IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

You know, this is the first paragraph of the OP's link...................

Known for his insightful take on politics, journalist and author Thomas Wictor believes Judge Roy Moore’s signature in Gloria Allred accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook is a forgery.

It says that the dude who wrote this "analysis" was a journalist and author, not a handwriting analyst.

Furthermore, there is nothing in the OP's link that states the person who says this signature is fake is even remotely qualified to analyze handwriting.

Let's have a look into who this "known for his insight" Wictor might be.

>> I spoke with Wictor by phone today. His is a tragic story. A self-described “failed music journalist” and “failed novelist” — “As of right now, I’m a failed everything,” he tells me — Wictor says that two literary agents defrauded him of his life-savings and managed to kill his latest book project. His website bio says: “To do so they took advantage of his post-traumatic stress disorder with secondary psychotic features, as well as the ‘brain fog’ caused by Meniere’s disease. Both of these conditions create memory lapses and dissociation, which were exacerbated by the suicides of Wictor’s parents in February and October of 2013.”

In light of this history — and some other details, more on which in a bit — I asked Wictor if he thought he made for a reliable source. “I don’t care,” he told me. “My writing career was completely destroyed by these con artists and I don’t care.”

..... “Oh yeah, it’s possible that I’m completely wrong about everything. This is just opinion.” I pointed out to Wictor that he displayed a propensity for jumping from conjecture to full-blown assertions. “I’m a very assertive person,” he replied. “I believe that these are obvious fakes, but I could be wrong.”

.... If Frum had done a little more digging, he would have found other posts on Wictor’s blog that call into question his credibility. Frum might have discovered some of Wictor’s recent free-associative rhapsodies or winding disquisitions on minstrel shows. Frum might’ve even found Wictor’s post where he thinks he has taken a photo of a “dematerializing” cat — apparently the second coming of a ghost cat Wictor knew earlier in life.

When prodded on whether the dematerializing cat thing was serious or ironic, Wictor laughed. “No, it is serious. You can present me as completely off my rocker,” he says. “The fact is I took a picture of a cat that looked like my beloved dead cat, and when the shutter snapped the cat was gone. I tend to believe that when we’re under a lot of stress and pain, we can hallucinate. Sure, why not? But I also believe that we might get signs to help us carry on.” << --- from here, a critic of Wictor as unreliable source on an entirely different matter​
Yes, that's it. And it happened among a wave of women finally speaking out. You nedd to understand how much simpler this explanation is than whatever conspiracy idiocy you have bouncing around that gray lump of yours.

Innocent until proven guilty is only a conspiracy theory in countries like Cuba.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.

One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

Well the holier than thou crew has mega problems on their hands with millions of tax payer dollars now having found out to have been spent settling sexual harassment claims.

And the good old boy network isn't naming the guilty. And they haven't been ejected either. Dirty as hell on the hill.
Innocent until proven guilty is only a conspiracy theory in countries like Cuba.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.

One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

Well the holier than thou crew has mega problems on their hands with millions of tax payer dollars now having found out to have been spent settling sexual harassment claims.

And the good old boy network isn't naming the guilty. And they haven't been ejected either. Dirty as hell on the hill.

Oh yes, there's more to come... enough to go around...
Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!
At least he waited until she was 23 before he started dating her.
Holy Cow! This thread is still burning? What's next is due is to the burning AND exposing of Uranium-One! I'm ready to implement Phase 2 single torpedo bay on the refit.
...Fuck you. I back up what I post. Now someone who signed this book signed OLDE Hickory House. That's not the name of the restaurant. Glaring freaking mistake.

Not even spelling the name of the restaurant correctly?

It's not the Olde Hickory House. Holy toledo they blew it! I was pulling up the restaurant to see where it was located.


tineeee gets bombed again, and blows it all to hell.

City directory confirms Olde Hickory House stood at 305 East Meighan Blvd in Gadsden in 1977. Site now has Rally’s.



Vintage ad for The "Olde" Hickory House on Meighan Blvd., Page 21, The Gadsden Times, Jan. 2, 1978.





My sides! My sides!


Sooooooooooooooo...... not only DID they call it "Olde", they went out of their way to highlight that spelling as an ad hook ---- then they did it again with "'Olde' fashion" [sic]

Even Jayne Mansfield wasn't this busted.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

Nice try-- "The gateway pundit"--REALLY. That's your new source for news now--:badgrin:

There is no worse predator than a 32 year old man that stalks a young girl, tries to initiate personal private contact, and then deliberately manipulates them away from their parents. These young girls are very naive, trusting, and easily manipulated by someone they deem as an offical in safe hands.

Roy Moore has abused his status and his power--and he cannot be seated in the senate. He is every parent's worst nightmare, he is the DEVIL.


Leigh Corfman, left, in a photo from 1979, when she was about 14. At right, from top, Wendy Miller around age 16, Debbie Wesson Gibson around age 17 and Gloria Thacker Deason around age 18. (Family photos)
Woman says Roy Moore initiated sexual encounter when she was 14, he was 32

I will remind everyone that these girls (now women) did not come forward, they were found by the Washington Post. Indicating that the parents of these young girls filed complaints on Roy Moore, possibly decades ago that were ignored because of his status in life.

At your peril vote for Roy Moore--because you can bet that all the cards haven't been dealt yet. There will be much more to come (after) he's elected. If he wins this election you've just handed Democrats another weapon of mass destruction that will be used in every race across this country in the midterm election cycle next year. Be smart--vote for the Democrat in this race Don Jones.
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Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.

Did he say that?

Since you bring up the Democrat though -- think his name is Doug Jones -- his claim to fame is bringing the Klan perpetrators of the infamous 16th Street Bombing to justice. That was the race terror attack in Birmingham that killed four young girls.

So basically you have one candidate known for going after attacks on young girls, and you have another candidate known for eyeing little girls with bad intent.

"Hey Aqualung"

Think that's a factor here?

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
When the e-lection results rolled in
With screaming agony

He's spot on. The writing above his signature is world's apart from the writing below.

maybe he wrote it with his dick in hand, huh??

You guys have really disgusting minds

Hey, we're not banned from the Gadsen Mall...... :eusa_whistle:
Is Clinton? No? Huh

And yet one set of allegations is to be believed and the other not? Why?

On another note, having grown up it a town not that far removed from one as Gadsen, In the same time period, someone who would do what is alleged would not last long. If the local Police wouldn't have taken care of it, family, relatives and others that knew the girls sure as shit would have. And I don't give a crap how rich or powerful the predator was. That's just the way it was.
Yes, that's it. And it happened among a wave of women finally speaking out. You nedd to understand how much simpler this explanation is than whatever conspiracy idiocy you have bouncing around that gray lump of yours.

Innocent until proven guilty is only a conspiracy theory in countries like Cuba.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.

One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

If something like this happened to you, i seriously doubt you'd be so gung-ho about throwing away due process. You would expect to be considered innocent till proven guilty.
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.

Did he say that?

Since you bring up the Democrat though -- think his name is Doug Jones -- his claim to fame is bringing the Klan perpetrators of the infamous 16th Street Bombing to justice. That was the race terror attack in Birmingham that killed four young girls.

So basically you have one candidate known for going after attacks on young girls, and you have another candidate known for eyeing little girls with bad intent.

"Hey Aqualung"

Think that's a factor here?

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
When the e-lection results rolled in
With screaming agony


Flake did. And he's Mitch's bitch. And McConnell is at war with the voters of Alabama because they went against Strange. It's really that simple.

No evidence at all the Moore molested anyone let alone tried to rape a girl. I imagine voters in Alabama have to look at supporting a man who believes in killing babies in the womb or a man they have known and respected for years who has accusations thrown at him a couple of weeks out if an election after 40 years have passed.
He's spot on. The writing above his signature is world's apart from the writing below.

maybe he wrote it with his dick in hand, huh??

You guys have really disgusting minds

Hey, we're not banned from the Gadsen Mall...... :eusa_whistle:
Is Clinton? No? Huh

And yet one set of allegations is to be believed and the other not? Why?

On another note, having grown up it a town not that far removed from one as Gadsen, In the same time period, someone who would do what is alleged would not last long. If the local Police wouldn't have taken care of it, family, relatives and others that knew the girls sure as shit would have. And I don't give a crap how rich or powerful the predator was. That's just the way it was.

Bingo! A hunting trip would have been involved.
Innocent until proven guilty is only a conspiracy theory in countries like Cuba.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.

One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

If something like this happened to you, i seriously doubt you'd be so gung-ho about throwing away due process. You would expect to be considered innocent till proven guilty.

Exactly. And what a precedent it would set if anyone in the future could accuse any politician about to run of sexual misconduct from a quizzillion years ago without proof, without evidence and force that individual to stand down.
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.

Did he say that?

Since you bring up the Democrat though -- think his name is Doug Jones -- his claim to fame is bringing the Klan perpetrators of the infamous 16th Street Bombing to justice. That was the race terror attack in Birmingham that killed four young girls.

So basically you have one candidate known for going after attacks on young girls, and you have another candidate known for eyeing little girls with bad intent.

"Hey Aqualung"

Think that's a factor here?

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze
When the e-lection results rolled in
With screaming agony

it seems that is an epidemic in congress right now. oops, these holier than though idiots have sexual accusations on both sides of the aisle. Right fking now.

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