It will be Republican Chuck Hagel 4 Defense Secretary: Whoo Hoo! Fight is on.

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

Oh? AIPAC likes this President?
Will be interesting if he is nominated. I have nothing against him.

I have mixed feelings about Hagel.

First point- Yes, he was one of the first republicans to note that going into Iraq was a huge mistake. But frankly, pointing that out AFTER you start the ill-advised invasion is hardly a point. The only Republican who opposed the User of Force resolution was Linc Chafee, and the Democrats STILL shoved him out the door at the first oppurtunity.

Meanwhile, they happily voted for all the Democrats who voted for the war resolution.

A clarification: it was not a resolution to go to war, it was a resolution to include use of force as an option. A tool in the tool chest to be used as a last resort after all other options were exhausted.

Point the second- This sudden outrage about things he said about gays in the 1990's is largely manufactured.

Point the third- the people who really are against him are the Zionists. And frankly, when we are going to have Republicans opposed one of their own and a war hero because he won't toe the Zionist line 100%, you know that Zionists have too much power in the GOP and the country in General.

Case in point. If Hagel had said, "I'm not England's Senator", no one would have thought twice about it. But when he says "I'm not Israel's Senator", that's a scandal.

Point the fourth- Obama is really setting the GOP up here. If you want to continue the narrative that the GOP has become too radical, just let them attack one of their own, a respected Senator with an ACU rating of 85.

That's his lifetime score, which is skewed lower due only to his last few years in the Senate. In 2005, he was at 96%. It's hard to find any Senator with a higher score than 96%. Perhaps Brownback, and that kook from Oklahoma.

I think any Democrat who said, "I was just voting to give Bush the tool, I never expected him to use it" was being disingenous.

Saddam tried to murder his father. You don't give this guy a "attack Saddam" permit and then act all surprised when he attacks Saddam.

The more honest response was when Kerry said, "We never expected Bush to fuck it up as bad as he did." I think they expected the war to be over in a couple weeks, and then they could go back to bashing him on the economy, which is what they did to his dad.
This Hagel is a non-entity, without any Administrative experience!

He favors appeasement. with Iran...and talks with terrorists organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah!

His remarks about the "intimidatory Jewish Lobby" have a stain of antisemitism about them and don't bode well for relations with Israel!

Hagel's inflammatory views on Israel are more than likely the reason Dictator Obama pick him.

Want me to continue? why he is not a good choice?

Honestly, if the rest of your excuses are this silly, you'd probably be better off quitting while yo are behind.

Most Americans and the Pentagon think war with Iran is a horrible idea. We simply can't pull it off short of using nukes, and that would be a crime against humanity. A nuclear Iran is less of a threat than a nuclear Pakistan, which is really a much worse actor on the world stage.

As for Israel, generally, fuck Israel. I'm pretty tired of them getting us into one fight after another because they want to play "The Sky Pixie Loves Us the Very Bestest!"

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

Proof that the Right Wing has gone around the bend when they claim Bush-43 wasn't a conservative.

So was Reagan not a conservative either, because he gave outright Amnesty without sealing the borders. Not the whole 'You got to wait five years and pay a huge fine" like Bush proposed. (Incidently, McCain-Kennedy said that the Amnesty provisions wouldn't go into effect until the border had been secured, although that is a pretty silly standard.)

The Reason why AIPAC is sitting down and shutting the fuck up is because most Americans are tired of seeing their sons and daughters coming home in bags fighting Israel's fights. So they'll try to send Bill Krystol out there (seriously, I want to punch this weasel out every time I see him) to whine about he's "appeasing" Iran or comically, they will pretend they actually CARE about what he said about gays 15 years ago.

Fact is, Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote and 76% of the gay vote... (I honestly have to wonder about any Jew or Gay who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot, but that's just me. I really don't understand why anyone but the Bubba Rednecks voted for him.)

The GOP should be happy they'll have a Republican on this cabinet and call it a day.

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

Proof that the Right Wing has gone around the bend when they claim Bush-43 wasn't a conservative.

So was Reagan not a conservative either, because he gave outright Amnesty without sealing the borders. Not the whole 'You got to wait five years and pay a huge fine" like Bush proposed. (Incidently, McCain-Kennedy said that the Amnesty provisions wouldn't go into effect until the border had been secured, although that is a pretty silly standard.)

The Reason why AIPAC is sitting down and shutting the fuck up is because most Americans are tired of seeing their sons and daughters coming home in bags fighting Israel's fights. So they'll try to send Bill Krystol out there (seriously, I want to punch this weasel out every time I see him) to whine about he's "appeasing" Iran or comically, they will pretend they actually CARE about what he said about gays 15 years ago.

Fact is, Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote and 76% of the gay vote... (I honestly have to wonder about any Jew or Gay who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot, but that's just me. I really don't understand why anyone but the Bubba Rednecks voted for him.)

The GOP should be happy they'll have a Republican on this cabinet and call it a day.

I guess the religion of progressive-ism/liberalism overrules Judaism.

I guess the religion of progressive-ism/liberalism overrules Judaism.

Actually, it's really hard to reconcile Judeo-Christian beliefs with the "I've got mine, Fuck you" Ayn Rand philosophy of Republicans today.

Pretty much why I walked away.
I hope the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Christianity doesn't need your lot. You're the guy on the plane during a high-jacking that starts ratting out anyone planning to retake the aircraft from terrorists.

Post your own caption for this pic.
I hope the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Christianity doesn't need your lot. You're the guy on the plane during a high-jacking that starts ratting out anyone planning to retake the aircraft from terrorists.

Where do you even get that? Since the terrorist are going to kill us all at that point, probably best to take your chances and take them out...

I think the thing is, philosophically, Christianity isn't that bad of a philosophy. Take care of the poor, treat people the way you'd want to be treated, forgive those who've wronged you. If you ignore all the silly shit about walking on water and cosmic zombies, it's a great philosophy to live by...

Not that Conservatives do. Most of you don't realize Jesus said Rich People were all going to Hell. Or you try to pretend he didn't say that.

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

Proof that the Right Wing has gone around the bend when they claim Bush-43 wasn't a conservative.

So was Reagan not a conservative either, because he gave outright Amnesty without sealing the borders. Not the whole 'You got to wait five years and pay a huge fine" like Bush proposed. (Incidently, McCain-Kennedy said that the Amnesty provisions wouldn't go into effect until the border had been secured, although that is a pretty silly standard.)

The Reason why AIPAC is sitting down and shutting the fuck up is because most Americans are tired of seeing their sons and daughters coming home in bags fighting Israel's fights. So they'll try to send Bill Krystol out there (seriously, I want to punch this weasel out every time I see him) to whine about he's "appeasing" Iran or comically, they will pretend they actually CARE about what he said about gays 15 years ago.

Fact is, Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote and 76% of the gay vote... (I honestly have to wonder about any Jew or Gay who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot, but that's just me. I really don't understand why anyone but the Bubba Rednecks voted for him.)

The GOP should be happy they'll have a Republican on this cabinet and call it a day.

The Jew haters opinion is not relevent move on nutjob
Dershowitz: President’s Nomination of Hagel May Encourage Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions

President Obama’s nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense risks increasing the likelihood that Iran will develop nuclear weapons. It poses that risk because Hagel is well known for his opposition both to sanctions against Iran and to employing the military option if necessary.

These views are inconsistent with the very different views expressed by President Obama. The President has emphasized on numerous occasions that he will never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and will use military force if necessary to prevent that “game changer.”

The nomination of Hagel thus sends a mixed message to the mullahs in Tehran, who will likely interpret it as a change from a red light to a yellow or green one when it comes to their desire to develop nuclear weapons. Sending a mixed message at this point can increase the chances that Iran will miscalculate and act in a foolheartedly manner thus requiring the actual use of the military option—an eventuality that nobody wants

Dershowitz: President
Hagel is just as much of a war hawk as Obama is.

No, he doesn't support the "all options on the table" nonsense in regards to Iran that Obama does. He's said a war with Iran would be a disaster in the past. Of course, I'm sure he'll change his mind during the confirmation hearings.

I don't see a "war" with Iran coming. I could be wrong though.

SOMETHING is coming. We took care of Libya and we're working on Syria. The only rogue oil nation left is Iran. It's the last piece of the puzzle.

It may not be a conventional operation, but we're going to do something.
No, he doesn't support the "all options on the table" nonsense in regards to Iran that Obama does. He's said a war with Iran would be a disaster in the past. Of course, I'm sure he'll change his mind during the confirmation hearings.

I don't see a "war" with Iran coming. I could be wrong though.

SOMETHING is coming. We took care of Libya and we're working on Syria. The only rogue oil nation left is Iran. It's the last piece of the puzzle.

It may not be a conventional operation, but we're going to do something.

Syria doesn't have oil, and I doybt Obama does anything with Iran
I have mixed feelings about Hagel.

First point- Yes, he was one of the first republicans to note that going into Iraq was a huge mistake. But frankly, pointing that out AFTER you start the ill-advised invasion is hardly a point. The only Republican who opposed the User of Force resolution was Linc Chafee, and the Democrats STILL shoved him out the door at the first oppurtunity.

Meanwhile, they happily voted for all the Democrats who voted for the war resolution.

A clarification: it was not a resolution to go to war, it was a resolution to include use of force as an option. A tool in the tool chest to be used as a last resort after all other options were exhausted.

Point the second- This sudden outrage about things he said about gays in the 1990's is largely manufactured.

Point the third- the people who really are against him are the Zionists. And frankly, when we are going to have Republicans opposed one of their own and a war hero because he won't toe the Zionist line 100%, you know that Zionists have too much power in the GOP and the country in General.

Case in point. If Hagel had said, "I'm not England's Senator", no one would have thought twice about it. But when he says "I'm not Israel's Senator", that's a scandal.

Point the fourth- Obama is really setting the GOP up here. If you want to continue the narrative that the GOP has become too radical, just let them attack one of their own, a respected Senator with an ACU rating of 85.
That's his lifetime score, which is skewed lower due only to his last few years in the Senate. In 2005, he was at 96%. It's hard to find any Senator with a higher score than 96%. Perhaps Brownback, and that kook from Oklahoma.

I think any Democrat who said, "I was just voting to give Bush the tool, I never expected him to use it" was being disingenous.

Saddam tried to murder his father. You don't give this guy a "attack Saddam" permit and then act all surprised when he attacks Saddam.

The more honest response was when Kerry said, "We never expected Bush to fuck it up as bad as he did." I think they expected the war to be over in a couple weeks, and then they could go back to bashing him on the economy, which is what they did to his dad.

Perhaps. But all the pressure, politically, at the time, was in giving him the tool. It was all about 'not tying the president's hands' and all that crap.

If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

Proof that the Right Wing has gone around the bend when they claim Bush-43 wasn't a conservative.

So was Reagan not a conservative either, because he gave outright Amnesty without sealing the borders. Not the whole 'You got to wait five years and pay a huge fine" like Bush proposed. (Incidently, McCain-Kennedy said that the Amnesty provisions wouldn't go into effect until the border had been secured, although that is a pretty silly standard.)

The Reason why AIPAC is sitting down and shutting the fuck up is because most Americans are tired of seeing their sons and daughters coming home in bags fighting Israel's fights. So they'll try to send Bill Krystol out there (seriously, I want to punch this weasel out every time I see him) to whine about he's "appeasing" Iran or comically, they will pretend they actually CARE about what he said about gays 15 years ago.

As Jeffrey Goldberg points out, AIPAC is in the business of working with Congress and the White House, not fighting them tooth and nail.

Fact is, Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote and 76% of the gay vote... (I honestly have to wonder about any Jew or Gay who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot, but that's just me. I really don't understand why anyone but the Bubba Rednecks voted for him.)

I don't understand why they even voted for him, since they are Southern Baptist by overwhelming numbers, and are supposed to believe that Mormons are cultists.

This election showed that SB do not take their religion seriously, and put their hatred for either a Democrat as POTUS or a Black man as POTUS ahead of their 'faith'.

The GOP should be happy they'll have a Republican on this cabinet and call it a day.

They already have one, in the transportation secretary.
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If Bush had appointed him he'd be dead in the water, AIPAC would be all over him, gays would as well. It just shows you liberals have no principals when it comes to Obama. Conservatives were all over Bush (although he was no conservative) when he attempted amnesty without sealing the boarders, when he attempted to appoint his friend Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court

Proof that the Right Wing has gone around the bend when they claim Bush-43 wasn't a conservative.

So was Reagan not a conservative either, because he gave outright Amnesty without sealing the borders. Not the whole 'You got to wait five years and pay a huge fine" like Bush proposed. (Incidently, McCain-Kennedy said that the Amnesty provisions wouldn't go into effect until the border had been secured, although that is a pretty silly standard.)

The Reason why AIPAC is sitting down and shutting the fuck up is because most Americans are tired of seeing their sons and daughters coming home in bags fighting Israel's fights. So they'll try to send Bill Krystol out there (seriously, I want to punch this weasel out every time I see him) to whine about he's "appeasing" Iran or comically, they will pretend they actually CARE about what he said about gays 15 years ago.

Fact is, Obama got 69% of the Jewish vote and 76% of the gay vote... (I honestly have to wonder about any Jew or Gay who voted for the Weird Mormon Robot, but that's just me. I really don't understand why anyone but the Bubba Rednecks voted for him.)

The GOP should be happy they'll have a Republican on this cabinet and call it a day.

I guess the religion of progressive-ism/liberalism overrules Judaism.
I guess the religion of Democrat-hating overrules Southern Baptist-ism. :)
No, he doesn't support the "all options on the table" nonsense in regards to Iran that Obama does. He's said a war with Iran would be a disaster in the past. Of course, I'm sure he'll change his mind during the confirmation hearings.

I don't see a "war" with Iran coming. I could be wrong though.

SOMETHING is coming. We took care of Libya and we're working on Syria. The only rogue oil nation left is Iran. It's the last piece of the puzzle.

It may not be a conventional operation, but we're going to do something.

Libya is controlled by Al Quaeda affiliated terrorists. If Assad falls so will Syria. So is Egypt for that matter. obama has been on Al Quaeda's side since the very beginning.
Smart choice Mr. President. First time there would be an 'nam vet from the enlisted ranks as a secdef :)

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