it wasn't a bow.............

You gave your opinion. Your opinion is only seconded by your fellow right-wingers.

If your opinion accurately describes the situation, why have you not backed it up by posting articles from the world press in which they discuss the president "submitting" to the Saudi king and the resulting negative impact on the U.S.'s position in the world?

I tried to help you out. I Googled "Obama submits to Saudi king."

Sorry. Only a bunch of forums there.

I did see that y'all missed one:

Frank Gaffney the director of the conservative think tank the Center for Security Policy was on MSNBC’s Hardball today where he accused President Barack Obama of speaking in code, and telling the Middle East that America will submit to them. Gaffney says using the word respect is code in the Muslim word for submission.

I don't care how many people share my opinion or your opinion, but rather about the facts surrounding the incident. Majority opinion does not change the facts.

I gave you specific examples in context of the situation to describe why it was submission and not respect.

Now you tell me, are all the G20 leaders except Obama disrespectful and arrogant because they did not bow to King Abdullah?

Why did King Abdullah not bow back?

Why did Obama not bow to Queen Elizabeth II?

If it is a gesture of common respect, then Obama must bow to the Queen and the Saudi King along with every other G20 leader.

Likewise, Abdullah should have returned the bow in respect, otherwise Obama is submitting to him.

The CNN reporter attached no importance to it. As he admitted, he asked only because people are talking about it.

Now, what "people" have been talking about it?! U.S. right-wing crackpots and people talking about right-wing crackpots talking about it.

...LOTHIAN: When the President met with King Abdullah, there was something that took place which I believe the White House explained was just the president being taller than the king. We took a look at the video, and it does appear that the president actually bowed to King Abdullah. Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No, I think he bent over with both, to shake -- with both hands to shake his hand, so I don't--

LOTHIAN: -- one hand --

GIBBS: Well I... [laughter]

LOTHIAN: Did he bow or didn't he?

GIBBS: No. But I think this meeting was like a week ago, right?

LOTHIAN: That's right but this is something a lot of people are talking about today.

GIBBS: I can only imagine it is of great cause and concern for many people struggling with the economy....

But the reporter himself said it appeared to be a bow.

He is acknowledging the truth of the outrage.

Furthermore, he pressed Gibbs and forced a lie out of him.

If it was not important why bother asking about it?

Read the transcript for yourself instead of taking the Huffington Post's word for it.
Those who defend Obama's excuse on this one are just being as foolish as he and his staff are. Why be a fool for someone who does something you and many others see with their own eyes and lies about it? I won't break the law for someone and if they ask they are no longer a friend. I also won't lie for anyone. Let the fools rush in . . .

OMG InrX, did you post a picture of that former Marine veteran, gay guy that President Bush was inviting over to the White House for slumber parties and pillow fights? About 100 times, if I recall correctly?

President Obama's spokesperson explained to everyone's satisfaction (except the extremists, of course) President Obama's handshake -that- makes it even more unusual that President Bush and/or a spokesman never explained the White House slumber parties -- I wonder why they tried to sweep it under that $60,000 rug?

I don't recall the Bushies ever giving an official explanation of the President Bush/Jeff Gannon relationship -- given that lack of an official explanation, does anyone know or care to speculate on whether President Bush bowed, facing Jeff, or did President Bush bow facing away from Jeff?

obama, president of the US, bowed low to a muslim king

No other world leader bowed to King Abdullah

Of course he bowed and anyone who does not believe that is really brainwashed so admit it and live with the fact that you elected a traitor fools. You can change it by nominating Hillary next time.
He had to Bow to his true leader do you really think he gives a fuck what the people in the US think he has 64,000,000 already brainwashed and only needs 4 years to totaly destroy the US constitution. As the Islamites wish.

obama, president of the US, bowed low to a muslim king


As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

The Obamatrons refuse to see it. He has broken over 150 promises to date. The Dems are turning against him through their votes.

Everyone thought the "change" would be something different than what it is.

They just don't want to face it. Even when there is a picture proving how wrong they were and are.

obama, president of the US, bowed low to a muslim king


As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

The Obamatrons refuse to see it. He has broken over 150 promises to date. The Dems are turning against him through their votes.

Everyone thought the "change" would be something different than what it is.

They just don't want to face it. Even when there is a picture proving how wrong they were and are.
thats what happens when you fall for a nice catch phrase and never look deeper
I gotta tell you something right here....If this is the worst that Obama does during his presidency, we're going to be damn lucky. I think we all are going to have bigger fish to fry with the messiah than this one. Just sayin....
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OMG InrX, did you post a picture of that former Marine veteran, gay guy that President Bush was inviting over to the White House for slumber parties and pillow fights? ...

.. does anyone know or care to speculate on whether President Bush bowed, facing Jeff, or did President Bush bow facing away from Jeff?

Fact? --- nope, not even close, except in the minds of rightwing radical extremists

Main Entry:
fact5: a piece of information presented as having objective reality— in fact: in truth

Sorry Yurt, words have meaning and what you rightys have been sayin' doesn't reach the level of "fact" i.e. truth -- see what I'm sayin'?

Someday, I might tell you what I really think about President Obama's little meet-up with King Abdullah... But before I do the rightys will have to get past sounding like a bunch of emotional third graders and produce proof -proof- that President Obama bowed while shaking little King Abdullah's little hands.

And don't give me that BS about a picture being worth a thousand words --- it isn't. According to the FBI, eyewitness evidence is among the weakest cases that can be made. Come to think of it -- how did that video work out for Rodney King, if ya catch my drift?

Obama bow?----prove it.
But if your opinion is all ya got ----- then, maybe y'all ought to concede defeat and come back on a thread in which you have a chance of putting up a good fite.

Fact? --- nope, not even close, except in the minds of rightwing radical extremists

Main Entry:
fact5: a piece of information presented as having objective reality— in fact: in truth

Sorry Yurt, words have meaning and what you rightys have been sayin' doesn't reach the level of "fact" i.e. truth -- see what I'm sayin'?

Someday, I might tell you what I really think about President Obama's little meet-up with King Abdullah... But before I do the rightys will have to get past sounding like a bunch of emotional third graders and produce proof -proof- that President Obama bowed while shaking little King Abdullah's little hands.

And don't give me that BS about a picture being worth a thousand words --- it isn't. According to the FBI, eyewitness evidence is among the weakest cases that can be made. Come to think of it -- how did that video work out for Rodney King, if ya catch my drift?

Obama bow?----prove it.
But if your opinion is all ya got ----- then, maybe y'all ought to concede defeat and come back on a thread in which you have a chance of putting up a good fite.

what was he doing if not bowing.....
Sorry Yurt, words have meaning and what you rightys have been sayin' doesn't reach the level of "fact" i.e. truth -- see what I'm sayin'?

Someday, I might tell you what I really think about President Obama's little meet-up with King Abdullah... But before I do the rightys will have to get past sounding like a bunch of emotional third graders and produce proof -proof- that President Obama bowed while shaking little King Abdullah's little hands.

And don't give me that BS about a picture being worth a thousand words --- it isn't. According to the FBI, eyewitness evidence is among the weakest cases that can be made. Come to think of it -- how did that video work out for Rodney King, if ya catch my drift?

Obama bow?----prove it.
But if your opinion is all ya got ----- then, maybe y'all ought to concede defeat and come back on a thread in which you have a chance of putting up a good fite.

what was he doing if not bowing.....
i'd like to know that too
Sorry Yurt, words have meaning and what you rightys have been sayin' doesn't reach the level of "fact" i.e. truth -- see what I'm sayin'?

Someday, I might tell you what I really think about President Obama's little meet-up with King Abdullah... But before I do the rightys will have to get past sounding like a bunch of emotional third graders and produce proof -proof- that President Obama bowed while shaking little King Abdullah's little hands.

And don't give me that BS about a picture being worth a thousand words --- it isn't. According to the FBI, eyewitness evidence is among the weakest cases that can be made. Come to think of it -- how did that video work out for Rodney King, if ya catch my drift?

Obama bow?----prove it.
But if your opinion is all ya got ----- then, maybe y'all ought to concede defeat and come back on a thread in which you have a chance of putting up a good fite.

what was he doing if not bowing.....
i'd like to know that too

That's what I figured y'all meant.

If you would have just admitted you were clueless from the gitgo y'all coulda saved a bunch-o-pixels. But don't wave the white flag of surrender, keep trying - watching rightys make fools of themselves is almost as much fun as smokin' Cuban seeegars and drinkin' Coronas.

BTW, check it out -- The American people are really really upset that President Obama bowed to King Abdulluh..., I mean, stop and think about it, President Obama's approval rating is down to only 66% in both the latest CNN poll and the latest CBS poll. Yup yup, American's are pissed at President Obama alright - LOL.
what was he doing if not bowing.....
i'd like to know that too

That's what I figured y'all meant.

If you would have just admitted you were clueless from the gitgo y'all coulda saved a bunch-o-pixels. But don't wave the white flag of surrender, keep trying - watching rightys make fools of themselves is almost as much fun as smokin' Cuban seeegars and drinkin' Coronas.

BTW, check it out -- The American people are really really upset that President Obama bowed to King Abdulluh..., I mean, stop and think about it, President Obama's approval rating is down to only 66% in both the latest CNN poll and the latest CBS poll. Yup yup, American's are pissed at President Obama alright - LOL.
you are noting but another Obamabot
we already had you figured out
what was he doing if not bowing.....
i'd like to know that too

That's what I figured y'all meant.

If you would have just admitted you were clueless from the gitgo y'all coulda saved a bunch-o-pixels. But don't wave the white flag of surrender, keep trying - watching rightys make fools of themselves is almost as much fun as smokin' Cuban seeegars and drinkin' Coronas.

BTW, check it out -- The American people are really really upset that President Obama bowed to King Abdulluh..., I mean, stop and think about it, President Obama's approval rating is down to only 66% in both the latest CNN poll and the latest CBS poll. Yup yup, American's are pissed at President Obama alright - LOL.

I see that your not the brightest star in the night sky.
From what I heard, Obama was going to get on his knees, and the King told him "no, just bow." That's what I heard...
i'd like to know that too

That's what I figured y'all meant.

If you would have just admitted you were clueless from the gitgo y'all coulda saved a bunch-o-pixels. But don't wave the white flag of surrender, keep trying - watching rightys make fools of themselves is almost as much fun as smokin' Cuban seeegars and drinkin' Coronas.

BTW, check it out -- The American people are really really upset that President Obama bowed to King Abdulluh..., I mean, stop and think about it, President Obama's approval rating is down to only 66% in both the latest CNN poll and the latest CBS poll. Yup yup, American's are pissed at President Obama alright - LOL.
you are noting but another Obamabot
we already had you figured out

The only "bots" here are the rightwingers who have jumped onto a fantasy they claim as fact but cannot prove.

Wouldn't one think that if President Obama had greeted the Saudi king with a gesture that actually is "a symbol of subservience" or a "sign of submission," the Saudi press would have been all over it like white on rice with articles featuring headlines like "King Abdullah Owns Barack Obama"?!

So I did y'all's homework for you. I checked as many sources of Saudi news as I could find.

But, nope, no articles, no headlines, not even any photos with the cutline "U.S. President in King Abdullah's Highlight Film."

The only article I could find referencing the greeting included the quote Said1 has already mentioned: "...Suhaila Zainal Abideen, a Saudi woman member of the National Human Rights Society and Muslim World League, noted the warmth Obama showed by kissing the hand of King Abdullah...."
Saudi Gazette - Obama wins praise from Saudis who now want action

No mention of submission or subservience or weakness or transfer of authority.

And that one sentence is the only reference to the greeting in the fairly lengthy article. The rest of it discusses what President Obama said and how it was received by Saudi citizens:

"...Mohsin Al-Shaikh Al-Hassan, a renowned TV journalist and CEO of FarLimit, a PR company, said Obama’s positive statements about Islam, Muslims and the Arab world indicate that the America of the Bush years is changing.
'I have never thought that an American president would make positive remarks about Islam, Muslims and Arabs. President Obama’s remarks are indicative of a changing American strategy from the worst in the past to the best toward Muslims and Arab world,' he said...."

"...Many like Jaffar Al-Shayab, a Saudi writer and columnist, said: 'It is really good to hear something positive about Islam, Muslims and Arabs from an American president, which will definitely work to improve relations between the US and the Arab world....'"
That's what I figured y'all meant.

If you would have just admitted you were clueless from the gitgo y'all coulda saved a bunch-o-pixels. But don't wave the white flag of surrender, keep trying - watching rightys make fools of themselves is almost as much fun as smokin' Cuban seeegars and drinkin' Coronas.

BTW, check it out -- The American people are really really upset that President Obama bowed to King Abdulluh..., I mean, stop and think about it, President Obama's approval rating is down to only 66% in both the latest CNN poll and the latest CBS poll. Yup yup, American's are pissed at President Obama alright - LOL.
you are noting but another Obamabot
we already had you figured out

The only "bots" here are the rightwingers who have jumped onto a fantasy they claim as fact but cannot prove.

Wouldn't one think that if President Obama had greeted the Saudi king with a gesture that actually is "a symbol of subservience" or a "sign of submission," the Saudi press would have been all over it like white on rice with articles featuring headlines like "King Abdullah Owns Barack Obama"?!

So I did y'all's homework for you. I checked as many sources of Saudi news as I could find.

But, nope, no articles, no headlines, not even any photos with the cutline "U.S. President in King Abdullah's Highlight Film."

The only article I could find referencing the greeting included the quote Said1 has already mentioned: "...Suhaila Zainal Abideen, a Saudi woman member of the National Human Rights Society and Muslim World League, noted the warmth Obama showed by kissing the hand of King Abdullah...."
Saudi Gazette - Obama wins praise from Saudis who now want action

No mention of submission or subservience or weakness or transfer of authority.

And that one sentence is the only reference to the greeting in the fairly lengthy article. The rest of it discusses what President Obama said and how it was received by Saudi citizens:

"...Mohsin Al-Shaikh Al-Hassan, a renowned TV journalist and CEO of FarLimit, a PR company, said Obama’s positive statements about Islam, Muslims and the Arab world indicate that the America of the Bush years is changing.
'I have never thought that an American president would make positive remarks about Islam, Muslims and Arabs. President Obama’s remarks are indicative of a changing American strategy from the worst in the past to the best toward Muslims and Arab world,' he said...."

"...Many like Jaffar Al-Shayab, a Saudi writer and columnist, said: 'It is really good to hear something positive about Islam, Muslims and Arabs from an American president, which will definitely work to improve relations between the US and the Arab world....'"
yeah sure
you would forgive Obama if he was caught fileting bbies and BBQ'n them and eating em
you would find some way to make it out it wasnt a bad thing
again, you have zero credibility
when i see you be half as honest as i am, then you will begin to earn some
you are noting but another Obamabot
we already had you figured out

The only "bots" here are the rightwingers who have jumped onto a fantasy they claim as fact but cannot prove.

Wouldn't one think that if President Obama had greeted the Saudi king with a gesture that actually is "a symbol of subservience" or a "sign of submission," the Saudi press would have been all over it like white on rice with articles featuring headlines like "King Abdullah Owns Barack Obama"?!

So I did y'all's homework for you. I checked as many sources of Saudi news as I could find.

But, nope, no articles, no headlines, not even any photos with the cutline "U.S. President in King Abdullah's Highlight Film."

The only article I could find referencing the greeting included the quote Said1 has already mentioned: "...Suhaila Zainal Abideen, a Saudi woman member of the National Human Rights Society and Muslim World League, noted the warmth Obama showed by kissing the hand of King Abdullah...."
Saudi Gazette - Obama wins praise from Saudis who now want action

No mention of submission or subservience or weakness or transfer of authority.

And that one sentence is the only reference to the greeting in the fairly lengthy article. The rest of it discusses what President Obama said and how it was received by Saudi citizens:

"...Mohsin Al-Shaikh Al-Hassan, a renowned TV journalist and CEO of FarLimit, a PR company, said Obama’s positive statements about Islam, Muslims and the Arab world indicate that the America of the Bush years is changing.
'I have never thought that an American president would make positive remarks about Islam, Muslims and Arabs. President Obama’s remarks are indicative of a changing American strategy from the worst in the past to the best toward Muslims and Arab world,' he said...."

"...Many like Jaffar Al-Shayab, a Saudi writer and columnist, said: 'It is really good to hear something positive about Islam, Muslims and Arabs from an American president, which will definitely work to improve relations between the US and the Arab world....'"
yeah sure
you would forgive Obama if he was caught fileting bbies and BBQ'n them and eating em
you would find some way to make it out it wasnt a bad thing
again, you have zero credibility
when i see you be half as honest as i am, then you will begin to earn some

You need to check the mix in your tank. Visual distortion is a symptom of acute oxygen toxicity.
This is not about obama goood, bush baaaaad, the both are selling us out, the payoff is seen in the 100,000,000 clinton has made since leaving office.

if I was bush I would kiss the prince and if I was obama I would be on my knees

100,000,000 is enough to keep bush from saying one bad word about obama or clinton, its enough for obama to make hillary secretary of state

I bet you obama cant wait to leave the white house

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