Italian TV in an "SNL" type skit, crushing biden.

The biden voters proud of their wonderful "president."

We are supposed to believe he received the most votes in the history of the country.

They'll now force us to believe it if we question it.

The Italians should stick to cooking and driving race cars. Oh, and that Pavarotti guy is good too.
They used to have really hot movie stars too

Women who were all woman all the time

I'll bet the trained mods will move this to Europe thinking this is about "Europe."

Before that happens, bravo 👏 democrat voters. No really. The world mocks all of you. Every last one of you. That is what that is about.

You're all losers.

Well, at least Biden is respected in other countries, such as Italy. LOL
White House senior living. For all of those who can afford it. Just make sure you get into a democrat political office, where it ain't who you know, but rather who you blow.

Then you too can afford such wonderful accommodations.

So what? Why isn’t this thread in political satire? I could post a hundred Trump skits.
Watching the Biden Administration every day is a satire that isn't funny.


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