not true, i already linked you to an asian news story about it

That Asia Times article is discussing U.S. conservatives discussing it, as I have already pointed out. That same article can be found on other foreign news sites and it pertains mostly to issues of significance between the two nations.

The only mention of the greeting is "United -States President Barack Obama was caught on camera by journalists on Wednesday bowing in deference to Saudi King Abdullah as he greeted him at the opening of the G20 meeting in London, prior to being photographed with British royalty.... The meeting created a storm of debate, primarily among American conservatives, when pictures and a video were released that appeared to show Obama bowing to the Saudi monarch at the G20 photo-op."

Why are you repeating already refuted points?

why would the liberal media talk about their messiah's bow? the liberal media has ignored MUCH about obama. you saying that liberals aren't talking about it means it means nothing is an illogical fallacy. in fact, i saw this being discussed on CNN earlier today.

see, the internet is killing liberal news...but that doesn't matter, no one is talking about it!!!


U.S. right-wingers' concern hasn't been with what they think U.S. liberals think of Obama's greeting. U.S. right-wing crackpots have claimed everything from that Obama ceded authority to the Saudi king to that he showed his submission to his Muslim king to that Obama considers the Saudi king "on a higher standard" than himself.

Therefore, U.S. right-wing crackpots are concerned about world opinion. However, the world has certainly been mum on this -- in fact, suprisingly mum, were this the significant gesture blah blah blah the crackpots have claimed.

As has been pointed out, the foreign press hasn't been reluctant to weigh in on other issues relevant to Obama. Were this a gesture of actual significance, how does anyone explain the silence of the foreign press on this (non-)event, with the exception of pointing out that it has caused a furor among U.S. conservatives?
Hey Cherry, How about hearing your take on the "region 1" DVDs that the idiot gave to Brown, I'm sure you will have some convoluted way to justify that dumbass mistake. :lol::lol::lol:
It was courteous. Courtesies convey to the recipients of courtesies that one is a courteous, as opposed to an unmannerly, person.

So everyone except Obama at the G20 summit was an unmannerly person?

Every other leader just shook hands with the Saudi King.

Bows are unexpected and it is therefore, perfectly courteous to shake hands with the king rather than bow to him.

No other world leader bowed to King Abdullah.

This hysteria has been limited only to U.S. conservatives. Does that not tell you something?

Not necessarily. It was after all a CNN reporter that prompted Robert Gibbs to lie about the bow and claim it to be merely a "reach down for a handshake."

Why the White House would lie about being "courteous", as you put it, is beyond me.

Obviously the White House considered the bow to be a blunder or they would not have gone to the trouble of perpetuating a lie about it.

If it was mere "courtesy" they would have labeled it so, the liberal media would have fawned over it, and then they would have moved on.
your statement is a logical obviously makes a difference given the length of this thread. you will brush that off is only right wingers...well, guess what, that makes a difference and there are arab news sources talking about it and claim only US conservatives.

and you still run away from the question that you have been asked:

why this particular head of state? why not the queen?

Please post the "Arab sources ... and Asian" that are talking about anything other than that U.S. conservatives are talking about it.

Have any "Arab sources ... and Asian" attributed to Obama's greeting the hysterical interpretations of U.S. right-wingers?

Wrong. Not just conservatives are talking about Obama being weak. Read the European press sometime.

That's not a response to my question. I asked, "Have any 'Arab sources ... and Asian' attributed to Obama's greeting the hysterical interpretations of U.S. right-wingers?"

For that matter, have any European news sources "attributed to Obama's greeting the hysterical interpretations of U.S. right-wingers"?
of course we can.....why did obama choose to be more gracious to a saudi king than to an english queen.....the depth of a bow means things......i get that you want to claim it wasn't a bow and that things words and deeds don't mean things but they do.....

It sure looked like a bow to me. I don't see it as America bowing down to Saudi Arabia though. It's more like, "Hi, we're going to change our relations with the Middle East just as promised. I'm not an arrogant oil man like my predecessor."
King Abdullah IS Saudi Arabia.

You bow to him, you bow to Saudi Arabia.

Whether it was designed to "improve relations" or not is irrelevant.

The mere fact that a U.S. president is bowing to anyone, Islamic monarch or no, is quite disturbing in terms of the message that it sends.

That message is in effect, "we submit to you".

Yep, when I spar with my partner at Taekwondo, I'm really saying "I submit to you". :cuckoo:

Bows are a sign of respect, not deference, not submission, not whatever else you have put in your head. It's just respect. There's nothing wrong with showing a little respect to other world leaders.
It sure looked like a bow to me. I don't see it as America bowing down to Saudi Arabia though. It's more like, "Hi, we're going to change our relations with the Middle East just as promised. I'm not an arrogant oil man like my predecessor."
King Abdullah IS Saudi Arabia.

You bow to him, you bow to Saudi Arabia.

Whether it was designed to "improve relations" or not is irrelevant.

The mere fact that a U.S. president is bowing to anyone, Islamic monarch or no, is quite disturbing in terms of the message that it sends.

That message is in effect, "we submit to you".

Yep, when I spar with my partner at Taekwondo, I'm really saying "I submit to you". :cuckoo:

Bows are a sign of respect, not deference, not submission, not whatever else you have put in your head. It's just respect. There's nothing wrong with showing a little respect to other world leaders.

so back to the original question.. why deny it? doyathink?

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