It's a fake folks LoL

Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.
Actually I consider all of the above horrid. What I don't get is that, as a non Trump supporter, what the hell are you talking about? Treason? By all mans explain? Obstruction of justice, please explain. Undermindinding the US constitution please explain. Quite frankly this is typical leftwing screaming. No substance just noise.

Seriously, start with treason. back that up or go join the idiots screaming about fascism.

I could probably answer for you "Fascism, patriarchy, racism, lots of other left wing nonsense". The noise is deafening.

There has not been treason.

There has been obstruction of justice ( the man admitted it ) and lying under oath ( Flynn, Sessions and Jared ( on SF86 ) ).

You lose credibility if you cannot accept the truth.
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................

oh good god... you don't REALLY wanna compare who the bigger liar is....
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

lol.... the real watergate took 2 years & that was a real 'nothing burger' compared to your orange overlord's mess that he has thrown this country into.

There was a grand jury for Whitewater, how'd that go?

All the sudden loons are legal analysts...or hopeful dreamers lol
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.
Actually I consider all of the above horrid. What I don't get is that, as a non Trump supporter, what the hell are you talking about? Treason? By all mans explain? Obstruction of justice, please explain. Undermindinding the US constitution please explain. Quite frankly this is typical leftwing screaming. No substance just noise.

Seriously, start with treason. back that up or go join the idiots screaming about fascism.

I could probably answer for you "Fascism, patriarchy, racism, lots of other left wing nonsense". The noise is deafening.

There has not been treason.

There has been obstruction of justice ( the man admitted it ) and lying under oath ( Flynn, Sessions and Jared ( on SF86 ) ).

You lose credibility if you cannot accept the truth.

treason is yet to be determined.
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

lol.... the real watergate took 2 years & that was a real 'nothing burger' compared to your orange overlord's mess that he has thrown this country into.

There was a grand jury for Whitewater, how'd that go?

All the sudden loons are legal analysts...or hopeful dreamers lol

yaaaaa...... whitewater... blowjob....russia....whitewater....blowjob....russia..... sure, clinton was impeached. he lied & obstructed justice . & he should have been. but it didn't get to the senate. trump's 'deal' will.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.
Actually I consider all of the above horrid. What I don't get is that, as a non Trump supporter, what the hell are you talking about? Treason? By all mans explain? Obstruction of justice, please explain. Undermindinding the US constitution please explain. Quite frankly this is typical leftwing screaming. No substance just noise.

Seriously, start with treason. back that up or go join the idiots screaming about fascism.

I could probably answer for you "Fascism, patriarchy, racism, lots of other left wing nonsense". The noise is deafening.

the investigations aren't over. when all the Is are dotted & the Ts crossed,& the intel becomes hard evidence then impeachment will begin because there will be no denial of wrong doing. the senate will then proceed & go to trial. as for explaining... do your own fucking research, because trying to 'explain' .... again futile with the poorly educated. did you enjoy mango mussilini's rally in WV? i bet you did.
By all means tell all of us rubes what you know that the rest of the world doesn't. Show me an impeachable action or shut up. Oh and by, the way, prove it. You can't, you know you can't, and you are basically talking out of your ass, typical political bullshit.
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

when this fails to rid Trump

will the leftists fully resort to violence to accomplish their agenda
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

lol.... the real watergate took 2 years & that was a real 'nothing burger' compared to your orange overlord's mess that he has thrown this country into.
mess that he has thrown this country into
I guess you do realize that the fundamental transformation of America, was what started the mess, Hillary lost the election because of that mess, and now you are bitching that President Tump is making the mess. You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost
But new information shows that Clinton had a much bigger problem with voters who had supported President Barack Obama in 2012 but backed Trump four years later.

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters.
Not because of Russia, but because of Obama's failures.
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

when this fails to rid Trump

will the leftists fully resort to violence to accomplish their agenda

No, their butt hurt will continue on and on and on and on and on.......
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

actually i research before i post. i make sure i have verifiable unbiased links.

i doubt your hubby is a lawyer, but who cares? lookey at the lawyers trump has behind him. lol..........
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

when this fails to rid Trump

will the leftists fully resort to violence to accomplish their agenda
Will resort to violence? Better check UC Berkley...

It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

lol.... the real watergate took 2 years & that was a real 'nothing burger' compared to your orange overlord's mess that he has thrown this country into.

There was a grand jury for Whitewater, how'd that go?

All the sudden loons are legal analysts...or hopeful dreamers lol

well this became the common face in that investigation


Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................

oh good god... you don't REALLY wanna compare who the bigger liar is....
Compare to the Clintons? Really?
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

lol.... the real watergate took 2 years & that was a real 'nothing burger' compared to your orange overlord's mess that he has thrown this country into.
mess that he has thrown this country into
I guess you do realize that the fundamental transformation of America, was what started the mess, Hillary lost the election because of that mess, and now you are bitching that President Tump is making the mess. You just cant get more stupid than a liberal.

Democrats say they now know exactly why Clinton lost
But new information shows that Clinton had a much bigger problem with voters who had supported President Barack Obama in 2012 but backed Trump four years later.

Those Obama-Trump voters, in fact, effectively accounted for more than two-thirds of the reason Clinton lost, according to Matt Canter, a senior vice president of the Democratic political firm Global Strategy Group. In his group’s analysis, about 70 percent of Clinton’s failure to reach Obama’s vote total in 2012 was because she lost these voters.
Not because of Russia, but because of Obama's failures.

liberalism is a mental disorder
It was expected Mueller would do this. A grand jury makes it easier for Mueller to call witnesses to testify.

Meanwhile all this garbage will probably last another 12-18 months.

You loons are excited over nothing, it's basically procedure

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

actually i research before i post. i make sure i have verifiable unbiased links.

i doubt your hubby is a lawyer, but who cares? lookey at the lawyers trump has behind him. lol..........
actually i research before i post. i make sure i have verifiable unbiased links
Sure you do, you fucking hypocrite. Lying piece of shit.
and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

when this fails to rid Trump

will the leftists fully resort to violence to accomplish their agenda
Will resort to violence? Better check UC Berkley...

really? you gotta post that? why????? what a ridiculous response. focus, little one.... focus.
and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

when this fails to rid Trump

will the leftists fully resort to violence to accomplish their agenda
Will resort to violence? Better check UC Berkley...

yes they have started with violence

will it become wide spread

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