It Worked in Crimea!!! Referendum for US yes or no???

Hold a referendum on a US government?

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Nov 17, 2013
Simple question, this is big news!!! Crimea just liberated itself from international bankers, should we do the same thing in USA? I personally can not see another way we, the people can liberate ourselves from the despot government, since the establishment's hosted elections are always predicted for months in advance, demoralizing people, convincing them that third party candidates have no chance of winning - most of us gave up voting FOR these puppets, but surely we would vote AGAINST those puppets in a referendum - what is YOUR opinion???
I don't think it would work here. Only thing that will work here is when enough rights are finally taken away at once and people pick up those arms and fight back.
I don't think it would work here. Only thing that will work here is when enough rights are finally taken away at once and people pick up those arms and fight back.
They are smart enough to do it little by little and let them cook like frogs in the pot
I don't think it would work here. Only thing that will work here is when enough rights are finally taken away at once and people pick up those arms and fight back.
They are smart enough to do it little by little and let them cook like frogs in the pot

Yep. That's why the constitutional convention thing is a good idea. It will either smack large government in the face or the small government folks will lose and the liberals will win and the 2nd amendment and 1st amendment will lose and I hope it starts a war.
I don't think it would work here. Only thing that will work here is when enough rights are finally taken away at once and people pick up those arms and fight back.
They are smart enough to do it little by little and let them cook like frogs in the pot

Yep. That's why the constitutional convention thing is a good idea. It will either smack large government in the face or the small government folks will lose and the liberals will win and the 2nd amendment and 1st amendment will lose and I hope it starts a war.
"smack, war..." what else will it achieve, can you give me some more details? how will it get the old rats out without just replacing them with the new rats?
I think a new system people will make the 2nd amendment more simpler and obvious to what it means among one thing. I think if something like that happens though where a war starts I think it will be 20 years at least before there is peace on this continent again and I would be surprised if there was less than 10 nations when the dust finally settles.
I think a new system people will make the 2nd amendment more simpler and obvious to what it means among one thing. I think if something like that happens though where a war starts I think it will be 20 years at least before there is peace on this continent again and I would be surprised if there was less than 10 nations when the dust finally settles.
Best revolution and best way to defeat real enemies of America is the one without the blood, because the real rats never fight, they run anyway
Then we track them down and exterminate them. Like rodents should be dealt with.
Whatever you think of the situation in the Crimea and the ukraine, it underscores one point that has been true -- forever. Everyone is all for the rights of people to determine their own destiny to govern themselves etc etc etc UNTIL it affects them adversely. Then its an abomination, tyranny and must be stopped. There is a lot of hypocrisy out there but on this issue it seems almost universal. Whether it is crimea or the middle east or the south in the us in 1860, when it comes home to roost suddenly it seems no one is for it. NO ONE
Then we track them down and exterminate them. Like rodents should be dealt with.
Right, but if the civil war breaks out, people will be taking out their anger on each other instead of the real enemy. We have seen it too many times, I know I have. I want a revolution with a clear and powerful dictator and no violence towards society in general - traitors, I may even hook up my TV again just to watch their trials
Sadly there is no venue for FEDERAL referendums.

I wish there was, though.

Thankfully there’s no venue for Federal referenda.

To wish for such a thing is to wish for the tyranny of the majority, to destroy the rule of law, and bring an end to the Republic.

We already have tyranny of the majority! When we don't have tyranny of the majority of the people we have tyranny of a minority using its powers with the government to commit tyranny!

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