It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

This Hagel is a non-entity, without any Administrative experience!

He favors appeasement. with Iran...and talks with terrorists organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah!

His remarks about the "intimidatory Jewish Lobby" have a stain of antisemitism about them and don't bode well for relations with Israel!

Hagel's inflammatory views on Israel are more than likely the reason Dictator Obama pick him.

Want me to continue? why he is not a good choice?

no. your ignorance is readily apparent.

have another drink and stfu

the adults are talking :eusa_shhh:

Hagel seems to represent the true policy aspirations of Obama, which are appeasement with Islam.

America and the world... beware!
This Hagel is a non-entity, without any Administrative experience!

He favors appeasement. with Iran...and talks with terrorists organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah!

His remarks about the "intimidatory Jewish Lobby" have a stain of antisemitism about them and don't bode well for relations with Israel!

Hagel's inflammatory views on Israel are more than likely the reason Dictator Obama pick him.

Want me to continue? why he is not a good choice?

This Hagel is a non-entity, without any Administrative experience!

He favors appeasement. with Iran...and talks with terrorists organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah!

His remarks about the "intimidatory Jewish Lobby" have a stain of antisemitism about them and don't bode well for relations with Israel!

Hagel's inflammatory views on Israel are more than likely the reason Dictator Obama pick him.

Want me to continue? why he is not a good choice?

no. your ignorance is readily apparent.

have another drink and stfu

the adults are talking :eusa_shhh:

Hagel seems to represent the true policy aspirations of Obama, which are appeasement with Islam.

America and the world... beware!
No appeasement. Iran can go fuck themselves. You are an idiot.
no. your ignorance is readily apparent.

have another drink and stfu

the adults are talking :eusa_shhh:

Hagel seems to represent the true policy aspirations of Obama, which are appeasement with Islam.

America and the world... beware!
No appeasement. Iran can go fuck themselves. You are an idiot.

The only reason anyone cares about Iran, is oil.

That's it.

And they've been fucked with like crazy over it.

THAT'S the problem.
This Hagel is a non-entity, without any Administrative experience!

He favors appeasement. with Iran...and talks with terrorists organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah!

His remarks about the "intimidatory Jewish Lobby" have a stain of antisemitism about them and don't bode well for relations with Israel!

Hagel's inflammatory views on Israel are more than likely the reason Dictator Obama pick him.

Want me to continue? why he is not a good choice?

no. your ignorance is readily apparent.

have another drink and stfu

the adults are talking :eusa_shhh:

Hagel seems to represent the true policy aspirations of Obama, which are appeasement with Islam.

America and the world... beware!

gawd, you people live in an upside down world. Do you have a live in caretaker? If not be careful to not mix up your meds
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

Fight looms over Defense pick Chuck Hagel

Chuck Hagel, if approved by the Senate, would succeed Leon Panetta.

Obama will announce the choice Monday
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska
He is likely to face stiff opposition from Republicans and Democrats in the Senate

WASHINGTON -- President Obama plans on Monday to nominate Chuck Hagel, the former Republican senator from Nebraska and Vietnam War veteran, to lead the Pentagon as Defense secretary, according to two sources familiar with the nomination process.

Hagel, 66, served two terms in the Senate from 1997 to 2009, and led an Army infantry squad in Vietnam in 1968. He was wounded in action there and received two Purple Hearts. An administration source confirmed that Hagel's nomination would be announced Monday. Both sources spoke on condition of anonymity because it had not been officially announced.

The repubs won't be eating their own......Hagel was never part of the repub party; he just liked to claim that he was. His claim of being republican was only laying groundwork for future endeavours. So, it's no surprise that he's obama's choice for defense secretary....he hates jews, loves radical muslims and terrorists, thinks iranian leaders have been misunderstood and are generally good guys, and thinks that our military is a piece of shit. There is no surprise here......this is who obama is; of course he is going to choose someone who thinks like him.
It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

Watch the GOP eat it's own over this one. And the US Senate will see the GOP ranks split over this.


politics aside, Hagel is as qualified as any other potential nominee. :cool:

Fight looms over Defense pick Chuck Hagel

Chuck Hagel, if approved by the Senate, would succeed Leon Panetta.

Obama will announce the choice Monday
Hagel was a Republican senator from Nebraska
He is likely to face stiff opposition from Republicans and Democrats in the Senate

WASHINGTON -- President Obama plans on Monday to nominate Chuck Hagel, the former Republican senator from Nebraska and Vietnam War veteran, to lead the Pentagon as Defense secretary, according to two sources familiar with the nomination process.

Hagel, 66, served two terms in the Senate from 1997 to 2009, and led an Army infantry squad in Vietnam in 1968. He was wounded in action there and received two Purple Hearts. An administration source confirmed that Hagel's nomination would be announced Monday. Both sources spoke on condition of anonymity because it had not been officially announced.

The repubs won't be eating their own......Hagel was never part of the repub party; he just liked to claim that he was. His claim of being republican was only laying groundwork for future endeavours. So, it's no surprise that he's obama's choice for defense secretary....he hates jews, loves radical muslims and terrorists, thinks iranian leaders have been misunderstood and are generally good guys, and thinks that our military is a piece of shit. There is no surprise here......this is who obama is; of course he is going to choose someone who thinks like him.

Second and third that! :D:clap2::clap2::clap2:
Will be interesting if he is nominated. I have nothing against him.

I have mixed feelings about Hagel.

First point- Yes, he was one of the first republicans to note that going into Iraq was a huge mistake. But frankly, pointing that out AFTER you start the ill-advised invasion is hardly a point. The only Republican who opposed the User of Force resolution was Linc Chafee, and the Democrats STILL shoved him out the door at the first oppurtunity.

Meanwhile, they happily voted for all the Democrats who voted for the war resolution.

A clarification: it was not a resolution to go to war, it was a resolution to include use of force as an option. A tool in the tool chest to be used as a last resort after all other options were exhausted.

Point the second- This sudden outrage about things he said about gays in the 1990's is largely manufactured.

Point the third- the people who really are against him are the Zionists. And frankly, when we are going to have Republicans opposed one of their own and a war hero because he won't toe the Zionist line 100%, you know that Zionists have too much power in the GOP and the country in General.

Case in point. If Hagel had said, "I'm not England's Senator", no one would have thought twice about it. But when he says "I'm not Israel's Senator", that's a scandal.

Point the fourth- Obama is really setting the GOP up here. If you want to continue the narrative that the GOP has become too radical, just let them attack one of their own, a respected Senator with an ACU rating of 85.

That's his lifetime score, which is skewed lower due only to his last few years in the Senate. In 2005, he was at 96%. It's hard to find any Senator with a higher score than 96%. Perhaps Brownback, and that kook from Oklahoma.

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court
Last edited:
It's about moving forward. As Ambassador Guest so eloquently states "I cannot claim I know Hagel well. But as a career diplomat, I had occasions to work with him and his staff. In that work, I found Hagel to be a man of integrity — honest and direct in his assessments and willing to seek common ground. He was true to his word. And if Hagel says he would fully implement the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” I take him at his word."

Don't judge Chuck Hagel by 1998 comment - Ambassador Michael Guest -

i just think there were better choices to be made.

Already softening?...oh well I kind of expected as much. I could care less if someone apologizes, their initial comments are their true feelings the apologies are simply for political reasons. Hagel is a bigot besides that he's not qualified to run the defense dept.

So, Reagan's 1988 apology for Iran-Contra was just a lie?

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court
You're a whiny bitch, aren't you? :lol:

Did it ever occur to you that Liberals just aren't as fanatical as wingnuts?
I found a couple of liberals against Obama on this..... Imagine that

Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz React to Obama’s Hagel Betrayal

“Frankly, I thought that there would come a time when he would renege on what he conveyed on his support of Israel,” said Koch, adding, “it comes a little earlier than I thought it would.”

“It’s very disappointing, I believe he will ultimately regret it,” Koch said, “and it undoubtedly will reduce support for him in the Jewish community, but I don’t think he (the President) worries about that now that the election is over

Koch hopes that Democrats in Congress will oppose Hagel’s appointment, and he sees it as part of the path to blocking Hagel, “if he (Hagel) is not (confirmed) it’ll be because the republicans take him on, and a few good democrats. It’ll be interesting to me to see how the two senators from New York work on this issue. I hope they’ll join the republicans. But I doubt it.”

“To me this is a test for Chuck Schumer, where he stands, and what he will say,” he added.

Koch explained to The Algemeiner why he decided to back the President’s re-election even though he says he suspected that Obama would backtrack on his pro-Israel overtures. “I did what I thought was warranted and intelligent,” he said, “He was going to win! There was no question about it. I thought it would be helpful to have a Jewish voice there, being able to communicate.”

The Mayor says he has no regrets, “it’s wouldn’t make any difference. The Jews were going to vote for him no matter what. And that’s the nature of the Jews. They are always very solicitous of everybody else except there own needs and community.”

Dershowitz: No–I think it’s a heartfelt decision by the President, based on his personal relationship with Hagel. I think its a policy mistake.

And there are a number of Democratic Senators, Jewish and non-Jewish, who are opposed but who will either vote for Hagel, if needed, to get him through–or will vote against him if their votes are not needed.

Hagel is, in my mind, in the same league as [former Secretary of Defense] Robert Gates, who was appointed by [George W.] Bush, and Casper Weinberger, who was appointed by Reagan. Weinberger was virulently anti-Israel, and Gates was, in my view, the worst Secretary of Defense in modern history, and is largely responsible for why Iran continues to purse its nuclear program, because he had been softer on Iran than anybody.

Now, there is a way out: if Hagel testifies and makes very clear that these are not his views, and that he is completely in favor of military action as a last resort, and that he agrees with President Obama that containment is off the table.

I am hoping to hear that. I was hoping to hear that today. But I did not.

It is also important that the Israeli leadership believes that President Obama really has Israel’s back when it comes to preventing Iran from endangering the Jewish state by obtaining nuclear weapons. Any loss of trust with this regard may result in an Israeli decision to take unilateral military action to protect its citizens against nuclear attacks.

Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz React to Obama’s Hagel Betrayal
I found a couple of liberals against Obama on this..... Imagine that

Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz React to Obama’s Hagel Betrayal

“Frankly, I thought that there would come a time when he would renege on what he conveyed on his support of Israel,” said Koch, adding, “it comes a little earlier than I thought it would.”

“It’s very disappointing, I believe he will ultimately regret it,” Koch said, “and it undoubtedly will reduce support for him in the Jewish community, but I don’t think he (the President) worries about that now that the election is over

Koch hopes that Democrats in Congress will oppose Hagel’s appointment, and he sees it as part of the path to blocking Hagel, “if he (Hagel) is not (confirmed) it’ll be because the republicans take him on, and a few good democrats. It’ll be interesting to me to see how the two senators from New York work on this issue. I hope they’ll join the republicans. But I doubt it.”

“To me this is a test for Chuck Schumer, where he stands, and what he will say,” he added.

Koch explained to The Algemeiner why he decided to back the President’s re-election even though he says he suspected that Obama would backtrack on his pro-Israel overtures. “I did what I thought was warranted and intelligent,” he said, “He was going to win! There was no question about it. I thought it would be helpful to have a Jewish voice there, being able to communicate.”

The Mayor says he has no regrets, “it’s wouldn’t make any difference. The Jews were going to vote for him no matter what. And that’s the nature of the Jews. They are always very solicitous of everybody else except there own needs and community.”

Dershowitz: No–I think it’s a heartfelt decision by the President, based on his personal relationship with Hagel. I think its a policy mistake.

And there are a number of Democratic Senators, Jewish and non-Jewish, who are opposed but who will either vote for Hagel, if needed, to get him through–or will vote against him if their votes are not needed.

Hagel is, in my mind, in the same league as [former Secretary of Defense] Robert Gates, who was appointed by [George W.] Bush, and Casper Weinberger, who was appointed by Reagan. Weinberger was virulently anti-Israel, and Gates was, in my view, the worst Secretary of Defense in modern history, and is largely responsible for why Iran continues to purse its nuclear program, because he had been softer on Iran than anybody.

Now, there is a way out: if Hagel testifies and makes very clear that these are not his views, and that he is completely in favor of military action as a last resort, and that he agrees with President Obama that containment is off the table.

I am hoping to hear that. I was hoping to hear that today. But I did not.

It is also important that the Israeli leadership believes that President Obama really has Israel’s back when it comes to preventing Iran from endangering the Jewish state by obtaining nuclear weapons. Any loss of trust with this regard may result in an Israeli decision to take unilateral military action to protect its citizens against nuclear attacks.

Ed Koch and Alan Dershowitz React to Obama’s Hagel Betrayal
They're not Liberals, dumbass.
So, let me get this straight. Dante supports the Nomination of a guy who once publicly said someone being gay made them not qualified to serve in any capacity?

15 years ago.


Lemme get this straight....You heard this on fox news and you ran to you mama's computer to regurgitate it.

Fuck me are you worthless.
It's both funny and sad watching the fringe-rightes (under direction of their Fox News Masters) throw their own under the bus.

This is why the GOP is almost wiped out for good.

In two years, they will never hold power again.
Hagel gonna face a rough confirmation hearing...
Hagel draws fire as Obama's Pentagon pick
Tue, 08 Jan 2013 - US President Barack Obama named Chuck Hagel to lead the Pentagon, setting up an ugly confirmation battle as Republican opponents said he was too hard on Israel and too soft on Iran.
Obama's choice of John Brennan to replace scandal-tainted David Petraeus as CIA chief was seen as more straightforward despite the counterterrorism czar's defense of "enhanced interrogation techniques" and the US drone war. The second term revamp of the president's national security team was expected to win ultimate approval but several leading Republicans signaled they would make it tough for Hagel even though he is one of their own.

Obama paid particular tribute to retiring Pentagon chief Leon Panetta before giving ringing endorsements to the "outstanding" Hagel and Brennan and urging the Senate not to dally in confirming their important appointments. "Chuck Hagel is the leader that our troops deserve. He is an American patriot," the president said, heaping praise on a war hero who was awarded two Purple Heart medals as a soldier in Vietnam. "When Chuck was hit by shrapnel, his brother saved him. When his brother was injured by a mine, Chuck risked his life to pull him to safety. To this day, Chuck bears the scars -- and the shrapnel -- from the battles he fought in our name," Obama said.

Some Republicans have never forgiven him for his outspoken criticism of ex-president George W. Bush's handling of the Iraq war, and his closeness to the Democratic president sees him regarded by others as a traitor. But Obama, who wants to be remembered as a leader who ended wars abroad to set about the tricky task of nation-building at home following a crippling recession, described Hagel as someone perfectly fitted to that mold. "Maybe most importantly, Chuck knows that war is not an abstraction. He understands that sending young Americans to fight and bleed in the dirt and mud, that's something we only do when it's absolutely necessary," he said.

Administration appointments are often tense affairs in the United States as confirmation hearings provide senators with opportunities to turn away unwanted candidates or score cheap political points, or both. Hagel, 66, known for a fiercely independent streak and a tendency to speak bluntly, is expected to get particularly rough treatment due to his criticism of America's "Jewish lobby" and opposition to some Iran sanctions. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said Hagel would be "the most antagonistic defense secretary towards the state of Israel in our nation's history."

More Hagel draws fire as Obama's Pentagon pick - Latest news around the world and developments close to home - MSN Philippines News

See also:

Nominated as Pentagon chief, Hagel vows to fight 'distortions'
Mon January 7, 2013 - Obama says the ex-senator from Nebraska is "the leader that our troops deserve"; Hagel says he's eager to "set the record straight" about where he stands on issues; He's been criticized by Republicans for his position on Iraq, Iran and Israel; Colin Powell says he supports Hagel; Iraq vet Rep. Tom Cotton opposes him
He forged his views of war and the military as a young man in mine-plagued fields of Vietnam. Now Chuck Hagel may become the first Vietnam veteran and first enlisted soldier to serve as U.S. defense secretary. In nominating him to succeed Leon Panetta, President Barack Obama urged the Senate to confirm a man he said "bears the scars" of that war and has the skill to guide the military through new challenges. "Chuck Hagel is the leader that our troops deserve," Obama said.

If Hagel is confirmed, the Defense Department would be led by someone who advocated deep cuts to its budget. He's bucked his fellow Republicans in opposing troop surges in Iraq and Afghanistan, telling his biographer: "I will do all I can to prevent war." And he's come under fire over comments about Israel, a top American ally, and Iran, a top American foe. Those issues and others have assured that the former Nebraska senator's path to the Pentagon won't be easy.

But Hagel said he's eager to answer critics. Until Obama's announcement that ended weeks of speculation over his nomination, Hagel told the Lincoln Journal Star newspaper in his home state that he'd been "hanging out there in no-man's land unable to respond to charges, falsehoods and distortions" about his record. Now, he said, he has "an opportunity to set the record straight."

"All I ask is a fair hearing, and I will get that," Hagel told the paper. "I am very much looking forward to having a full, open, transparent hearing about my qualifications and my record." Carl Levin, who will chair those hearings as head of the Armed Services Committee in the Democratic-controlled Senate, praised Hagel's qualifications and said the panel would give "prompt and careful" consideration to his nomination.

Iraq, Iran, gay rights among hot-button issues
I like this guy even though he is a Republican. He entered the army and fought as an enlisted man. His heroics are well documented. He will be the first enlisted man to serve as Secretary of defense. I don't know too much about him. That is Obama's job to find out. The appointment is bound to rile the brass who suddenly find the tables turned. A former sergeant wielding tremendous power over generals, colonels and the like. LOL.... there is bound to be some rancor in those chief of staff meetings. Change has COME to America!
It's both funny and sad watching the fringe-rightes (under direction of their Fox News Masters) throw their own under the bus.

This is why the GOP is almost wiped out for good.

In two years, they will never hold power again.
I don't know...I have learned to never underestimate the stupidity, gullibility, and short memory of the American public.

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