It's a fake folks LoL

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"?
Of course we's just that you have made these accusations repeatedly without having any evidence to support your claims.

You have allowed your emotional hatred and your butt-hurt anger over Hillary losing overwhelm your common sense and intelligence, if you have / had any.

The Legal Definition of Treason is as follows:

against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
1. We are not at war with Russia.
2. Russia is not officially our 'enemy'
3. There is no evidence of 'Treason', let alone any witnesses to this non-existent crime.

Let's compare that with / to OBAMA: Giving our enemies aid and comfort:
- Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the United States into Un-Constitutional Wars to aid and abet our terrorist enemies.
--- Obama created Rules of Engagement that prevented the Coalition from striking ISIS Black Market Oil Operations that funded 50% of their terrorist activities, to include the largest attack on France since WWII. AFTER that attack, the coalition launched an air strike on those ISIS oil ops...and Barak Obama betrayed the Coalition by WARNING ISIS the attack was coming.
--- Obama dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, UN-Approved WAR to HELP AL QAEDA, the terrorist group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans, take over Libya, helping them murder and overthrow Libya's President WHO WAS HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA.
--- Obama RELEASED the Taliban 5, the brutal leaders of the Taliban. A week after one of them being released, his sect / group slaughtered an entire village in Afghanistan, killing every man, woman and child.

Obama interfered in the elections sand/or governments of several nations, doing far more than the Democrats claim the Russians did, in an attempt to overthrown governments, de-stabilize nations to the point terrorists took over / could take over:
- EGYPT: Temporarily successful, aiding the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood to take over the govt of our all
- LIBYA: Successful - Took the nation to Un-Constitutional war, helped Al Qaeda take over and allow Libya to be a safe haven for Al Qaeda and ISIS
- ISRAEL: Un-successful
- SYRIA: Obama's 2nd un-Constitutional Un-approved personal war - Un-Successful
- The U.S.: Illegal sharing of classified, illegal leaking of classified, illegal obstruction, Felony Espionage, protecting a politician from deserved indictment and prosecution

Sorry, but Trump never defied / refused to comply with the FBI as did Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz, deleting evidence, smashing servers / hard-drives / devices with hammers, using Bleach Bit to destroy evidence.....

FBI Director Comey testified under oath how Lynch obstructed Justice. The snowflakes have nothing on Trump...unless they try to claim that saying 'I HOPE' is the same thing as 'I ORDER YOU TO'...which will never hold up in a court of law.

I asked snowflakes to provide 1 example of Trump violating the Constitution last week - crickets. I, on the other hand, have provided a list of just SOME of the Constitutional violations (some in this post) of which Obama is guilty.

You keep making these ridiculous accusations without ever having the face of the repeatedly PROVEN crimes of Obama and the Democratic Party.

Once again, YOU FAIL!
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.
how many investigators are working the cases now ?? 16,,? or 17 experienced experts on digging up dirt? And all being done on the QT
how many do you really need before you're just doing a SEVENTEEN AGENCIES SAID RUSSIA SPIED which translated to 3 did and 1 spoke for the other 14.
How many??? Enough to bury the lying vile POS
Isnt this like the second or third time they have brought in Grand Jury on this same investigation? You people are fucking idiots
Isnt this like the second or third time they have brought in Grand Jury on this same investigation? You people are fucking idiots
This is the second Grand Jury.
The first one is out of Virginia, and it regards Michael Flynn.
This one is from DC, and it regards other Trump associates, and family. The subpoena that was issued for the 2nd one recently involved the Don, Jr's "I love it!" June meeting with the Russians.
You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"?
Of course we's just that you have made these accusations repeatedly without having any evidence to support your claims.

You have allowed your emotional hatred and your butt-hurt anger over Hillary losing overwhelm your common sense and intelligence, if you have / had any.

The Legal Definition of Treason is as follows:

against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
1. We are not at war with Russia.
2. Russia is not officially our 'enemy'
3. There is no evidence of 'Treason', let alone any witnesses to this non-existent crime.

Let's compare that with / to OBAMA: Giving our enemies aid and comfort:
- Obama financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended, and even dragged the United States into Un-Constitutional Wars to aid and abet our terrorist enemies.
--- Obama created Rules of Engagement that prevented the Coalition from striking ISIS Black Market Oil Operations that funded 50% of their terrorist activities, to include the largest attack on France since WWII. AFTER that attack, the coalition launched an air strike on those ISIS oil ops...and Barak Obama betrayed the Coalition by WARNING ISIS the attack was coming.
--- Obama dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, UN-Approved WAR to HELP AL QAEDA, the terrorist group that slaughtered 3,000 Americans, take over Libya, helping them murder and overthrow Libya's President WHO WAS HELPING THE COALITION FIGHT TERRORISTS IN NORTHERN AFRICA.
--- Obama RELEASED the Taliban 5, the brutal leaders of the Taliban. A week after one of them being released, his sect / group slaughtered an entire village in Afghanistan, killing every man, woman and child.

Obama interfered in the elections sand/or governments of several nations, doing far more than the Democrats claim the Russians did, in an attempt to overthrown governments, de-stabilize nations to the point terrorists took over / could take over:
- EGYPT: Temporarily successful, aiding the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood to take over the govt of our all
- LIBYA: Successful - Took the nation to Un-Constitutional war, helped Al Qaeda take over and allow Libya to be a safe haven for Al Qaeda and ISIS
- ISRAEL: Un-successful
- SYRIA: Obama's 2nd un-Constitutional Un-approved personal war - Un-Successful
- The U.S.: Illegal sharing of classified, illegal leaking of classified, illegal obstruction, Felony Espionage, protecting a politician from deserved indictment and prosecution

Sorry, but Trump never defied / refused to comply with the FBI as did Hillary and Wasserman-Schultz, deleting evidence, smashing servers / hard-drives / devices with hammers, using Bleach Bit to destroy evidence.....

FBI Director Comey testified under oath how Lynch obstructed Justice. The snowflakes have nothing on Trump...unless they try to claim that saying 'I HOPE' is the same thing as 'I ORDER YOU TO'...which will never hold up in a court of law.

I asked snowflakes to provide 1 example of Trump violating the Constitution last week - crickets. I, on the other hand, have provided a list of just SOME of the Constitutional violations (some in this post) of which Obama is guilty.

You keep making these ridiculous accusations without ever having the face of the repeatedly PROVEN crimes of Obama and the Democratic Party.

Once again, YOU FAIL!

You keep saying I'm butthurt. Why? Trump isn't Prime Minister of Canada. He's not fucking over Canadians, or giving himself tax cuts at my expense. He's the most entertaining President ever, from my point of view.

And then there's the standard Trumpanzee snowflake deflection "But HILLARY". Hillary isn't President. She's not publically embarrassing herself every time she opens her mouth. The world isn't laughing at Hillary like they are at Trump and every fool who still supports him.

You keep saying there's no evidence of Trump's crimes. There's lots of evidence but you have to open your eyes and ears to see it and hear it. Just for starters, there's Junior meeting with the Russian lawyer and Sessions settling the case she's involved in for 3 cents on the dollar.

There's Trump's refusal to divest himself of his business interests. His receipt of 10 Trump trade marks as a gift from the Chinese. His cutting of federal programs making rent payments made directly to landlords, except for the one program from which his company, and members of both his and the Kuchner Families' companies receives rent payments.

That Russian government lawyer Junior met with has one job for the Russian government: Get the Magnitsky Law, and the sanctions it imposes on certain Russian oligarchs and politicians, repealed. Under this law, the billions which Vladimir Putin has stolen/extorted and stashed off-shore from Russian Businesses, is at risk of seizure by the US government. In retaliation for passage of this law, Putin banned adoption of Russian orphans by Americans.

That picture of the same Russian lawyer sitting behind the US Ambassador to Russia, the one released to the press to show her connections to the Democrats you personally were crowing about? That seat was reserved for her by a top level member of Trump's Florida campaign.

Putin wanted to weaken NATO so he could have a free hand in the Ukraine. One of Trump's first acts as President was to threaten not to come to the aid of members who are not paying their "fair share". Nearly all of the NATO members are in compliance with the terms of the Agreement which requires them to spend (not pay) 2% of GDP by 2024. The Ukraine is one of the few who is not.

In return for that ceasefire in Syria (read "good PR for Trump), President Trump agreed to stay out of Russia's "internal affairs". Russia considers the Ukraine to be part of their "internal affairs".

And on another front, there's the Mooch, who created this huge big drama at the White House for a week that had the entire MS media in a total frenzy for 10 whole days and was then summarily fired. I'm sure that the Mooch will have no regulatory difficulty with his multi-billion corporate sale to the Chinese given what a great distraction he provided for the boss. It was an Oscar worthy performance.

During that same 10 day period when all eyes were glued to the White House, the American businessman who had $230 million dollars stolen from his Russian government tax account, and who's lawyer, Sergei Magnitsky, was imprisoned and murdered by the Russian government, and who's case is the basis of the Magnitsky Act, testified before The Senate. Few people noticed his testimony because Spicer quit, Preibus got fired, the Boy Scouts were embarrassed and the Police Chiefs were pissed.

$230 million dollars. Gee that number sounds familiar. Why that's the amount of the Russian money laundering case that the Russian lawyer Junior met with was working on. You know, the one Sessions settled for 3 cents on the dollar.

Pay no attention to Trump's Russian connections. Or all of the meetings that members of the Trump campaign forgot to disclose. There's nothing to see here.

No wonder Mueller has convened a Special Grand Jury.
You keep saying I'm butthurt. Why? Trump isn't Prime Minister of Canada. He's not fucking over Canadians, or giving himself tax cuts at my expense. He's the most entertaining President ever, from my point of view.
You are an OBVIOUS liberal, Democrat/Hillary/Obama butt-hugger and massive Trump HATER. You are anything but 'objective' as you continually spew HATE and OPINION without any evidence to back up your lies and accusations, just like liberal snowflakes.

I have no problem with someone saying the investigation of 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' are underway, but you partisan Hate-Mongers DECLARE Trump is guilty, he is a traitor he is a colluder, he is guilty of Obstruction, guilty of this, guilty of that, blah, blah. blah...WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.

If you were objective there is no way in hell you could deny the MOUNTAIN of crimes the Democrats have engaged in and have exposed themselves as having done. When anyone does bring up the Democrats' crimes it is THEN and ONLY then that snowflakes start declaring ' Not guilty without evidence, without indictment, without charges, without conviction' - the very things you do NOT afford Trump / Republicans when you start your 'Hate frenzy'!

You have posted your OPINIONS as FACT, and I have shot them down every time, providing evidence to support my points, something you have not been able to do, instead simply personally attacking ME.

It is ONVIOUS that you are butt-hurt over Trump's victory.

Here's a shocker, DL...if Trump is PROVEN guilty of collusion, obstruction, etc...unlike Democrats in regards to their proven criminals, I will gladly stand with you and call for him being punished. I care more for my country, have loyally served in the armed forces of this nation for 30 oath I took on my 1st day has no expiration date, and my loyalty STILL remains to this COUNTRY, not to any man, woman, or political party.

In the meantime, however, I am going to stand up for the Rule of law, which states EVERYONE - not just Democrats - are INNOCENT until proven guilty, that to find someone guilty a crime must be proven to have been committed, criminal activity must be proven, collusion must be proven, obstruction must be proven, evidence must be found and submitted, indictments much be issued, charges must be filed, and convictions must occur.

Democrats...snowflakes...YOU...have FAILED to do so thus far!
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Fake Special Prosecutor convenes Fake Grand Jury to...
We could be talking about Trump's victory for replacing ObamaCare. We could be talking about Trump's victory in achieving significant tax reform. We could be talking about Trump putting America first and smacking Putin in the chops for meddling in our election. We could be talking about Trump's obliterating ISIS in 30 days. We could be talking about the first bricks being laid for Trump's great big beautiful anti-Mexican wall and we could be watching the Mexican President signing the check for it.

We are instead talking about Trump's real achievements. Bending over for Putin. Showing us his pockets are empty with no replacement health bill. Everyone around him rushing to bring Russians into The Donald Tower. And of course his non stop stream of lies every day.
You keep saying I'm butthurt. Why? Trump isn't Prime Minister of Canada. He's not fucking over Canadians, or giving himself tax cuts at my expense. He's the most entertaining President ever, from my point of view.
You are an OBVIOUS liberal, Democrat/Hillary/Obama butt-hugger and massive Trump HATER. You are anything but 'objective' as you continually spew HATE and OPINION without any evidence to back up your lies and accusations, just like liberal snowflakes.

I have no problem with someone saying the investigation of 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' are underway, but you partisan Hate-Mongers DECLARE Trump is guilty, he is a traitor he is a colluder, he is guilty of Obstruction, guilty of this, guilty of that, blah, blah. blah...WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.

If you were objective there is no way in hell you could deny the MOUNTAIN of crimes the Democrats have engaged in and have exposed themselves as having done. When anyone does bring up the Democrats' crimes it is THEN and ONLY then that snowflakes start declaring ' Not guilty without evidence, without indictment, without charges, without conviction' - the very things you do NOT afford Trump / Republicans when you start your 'Hate frenzy'!

You have posted your OPINIONS as FACT, and I have shot them down every time, providing evidence to support my points, something you have not been able to do, instead simply personally attacking ME.

It is ONVIOUS that you are butt-hurt over Trump's victory.

Here's a shocker, DL...if Trump is PROVEN guilty of collusion, obstruction, etc...unlike Democrats in regards to their proven criminals, I will gladly stand with you and call for him being punished. I care more for my country, have loyally served in the armed forces of this nation for 30 oath I took on my 1st day has no expiration date, and my loyalty STILL remains to this COUNTRY, not to any man, woman, or political party.

In the meantime, however, I am going to stand up for the Rule of law, which states EVERYONE - not just Democrats - are INNOCENT until proven guilty, that to find someone guilty a crime must be proven to have been committed, criminal activity must be proven, collusion must be proven, obstruction must be proven, evidence must be found and submitted, indictments much be issued, charges must be filed, and convictions must occur.

Democrats...snowflakes...YOU...have FAILED to do so thus far!

It's absolutely laughable that you say that the lack of charges, and finding of guilt are necessary for you to believe Trump is guilty of ANYTHING, when you are certain of the guilt of Hillary Clinton and/or Obama, the Democrats, when multiple Investigations of the Clintons and Obama have failed to find any evidence of wrong doing and no charges have been filed.

So Trumpanzee, your double standard makes this the "Unintentionally Ironic Post of the Year".

*Cue Applause*
You keep saying I'm butthurt. Why? Trump isn't Prime Minister of Canada. He's not fucking over Canadians, or giving himself tax cuts at my expense. He's the most entertaining President ever, from my point of view.
You are an OBVIOUS liberal, Democrat/Hillary/Obama butt-hugger and massive Trump HATER. You are anything but 'objective' as you continually spew HATE and OPINION without any evidence to back up your lies and accusations, just like liberal snowflakes.

I have no problem with someone saying the investigation of 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' are underway, but you partisan Hate-Mongers DECLARE Trump is guilty, he is a traitor he is a colluder, he is guilty of Obstruction, guilty of this, guilty of that, blah, blah. blah...WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.

If you were objective there is no way in hell you could deny the MOUNTAIN of crimes the Democrats have engaged in and have exposed themselves as having done. When anyone does bring up the Democrats' crimes it is THEN and ONLY then that snowflakes start declaring ' Not guilty without evidence, without indictment, without charges, without conviction' - the very things you do NOT afford Trump / Republicans when you start your 'Hate frenzy'!

You have posted your OPINIONS as FACT, and I have shot them down every time, providing evidence to support my points, something you have not been able to do, instead simply personally attacking ME.

It is ONVIOUS that you are butt-hurt over Trump's victory.

Here's a shocker, DL...if Trump is PROVEN guilty of collusion, obstruction, etc...unlike Democrats in regards to their proven criminals, I will gladly stand with you and call for him being punished. I care more for my country, have loyally served in the armed forces of this nation for 30 oath I took on my 1st day has no expiration date, and my loyalty STILL remains to this COUNTRY, not to any man, woman, or political party.

In the meantime, however, I am going to stand up for the Rule of law, which states EVERYONE - not just Democrats - are INNOCENT until proven guilty, that to find someone guilty a crime must be proven to have been committed, criminal activity must be proven, collusion must be proven, obstruction must be proven, evidence must be found and submitted, indictments much be issued, charges must be filed, and convictions must occur.

Democrats...snowflakes...YOU...have FAILED to do so thus far!

It's absolutely laughable that you say that the lack of charges, and finding of guilt are necessary for you to believe Trump is guilty of ANYTHING, when you are certain of the guilt of Hillary Clinton and/or Obama, the Democrats, when multiple Investigations of the Clintons and Obama have failed to find any evidence of wrong doing and no charges have been filed.

So Trumpanzee, your double standard makes this the "Unintentionally Ironic Post of the Year".

*Cue Applause*
Dragon I love the way you leave the opposition in the mud
It's absolutely laughable that you say that the lack of charges, and finding of guilt are necessary for you to believe Trump is guilty of ANYTHING...

ACCORDING TO SNOWFLAKES, their criminal Democrats are NOT 'Guilty' of anything BECAUSE no indictments have been issued, no charges have been filed. and no convictions have happened....despite their KNOWING Trump is 'Guilty' without any of that, either. .

See, there goes that hypocritical BS again you guys like to deny. By those same standards, however, Trump isn't 'Guilty' of anything because snowflakes / dims have...

NOT proven a crime was committed
NOT proven criminal activity
NOT proven Collusion
NOT proven Obstruction
NOT provided any evidence
NOT issued any indictments
NOT charged anyone
NOT convicted anyone.

Once again, with your own defenses of Democratic Party Criminals / Crimes, YOU FAIL!
NOT proven a crime was committed
NOT proven criminal activity
NOT proven Collusion
NOT proven Obstruction
NOT provided any evidence
NOT issued any indictments
NOT charged anyone
NOT convicted anyone.

17 investigations of Hillary Clinton, 7 Benghazi Investigations, 1 Special Prosecutor - and she meets each and every one of those Criteria.

Barack Obama left office with another record: not a single member of his administration failed to meet that criteria.

You Fucking Trumpanzee hypocrite.
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When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show

forget about whether cheetolini et al are as guilty as sin...the fact that you are uninterested whether or not it's a possibilty is astounding & unsurprising all wrapped up in one big methane filled bubble that is your existence.
When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
No it's actually an investigation. If Trump was clean in his dealings with the Russians he has nothing to worry about

But for some reason he keeps changing his story

that does tend to make intelligent, logical, & thinking bipeds go :eusa_think: hmmmmmm....
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.
Actually I consider all of the above horrid. What I don't get is that, as a non Trump supporter, what the hell are you talking about? Treason? By all mans explain? Obstruction of justice, please explain. Undermindinding the US constitution please explain. Quite frankly this is typical leftwing screaming. No substance just noise.

Seriously, start with treason. back that up or go join the idiots screaming about fascism.

I could probably answer for you "Fascism, patriarchy, racism, lots of other left wing nonsense". The noise is deafening.

the investigations aren't over. when all the Is are dotted & the Ts crossed,& the intel becomes hard evidence then impeachment will begin because there will be no denial of wrong doing. the senate will then proceed & go to trial. as for explaining... do your own fucking research, because trying to 'explain' .... again futile with the poorly educated. did you enjoy mango mussilini's rally in WV? i bet you did.

Here's your explanation to the Senate during the trial . . . .

"Hillary did it, why can't I?"

No way will get enough Senate then proceed proceed to convict, (two-thirds vote? not likely,) and you will be stuck with your "Orange Reality TV star."

And this whole circus you selfish brats created in the media, the government and the nation with will be all for naught, happy now?

you are just pissed off that democracy & our Constitution, albeit they are hanging by a thread.... is still working.

tutt tutt. & tick-toc, buttercup.
Isnt this like the second or third time they have brought in Grand Jury on this same investigation? You people are fucking idiots

noooooooo. the first one in WV was solely for michael flynn. this one in DC will be solely on following the money. russian money laundering & any ties to trump, his family & associates. documents, subpoenas are already out the door & his tax returns are gonna be demanded.

Isnt this like the second or third time they have brought in Grand Jury on this same investigation? You people are fucking idiots

noooooooo. the first one in WV was solely for michael flynn. this one in DC will be solely on following the money. russian money laundering & any ties to trump, his family & associates. documents, subpoenas are already out the door & his tax returns are gonna be demanded.

Those tax returns he promised to show but didn't ??? Boy! is he deep in cowpie
Lol you guys trip me out. Just like the right and Benghazi


Trump especially upset after hearing Mueller would access tax returns: report

By Max Greenwood - 07/21/17 09:01 AM EDT

President Trump is troubled by the possibility that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia could expand to include an examination of Trump's and his family's finances.

The Washington Post reported late Thursday that the president has been particularly upset by the notion that Mueller could access Trump's personal tax returns, which he has repeatedly declined to release to the public.

As part of his investigation into the Kremlin's role in the 2016 presidential election and whether members of Trump's campaign coordinated with Russian officials or operatives to influence the race, Mueller is also looking at possible financial ties between campaign members and Russian interests.

Bloomberg reported on Thursday that the special counsel has begun to look at Trump's business transactions, as well as those of his associates.
Trump especially upset after hearing Mueller would access tax returns: report

August 1, 2017 / 10:56 PM / 3 days ago
Exclusive: Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team
Karen Freifeld

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former U.S. Justice Department official has become the latest lawyer to join special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, a spokesman for the team confirmed.

Greg Andres started on Tuesday, becoming the 16th lawyer on the team, said Josh Stueve, a spokesman for the special counsel.

Most recently a white-collar criminal defense lawyer with New York law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell, Andres, 50, served at the Justice Department from 2010 to 2012. He was deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division, where he oversaw the fraud unit and managed the program that targeted illegal foreign bribery.
Exclusive: Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team


gotta say the hoax is getting deeper.... :popcorn:
If they were colluding with russia, why did they fall for that bullshit meeting with that chick? Direct lines got hacked by putin? :rolleyes:
Lol you guys trip me out. Just like the right and Benghazi


Trump especially upset after hearing Mueller would access tax returns: report

By Max Greenwood - 07/21/17 09:01 AM EDT

President Trump is troubled by the possibility that special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia could expand to include an examination of Trump's and his family's finances.

The Washington Post reported late Thursday that the president has been particularly upset by the notion that Mueller could access Trump's personal tax returns, which he has repeatedly declined to release to the public.

As part of his investigation into the Kremlin's role in the 2016 presidential election and whether members of Trump's campaign coordinated with Russian officials or operatives to influence the race, Mueller is also looking at possible financial ties between campaign members and Russian interests.

Bloomberg reported on Thursday that the special counsel has begun to look at Trump's business transactions, as well as those of his associates.
Trump especially upset after hearing Mueller would access tax returns: report

August 1, 2017 / 10:56 PM / 3 days ago
Exclusive: Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team
Karen Freifeld

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A former U.S. Justice Department official has become the latest lawyer to join special counsel Robert Mueller's team investigating Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election, a spokesman for the team confirmed.

Greg Andres started on Tuesday, becoming the 16th lawyer on the team, said Josh Stueve, a spokesman for the special counsel.

Most recently a white-collar criminal defense lawyer with New York law firm Davis Polk & Wardwell, Andres, 50, served at the Justice Department from 2010 to 2012. He was deputy assistant attorney general in the criminal division, where he oversaw the fraud unit and managed the program that targeted illegal foreign bribery.
Exclusive: Former Justice Department official joins Mueller team


gotta say the hoax is getting deeper.... :popcorn:
Remember repubs after Bill for a land deal and ended up with a dirty blue dress Trump has dirty hands I believe they'll get him on at least one lie

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