IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

This is your source of information, nice try.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

Notes: The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news. (10/4/2016) Updated (6/20/2017)

Source: The Gateway Pundit - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

Oh give it freaking up on the source. All you have to do is compare the fucking signatures. Use your own two eyes.


I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
This is your source of information, nice try.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

Notes: The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news. (10/4/2016) Updated (6/20/2017)

Source: The Gateway Pundit - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Oh give it freaking up on the source. All you have to do is compare the fucking signatures. Use your own two eyes.


I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You can call her whatever your little heart desires.
How white of you
Oh give it freaking up on the source. All you have to do is compare the fucking signatures. Use your own two eyes.


I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You can call her whatever your little heart desires.
How white of you

How racist of you!
This is your source of information, nice try.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

Notes: The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news. (10/4/2016) Updated (6/20/2017)

Source: The Gateway Pundit - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Oh give it freaking up on the source. All you have to do is compare the fucking signatures. Use your own two eyes.


I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!
I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You can call her whatever your little heart desires.
How white of you

How racist of you!
Sure I like white people I am one!
Oh give it freaking up on the source. All you have to do is compare the fucking signatures. Use your own two eyes.


I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!

Calling her fake has nothing to do with pragmatism or rule of law. You will freely and shamelessly lie whenever it suits you, won't you? Maybe that explains do this and mistakenly think yourself to be "normal", and thus easily believe everyone else does it, too.

Well, except Roy Moore and Donald Trump. Straight shooters, those two....;)
I'm no hand writing expert, but are there laws against signing year books in a complementary way I am not aware of?

No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!

Calling her fake has nothing to do with pragmatism or rule of law. You will freely and shamelessly lie whenever it suits you, won't you? Maybe that explains do this and mistakenly think yourself to be "normal", and thus easily believe everyone else does it, too.

Well, except Roy Moore and Donald Trump. Straight shooters, those two....;)
I don’t lie. I have integrity and I require proof not a 38 year old made up memory by a reporter
No, nor are there laws against being a sniveling liar and claiming he never met her. But we can still judge the judge all we like.
Just like we can call her fake!

You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!

Calling her fake has nothing to do with pragmatism or rule of law. You will freely and shamelessly lie whenever it suits you, won't you? Maybe that explains do this and mistakenly think yourself to be "normal", and thus easily believe everyone else does it, too.

Well, except Roy Moore and Donald Trump. Straight shooters, those two....;)
I don’t lie. I have integrity and I require proof not a 38 year old made up memory by a reporter

You just did lie. Literally everyone on the planet with an internet connection can see it.

You....require proof? Haha, you're a liar AND a comedian. ;)
You know, this is the first paragraph of the OP's link...................

Known for his insightful take on politics, journalist and author Thomas Wictor believes Judge Roy Moore’s signature in Gloria Allred accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook is a forgery.

It says that the dude who wrote this "analysis" was a journalist and author, not a handwriting analyst.

Furthermore, there is nothing in the OP's link that states the person who says this signature is fake is even remotely qualified to analyze handwriting.
Just like we can call her fake!

You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!

Calling her fake has nothing to do with pragmatism or rule of law. You will freely and shamelessly lie whenever it suits you, won't you? Maybe that explains do this and mistakenly think yourself to be "normal", and thus easily believe everyone else does it, too.

Well, except Roy Moore and Donald Trump. Straight shooters, those two....;)
I don’t lie. I have integrity and I require proof not a 38 year old made up memory by a reporter

You just did lie. Literally everyone on the planet with an internet connection can see it.

You....require proof? Haha, you're a liar AND a comedian. ;)
Perhaps you should look up the word!

Lie? Oh Shaw!
Last edited:
How is this on Progs?

The entire Republican leadership is calling for him to step down.

You are sorely mistaken if you think that the Establishment GOP is not a faction of Big Government Progressivism. They're just the Big Government Lite version.

Regardless, it's still his party.

Oh yeah. Just like the Dems were Bernie's party....oh wait.


They weren't his party at all. Sanders is an Independant and a self described democratic socialist, dope.

Oh, silly wabbit. That is just a big fake sham. If Bernie isn't a closet Dem, then how on earth was he able to run in the Dem primary against hiLIARy?

You don't need to be an actual member of a party to run for its nomination.

Actually when you register to vote in Vermont you don't declare a party affiliation. You can voluntarily identify as such of course, but Bernie Sanders has never done that.

Matter of fact Sanders won his first election (for Mayor) against an entrenched Democrat. And in a later year, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party ran a joint candidate against him. He won anyway.
This is your source of information, nice try.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

Notes: The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news. (10/4/2016) Updated (6/20/2017)

Source: The Gateway Pundit - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED
The Gateway Pundit is an impeccable truth telling news source. Their facts are so legit, that's why they're now members of the White House Press Pool.

The gateway pundit is hardcore fake news. That’s why Trump wants them in the press core.

And to prove you are mistaken about their “impeccable” record, I present their article about the Las Vegas shooter being a Democrat (lie), a fan of Rachel Maddow and (lie), and associated with an anti-trump movement (lie)...

That story was such abject bullshit, they removed the entire article from that link.

No retraction.

No corrections.

No apology.

Just delete. Like a Hillary Clinton email.
This is your source of information, nice try.

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Nationalism, Some Fake News

Notes: The Gateway Pundit is a hard-right website that is not afraid of conspiracy theories and the occasional flirtation with outright white supremacists. Not a credible source that occasionally publishes fake news. (10/4/2016) Updated (6/20/2017)

Source: The Gateway Pundit - Where Hope Finally Made a Comeback

Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

Oh give it freaking up on the source. All you have to do is compare the fucking signatures. Use your own two eyes.

They’re from the same hand. :mm:
...Fuck you. I back up what I post. Now someone who signed this book signed OLDE Hickory House. That's not the name of the restaurant. Glaring freaking mistake.

Not even spelling the name of the restaurant correctly?

It's not the Olde Hickory House. Holy toledo they blew it! I was pulling up the restaurant to see where it was located.


tineeee gets bombed again, and blows it all to hell.

City directory confirms Olde Hickory House stood at 305 East Meighan Blvd in Gadsden in 1977. Site now has Rally’s.



Vintage ad for The "Olde" Hickory House on Meighan Blvd., Page 21, The Gadsden Times, Jan. 2, 1978.





My sides! My sides!
It gets even funnier.

Ray Moore's wife is passing around a Facebook page of this pic, trying to ommph the stupid 'they got the name wrong!!!' narrative, which showed this pic:

More current pic:

One problem: that restaurant is in Georgia.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How can these people DUMB! ??
They’re conservatives, that’s how.
It gets even funnier.

Ray Moore's wife is passing around a Facebook page of this pic, trying to ommph the stupid 'they got the name wrong!!!' narrative, which showed this pic:

More current pic:

One problem: that restaurant is in Georgia.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

How can these people DUMB! ??
They’re conservatives, that’s how.

Well, if it looks like a Facebook meme, conservatives are more likely to believe it. ESPECIALLY if they think it proves their side is right.

Wanna talk about Pizzagate?
Again............people are arguing over whether or not some journalist who is NOT a handwriting analyst has proven that Moore is innocent.
Again............people are arguing over whether or not some journalist who is NOT a handwriting analyst has proven that Moore is innocent.
Actually whether or not that’s Moore’s signature nothing more!

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