It Will Come To Blood”–Reflections On The Left’s Anti-Trump Inauguration Tantrum

I realize that when Obama took over there was resistance to his politics, that is natural. But the left has completely went off the rails. They are inventing things to be pissed about. But since they are pretty much pissed about something all the time. I don't think they have trouble creating things to be pissed about.
Cut the head off of the snake. Stop Soros money from flowing and the perpetual protesters will soon tire and go home and hate the President from there. Soros' whole objective is civil discord. It's time to fight back. We need an EO banning Soros.
It already came to blood when 'tolerant' snowflakes beat Trump supporters bloody.
I realize that when Obama took over there was resistance to his politics, that is natural. But the left has completely went off the rails. They are inventing things to be pissed about. But since they are pretty much pissed about something all the time. I don't think they have trouble creating things to be pissed about.

The powerful leaders of the left won't accept that their plans for one world government were derailed. They are behind all these protests. The cater to each group and push the victimhood mentality. We have blacks who are convinced that all whites and all cops are racist and feel justified in violence against them. We have women marching for rights they already have and mostly expressing anger over perceived wrongs by Trump. We have those who protested the election simply because they wanted to overturn it by any means, legal or illegal. We have Muslim groups who seek to spread their religion and cry discrimination any time they don't get their way.

We had the OWS movement, which made no sense. The real 1% are Goldman Sachs, who are in tight with the left and right. Hillary catered to Wall Street.

It's about riling each group. It's easy because they've already spent years dividing people and pitting them against each other. Few can even explain why they are protesting. They mumble a bunch of inane talking points but have no rational demands. Free abortion or abolishing police are not legitimate requests.

They have people thinking that, as victims, they should be demanding something for retribution. Reparations for minorities, free abortion for women, amnesty for illegals and bending over for Muslims. And none have a right to make such demands.
They are just fueling the fire in their worst nightmare!!! The cops hate them, the military hate them, and the Good ole boys hate them. They are SOL in the battle, I guess they THINK they will be too smart for us and use their charm and Hypnotic personalities to defeat us BWWWWAAAAHHHHHAAHHHAHHHAHAHAHAAHA> I was checking the intellect of their best is About the same as GWB the person they call Dumbya, so I guess they are calling themselves dumb too. The people they are up against have been measured at least 30 to 60 points higher in REAL IQ tests. So if that is what they are hoping for,, They are SOL on that too. Oh and going to anything other than IN SERVICE or at least a college ROTC program does not give you any idea how to fight a battle, war, or skirmish of any kind .
Cut the head off of the snake. Stop Soros money from flowing and the perpetual protesters will soon tire and go home and hate the President from there. Soros' whole objective is civil discord. It's time to fight back. We need an EO banning Soros.
I am not sure that the protesters actually hate Trump. Their hatred can be bought and sold.

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