it wasn't a bow.............

You need to check the mix in your tank. Visual distortion is a symptom of acute oxygen toxicity. what is this:

The only "bots" here are the rightwingers who have jumped onto a fantasy they claim as fact but cannot prove.

Wouldn't one think that if President Obama had greeted the Saudi king with a gesture that actually is "a symbol of subservience" or a "sign of submission," the Saudi press would have been all over it like white on rice with articles featuring headlines like "King Abdullah Owns Barack Obama"?!

So I did y'all's homework for you. I checked as many sources of Saudi news as I could find.

But, nope, no articles, no headlines, not even any photos with the cutline "U.S. President in King Abdullah's Highlight Film."

The only article I could find referencing the greeting included the quote Said1 has already mentioned: "...Suhaila Zainal Abideen, a Saudi woman member of the National Human Rights Society and Muslim World League, noted the warmth Obama showed by kissing the hand of King Abdullah...."
Saudi Gazette - Obama wins praise from Saudis who now want action

No mention of submission or subservience or weakness or transfer of authority.

And that one sentence is the only reference to the greeting in the fairly lengthy article. The rest of it discusses what President Obama said and how it was received by Saudi citizens:

"...Mohsin Al-Shaikh Al-Hassan, a renowned TV journalist and CEO of FarLimit, a PR company, said Obama’s positive statements about Islam, Muslims and the Arab world indicate that the America of the Bush years is changing.
'I have never thought that an American president would make positive remarks about Islam, Muslims and Arabs. President Obama’s remarks are indicative of a changing American strategy from the worst in the past to the best toward Muslims and Arab world,' he said...."

"...Many like Jaffar Al-Shayab, a Saudi writer and columnist, said: 'It is really good to hear something positive about Islam, Muslims and Arabs from an American president, which will definitely work to improve relations between the US and the Arab world....'"
yeah sure
you would forgive Obama if he was caught fileting bbies and BBQ'n them and eating em
you would find some way to make it out it wasnt a bad thing
again, you have zero credibility
when i see you be half as honest as i am, then you will begin to earn some

You need to check the mix in your tank. Visual distortion is a symptom of acute oxygen toxicity.
and again you show you dont know what the fuck you are talking about
Lots pf people on here are showing their unconditional love of Obama. Reminds me of a parent refusing to believe their child did something when half the world saw them do it.:eusa_liar:

Folks -- look in the mirror at yourself and answer the question: Did Obama bow?
what was he doing if not bowing.....
i'd like to know that too

That's what I figured y'all meant.

If you would have just admitted you were clueless from the gitgo y'all coulda saved a bunch-o-pixels. But don't wave the white flag of surrender, keep trying - watching rightys make fools of themselves is almost as much fun as smokin' Cuban seeegars and drinkin' Coronas.

BTW, check it out -- The American people are really really upset that President Obama bowed to King Abdulluh..., I mean, stop and think about it, President Obama's approval rating is down to only 66% in both the latest CNN poll and the latest CBS poll. Yup yup, American's are pissed at President Obama alright - LOL.

what was he doing if not bowing....
yeah sure
you would forgive Obama if he was caught fileting bbies and BBQ'n them and eating em
you would find some way to make it out it wasnt a bad thing
again, you have zero credibility
when i see you be half as honest as i am, then you will begin to earn some

You need to check the mix in your tank. Visual distortion is a symptom of acute oxygen toxicity.
and again you show you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

I agree with Divecon, maybe the reason Annecucherry cannot find anything is you do not read and write in Arabic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone say moron.

1,000,000,000 moslems 90% do not read and write, how many have television. The Moslems also do not state the obvious, they do not look outside and report the sun is shining.

The first interview with a reporter Obama gave was with which paper, which television station, I will give you a clue, it was not in the United States and thier official language was not English.

Learn a bit of the Arab Moslem culture and you will not need me or anyone else to tell you the significance of a bow.

Bush aint much better, he did not bow, yes he held hands, but if you watch the clip on you tube you will see that Bush at least took the Saudi's hand, Bush initiated the gesture, Bush led (and I do not like bush). Bush behaved as an equal, not a servant.

If you are weak you do not deserve our help, if you are strong you do not need our helpm. Mohamed
You need to check the mix in your tank. Visual distortion is a symptom of acute oxygen toxicity.
and again you show you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

I agree with Divecon, maybe the reason Annecucherry cannot find anything is you do not read and write in Arabic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone say moron.

1,000,000,000 moslems 90% do not read and write, how many have television. The Moslems also do not state the obvious, they do not look outside and report the sun is shining.

The first interview with a reporter Obama gave was with which paper, which television station, I will give you a clue, it was not in the United States and thier official language was not English.

Learn a bit of the Arab Moslem culture and you will not need me or anyone else to tell you the significance of a bow.

Bush aint much better, he did not bow, yes he held hands, but if you watch the clip on you tube you will see that Bush at least took the Saudi's hand, Bush initiated the gesture, Bush led (and I do not like bush). Bush behaved as an equal, not a servant.

If you are weak you do not deserve our help, if you are strong you do not need our helpm. Mohamed

Saudi Arabia


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000–2007*

UNICEF - Saudi Arabia - Statistics
and again you show you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

I agree with Divecon, maybe the reason Annecucherry cannot find anything is you do not read and write in Arabic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone say moron.

1,000,000,000 moslems 90% do not read and write, how many have television. The Moslems also do not state the obvious, they do not look outside and report the sun is shining.

The first interview with a reporter Obama gave was with which paper, which television station, I will give you a clue, it was not in the United States and thier official language was not English.

Learn a bit of the Arab Moslem culture and you will not need me or anyone else to tell you the significance of a bow.

Bush aint much better, he did not bow, yes he held hands, but if you watch the clip on you tube you will see that Bush at least took the Saudi's hand, Bush initiated the gesture, Bush led (and I do not like bush). Bush behaved as an equal, not a servant.

If you are weak you do not deserve our help, if you are strong you do not need our helpm. Mohamed

Saudi Arabia


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000–2007*

UNICEF - Saudi Arabia - Statistics
is that the Male literacy rate, or combined
the CIA says that would be the male rate, with female rate being 70%
for a total average of 78%
I agree with Divecon, maybe the reason Annecucherry cannot find anything is you do not read and write in Arabic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone say moron.

1,000,000,000 moslems 90% do not read and write, how many have television. The Moslems also do not state the obvious, they do not look outside and report the sun is shining.

The first interview with a reporter Obama gave was with which paper, which television station, I will give you a clue, it was not in the United States and thier official language was not English.

Learn a bit of the Arab Moslem culture and you will not need me or anyone else to tell you the significance of a bow.

Bush aint much better, he did not bow, yes he held hands, but if you watch the clip on you tube you will see that Bush at least took the Saudi's hand, Bush initiated the gesture, Bush led (and I do not like bush). Bush behaved as an equal, not a servant.

If you are weak you do not deserve our help, if you are strong you do not need our helpm. Mohamed

Saudi Arabia


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000–2007*

UNICEF - Saudi Arabia - Statistics
is that the Male literacy rate, or combined
the CIA says that would be the male rate, with female rate being 70%
for a total average of 78%

I found another source that put the total literacy rate at 79%.

The point, however, is that krotchdog stated that 90% of "moslems" are illiterate; he posted his fraudulent statistic in an attempt to dispute the quotes in the Saudi news article by claiming that most Saudi citizens can't read newspapers and don't own TVs and therefore wouldn't have any means of knowing about the greeting in question.

Obviously, that is untrue.

Nation Population Area (sq. miles) Density (sq. miles) Gross Domestic Product (in billions) GDP per capita Literacy Rate Life Exp. at birth

Saudi Arabia 27,019,731 756,981 36 $338.00 $12,509 79% 75.67

Nation Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Fertility Rate

Saudi Arabia 78.8% 84.7% 70.8% 4.00

Interactive Table of National Literacy
Saudi Arabia


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000–2007*

UNICEF - Saudi Arabia - Statistics
is that the Male literacy rate, or combined
the CIA says that would be the male rate, with female rate being 70%
for a total average of 78%

I found another source that put the total literacy rate at 79%.

The point, however, is that krotchdog stated that 90% of "moslems" are illiterate; he posted his fraudulent statistic in an attempt to dispute the quotes in the Saudi news article by claiming that most Saudi citizens can't read newspapers and don't own TVs and therefore wouldn't have any means of knowing about the greeting in question.

Obviously, that is untrue.

Nation Population Area (sq. miles) Density (sq. miles) Gross Domestic Product (in billions) GDP per capita Literacy Rate Life Exp. at birth

Saudi Arabia 27,019,731 756,981 36 $338.00 $12,509 79% 75.67

Nation Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Fertility Rate

Saudi Arabia 78.8% 84.7% 70.8% 4.00

Interactive Table of National Literacy
LOL i bet 90% of statistics posted on message boards are made up on the fly

and besides, you posted for just SA, that is NOT all muslims
is that the Male literacy rate, or combined
the CIA says that would be the male rate, with female rate being 70%
for a total average of 78%

I found another source that put the total literacy rate at 79%.

The point, however, is that krotchdog stated that 90% of "moslems" are illiterate; he posted his fraudulent statistic in an attempt to dispute the quotes in the Saudi news article by claiming that most Saudi citizens can't read newspapers and don't own TVs and therefore wouldn't have any means of knowing about the greeting in question.

Obviously, that is untrue.

Nation Population Area (sq. miles) Density (sq. miles) Gross Domestic Product (in billions) GDP per capita Literacy Rate Life Exp. at birth

Saudi Arabia 27,019,731 756,981 36 $338.00 $12,509 79% 75.67

Nation Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Fertility Rate

Saudi Arabia 78.8% 84.7% 70.8% 4.00

Interactive Table of National Literacy
LOL i bet 90% of statistics posted on message boards are made up on the fly

and besides, you posted for just SA, that is NOT all muslims

Gee, ya reckon?!

(And that applies to both of your comments!)

As far as the stats being only for Saudi Arabia, the point krotch was trying to make is that Saudis are too illiterate to know what's going on. Obviously, whether the literacy rate there is 78% or 79% or 85%, that is a baseless charge.
I found another source that put the total literacy rate at 79%.

The point, however, is that krotchdog stated that 90% of "moslems" are illiterate; he posted his fraudulent statistic in an attempt to dispute the quotes in the Saudi news article by claiming that most Saudi citizens can't read newspapers and don't own TVs and therefore wouldn't have any means of knowing about the greeting in question.

Obviously, that is untrue.

Nation Population Area (sq. miles) Density (sq. miles) Gross Domestic Product (in billions) GDP per capita Literacy Rate Life Exp. at birth

Saudi Arabia 27,019,731 756,981 36 $338.00 $12,509 79% 75.67

Nation Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Fertility Rate

Saudi Arabia 78.8% 84.7% 70.8% 4.00

Interactive Table of National Literacy
LOL i bet 90% of statistics posted on message boards are made up on the fly

and besides, you posted for just SA, that is NOT all muslims

Gee, ya reckon?!

(And that applies to both of your comments!)

As far as the stats being only for Saudi Arabia, the point krotch was trying to make is that Saudis are too illiterate to know what's going on. Obviously, whether the literacy rate there is 78% or 79% or 85%, that is a baseless charge.
that should have been a given, and not really needed to be verified
LOL i bet 90% of statistics posted on message boards are made up on the fly

and besides, you posted for just SA, that is NOT all muslims

Gee, ya reckon?!

(And that applies to both of your comments!)

As far as the stats being only for Saudi Arabia, the point krotch was trying to make is that Saudis are too illiterate to know what's going on. Obviously, whether the literacy rate there is 78% or 79% or 85%, that is a baseless charge.
that should have been a given, and not really needed to be verified

It should have been a given that it is irrelevant whether or not President Obama bowed but, 333 posts later, here we are .....
Gee, ya reckon?!

(And that applies to both of your comments!)

As far as the stats being only for Saudi Arabia, the point krotch was trying to make is that Saudis are too illiterate to know what's going on. Obviously, whether the literacy rate there is 78% or 79% or 85%, that is a baseless charge.
that should have been a given, and not really needed to be verified

It should have been a given that it is irrelevant whether or not President Obama bowed but, 333 posts later, here we are .....
and clearly he DID bow, and clearly it was a breach of protocol
but you will still keep excusing that
It should have been a given that it is irrelevant whether or not President Obama bowed but, 333 posts later, here we are .....
and clearly he DID bow, and clearly it was a breach of protocol
but you will still keep excusing that

335 posts, and yet no one has demonstrated that it was anything untoward.
there is no point in this for you, he could have shit on the guys shoe and you would have been ok with it
It should have been a given that it is irrelevant whether or not President Obama bowed but, 333 posts later, here we are .....
and clearly he DID bow, and clearly it was a breach of protocol
but you will still keep excusing that

335 posts, and yet no one has demonstrated that it was anything untoward.


obama bowed to a muslim king


obama did not bow for any other head of state
and again you show you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

I agree with Divecon, maybe the reason Annecucherry cannot find anything is you do not read and write in Arabic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can anyone say moron.

1,000,000,000 moslems 90% do not read and write, how many have television. The Moslems also do not state the obvious, they do not look outside and report the sun is shining.

The first interview with a reporter Obama gave was with which paper, which television station, I will give you a clue, it was not in the United States and thier official language was not English.

Learn a bit of the Arab Moslem culture and you will not need me or anyone else to tell you the significance of a bow.

Bush aint much better, he did not bow, yes he held hands, but if you watch the clip on you tube you will see that Bush at least took the Saudi's hand, Bush initiated the gesture, Bush led (and I do not like bush). Bush behaved as an equal, not a servant.

If you are weak you do not deserve our help, if you are strong you do not need our helpm. Mohamed

Saudi Arabia


Total adult literacy rate (%), 2000–2007*

UNICEF - Saudi Arabia - Statistics

And who came up with the statistic considering no westerner is allowed to roam free in Saudi Arabia, saudi, saudi, uh, Saudi is the family name, so one family names the entire kingdom after themselves and you site a credible source as the UN.

So of the Moslem world of 1,000,000,000 which percentage live in Saudi (family name) Arabia, than you must also know that in Saudi Arabia woman are not allowed to learn so that means your figure only refers to men so you got to cut it in half so 42% at best can read and write, according to the figures by an agency that is literally in bed with the Arabs.

You got to read more and I wish I was at home so I could quote some of the books in my library, no matter, just do a google search on words like, teacher in Saudi (family name) Arabia and see what the teachers say. I know what they say, they say even though the MEN come to school they do not bother to learn.

So in the completely censcored KINGDOM of Saudi (family name) Arabia you will cite the United Nations as a source.

You got to do better than that.

So you see your president Bow but its not and the proof is the United Nations because they say less than half the people read???
and clearly he DID bow, and clearly it was a breach of protocol
but you will still keep excusing that

335 posts, and yet no one has demonstrated that it was anything untoward.


obama bowed to a muslim king


obama did not bow for any other head of state

And we're right back to where we started: What in hell difference does it make if either of your statements are true?!
is that the Male literacy rate, or combined
the CIA says that would be the male rate, with female rate being 70%
for a total average of 78%

I found another source that put the total literacy rate at 79%.

The point, however, is that krotchdog stated that 90% of "moslems" are illiterate; he posted his fraudulent statistic in an attempt to dispute the quotes in the Saudi news article by claiming that most Saudi citizens can't read newspapers and don't own TVs and therefore wouldn't have any means of knowing about the greeting in question.

Obviously, that is untrue.

Nation Population Area (sq. miles) Density (sq. miles) Gross Domestic Product (in billions) GDP per capita Literacy Rate Life Exp. at birth

Saudi Arabia 27,019,731 756,981 36 $338.00 $12,509 79% 75.67

Nation Literacy Rate Male Literacy Rate Female Literacy Rate Fertility Rate

Saudi Arabia 78.8% 84.7% 70.8% 4.00

Interactive Table of National Literacy
LOL i bet 90% of statistics posted on message boards are made up on the fly

and besides, you posted for just SA, that is NOT all muslims

Nah ... it's 89.9999% ...

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