It's a fact. Liberals are cowards.

So what you are saying is we shouldn't be sending food and humanitarian aid to other countries since we haven't solved our own hunger and aid issues in the US? Is that really your brilliant analysis? Does the US not respond to urgent needs elsewhere in the world? My god gays are being killed and tortured, I think that would be a priority for the gay community vs whining about wedding cakes.
Don't think, you aren't any good at it.

And feeding people is not telling them how to live, what religion they should have, or what they should do inside their own fucking country.
Feeding people who are starving due to the consequences of their own countries actions within that country is none of our business. Why should it be more our business than them killing one another using other methods?

It's our business because we are a Christian nation, and because we are the example of a benevolent and free superpower.

At least we were. Before the progressives, commies, faggots and elitist scum took over the place.
You're perfect scum, hater dupe. We've always been the best of America. We started it, wrote the constitution, defended it when actually necessary. The RW are a bunch of greedy chickenhawk rich a-holes and their ignorant ( formerly silent majority, now loudmouth) bigoted hater dupes like you.
Yeah, right. The founding fathers were progressive, commie faggots...just like you.


They were liberal minded reformers, shyttehead.
How, exactly, are all liberals 'cowards' simply because you don't agree with something they believe? Isn't there a better way to voice your disagreement? I don't see any real evidence to back up the claim, just a lot of opinion. Most learn very early in childhood development that opinion and fact are different things. A liberal could simply reply, "all conservatives are cowards, too" and have just as much legitimacy as you do (i.e. none).

dozens of examples have been given; many of you are too, wait for it; COWARDLY to acknowledge them

Oh, I read through them, but disregarded the 'examples' on the grounds that a.) they support the thesis "It's a fact, liberals are cowards". At best, it just asserts that the specific liberals mentioned cowards, not liberals as a whole. And b.) most of the "examples" are just opinion. Refer to my earlier lesson on the difference between fact and opinion.

You would be absolutely right, if the assertion was "It's my opinion, liberals are cowards", but as it stands, you're wrong. Sorry.

One shouldn't argue with absolute statements if they do not have fact on their side. (One should also learn what a 'fact' is.) Thanks.
Once again, I ask. Where is the liberal outrage against islam, for how they treat gays? All I hear from you libs cricket cricket. I haven't seen one liberal on this thread condemn them.

Muslims in this country are subject to the same rules as any other religion

In case you haven't noticed, we have no authority over other nations
Remember when conservatives did more than just snivel and cry about how mean everyone is to them?

That was long ago, so the younger generation has no memory of such a time. When I tell the kids that conservatives weren't always such wimps, they find it hard to believe.
When I tell the kids that democrats weren't always marxist bastards, they find it hard to believe.
Don't think, you aren't any good at it.

And feeding people is not telling them how to live, what religion they should have, or what they should do inside their own fucking country.
Feeding people who are starving due to the consequences of their own countries actions within that country is none of our business. Why should it be more our business than them killing one another using other methods?

It's our business because we are a Christian nation, and because we are the example of a benevolent and free superpower.

At least we were. Before the progressives, commies, faggots and elitist scum took over the place.
You're perfect scum, hater dupe. We've always been the best of America. We started it, wrote the constitution, defended it when actually necessary. The RW are a bunch of greedy chickenhawk rich a-holes and their ignorant ( formerly silent majority, now loudmouth) bigoted hater dupes like you.
Yeah, right. The founding fathers were progressive, commie faggots...just like you.


They were liberal minded reformers, shyttehead.
Liberal meant something entirely different back then.
Remember when conservatives did more than just snivel and cry about how mean everyone is to them?

That was long ago, so the younger generation has no memory of such a time. When I tell the kids that conservatives weren't always such wimps, they find it hard to believe.
When I tell the kids that democrats weren't always marxist bastards, they find it hard to believe.
Next tell them how the GOP used to promote American Values. That should be a hoot.
Feeding people who are starving due to the consequences of their own countries actions within that country is none of our business. Why should it be more our business than them killing one another using other methods?

It's our business because we are a Christian nation, and because we are the example of a benevolent and free superpower.

At least we were. Before the progressives, commies, faggots and elitist scum took over the place.
You're perfect scum, hater dupe. We've always been the best of America. We started it, wrote the constitution, defended it when actually necessary. The RW are a bunch of greedy chickenhawk rich a-holes and their ignorant ( formerly silent majority, now loudmouth) bigoted hater dupes like you.
Yeah, right. The founding fathers were progressive, commie faggots...just like you.


They were liberal minded reformers, shyttehead.
Liberal meant something entirely different back then.
No, it didn't. Liberal then is liberal now, only we're smarter and times have changed so we, unlike you, changed with them.
How, exactly, are all liberals 'cowards' simply because you don't agree with something they believe? Isn't there a better way to voice your disagreement? I don't see any real evidence to back up the claim, just a lot of opinion. Most learn very early in childhood development that opinion and fact are different things. A liberal could simply reply, "all conservatives are cowards, too" and have just as much legitimacy as you do (i.e. none).

dozens of examples have been given; many of you are too, wait for it; COWARDLY to acknowledge them

Oh, I read through them, but disregarded the 'examples' on the grounds that a.) they support the thesis "It's a fact, liberals are cowards". At best, it just asserts that the specific liberals mentioned cowards, not liberals as a whole. And b.) most of the "examples" are just opinion. Refer to my earlier lesson on the difference between fact and opinion.

You would be absolutely right, if the assertion was "It's my opinion, liberals are cowards", but as it stands, you're wrong. Sorry.

One shouldn't argue with absolute statements if they do not have fact on their side. (One should also learn what a 'fact' is.) Thanks.
Once again, I ask. Where is the liberal outrage against islam, for how they treat gays? All I hear from you libs cricket cricket. I haven't seen one liberal on this thread condemn them.
Of course we have, but that's nothing compared to trying to end the suffering and THEIR , war, RW hate they live in after 30 years of Reaganist idiocy...
Feeding people who are starving due to the consequences of their own countries actions within that country is none of our business. Why should it be more our business than them killing one another using other methods?

It's our business because we are a Christian nation, and because we are the example of a benevolent and free superpower.

At least we were. Before the progressives, commies, faggots and elitist scum took over the place.
You're perfect scum, hater dupe. We've always been the best of America. We started it, wrote the constitution, defended it when actually necessary. The RW are a bunch of greedy chickenhawk rich a-holes and their ignorant ( formerly silent majority, now loudmouth) bigoted hater dupes like you.
Yeah, right. The founding fathers were progressive, commie faggots...just like you.


They were liberal minded reformers, shyttehead.
Liberal meant something entirely different back then.
Democratic Underground banned me when I used the user name Thomas Payne, before I posted a single thing.
It's our business because we are a Christian nation, and because we are the example of a benevolent and free superpower.

At least we were. Before the progressives, commies, faggots and elitist scum took over the place.
You're perfect scum, hater dupe. We've always been the best of America. We started it, wrote the constitution, defended it when actually necessary. The RW are a bunch of greedy chickenhawk rich a-holes and their ignorant ( formerly silent majority, now loudmouth) bigoted hater dupes like you.
Yeah, right. The founding fathers were progressive, commie faggots...just like you.


They were liberal minded reformers, shyttehead.
Liberal meant something entirely different back then.
Democratic Underground banned me when I used the user name Thomas Payne, before I posted a single thing.
It probably wasn't your name, it was your public IP address.
Remember when conservatives did more than just snivel and cry about how mean everyone is to them?

That was long ago, so the younger generation has no memory of such a time. When I tell the kids that conservatives weren't always such wimps, they find it hard to believe.
When I tell the kids that democrats weren't always marxist bastards, they find it hard to believe.
All that's changed is you loudmouth brainwashed hater dupes, dingbat. You are HIGHLY misinformed...
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Feel free to show me examples of Muslims in America discriminating against homosexuals and I will be just as outraged as when the discrimination is done by Christians or Jews or blacks or Lithuanians.

I don't blame Christianity- most homosexuals are Christians, nor do I blame Islam- but I am more than willing to condemn bigots who discriminate against gays just for being gay.
Are Muslims like commies? Can we now use either. Muslim or commie for liberals? And what about "Marxist" is that still OK to use? So of the three, Muslim, commie or Marxist, what is best?
It's a fact. Liberals are cowards.

troll thread ^^^^ equal to the intelligence of the op.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Because, doofus, Islam simply isn't a problem for rational adults in this country - they are a small minority in the US. Less than 1% versus 75+% Christian. There is your simple answer, simpleton. Happy now?

BTW: what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
How, exactly, are all liberals 'cowards' simply because you don't agree with something they believe? Isn't there a better way to voice your disagreement? I don't see any real evidence to back up the claim, just a lot of opinion. Most learn very early in childhood development that opinion and fact are different things. A liberal could simply reply, "all conservatives are cowards, too" and have just as much legitimacy as you do (i.e. none).

dozens of examples have been given; many of you are too, wait for it; COWARDLY to acknowledge them

Oh, I read through them, but disregarded the 'examples' on the grounds that a.) they support the thesis "It's a fact, liberals are cowards". At best, it just asserts that the specific liberals mentioned cowards, not liberals as a whole. And b.) most of the "examples" are just opinion. Refer to my earlier lesson on the difference between fact and opinion.

You would be absolutely right, if the assertion was "It's my opinion, liberals are cowards", but as it stands, you're wrong. Sorry.

One shouldn't argue with absolute statements if they do not have fact on their side. (One should also learn what a 'fact' is.) Thanks.
Once again, I ask. Where is the liberal outrage against islam, for how they treat gays? All I hear from you libs cricket cricket. I haven't seen one liberal on this thread condemn them.
Of course we have, but that's nothing compared to trying to end the suffering and THEIR , war, RW hate they live in after 30 years of Reaganist idiocy...

Speaking of hate, hi Franco.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Feel free to show me examples of Muslims in America discriminating against homosexuals and I will be just as outraged as when the discrimination is done by Christians or Jews or blacks or Lithuanians.

I don't blame Christianity- most homosexuals are Christians, nor do I blame Islam- but I am more than willing to condemn bigots who discriminate against gays just for being gay.
Muslim Extremist Arrested for Murder of Gays in Seattle
So, your only argument is to suggest that I'm imagining it? You'll have to do better than that.
No, my argument is that you're playing the victim game just like the old stereotype of minorities pulling the race card whenever they can. You're being discriminated against for being an asshole, if anything.

You claim you're a conservative, but you take the liberal side of every issue. You must be one of those "seminar callers" that Rush is always talking about. You just pretend to be conservative to give your views more credibility. The reality is that you're a died-in-the-wool leftwing bootlicker.
Because I'm not socially conservative. Social conservatism is an absolute cancer. I vote libertarian party.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.
No, Muslims just kill fags.

Is it legal?
Once again, I ask. Where is the liberal outrage against islam, for how they treat gays? All I hear from you libs cricket cricket. I haven't seen one liberal on this thread condemn them.

I never condemned anyone here, all I did was try to educate on the importance of not confusing opinion with fact. It negates the entire argument that you make when you set it up based on a false premise. You may very well have a point, but nobody cares if your thesis is comes across as unintelligent. That's all. Personally, I'm against any religion/group that treats people like anything less than people. I myself am a Christian, and it is against my personal beliefs to discriminate. It just also coincidentally happens to be against our American values.

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