IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Again............people are arguing over whether or not some journalist who is NOT a handwriting analyst has proven that Moore is innocent.
Actually whether or not that’s Moore’s signature nothing more!

If you want to prove if that is Moore's signature or not, then wouldn't it make more sense to get an actual handwriting analyst and not some political journalist to decide if it's fake or not?
100 fucking times a week, cons get burnt by Jim Hoft, and Brietbart -- and have for years -- but they are so incredibly retarded, they keep going back
and back
and back
and back
to that poison well saying drink up, drink up -- so they burned and embarrassed us royally only ten thousand times, but...


This time, he's got the goods. Bleeveme!
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."
What is Trump going to do?

Trump faces wrenching call on Moore

"Trump spoke with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell from Asia last week and the Senate leader made an urgent plea: Please help push Moore out of the contest. On Monday, as a new female accuser emerged, the Republican leader discussed the Alabama situation with White House chief of staff John Kelly and Vice President Mike Pence. The conversation centered on tax reform, but the Republican leader also proposed a dramatic idea: that Sessions run as a write-in candidate or be appointed to the seat he held for two decades.

White House officials plan to convene a meeting to talk through their options soon, and Trump is widely expected to address the predicament publicly when he returns from abroad. In order for the president to get involved, some aides to the president say, he would need an airtight plan that limits his political exposure to any fallout.

It's a vexing call for Trump. If he tries to pressure Moore out of the race, as some people close to the White House expect him to do, there's no guarantee that the candidate will oblige. During the GOP nomination battle, Trump aggressively backed Moore’s opponent, appointed Sen. Luther Strange."

Trump has said he has a big announcement when he gets back--could this be it?

That Moore should get out..and Sessions in?
You sure can! Embarrass yourself all you like. Be my guest.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!

Calling her fake has nothing to do with pragmatism or rule of law. You will freely and shamelessly lie whenever it suits you, won't you? Maybe that explains do this and mistakenly think yourself to be "normal", and thus easily believe everyone else does it, too.

Well, except Roy Moore and Donald Trump. Straight shooters, those two....;)
I don’t lie. I have integrity and I require proof not a 38 year old made up memory by a reporter

You just did lie. Literally everyone on the planet with an internet connection can see it.

You....require proof? Haha, you're a liar AND a comedian. ;)
Perhaps you should look up the word!

Lie? Oh Shaw!

Yes, you lied, I pointed it out and why it was a lie. Very simple.
Again............people are arguing over whether or not some journalist who is NOT a handwriting analyst has proven that Moore is innocent.
Actually whether or not that’s Moore’s signature nothing more!

If you want to prove if that is Moore's signature or not, then wouldn't it make more sense to get an actual handwriting analyst and not some political journalist to decide if it's fake or not?
Who needs a qualified handwriting analyst when you’re a rightard and Joe the Plumber says, nuh-uh, that’s not Moore’s signature!
Again............people are arguing over whether or not some journalist who is NOT a handwriting analyst has proven that Moore is innocent.
Actually whether or not that’s Moore’s signature nothing more!

If you want to prove if that is Moore's signature or not, then wouldn't it make more sense to get an actual handwriting analyst and not some political journalist to decide if it's fake or not?
Yep I think they have already.
No embarrassment just practical with the rule of law!

Calling her fake has nothing to do with pragmatism or rule of law. You will freely and shamelessly lie whenever it suits you, won't you? Maybe that explains do this and mistakenly think yourself to be "normal", and thus easily believe everyone else does it, too.

Well, except Roy Moore and Donald Trump. Straight shooters, those two....;)
I don’t lie. I have integrity and I require proof not a 38 year old made up memory by a reporter

You just did lie. Literally everyone on the planet with an internet connection can see it.

You....require proof? Haha, you're a liar AND a comedian. ;)
Perhaps you should look up the word!

Lie? Oh Shaw!

Yes, you lied, I pointed it out and why it was a lie. Very simple.
When you see the two examples side by side. The forgery is obvious.

I really really want this to be forensically examined.
Not gonna happen... the RNC has already pulled (1) campaign fundraising partnership and (2) their field-operatives previously assisting in the campaign.

Hell... even the RNC in its present powerless decrepit state knows a REAL Loser (Moore) when it sees one.
Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!
When you see the two examples side by side. The forgery is obvious.

I really really want this to be forensically examined.
Not gonna happen... the RNC has already pulled (1) campaign fundraising partnership and (2) their field-operatives previously assisting in the campaign.

Hell... even the RNC in its present powerless decrepit state knows a REAL Loser (Moore) when it sees one.

Oh the RNC under McConnell WANTS him to lose. Even before the accusations. McConnell's man was Luther Strange and he spent a fortune on trying to get Strange to win the primary. Old Swamp Rat Mitch would rather have a Democrat win.

No doubt about it.

"The millions spent on TV ads propping up Strange were wasted, Schlapp said, because they only emphasized that Strange was McConnell's candidate.

"The messenger is the message. And if the messenger lacks credibility, then the message will lack credibility," Schlapp said.

As for Strange, he said, "He was Mitch's boy and he was the governor's boy."

Roy Moore wins first battle of anti-Mitch McConnell war - CNNPolitics
Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!

Uhh--ohhh! Might be bit tense at dinner tonight! couldn't get a novel published based on this plot..the publisher would laugh you out of the office!

Hope Alabama knows there is a good chance he can be replaced. Cannot let the MSM fabricated hit jobs try to decide this. Sessions can go back to being senator in Alabama if Moore wins.
When you see the two examples side by side. The forgery is obvious.

I really really want this to be forensically examined.
Not gonna happen... the RNC has already pulled (1) campaign fundraising partnership and (2) their field-operatives previously assisting in the campaign.

Hell... even the RNC in its present powerless decrepit state knows a REAL Loser (Moore) when it sees one.

Oh the RNC under McConnell WANTS him to lose. Even before the accusations. McConnell's man was Luther Strange and he spent a fortune on trying to get Strange to win the primary. Old Swamp Rat Mitch would rather have a Democrat win.

No doubt about it.
Strange was Trump's man too, twithead.
When you see the two examples side by side. The forgery is obvious.

I really really want this to be forensically examined.
Not gonna happen... the RNC has already pulled (1) campaign fundraising partnership and (2) their field-operatives previously assisting in the campaign.

Hell... even the RNC in its present powerless decrepit state knows a REAL Loser (Moore) when it sees one.

Oh the RNC under McConnell WANTS him to lose. Even before the accusations. McConnell's man was Luther Strange and he spent a fortune on trying to get Strange to win the primary. Old Swamp Rat Mitch would rather have a Democrat win.

No doubt about it.
Strange was Trump's man too, twithead.
Big Luther indeed.
Here's Young's senior picture:

1978 GHS yearbook:

Not only was she young, she was a Young!
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.
The that when all the smoke clears...Sessions is back in the Senate..and the Bannon wing is dealt a stinging defeat!

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