It's a False Doctrine That People Go To Heaven Immediately After Death

I don't expect you guys to understand - you've been too heavily brainwashed.

That sounds like a convenient excuse not to think out your arguments and actually support them.

Not a single idea taken on board - and of course it's entirely up to you what you want to believe.

Not if you want to believe the truth. If you want to believe the truth, then you need to dilligently seek out and find the truth.

Try this - one night wander outside under the night sky in your pyjamas .. take your preferred book of study with you.

Feel the quietness - the wind wafting past - the universe stretching out before you - sense the teraquads of molecules beneath your feet that constitutes our home planet.

What does your micro consciousness detect or understand ?

Alright. Seems rather random and not at all on topic, but alright. I could feel, detect, or understand just about anything. There isn't one thing to understand.

BTW how does a micro consciousness different from a regular consciousness? Is there a macro conciousness too? And how is that different than the others.

Your book is in your hand - think about that - it's been re-written many times, each with somebody's objective to tell the stories again in some simplified way. Even if you choose to believe that each re-write was inspirationally guided, it's far more likely to be a chinese whisper. And it's original was scribed long ago in some other World by guys in the middle East - not by women - you might wonder about that.

How many times do you think it's been "rewritten"? And how are you defining rewritten here. are you defining it as translated? Transcribed? Copied? Because it sounds like you are suggesting that it's been completely changes each time. Which I dont think is necessarily the case. And that's not taking into effect that some concepts can be explained differently to mean the same thing.

And truth doesn't change dependent on when, where or what gender the writer is. Why on earth would the wisdom of the universe be discounted simply because someone understood it years ago? You realize our entire civilization is built upon the knowledge of our forefathers. We benefited because they learned, experimented and wrote down what they found so we can learn it faster. And yet you advocate ignoring this knowledge, why exactly?

Oh and there are scriptures from regions outside the middle east. Europe, India, China, America for example.

If I'm right, you'll be able to detect - nothing. You could do the same thing for the rest of your lives - still nothing. All you are still reading about in your book are ideas from thousands of years ago, in a time when there were no books - just story tellers who made a living telling stories. Nothing has been added since then - nothing has happened since then. Your time scales are pitifully weak - the universal powers don't march to your timescale.

As I mentioned before, you would detect lots of things. Of course, I doubt you'd get much reading done in your scenario. You don't get much out of a book outside in the dark of night. Reading is much better done in the light, especially with the Holy Spirit to teach you what the passages mean and through personal application after you have studied it.

Neither logically could they consider homo-sapiens as any more significant than all other lifeforms in creation.

On what basis do you draw this conclusion? Couldn't the mere fact that humans can tell right from wrong tell them that logically there is a difference between humans and other plants and animals? Couldn't any aspect of human behavior which seriously divulges from any other life form tell them that?

And that's just with logic, what about with the knowledge God revealed to them from heaven?

All you can do is express your gratitude for life and the beauty all around you. Your conciousness is like a tiny radio transmitter - your thoughts will travel, and have a tiny effect.

You must live a very simplistic world, because I can do much more than simply express gratitude for life and beauty all around me.

The very fact that grass is still growing (despite Monsanto's worst efforts) shows that new life is still being created - and at the other end of life's cycle, dying away into the molecular pool.

Which is relevant because?

You are wanting to believe that some guy arrived on Earth from 'God' looking just like a man (heaven forbid, a woman) thousands of years ago, on a mission to 'save' you from something or other. (Why not a woman - because they were, and still are lesser beings in that part of the World).

How about you crack a book and actually read the scriptures i profess my belief in before you reach such erroneous conclusions about what i want to believe and what I do believe? A little knowledge is not a bad things. Making assumptions is.

You don't even know what Atonement of Christ is meant to save us from, yet you think you can pass a judgment on the truthfulness of the theology? How is that logical.

Why not arrive as an Eagle or a Sheep or a strange Rock as in 2001 the film ? That would make just as much sense. There can be no direct experience of the creators in our present form.

Based on what exactly? Why the heck do you think God is limited to what you say He can or cannot do? And btw, you're wrong. I know because I have experienced the Divine. I know by the power of the Holy Ghost that there is a God. That Jesus is the Christ and that the scriptures are true. He revealed it to me through His grace after I sought to know for myself. He will be more than willing to reveal the same to you if you exercise faith that you can obtain such a blessing and humble yourself in study and prayer. Seek Him sincerely and you will find Him.

Now, if you are still outside in the night, with no distractions - offer up a little prayer to the dieties, whoever or whatever they are - for health, for understanding maybe.

I pray to the Father in the name of the Son as He has taught me all the time.

You may find some effect does occur as serendipity - or in your dreams - a state in which we spend half our lives, ever wondered why ?

Serendipity? Prayer has a much more mighty effect if it's dont in faith and sincerity. The prayer of a humble man can invite the Grace of God into His life. A prayer could be the first step to being born again of the Spirit. It can change his life. A prayer can give Him knowledge from God that He didn't previously know. It can heal His body physically. It can eliminate cravings for addictions. It can fill one with joy and love that are simply inexplicable. It can give wisdom, patience, and help one learn mysteries.

So bury yourselves in your 'studies' of the ancient dry scripts if you wish.

Again, I don't see the wisdom in spurning the wisdom of ages. I don't see wisdom in discounting the testimonies of those who have first hand experiences with God, nor not learning how to have our own experiences with God through them.

I prefer the immanent joy that's available to everyone, without churches, their rules and officials.

Your joy is limited. Because the scriptures and the Church teach the principles of happiness. A fulness of happiness cannot come without obedience to the rules that bring such. Namely virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness, and keeping all the commandments of God. And we can't expect to keep the commandments if we don't know them. And we cant hope to know them unless we keep the ones we already know.

That is why the scriptures are so vital. They teach us God's word throughout History. They teach us how to reach out to the Father and learn for ourselves. They teach us to exercise faith in Jesus Christ, to repent of our mistakes/sins, to make a covenant with God to follow Him, to stand as a witness of Him, and to keep His commandments through Baptism, and to recieve the Gift of the Holy Ghost that we can be taught all things. Without a written record, we could not have preserved the truth as we have.

Our forefathers went through amazing efforts to give us their testimonies and the laws God revealed to them. They have provided us with their mistakes as well. And that knowledge doesn't profit us in the least if we don't study their testimonies.

You're quite free to believe whatever you wish of course .. :eusa_angel:

As are you, I was never under the impression that it was otherwise.

I don't wish to belittle your beliefs, they are important guides to life for many people. But for me, far too restrictive, too focussed on wringing your hands as to what a sinning wretch you are - worried about the 'punishment' coming your way.

And yet, you attempt to. If you don't want to belittle my beliefs or anyone elses, why not cease doing so.

Lighten up folks - speak to the 'gods and goddesses' that exist today - and tomorrow, directly. They are freely available without all the ceremonials of the multifarious churches around the World.

And yet, only the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is our Father. Only He gave His life to give us Immortality. Only He seeks our continual well being.

Stand on your own two feet as a creature containing a spark of the divine - you are allowed to speak to the gods and goddesses as part of the family. For myself, I'd make my words good and positive - I'm not going to tempt Zeus :eusa_angel:

Here's Demeter; Earth Mother archetype. Goddess where birthing or small children are involved.

If you want people to stand on their own two feet, why did you write anything you just did? That makes no sense. Your whole attitude in this thread is to tell people how they are wrong and brainwashed. If you are fine with them standing on their own, why say anything?

And if you have truly been touched by the Spirit of God, how can you be silent? I share the Gospel because I want others to be happy. There is so much evil and sorrow in the world when there doesn't have to be. Marriages crumble and children are in pain when they could have joy. Why be silent? Why not encourage change or repentence? Happiness is in the grasp of all of us.
Love thy neighbor is the truth.
A truth rarely practiced the way Christ envisioned it 2000 years ago by Christians today.

It's not an easy lesson to learn. Else everyone would immediately.

Even those who can see it's a good lesson won't live it when they don't see christians doing so.
I can see we're nowhere near on the same wavelength, so the discussion will not achieve anything :eusa_angel:

Press on with your reading if it makes you happy - I'll not bother thanks.

I've offered an alternative path which I enjoy - if you prefer another way, be my guest. I reckon if I pass by in another 10 years, you'll still be arguing over the meaning of verse 7, chapter 12, book 55.

You do sound awfully like the muslims - 'don't anybody dare criticise what we believe'.

I hope you find your 'heaven' - it's probably right next door to the muslim one where all the virgins are, so you'll easily tell the difference.:eusa_pray:

Here's Aphrodite ..


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Would imagine what was true with Jesus...

... is true for the rest of us...

... he was raised on the third day.
Press on with your reading if it makes you happy - I'll not bother thanks.

A subtle difference, but we (I) do not seek to be happy in this world, but filled with joy, yes. You may not bother reading, but as a Christian I do have an obligation to “bother” (read: witness) to my brother.

I've offered an alternative path which I enjoy - if you prefer another way, be my guest. I reckon if I pass by in another 10 years, you'll still be arguing over the meaning of verse 7, chapter 12, book 55.

Everyone has their own “gospel” by which they choose to live by. However, there is truth and it may or may not be found in what one perceives. But our choices do remain consequential, to be sure.

You do sound awfully like the muslims - 'don't anybody dare criticise what we believe'.

On the contrary, a sincere Christian relishes criticism and harbors no malice. We are born to be challenged. But to suggest that one can never ascend to the truth because someone disagrees with it, well, that makes no sense.

I hope you find your 'heaven' - it's probably right next door to the muslim one where all the virgins are, so you'll easily tell the difference.

Probably not.

What I try to stay away from is making any judgments about the state of a soul. Just because someone is vehemently opposed to the Judeo-Christian God and His followers does not tell me anything about how God looks upon that person. I remain hopeful for many, if not all.
I have made a study of spiritualism and the occult, and they teach we do wake up in the spirit world not long after earthly death. There is no waiting for judgement day, we simply move to a higher dimension.
I attended many trance lectures by the medium, Ursula Roberts and the following link is to some of the teachings about what happens to us after death.

Chapter 2 - What Happens When We Die?
I can see we're nowhere near on the same wavelength, so the discussion will not achieve anything :eusa_angel:

Press on with your reading if it makes you happy - I'll not bother thanks.

I've offered an alternative path which I enjoy - if you prefer another way, be my guest. I reckon if I pass by in another 10 years, you'll still be arguing over the meaning of verse 7, chapter 12, book 55.

You do sound awfully like the muslims - 'don't anybody dare criticise what we believe'.

I hope you find your 'heaven' - it's probably right next door to the muslim one where all the virgins are, so you'll easily tell the difference.:eusa_pray:

Here's Aphrodite ..

So rather than actually discuss anything or even attempt to support anything you say, you are just going to criticize more? And yet, somehow you think that makes you smarter and superior to others.

Go figure.
It's a false doctrine that you think you know shit. Unless you have walked on water lately you are pulling opinions out of your ass.
I have made a study of spiritualism and the occult, and they teach we do wake up in the spirit world not long after earthly death. There is no waiting for judgement day, we simply move to a higher dimension.
I attended many trance lectures by the medium, Ursula Roberts and the following link is to some of the teachings about what happens to us after death.

Chapter 2 - What Happens When We Die?
That's exactly right.

The idea that we go straight to heaven, or hell, immediately upon death comes directly from the occult, aka Satan. Certainly not Scripture, which teaches the opposite.

It's a false doctrine that you think you know shit. Unless you have walked on water lately you are pulling opinions out of your ass.
OK, and by what authority do you make this claim?
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.

And you know this how? For some religion is a comfort, as is belief in heaven. Who the hell do you think you are to take that away from them? Maybe you oughta just STFU.

Could you do everyone a favor and repeat that in red font?
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.

And you know this how? For some religion is a comfort, as is belief in heaven. Who the hell do you think you are to take that away from them? Maybe you oughta just STFU.

Could you do everyone a favor and repeat that in red font?
Just because someone finds comfort in something does not make it right, or true.
When a person dies, does he/she know he/she is dead? If judgement happens that day or 1000 years later, I feel the people involved will wake up and not imagine any time has passed ---as from a deep sleep. The reality is if one doesn't have Christ Jesus as his/her Savior, he/she will eventually end up in hell and believers will eventually end up with the LORD. The time between death and judgment will amount to a blink of an eye --- no matter the time.
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What is heaven?

Heaven is where God is.

Our Father
Which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
As we forgive those who trespass against us
And lead us not into temptation
But deliever us from evil
For thine is the kingdom
And the power
And the glory
And you know this how? For some religion is a comfort, as is belief in heaven. Who the hell do you think you are to take that away from them? Maybe you oughta just STFU.

Could you do everyone a favor and repeat that in red font?
Just because someone finds comfort in something does not make it right, or true.

Just like when someone cannot understand the Trinity, doesn't make it untrue.
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.

Preach on! I couldn't agree more. The concepts of eternal suffering or bliss as punishment or reward for finite actions, is an obvious insertion by humans to appeal to a vision of cosmic justice that doesn't actually exist. It's a projection of a desire for justice. Nothing more.
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When a person dies, does he/she know he/she is dead? If judgement happens that day or 1000 years later, I feel the people involved will wake up and not imagine any time has passed ---as from a deep sleep. The reality is if one doesn't have Christ Jesus as his/her Savior, he/she will eventually end up in hell and believers will eventually end up with the LORD. The time between death and judgment will amount to a blink of an eye --- no matter the time.
You, Sir, are correct.

For the deceased, it will be as a moment, just like when you sleep. One minute you're awake, or feeling sleepy, next thing you're waking up the next morning. However, for those who are awake, they witnessed you sleeping for hours, or as the case may be.

Same thing w/death.

But, one thing it's not, is the deceased going up to heaven, or hell, immediately upon death, looking down, or up, at us here on earth. That's not biblical. I challenge anyone to present where that is in Scripture if they are claiming that is the case.
The 'Proof of Heaven' Author Has Now Been Thoroughly Debunked by Science

A book called Proof of Heaven is bound to provoke eye rolls, but its author, Eben Alexander, had space in a Newsweek story and on shows like of Fox & Friends to detail his claims. Read into those endorsements — and nearly 15 million copies sold — whatever you will, but in a big new Esquire feature, Luke Dittrich pokes large holes in Alexander's story, bringing into question the author's qualification as a neurosurgeon (which is supposed to legitimize his claim) and the accuracy of his best-selling journey.
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.

Heaven is the invisible kingdom of God (energy, God's stored thoughts called Christ or the Word) that everything was created as.

Earth is the visible kingdom that includes our flesh to experience the invisible energy that gives us life experiences.

There will be a new heaven and earth when we awaken in our new flesh after our old flesh dies in this age. We can't experience life without a body so the time between bodies will seem like seconds, although, we won't remember anything from this first age.

Isaiah 65
16: So that he who blesses himself in the land shall bless himself by the God of truth, and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten and are hid from my eyes.
17: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
18: But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.
19: I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.
False Doctrine? Explain this verse...
Corinthians 5:8 New International Version (©2011)
We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

New Living Translation (©2007)
Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these earthly bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.

English Standard Version (©2001)
Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord.

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

Holman Christian Standard Bible (©2009)
and we are confident and satisfied to be out of the body and at home with the Lord.

International Standard Version (©2012)
We are confident, then, and would prefer to be away from this body and to live with the Lord.

NET Bible (©2006)
Thus we are full of courage and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
Because of this we trust and we long to depart from the body and to be with Our Lord.

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
We are confident and prefer to live away from this body and to live with the Lord.

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

American King James Version
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

American Standard Version
we are of good courage, I say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord.

Douay-Rheims Bible
But we are confident, and have a good will to be absent rather from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

Darby Bible Translation
we are confident, I say, and pleased rather to be absent from the body and present with the Lord.

English Revised Version
we are of good courage, I say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord.

Webster's Bible Translation
We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

Weymouth New Testament
So we have a cheerful confidence, and we anticipate with greater delight being banished from the body and going home to the Lord.

World English Bible
We are courageous, I say, and are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord.

Young's Literal Translation
we have courage, and are well pleased rather to be away from the home of the body, and to be at home with the Lord.
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