It's a fact. Liberals are cowards.

So, your only argument is to suggest that I'm imagining it? You'll have to do better than that.
No, my argument is that you're playing the victim game just like the old stereotype of minorities pulling the race card whenever they can. You're being discriminated against for being an asshole, if anything.


some minorities (liberals ones of course) dont play the race card?

lmao you jackwagon left-wing losers are falling apart collectively; i mean seriously the hypocrisy and denial is reaching critical mass here. the Left has made the race card a cottage industry; you use it to excuse all of obama's failures for one
I never said there were minorities that don't pull the race card. It's sad no matter which side of the political spectrum they fall under.
Of course! Just remember about their words about "American sniper" about any GOP "deeds" etc.
They just can't post here some real arguments, that's they are just reading this thread, not post here!
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

Feel free to show me examples of Muslims in America discriminating against homosexuals and I will be just as outraged as when the discrimination is done by Christians or Jews or blacks or Lithuanians.

I don't blame Christianity- most homosexuals are Christians, nor do I blame Islam- but I am more than willing to condemn bigots who discriminate against gays just for being gay.
Muslim Extremist Arrested for Murder of Gays in Seattle

Well that would be an example of a Muslim murdering someone- according to that article because they were gay- according to a prosecutor- not so much:
Ali Muhammad Brown New Jersey student s suspected killer charged with 3 other murders - CBS News
"The defendant was on a bloody crusade, executing four innocent men ... with the same murder weapon, over the course of approximately two months, and all under the common and single scheme of exacting 'vengeance' against the United States government for its foreign policies," King County prosecutors said in court documents.
I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.
Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

This is a very sound argument. Shouldn't the goal be for everyone to stop discriminating? Why is the goal here in America to just do less discrimination than radical Islam? Surely people see how daft that point of view is..
I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

Obeying ones religion is not discrimination. I'm not aware of any Christians discriminating against anyone. There is not one example of a Christian refusing to serve someone because they are gay. The problem is militant gays who intentionally target Christian owned businesses and demand services they they don't even advertize. Those bakers did not advertise that they make GAY wedding cakes. They would have made them a normal cake, but those perverts wanted a GAY wedding cake. The whole gay rights issue is much ado about nothing.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
When we can get the Christians and Jews to start behaving like adults, we'll work on the Muslims. What part of Jesus teaching you to remove the speck from your eye first did you miss?

So you are a Christian or are you a Jew?

I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
When we can get the Christians and Jews to start behaving like adults, we'll work on the Muslims. What part of Jesus teaching you to remove the speck from your eye first did you miss?

So you are a Christian or are you a Jew?

I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.
Only one problem with Secular Humanism, the human part. Even when secular they are still little devils.
I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.

There are approximately 400,000,000,000 (Four Hundred Billion) Stars in our Galaxy -- The Milky Way.

There are approximately 400,000,000,000 (Four Hundred Billion Galaxies)

They all came from a single point of INFINITE MASS, WITH INFINITE DENSITY, INFINITE ENERGY AND INFINITE GRAVITY...... (note to the STOOPID among you [which includes the VAST majority of you] but Infinity divided by ANY number is -- Infinity -- Deal with it)

That point was also INFINITELY SMALL.

Then all of the sudden, there was this rather large boom....


If you don't consider that a "Creationist" event, then -- Somebody is extraordinarily stupid.....

This guy wasn't so stupid and he said --

I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

Wow! You got handed a an Easter egg, how frightening! Man, glad there wasn't anything in the egg to offend you, that would have been terrible! You never know where those evil people will pop up. Such a terrifying life you have.

I wouldn't have taken the egg, I would have said no thank you, went on with my day and never have given a second thought about it. However, some of us aren't bigoted, we tolerate others and their rights and opinions.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

You seriously want to go there?
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

This ^^^^^

My question is, why aren't RWs fighting for equal rights for all Americans?

Equality? You mean like left wingers think being female, black or gay should change how the law applies to you?
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

You seriously want to go there?

No. He's quibbling. Thinks he's a regular F Lee Baileywick or something.

Thinks he's cute with his words. Re-read it

dimocraps are dirtbags. They are treacherous, they are unreliable and most of all, they are dishonest

IOW, the scum of the earth
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
When we can get the Christians and Jews to start behaving like adults, we'll work on the Muslims. What part of Jesus teaching you to remove the speck from your eye first did you miss?

So you are a Christian or are you a Jew?

I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.

I actually was posting the question for PaintMyHouse, but he never answered.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.

I haven't seen any Muslims making up stupid laws that help create an environment where some Americans can discriminate against other Americans. Basically you're just talking more stupid shit like most of you do.

You seriously want to go there?

No. He's quibbling. Thinks he's a regular F Lee Baileywick or something.

Thinks he's cute with his words. Re-read it

dimocraps are dirtbags. They are treacherous, they are unreliable and most of all, they are dishonest

IOW, the scum of the earth

I got how he phrased it, that's why I asked if he really wants to go there
Don't think, you aren't any good at it.

And feeding people is not telling them how to live, what religion they should have, or what they should do inside their own fucking country.
Feeding people who are starving due to the consequences of their own countries actions within that country is none of our business. Why should it be more our business than them killing one another using other methods?

It's our business because we are a Christian nation, and because we are the example of a benevolent and free superpower.

At least we were. Before the progressives, commies, faggots and elitist scum took over the place.
You're perfect scum, hater dupe. We've always been the best of America. We started it, wrote the constitution, defended it when actually necessary. The RW are a bunch of greedy chickenhawk rich a-holes and their ignorant ( formerly silent majority, now loudmouth) bigoted hater dupes like you.
Yeah, right. The founding fathers were progressive, commie faggots...just like you.


They were liberal minded reformers, shyttehead.
But you are not, fanatic.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
When we can get the Christians and Jews to start behaving like adults, we'll work on the Muslims. What part of Jesus teaching you to remove the speck from your eye first did you miss?

So you are a Christian or are you a Jew?

I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.

I actually was posting the question for PaintMyHouse, but he never answered.
I am the only rational type, an agnostic.
In light of all of the liberal outrage and attacks against Christians over gay rights, I have to wonder why liberals haven't gone after muslims? I can only assume it's because they are cowards. If you criticize a Christian, they will not set you on fire, throw you off a building or cut your head off. So, if liberals want to be taken seriously, they should attack Islam as well as Christianity. Forgive me if I don't hold hold my breath, waiting for that to happen.
When we can get the Christians and Jews to start behaving like adults, we'll work on the Muslims. What part of Jesus teaching you to remove the speck from your eye first did you miss?

So you are a Christian or are you a Jew?

I'm neither. Secular Humanist. Fuck the non-existent god.

I actually was posting the question for PaintMyHouse, but he never answered.
I am the only rational type, an agnostic.

You misapplied removing the speck from your eye first, since you are neither a Christian or a Jew, you can remove nothing before you work on Muslims. Not your place.

I prefer to work on my faults and not worry about others faults.
I don't know why I bother but okay.

See the overwhelming majority in this country is Christian to the point that I got handed an easter egg out on the street today. luckily it had candy and no religious message in there but this country is overwhelmingly Christian.

It is true that in OTHER COUNTRIES, Muslims do despicable things to women and gay people. The keywords are other countries. I am not a citizen of Saudi Arabia or Iran and change the laws there. But I am a citizen of the US, I can change what others using religion in this country are doing to hurt unpopular groups.

Saying that Christians are allowed to discriminate against gays because Muslims in other countries do much worse is a ridculous argument.

Obeying ones religion is not discrimination. I'm not aware of any Christians discriminating against anyone. There is not one example of a Christian refusing to serve someone because they are gay. The problem is militant gays who intentionally target Christian owned businesses and demand services they they don't even advertize. Those bakers did not advertise that they make GAY wedding cakes. They would have made them a normal cake, but those perverts wanted a GAY wedding cake. The whole gay rights issue is much ado about nothing.

Okay, if you are "Obeying" your religion, then will bakers deny wedding cakes to a divorcee because it is an abomination to break your vows? Or what about having sex outside their marriage? Will Bakers be required to check the hymen of the female? I mean you are obeying your religion, why the selective enforcement?

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