IT’S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Allred's Accuser’s Yearbook Was FORGED

Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

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IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

I didn’t notice the handwriting differences, but I did notice the December Christmas part and though that was odd.

Anybody who was in high school in the 70s, did y’all do yearbooks at Christmas?

I believe it's possible to sign a yearbook any time of the year. Call me crazy....
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

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IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

I didn’t notice the handwriting differences, but I did notice the December Christmas part and though that was odd.

Anybody who was in high school in the 70s, did y’all do yearbooks at Christmas?

I believe it's possible to sign a yearbook any time of the year. Call me crazy....

Yup..and I wonder..was that the yearbook of her Freshman year..or Sophomore? I only remember my Senior Yearbook...I think we paid for them around April..and got them a few weeks before was a while ago...I remember all the signing going around late in the year. But for underclassmen..might have been different.
When you see the two examples side by side. The forgery is obvious.

I really really want this to be forensically examined.
Not gonna happen... the RNC has already pulled (1) campaign fundraising partnership and (2) their field-operatives previously assisting in the campaign.

Hell... even the RNC in its present powerless decrepit state knows a REAL Loser (Moore) when it sees one.

Oh the RNC under McConnell WANTS him to lose. Even before the accusations. McConnell's man was Luther Strange and he spent a fortune on trying to get Strange to win the primary. Old Swamp Rat Mitch would rather have a Democrat win.

No doubt about it.

"The millions spent on TV ads propping up Strange were wasted, Schlapp said, because they only emphasized that Strange was McConnell's candidate.

"The messenger is the message. And if the messenger lacks credibility, then the message will lack credibility," Schlapp said.

As for Strange, he said, "He was Mitch's boy and he was the governor's boy."

Roy Moore wins first battle of anti-Mitch McConnell war - CNNPolitics

Just goes to battle does not a war make.
Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!

Ok, that is just freaky!

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Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!

Ok, that is just freaky!

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Or, someone found a yearbook with Moore’s wife in it and found someone from there to fake a story! That’s the ticket
Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!

Ok, that is just freaky!

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Or, someone found a yearbook with Moore’s wife in it and found someone from there to fake a story! That’s the ticket
LoL..yeah..go with that...
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.
The that when all the smoke clears...Sessions is back in the Senate..and the Bannon wing is dealt a stinging defeat!

That appears to be the RINO dream. Party over the voter. Just like what happened with the D's in the last election. If Hillary hadn't racked up all her super delegates (something like 500) before the primaries even started I think Sanders could have won.

Man that would have been the MOST interesting election evah!!!!!!!!!!!! Sanders vs Trump.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

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IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

I didn’t notice the handwriting differences, but I did notice the December Christmas part and though that was odd.

Anybody who was in high school in the 70s, did y’all do yearbooks at Christmas?

I believe it's possible to sign a yearbook any time of the year. Call me crazy....
I thought the account given was that she just got her yearbook.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

I didn’t notice the handwriting differences, but I did notice the December Christmas part and though that was odd.

Anybody who was in high school in the 70s, did y’all do yearbooks at Christmas?

I believe it's possible to sign a yearbook any time of the year. Call me crazy....
I thought the account given was that she just got her yearbook.

The school itself says they issue it at the beginning of the school year. She was a junior at that point, and you know, you actually have to purchase them.

Most schools don't issue them to every student automatically. It's wild the fact she may have ordered a book in a little later in the year, or it was delayed in delivery in some strange defense of this pervert -- that somehow -- what? The yearbook inscription didn't happen?

Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

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IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.
Republicans in the Senate know this. He will be first elected Senator rejected and sent back since the Civil War if the shameless citizens of Alabama elect him.

If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.

If he didn't do anything, why would that be the honorable thing?
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

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IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED


Who ever claimed both '7s' were written by the same person? It appears someone other than Moore added a date and location at the bottom.

Leave it to you to get duped yet again by thegatewaypundit. You just never learn.


Why would someone put a date and location in a year book?
Moron... someone wrote the date and location on there. Clearly, they had a reason.
Yeah, the reason was slandering Moore.
So? The right is well acquainted with slandering the left.

The truth isn't slander.

Besides, in print its libel
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

I didn’t notice the handwriting differences, but I did notice the December Christmas part and though that was odd.

Anybody who was in high school in the 70s, did y’all do yearbooks at Christmas?

I believe it's possible to sign a yearbook any time of the year. Call me crazy....
I thought the account given was that she just got her yearbook.

The school itself says they issue it at the beginning of the school year. She was a junior at that point, and you know, you actually have to purchase them.

Most schools don't issue them to every student automatically. It's wild the fact she may have ordered a book in a little later in the year, or it was delayed in delivery in some strange defense of this pervert -- that somehow -- what? The yearbook inscription didn't happen?

Maybe he had something to do with all the yearbooks getting delayed so he could write Merry Christmas! LOL you all are truly nut jobs. His ploy for 38 years later
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.
Republicans in the Senate know this. He will be first elected Senator rejected and sent back since the Civil War if the shameless citizens of Alabama elect him.

If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.

If he didn't do anything, why would that be the honorable thing?

Because he's dragging the party down. There will be no trial. There is no way he can clear his name. This will follow him.
Uh-oh... the RNC just pulled his funding.

RNC cuts off Moore

They’re trying to sink him like the Titanic but he’s refusing to go down.


"The RNC is pulling out of a joint fundraising agreement it had with Moore, according to a senior party official briefed on the decision. It is also canceling a field program it had set up ahead of the state’s Dec. 12 special election. The committee had about a dozen paid canvassers in Alabama working for Moore. It will no longer transfer any money to the race.

Even before allegations surfaced against Moore, the committee believed he was in trouble. Internal RNC polling conducted around a week ago showed him leading his Democratic opponent by just two percentage points. The committee has been evaluating its options about what to do about Moore over the last few days."

He wasn't in trouble. McConnell is having a shit fit that Luther didn't take the primary. What we are witnessing truly is the political establishment on the R side of the aisle who tried to force their pick on the people of Alabama and were rejected now going to war against the voters.

Quite amazing. McConnell would rather the Democrat win.
The that when all the smoke clears...Sessions is back in the Senate..and the Bannon wing is dealt a stinging defeat!

That appears to be the RINO dream. Party over the voter. Just like what happened with the D's in the last election. If Hillary hadn't racked up all her super delegates (something like 500) before the primaries even started I think Sanders could have won.

Man that would have been the MOST interesting election evah!!!!!!!!!!!! Sanders vs Trump.

You pseudo-consrvative, cackling bigits need to wake the fk up and realize YOU are the "RINOs".
Well, here's a kicker!

That same sophomore class that Beverly Young graduated from -- also has a picture of Moore's future wife, Kayla Kisor:


They were in the same grade together, at the same school!

Ok, that is just freaky!

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I remember that it was normal for a girl that was 12 years old to married someone that is twice her age. My Dad is twice the age of my mother. They started dating when she was 17. John Brown second wife was at the age of 12. They had raised the age limit in some states to married without consent of their parents or a judge. But the issue about Roy is that they are saying that he was stocking or sexually assualting the women. But it was not about them being under the age of 18. But In Roy's era, all men had married young women, with the parent's permission. That was the norm of those days. But they are trying to rolled their eyes at him as if he was the only man that chased after young women in those days. If you ever watched the movie color purple. In that movie, Celie the rolled Whoopi Goldberg played. That her sister in the movie was supposedly has been at the age of 12, the one that Danny Glover was chasing after. And the drinking and smoking age that there was no limits. But the richer that a man is in those days, the younger the women that chases after them. And a lot of women in those days lied about their age so that they can get married without permission. And I believe that Las Vegas in those days didn't checked for I.D. and didn't asked for a blood test, and which you need a blood test in those days to get married.. That is why the majority of people had went to Vegas to get married.
They know that Roy is an old fashion country boy, that had followed old southern customs, which they are trying to use against him.

Age of marriage in the United States - Wikipedia

John Sidney McCain III is an American politician who currently serves as the senior United States Senator from Arizona, in that office since 1987.Wikipedia

Born: August 29, 1936 (age 81), Coco Solo, Panama
Office: Senator (AZ) since 1987
Children: Meghan McCain, Bridget McCain, James McCain, MORE
Spouse: Cindy McCain (m. 1980), Carol McCain (m. 1965–1980)

Congress has a sexual harassment problem, lawmakers and staffers say - CNNPolitics

"In fact, there are two members of Congress, Republican and Democrat, right now who serve, who have been subject to review or have not been subject to review, but have engaged in sexual harassment," Speier said during a House Administration Committee hearing Tuesday morning examining sexual harassment policies. Two members of Congress "have engaged in sexual harassment," Rep. Jackie Speier says - CBS News

Most Americans think of child marriage as a vestige of a bygone era. And yet in every state, people under 18 are allowed to marry.

Some states set minimum ages for brides and grooms — sometimes as low as 13 or 14 — and usually require the permission of a parent, judge, or both before a minor can wed. But laws in about half the states allow children of any age to marry, as long as they receive the proper permission.

That may be changing. This year legislators in 10 states have introduced bills to raise the marriage age. Proponents say updating marriage laws, which in many states are more than a century old, will help protect children from being pushed into marriages by parents and predators. Some lawmakers, disturbed by instances of pregnant girls heading to the courthouse to marry older men, argue that marriage licenses should not be given to men who have committed statutory rape.

Young brides who say they were forced down the aisle are backing the efforts, as are justices of the peace who say current law requires them to approve marriages between young girls and older men.

“Fourteen was just ridiculous,” said New York Assemblywoman Amy Paulin, a Democrat who sponsored a bill this year that would align the age for marriage with the state’s age of sexual consent, 17. Minors still would need parental and judicial permission to marry.

Proponents of raising the marriage age had some success in Virginia, where girls under 16 were permitted to marry if they were pregnant. A law enacted last year requires 16- and 17-year-olds to be given adult status from a court before they can marry.

But Republican Gov. Chris Christie vetoed a bill Thursday that would have made New Jersey the first state to outlaw marriage for anyone under 18. Under state law, people under 18 need parental permission to marry, and those under 16 must also have a judge’s consent. Lawmakers in 10 states push to raise marriage age

"All this 'dirt' on Moore, yet only now it's all coming out? "

Because Moore decided to crawl out from under his rock and run for Senate. Duh.

Yes, i'm sure that's it. You probably still believe in Santa Clause too, huh?

Yes, that's it. And it happened among a wave of women finally speaking out. You nedd to understand how much simpler this explanation is than whatever conspiracy idiocy you have bouncing around that gray lump of yours.

Innocent until proven guilty is only a conspiracy theory in countries like Cuba.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.
Case closed. Allred and this attention seeker should be sued into oblivion.

The comments are great!
IT'S A FAKE! Analyst Says Judge Roy Moore Signature Inside Gloria Allred Accuser's Yearbook Was FORGED

There will be no coming back from this. The defense of a child molester is fatal for all who engage in it.
Republicans in the Senate know this. He will be first elected Senator rejected and sent back since the Civil War if the shameless citizens of Alabama elect him.

If Moore had any honor, he would drop out for the sake of the party and the Republicans in Congress who are forced to speak on this subject.

If he didn't do anything, why would that be the honorable thing?

Because he's dragging the party down. There will be no trial. There is no way he can clear his name. This will follow him.

McConnell is waging war on Moore and the voters of Alabama because they refused to accept his RINO Luther Strange. It's just that simple. And this has been before the accusations.

Old Mitch is beside himself because he spent a fortune on Strange and couldn't pull it off.
Yes, i'm sure that's it. You probably still believe in Santa Clause too, huh?

Yes, that's it. And it happened among a wave of women finally speaking out. You nedd to understand how much simpler this explanation is than whatever conspiracy idiocy you have bouncing around that gray lump of yours.

Innocent until proven guilty is only a conspiracy theory in countries like Cuba.

The allegations against him are very weak. One of the women even worked for Hillary Clinton at one point. Once you turn off the hysterical Fake News, you realize the allegations are very weak and way too well-timed.

You are delusional. The accusations are very strong, given the number of them coming from people who have never met one another, with his creepy behavior being corroborated by so many others. That's why he is being asked to step down. That's why he'll be thrown out of the Senate, if elected. You keep lying to yourself, see what difference it makes...hint:zero

Yeah you're right, we should just go ahead and do away with our due process judicial system, and declare everyone 'Guilty till proven Innocent' instead. Let's throw away what's worked for hundreds of years here. Sounds good.

One doesnt have to be guilty under the law to be shunned from a prominent position such as Senator. If that's your standard, I'll be watching for your OJ campaign donation. ;)

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