It's a fake folks LoL

and if it is a grand jury

nothing best be leaked

or it is time to end the farce

The loons listen to their media and the voices in their heads, my husband told me this is just procedure and expected

of course it is 'procedure'. that's why it will be done correctly & methodically so nothing gets fucked up. they will get all traitors dead to rights. or they won't. but why don't you wanna know the truth? are you afraid?

btw- your husband had to tell you that? couldn't figure that out on your own? i am not surprised.

Unlike you I don't spew what media overlords insruct me to.

My husband is an attorney, what are you? Other than a blowhard. Sit down

actually i research before i post. i make sure i have verifiable unbiased links.

i doubt your hubby is a lawyer, but who cares? lookey at the lawyers trump has behind him. lol..........
actually i research before i post. i make sure i have verifiable unbiased links
Sure you do, you fucking hypocrite. Lying piece of shit.

oh poor you. you are free to look at my posting history or not. but it's there, little one. go for it or don't.
When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
Fake Special Prosecutor convenes Fake Grand Jury to...
It's actually a FAKE GRAND JURY.

Without Mueller making a Indictment Statement i.e. A list of crimes and US Code Violations sited to support the alleged violations, it isn't a real Grand Jury. Where is the record of his petition to a Federal Judge LISTING the indictable offenses?

Mueller himself cannot form a Grand Jury. A Federal Judge has to do that and a petition needs to be filed with The Court for that to occur. Then the judge who hears the petition grants the permission for a Grand Jury to be formed. Did that happen? Nope.

Only then a Grand Jury can be impaneled after a Prosecutor's Petition is heard, and The Court Agrees to the Petition. Mueller is not a prosecutor either. He is special counsel, which means he has no PROSECUTORIAL POWERS.

Mueller and his 16 Attorneys if granted permission by a Judge to form a Grand Jury make their case to The Grand Jury. There is no defense attorneys allowed, no witnesses for the defense. This is entirely for the prosecution to make a "presentation" to The Grand Jury to argue whether or not there were actual crimes committed, and if there is evidence enough to issue an indictment or dismiss the attempt to indict. It takes 12 Jurors out of the 23 to vote for an indictment.

Because the deck in such a situation is so stacked against the Defendent Grand Juries can only be formed by the Order of a Judge, and the court has to be petitioned for a Grand Jury and That Petition is Public Record and lists The Crimes the Accused is Accused of.

So where is the Media with their report what Crimes are alleged to have been committed, since if this were actually a real GRAND JURY, they could go to a REAL COURTHOUSE, and get a copy of a REAL PETITION.

It's a Kangaroo Grand Jury that Mueller formed himself, and therefore it has no legal standing. This is all a show. A mockery of justice put on for the ignorant masses.
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When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
It's not even a real Grand Jury. And no one has confirmed that one has actually been formed, or otherwise The Petition for forming a Grand Jury would have been filed with The Courts, and available as a Public Record.
When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
No it's actually an investigation. If Trump was clean in his dealings with the Russians he has nothing to worry about

But for some reason he keeps changing his story
When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
From the beginning this has been a diversion from Hillary's emails, period. The sad part is that given the the state of the populace, it's working.
When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
No it's actually an investigation. If Trump was clean in his dealings with the Russians he has nothing to worry about

But for some reason he keeps changing his story
I agree it's an Investigation i.e. witch hunt with no crime committed, and no one accused of any crime, and no crime named.

It's not a GRAND JURY.
The Investigation is over if it's a GRAND JURY, and THE COURT would have been PETITIONED to Form a Grand Jury and there is NO RECORD OF THE PETITION
When they have charges against someone let me know. Or even evidence. Until then its a dog and pony show
From the beginning this has been a diversion from Hillary's emails, period. The sad part is that given the the state of the populace, it's working.
It's just part of THE LEFT's Diversion and Obstruction campaign which is part of Operation Resist American Democracy.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................
If Mueller was finding a "big nothing" in his investigation he would have no need for a grand jury

Crooked Donnie has one in just six months
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................
If Mueller was finding a "big nothing" in his investigation he would have no need for a grand jury

Crooked Donnie has one in just six months

It's procedure you befuddled lunatic.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................
I don't see a grand jury called against Hillary in 25 years of trying

Crooked Donnie has one in just six months
Perhaps you should revisit the Clinton machine. Grand juries have been more common than any semblance of truth. Almost as common as Bill and rape.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.
how many investigators are working the cases now ?? 16,,? or 17 experienced experts on digging up dirt? And all being done on the QT
how many do you really need before you're just doing a SEVENTEEN AGENCIES SAID RUSSIA SPIED which translated to 3 did and 1 spoke for the other 14.
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.
how many investigators are working the cases now ?? 16,,? or 17 experienced experts on digging up dirt? And all being done on the QT
how many do you really need before you're just doing a SEVENTEEN AGENCIES SAID RUSSIA SPIED which translated to 3 did and 1 spoke for the other 14.
Think about it. 17 government agencies. Believe none. At least believe nothing of what they make public. Each of those "agencies" have their own agenda, what we hear is either a mistake or trash,
Concerning fake and real, ever since Coca-Cola stopped being "the real thing" all we have left in this world is professional wrestling.


Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

What is the matter with Mueller?

Hasn't he been paying attention to the rightwing attempts to divert the investigation to Hillary?
I hope that's a joke. Hillary goes before Goldman tells them what a good liar she is and of course the problem is THE Russians, THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS..............................
If Mueller was finding a "big nothing" in his investigation he would have no need for a grand jury

Crooked Donnie has one in just six months

It's procedure you befuddled lunatic.


Move along, nothing to see here

Why is crooked Donnie so nervous?
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.
how many investigators are working the cases now ?? 16,,? or 17 experienced experts on digging up dirt? And all being done on the QT
how many do you really need before you're just doing a SEVENTEEN AGENCIES SAID RUSSIA SPIED which translated to 3 did and 1 spoke for the other 14.

Big 3....FBI, CIA, NSA
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.
Actually I consider all of the above horrid. What I don't get is that, as a non Trump supporter, what the hell are you talking about? Treason? By all mans explain? Obstruction of justice, please explain. Undermindinding the US constitution please explain. Quite frankly this is typical leftwing screaming. No substance just noise.

Seriously, start with treason. back that up or go join the idiots screaming about fascism.

I could probably answer for you "Fascism, patriarchy, racism, lots of other left wing nonsense". The noise is deafening.

the investigations aren't over. when all the Is are dotted & the Ts crossed,& the intel becomes hard evidence then impeachment will begin because there will be no denial of wrong doing. the senate will then proceed & go to trial. as for explaining... do your own fucking research, because trying to 'explain' .... again futile with the poorly educated. did you enjoy mango mussilini's rally in WV? i bet you did.

Here's your explanation to the Senate during the trial . . . .

"Hillary did it, why can't I?"

No way will get enough Senate then proceed proceed to convict, (two-thirds vote? not likely,) and you will be stuck with your "Orange Reality TV star."

And this whole circus you selfish brats created in the media, the government and the nation with will be all for naught, happy now?
Welcome to american politics, If there was an actual pressing matter you would hear crickets in the US media.

You don't consider treason, fraud, obstruction of justice, or undermining the US Constitution "pressing matters"? How very Trumpian of you. Where are the cries of "Lock him up! Lock him up!", like we heard over Hillary's emails?

I guess you only give a shit if a Democrat does something you don't like. If there's an R next to the name, they get a free pass.

You forgot mopery.

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