It's 9-11. Have You Thanked a Muslim...

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
...for his contributions to the advancement of civilization? They did invent bathing, after all. And TRYING to fly. A musl even invented oxidation and evaporation! I bet you thought GOD did that!

Enraged by a meme that went viral after 9/11 attacks, which read “Imagine a world without Muslims” featuring a picture of twin towers, a blogger decided to respond to it, which was recently reblogged and went viral on social media.

The user starts with a hint of sarcasm, “Yes, lets imagine a world WITHOUT MUSLIMS, shall we?” and goes on to give a befitting response to all those who confuse terrorists with Muslims. The user enlists all the inventions done by people from the community and going by the list created by CNN, a world without Muslims would not have had coffee, algebra, toothbrush and even hospitals. For instance, the first hospital as we know today, with staff and wards, was Ahmad ibn Tulun Hospital, founded in 872 in Cairo reports the news outlet.

Read the post here:

Yes, lets imagine a world WITHOUT MUSLIMS, shall we?

Without Muslims you wouldn’t have:

Experimental Physics
Crank-shaft, internal combustion engine, valves, pistons
Combination locks
Architectural innovation (pointed arch -European Gothic cathedrals adopted this technique as it made the building much stronger, rose windows, dome buildings, round towers, etc.)
Surgical instruments
Treatment of Cowpox
Fountain pen
Numbering system
Modern Cryptology
3 course meal (soup, meat/fish, fruit/nuts)
Crystal glasses
Gardens used for beauty and meditation instead of for herbs and kitchen.
Mariner’s Compass
Soft drinks
Plastic surgery
Manufacturing of paper and cloth
It was a Muslim who realized that light ENTERS our eyes, unlike the Greeks who thought we EMITTED rays, and so invented a camera from this discovery.

It was a Muslim who first tried to FLY in 852, even though it is the Wright Brothers who have taken the credit.

It was a Muslim by the name of Jabir ibn Hayyan who was known as the founder of modern Chemistry. He transformed alchemy into chemistry. He invented: distillation, purification, oxidation, evaporation, and filtration. He also discovered sulfuric and nitric acid.

It is a Muslim, by the name of Al-Jazari who is known as the father of robotics.

It was a Muslim who was the architect for Henry V’s castle.

It was a Muslim who invented hollow needles to suck cataracts from eyes, a technique still used today.

It was a Muslim who actually discovered inoculation, not Jenner and Pasteur to treat cowpox. The West just brought it over from Turkey

It was Muslims who contributed much to mathematics like Algebra and Trigonometry, which was imported over to Europe 300 years later to Fibonnaci and the rest.

It was Muslims who discovered that the Earth was round 500 years before Galileo did.

The list goes on………..

Just imagine a world without Muslims. Now I think you probably meant, JUST IMAGINE A WORLD WITHOUT TERRORISTS. And then I would agree, the world would definitely be a better place without those pieces of filth. But to hold a whole group responsible for the actions of a few is ignorant and racist. No one would ever expect Christians or White people to be held responsible for the acts of Timothy McVeigh (Oklahoma bombing) or Anders Breivik (Norway killing), or the gun man that shot Congresswoman Giffords in head, wounded 12 and killed 6 people, and rightly so because they had nothing to do with those incidents! Just like the rest of the 1.5 billion Muslims have nothing to do with this incident!
A world without Muslims? We’d have no coffee or toothbrush: This post has gone viral for a reason
And Columbus sought a western trade route to India so they wouldn't have to deal with Arab crooks and thieves anymore.
Actually, the list sounds like they're competing with black "rewritten history" month -- only dumber.

They INVENTED evaporation?
They TRIED to fly? Who hasn't?!

The Muslims "discovered" the earth is round? Hardly! The Greeks knew that in 400 BC. They even correctly estimated the size.

Idiot Arabs!
for the record----the list of "accomplishments by muslims"----
set forth by "death angel" is not "original"--ie it is not the work
of "death angel's" imagination-----muslims actually do make these utterly insane and false claims. Such fraudulent claims
are OFTEN the subject of the weekly mosque feces fling
called the KHUTBAH JUMAAT. The faces fling Khutbah Jumaat is comparable to sunday church sermon------sorta.
The Khutbah Jumaad is "educational"--------including Islamic historic revisionism and WHOM TO HATE. The entire list presented by "angels" is a big pile of bullshit lies. -----except---
it is possible----but not necessarily true that the first people to
make a brew of coffee beans were muslims----but it could have
just as well been Christians in Ethiopia or even jews.
Actually, the list sounds like they're competing with black "rewritten history" month -- only dumber.

They INVENTED evaporation?
They TRIED to fly? Who hasn't?!

The Muslims "discovered" the earth is round? Hardly! The Greeks knew that in 400 BC. They even correctly estimated the size.

Idiot Arabs!

oh---for a minute-----I thought YOU believed it
I should be credited with inventing human flight when I jumped off the garage roof with a towel for a cape after watching Superman!

I bet the Arab sat on his "magic carpet" waiting for it to take him to Spain. But the stupid Arab forgot to put gas in the thing!
all those things would have been invented as time went on....
Exactly, and without centuries of carnage.
well he is talking like no other learned persons in other cultures were trying to make things easier and better at the times he was referring too.........i mean at the same time the Egyptians were building their Pyramids,so were the Mayans building theirs,and as far as anyone knows they never had contact....
Have you thanked a fire fighter?

BTW, On 9/12, Drumpf bragged that since both towers had been destroyed, now HIS building was the tallest. And then he stole money from the small businesses that were destroyed or harmed.

His arch-enemy, Rosie O'Donnell donated $1million dollars on that same day.

Drumpf is scum.
Have you thanked a fire fighter?

BTW, On 9/12, Drumpf bragged that since both towers had been destroyed, now HIS building was the tallest. And then he stole money from the small businesses that were destroyed or harmed.

His arch-enemy, Rosie O'Donnell donated $1million dollars on that same day.

Drumpf is scum.
I know you from another forum.
One of the things I really hate about the rabid RWNJ traitor is that, even after these 15 years, they still don't want to destroy terrorists and terrorism near as much as they want to destroy the victims of those terrorists. They know Muslims are the usual victims and yet, they side with the terrorists.

I'll never understand that.
Without muslims who would we rely on to stone gays to death or women raped by men? Or, think how crowded those Saudi highways would be with all those female drivers! Without muslims Dearborn, MI wouldn't be Dearborn Dhabi and no one there would be clamoring for sharia law. Without them how would goats get laid?

Praise be allah we're so blessed to have them and their 7th century way of life.
i'm not Muslim, but I do wish to say this:

Have you thanked a Jew for the increase in your rent and healthcare premiums? If not, thank him now! He is happy to take more!
i'm not Muslim, but I do wish to say this:

Have you thanked a Jew for the increase in your rent and healthcare premiums? If not, thank him now! He is happy to take more!

have you thanked a HINDOOO INDIAN for maintaining a reservoir of vibrio cholera in the sewage infected waters of
India--------for the export of the sickness?

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