Italian and European economy:actual situation

However,Italy,Greece and Portugal are capitalist economies but with influential corporantions("camarille"in Italian),that limit economic freedom and so Italy(especially Southern Italy,more than Northern Italy)is more similar to a former Socialist State in Eastern Europe(Hungary,for example)in some economic sectors.
But Italy is more rich than Greece or Portugal;in fact,NORTHER ITALY IS RICH AS HOLLAND AND GERMANY FOR G.D.P. and in Italy we have some extended industrial districts,absent in Greece and Portugal and also in Spain.
Is it clear?

In a perverse way, it's good to hear of another country with a north/south economic development problem! Of course in the US both sections have the same central bank and the same basic federal government programs. Italy suffers from having the same monetary regime as the rest of the Eurozone, but a separate fiscal policy. I was interested in your comments about past plans to allocate government investment 60% in the south of Italy to promote private investment. Why did it fail? Does the EU have an economic development strategy for southern Italy and other less developed regions of the EU, or is this still primarily a national responsibility?
[ Does the EU have an economic development strategy for southern Italy and other less developed regions of the EU, or is this still primarily a national responsibility?

yes they give huge welfare programs to the poorer regions within the Eurozone! It's the European way. Thats why France has the per capita income of Arkansas, about our poorest state.

We created Europe to follow us and not think for themselves but that can't even to that!
However,Italy,Greece and Portugal are capitalist economies but with influential corporantions("camarille"in Italian),that limit economic freedom and so Italy(especially Southern Italy,more than Northern Italy)is more similar to a former Socialist State in Eastern Europe(Hungary,for example)in some economic sectors.
But Italy is more rich than Greece or Portugal;in fact,NORTHER ITALY IS RICH AS HOLLAND AND GERMANY FOR G.D.P. and in Italy we have some extended industrial districts,absent in Greece and Portugal and also in Spain.
Is it clear?

In a perverse way, it's good to hear of another country with a north/south economic development problem! Of course in the US both sections have the same central bank and the same basic federal government programs. Italy suffers from having the same monetary regime as the rest of the Eurozone, but a separate fiscal policy. I was interested in your comments about past plans to allocate government investment 60% in the south of Italy to promote private investment. Why did it fail? Does the EU have an economic development strategy for southern Italy and other less developed regions of the EU, or is this still primarily a national responsibility?
Italy has an ancient gap between North(industrialized and rich,similar to Center Europe for GDP)and South(relatively poor and very similar to Greece,Portugal or a Balkanian State).This is important to understand my country.
Now,Eurozone is not a complete construction:eek:ne money but a separate fiscal policy.
The euro is surely a too strong money for Souther Europe and Southern States are hurted and more weak because of a too heavy austerity,wanted by German cabinet and by Finland.
I am not a socialist or comunist;I love Germany and I am a friend of German way of like.I like U.E. and Merkel and I am an Europeist,not an Eurosceptical.
However,I think that austerity is too heavy for Southern people and probabily it will destroy my earth:the Europe.
I'm not contrary to a liberal envelopment,I have studiend the Reagan's age but I'm sure that economic healing should be not too quick in Southern Europe,although E.U. and European ideal could be end.
This is my opinion,right or wrong.
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The euro is surely a too strong money for Souther Europe

of course that is absolutely retarded gibberish!! As long as there is no inflation or deflation any money is 100% perfect for all people, even those who live in the Northeast and Northwest!! This is why conservative intellectuals like Gold so much.

Perhaps you can write that down 100 times until you learn it. We all have to start somewhere at sometime.
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However,Italy,Greece and Portugal are capitalist economies

dear, we have to start all over with you!!! Italy and Greece are not capitalist. You have to learn that first before your lesson can continue. When the government sector is huge as it is in Italy and Greece every bit of it limits and contrains capitalism to the point where you can say it is no longer capitalism.

Please tell me if this is over your head. Thanks

Ed, back off. You are embarrassing yourself. This guy knows far more of European politics and economics than you will ever be able to comprehend. All you are doing is displaying a total ignorance of the topic. You don't own this topic and cannot dictate to other posters.

Anyone else feel as I do that this thread has been valuable and interesting and deserves to continue?
I believe that it's not necessary be arrogant to write in a forum.
I am delivering my ideas and I don't like some arrogant manners.
Since I'm talking about my earth(Europe)and my nation(Italy),Baiamonte could be less arrogant and blusterer,I presume.
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However,Italy,Greece and Portugal are capitalist economies but with influential corporantions("camarille"in Italian),that limit economic freedom and so Italy(especially Southern Italy,more than Northern Italy)is more similar to a former Socialist State in Eastern Europe(Hungary,for example)in some economic sectors.
But Italy is more rich than Greece or Portugal;in fact,NORTHER ITALY IS RICH AS HOLLAND AND GERMANY FOR G.D.P. and in Italy we have some extended industrial districts,absent in Greece and Portugal and also in Spain.
Is it clear?

In a perverse way, it's good to hear of another country with a north/south economic development problem! Of course in the US both sections have the same central bank and the same basic federal government programs. Italy suffers from having the same monetary regime as the rest of the Eurozone, but a separate fiscal policy. I was interested in your comments about past plans to allocate government investment 60% in the south of Italy to promote private investment. Why did it fail? Does the EU have an economic development strategy for southern Italy and other less developed regions of the EU, or is this still primarily a national responsibility?
In Eurozone's crise there are many guilties.Also Southern Italy,included Italy,has heavy guilts.The problem is not a liberist politics but the wrong idea of Northern States,especially Germany and Finland:Italy,Spain,Greece and Portugal have to change but not in a one year.
Haste and arrogance could cause the break-up of Eurozone,within next elections for European Parliament(June 2014).
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dear, we have to start all over with you!!! Italy and Greece are not capitalist. You have to learn that first before your lesson can continue. When the government sector is huge as it is in Italy and Greece every bit of it limits and contrains capitalism to the point where you can say it is no longer capitalism.

Please tell me if this is over your head. Thanks

Ed, back off. You are embarrassing yourself. This guy knows far more of European politics and economics than you will ever be able to comprehend. All you are doing is displaying a total ignorance of the topic. You don't own this topic and cannot dictate to other posters.

Anyone else feel as I do that this thread has been valuable and interesting and deserves to continue?
I believe that it's not necessary be arrogant to write in a forum.
I am delivering my ideas and I don't like some arrogant manners.
Since I'm talking about my earth(Europe)and my nation(Italy),Baiamonte could be less arrogant and blusterer,I presume.

dear, you are a ultra standard liberal parrot saying exactly the same silly things all liberals have said since Keynes brainwashed you to say them through the liberal press and culture. That you, a standard liberal, knows what is really going on in Europe is purly insane.

Now, if you can challenge an idea of Friedman's or defend one of Keynes' please do so or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Also, I have no objection to you practicing your English on us, but you should not then object to learning basic economics from those of us here who know it.
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Ed, back off. You are embarrassing yourself. This guy knows far more of European politics and economics than you will ever be able to comprehend. All you are doing is displaying a total ignorance of the topic. You don't own this topic and cannot dictate to other posters.

Anyone else feel as I do that this thread has been valuable and interesting and deserves to continue?
I believe that it's not necessary be arrogant to write in a forum.
I am delivering my ideas and I don't like some arrogant manners.
Since I'm talking about my earth(Europe)and my nation(Italy),Baiamonte could be less arrogant and blusterer,I presume.

dear, you are a ultra standard liberal parrot saying exactly the same silly things all liberals have said since Keynes brainwashed you to say them through the liberal press and culture. That you, a standard liberal, knows what is really going on in Europe is purly insane.

Now, if you can challenge an idea of Friedman's or defend one of Keynes' please do so or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Also, I have no objection to you practicing your English on us, but you should not then object to learning basic economics from those of us here who know it.

Let's hear about your credentials, smart guy.
I believe that it's not necessary be arrogant to write in a forum.
I am delivering my ideas and I don't like some arrogant manners.
Since I'm talking about my earth(Europe)and my nation(Italy),Baiamonte could be less arrogant and blusterer,I presume.

dear, you are a ultra standard liberal parrot saying exactly the same silly things all liberals have said since Keynes brainwashed you to say them through the liberal press and culture. That you, a standard liberal, knows what is really going on in Europe is purly insane.

Now, if you can challenge an idea of Friedman's or defend one of Keynes' please do so or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Also, I have no objection to you practicing your English on us, but you should not then object to learning basic economics from those of us here who know it.

Let's hear about your credentials, smart guy.

Dear, I, in effect, have Friedman's credentials since all I do as regards economics is parrot his basic arguments. If I had a Ph.d from Harvard or was a HS drop I could still do that and you'd still have to admit you lack the IQ to understand let alone confute Friedman's arguments. My specific credentials make no difference whatsoever you just lack the IQ to know it. If you think I'm slow or without credentials then please point out where I've failed to present Friedman's ideas correctly or admit you lack the IQ to do so.
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Ed, back off. You are embarrassing yourself. This guy knows far more of European politics and economics than you will ever be able to comprehend. All you are doing is displaying a total ignorance of the topic. You don't own this topic and cannot dictate to other posters.

Anyone else feel as I do that this thread has been valuable and interesting and deserves to continue?
I believe that it's not necessary be arrogant to write in a forum.
I am delivering my ideas and I don't like some arrogant manners.
Since I'm talking about my earth(Europe)and my nation(Italy),Baiamonte could be less arrogant and blusterer,I presume.

dear, you are a ultra standard liberal parrot saying exactly the same silly things all liberals have said since Keynes brainwashed you to say them through the liberal press and culture. That you, a standard liberal, knows what is really going on in Europe is purly insane.

Now, if you can challenge an idea of Friedman's or defend one of Keynes' please do so or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Also, I have no objection to you practicing your English on us, but you should not then object to learning basic economics from those of us here who know it.
Good.I hope, then, that my master is less arrogant with his student....I'm waiting to know your therapy for the Eurozone:I'm curious about your idea...
dear, you are a ultra standard liberal parrot saying exactly the same silly things all liberals have said since Keynes brainwashed you to say them through the liberal press and culture. That you, a standard liberal, knows what is really going on in Europe is purly insane.

Now, if you can challenge an idea of Friedman's or defend one of Keynes' please do so or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Also, I have no objection to you practicing your English on us, but you should not then object to learning basic economics from those of us here who know it.

Let's hear about your credentials, smart guy.

Dear, I, in effect, have Friedman's credentials since all I do as regards economics is parrot his basic arguments. If I had a Ph.d from Harvard or was a HS drop I could still do that and you'd still have to admit you lack the IQ to understand let alone confute Friedman's arguments. My specific credentials make no difference whatsoever you just lack the IQ to know it. If you think I'm slow or without credentials then please point out where I've failed to present Friedman's ideas correctly or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Milton Friedman?

You mean the same quack who advocates for the elimination of licensure requirements for medical professionals?
Let's hear about your credentials, smart guy.

Dear, I, in effect, have Friedman's credentials since all I do as regards economics is parrot his basic arguments. If I had a Ph.d from Harvard or was a HS drop I could still do that and you'd still have to admit you lack the IQ to understand let alone confute Friedman's arguments. My specific credentials make no difference whatsoever you just lack the IQ to know it. If you think I'm slow or without credentials then please point out where I've failed to present Friedman's ideas correctly or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Milton Friedman?

You mean the same quack who advocates for the elimination of licensure requirements for medical professionals?

You say he is a quack buy can you say why you think that or must you admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so???
Dear, I, in effect, have Friedman's credentials since all I do as regards economics is parrot his basic arguments. If I had a Ph.d from Harvard or was a HS drop I could still do that and you'd still have to admit you lack the IQ to understand let alone confute Friedman's arguments. My specific credentials make no difference whatsoever you just lack the IQ to know it. If you think I'm slow or without credentials then please point out where I've failed to present Friedman's ideas correctly or admit you lack the IQ to do so.

Milton Friedman?

You mean the same quack who advocates for the elimination of licensure requirements for medical professionals?

You say he is a quack buy can you say why you think that or must you admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so???

Can you really be that dense as to believe that having unlicensed physicians is a good idea?
Milton Friedman?

You mean the same quack who advocates for the elimination of licensure requirements for medical professionals?

You say he is a quack buy can you say why you think that or must you admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so???

Can you really be that dense as to believe that having unlicensed physicians is a good idea?

if not a good idea please say why or admit as a liberal you you lack the IQ to do so
You say he is a quack buy can you say why you think that or must you admit as a liberal you lack the IQ to do so???

Can you really be that dense as to believe that having unlicensed physicians is a good idea?

if not a good idea please say why or admit as a liberal you you lack the IQ to do so

Yeah, what the world needs is more incompetent doctors. Like malpractice insurance rates aren't high enough.

Why not just eliminate the need for all forms of licesnsing. Doctors, lawyers, airline pilots, plumbers, electricians.

And while we're at it, let's just do away with drivers licenses also. Why shouldn' t a 10 year old be allowed to drive a car? Look at how many more cars they could selll if 10 year olds were allowed to drive.

Wrap your highly developed IQ around that for a while smart guy.
Yeah, what the world needs is more incompetent doctors. Like malpractice insurance rates aren't high enough.

dear, Friedman's theory is that it would lead to more competent doctors.
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?
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Yeah, what the world needs is more incompetent doctors. Like malpractice insurance rates aren't high enough.

dear, Friedman's theory is that it would lead to more competent doctors.
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?

How would it lead to more competent doctors?

Would eliminating the requirement for drivers licenses lead to better drivers and fewer accidents?
Yeah, what the world needs is more incompetent doctors. Like malpractice insurance rates aren't high enough.

dear, Friedman's theory is that it would lead to more competent doctors.
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?

How would it lead to more competent doctors?

Would eliminating the requirement for drivers licenses lead to better drivers and fewer accidents?
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?

if you have not read him but want to attack him that makes me the teacher once again! Are you prepared to be the student once again?
dear, Friedman's theory is that it would lead to more competent doctors.
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?

How would it lead to more competent doctors?

Would eliminating the requirement for drivers licenses lead to better drivers and fewer accidents?
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?

if you have not read him but want to attack him that makes me the teacher once again! Are you prepared to be the student once again?

Have at it, smart guy, enlighten me.
How would it lead to more competent doctors?

Would eliminating the requirement for drivers licenses lead to better drivers and fewer accidents?
Do you know why or are you arguing against him without having read him at all ????? Illiteracy would be typical of a liberal- right?

if you have not read him but want to attack him that makes me the teacher once again! Are you prepared to be the student once again?

Have at it, smart guy, enlighten me.

dear, aggressive and hostile students don't learn much - right?
what would make a squirt like you not look forward to learning politely from Friedman, perhaps the most important thinker of the
20th Century, if not some severe personality disorder? How can you be hostile when you have perhaps 1% of his IQ??

Nazis did not care about right and wrong or science or a thinkers IQ, they ruled because they knew they were right, regardless. Thats exactly the company in which you are placing yourself.

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