It's a False Doctrine That People Go To Heaven Immediately After Death

Matthew 27:52-53 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

Only in a figurative sense can those passages be interpreted as referring to Hades. Looking at the surrounding verses, it is clear that the passages are saying that rocks split open and that the dead rose from the grave.

This equates, if I am to take the Bible literally and as the inerrant word of God, to many of the dead rising from their tombs, going into Jerusalem, and appearing to many in the city. Yet, there is no historical record of anything resembling such an event outside of the Bible. Zero. If there is, I would very much like to know of it.

It is well known that Jesus called the Pharisees whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves.

And at the time some of these people, temple priests, etc., thought of themselves as too holy to be among the common rabble in the filthy streets of the city where they could be too easily defiled so they had causeways connecting their mansions to the temple mount so they could walk above the rest of the people like stars passing across the sky.

For these people to be seen walking in the streets of the city was like seeing the dead come out of their tombs and graves.

when Jesus told the Pharisees that sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of Heaven ahead of them he was talking about living people entering the kingdom of heaven while they were still on earth. He was not talking about physically dead people floating up into the sky.

Enough with the night of the living dead nonsense already.

A person does not enter the kingdom of heaven when they die, they enter the kingdom of heaven when they come out of their graves and rise to life while they still have a body to ascend in, otherwise, the judgment.
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[ame=]Ain't No Grave Johnny Cash Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]
I don't care how long we're "asleep" after we die, it's not gonna seem like any time has passed when we are with Him.
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.
Nope. Elijah went by a whirlwind to Heaven. :) 2 Kings 2:11

Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.
Nope. Elijah went by a whirlwind to Heaven. :) 2 Kings 2:11

Elijah being 'taken up' in a whirlwind is just a euphemism for his death. The whirlwind being figurative for some sort of swirling out of control mob.
A euphemism? Really?

How'd you figure that?
Matthew 27:52-53 and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the graves after His resurrection, they went into the holy city and appeared to many.

Only in a figurative sense can those passages be interpreted as referring to Hades. Looking at the surrounding verses, it is clear that the passages are saying that rocks split open and that the dead rose from the grave.

This equates, if I am to take the Bible literally and as the inerrant word of God, to many of the dead rising from their tombs, going into Jerusalem, and appearing to many in the city. Yet, there is no historical record of anything resembling such an event outside of the Bible. Zero. If there is, I would very much like to know of it.

It is well known that Jesus called the Pharisees whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves.

And at the time some of these people, temple priests, etc., thought of themselves as too holy to be among the common rabble in the filthy streets of the city where they could be too easily defiled so they had causeways connecting their mansions to the temple mount so they could walk above the rest of the people like stars passing across the sky.

For these people to be seen walking in the streets of the city was like seeing the dead come out of their tombs and graves.

when Jesus told the Pharisees that sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of Heaven ahead of them he was talking about living people entering the kingdom of heaven while they were still on earth. He was not talking about physically dead people floating up into the sky.

Enough with the night of the living dead nonsense already.

A person does not enter the kingdom of heaven when they die, they enter the kingdom of heaven when they come out of their graves and rise to life while they still have a body to ascend in, otherwise, the judgment.

I wasn't trying to suggest a Night of the Living Dead scenario. I had nothing in particular in mind visually, just that the Bible makes a claim that many dead rose from their tombs and appeared to many in Jerusalem. I was merely saying that such a monumental event is not documented outside of strictly religious sources such as canonical or apocryphal scripture. This is not a claim that it is true or untrue, or any partiality in between, it simply makes it suspect. To those that consider the Bible as inerrant accounts of events this is problematic. To those like me who allow that scripture was written by men and therefore fallible, it is not.
Only in a figurative sense can those passages be interpreted as referring to Hades. Looking at the surrounding verses, it is clear that the passages are saying that rocks split open and that the dead rose from the grave.

This equates, if I am to take the Bible literally and as the inerrant word of God, to many of the dead rising from their tombs, going into Jerusalem, and appearing to many in the city. Yet, there is no historical record of anything resembling such an event outside of the Bible. Zero. If there is, I would very much like to know of it.

It is well known that Jesus called the Pharisees whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves.

And at the time some of these people, temple priests, etc., thought of themselves as too holy to be among the common rabble in the filthy streets of the city where they could be too easily defiled so they had causeways connecting their mansions to the temple mount so they could walk above the rest of the people like stars passing across the sky.

For these people to be seen walking in the streets of the city was like seeing the dead come out of their tombs and graves.

when Jesus told the Pharisees that sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of Heaven ahead of them he was talking about living people entering the kingdom of heaven while they were still on earth. He was not talking about physically dead people floating up into the sky.

Enough with the night of the living dead nonsense already.

A person does not enter the kingdom of heaven when they die, they enter the kingdom of heaven when they come out of their graves and rise to life while they still have a body to ascend in, otherwise, the judgment.

I wasn't trying to suggest a Night of the Living Dead scenario. I had nothing in particular in mind visually, just that the Bible makes a claim that many dead rose from their tombs and appeared to many in Jerusalem. I was merely saying that such a monumental event is not documented outside of strictly religious sources such as canonical or apocryphal scripture. This is not a claim that it is true or untrue, or any partiality in between, it simply makes it suspect. To those that consider the Bible as inerrant accounts of events this is problematic. To those like me who allow that scripture was written by men and therefore fallible, it is not.

A healthy approach. I just don't understand why you lack certainty that such events were either figurative in nature or completely false that you would ask if there is any evidence of such a thing happening outside of the Bible?

Were you just being incredulous? If so, my apologies.
It is well known that Jesus called the Pharisees whitewashed tombs and unmarked graves.

And at the time some of these people, temple priests, etc., thought of themselves as too holy to be among the common rabble in the filthy streets of the city where they could be too easily defiled so they had causeways connecting their mansions to the temple mount so they could walk above the rest of the people like stars passing across the sky.

For these people to be seen walking in the streets of the city was like seeing the dead come out of their tombs and graves.

when Jesus told the Pharisees that sinners and prostitutes were entering the kingdom of Heaven ahead of them he was talking about living people entering the kingdom of heaven while they were still on earth. He was not talking about physically dead people floating up into the sky.

Enough with the night of the living dead nonsense already.

A person does not enter the kingdom of heaven when they die, they enter the kingdom of heaven when they come out of their graves and rise to life while they still have a body to ascend in, otherwise, the judgment.

I wasn't trying to suggest a Night of the Living Dead scenario. I had nothing in particular in mind visually, just that the Bible makes a claim that many dead rose from their tombs and appeared to many in Jerusalem. I was merely saying that such a monumental event is not documented outside of strictly religious sources such as canonical or apocryphal scripture. This is not a claim that it is true or untrue, or any partiality in between, it simply makes it suspect. To those that consider the Bible as inerrant accounts of events this is problematic. To those like me who allow that scripture was written by men and therefore fallible, it is not.

A healthy approach. I just don't understand why you lack certainty that such events were either figurative in nature or completely false that you would ask if there is any evidence of such a thing happening outside of the Bible?

Were you just being incredulous? If so, my apologies.

No. I really wanted to know. Ram offered Nicodemus as non-biblical source to corroborate the narrative in Matthew. The source is one of the apocryphal gospels, so therefore very much a Christian scriptural source.
Or hell for that matter.

You guys do realize that don't you?

I'm here watching the service live and it's just one false doctrine after the other.

Christiandom as it's today is in a state of confusion.
Nope. Elijah went by a whirlwind to Heaven. :) 2 Kings 2:11

Nope. Elijah went by a whirlwind to Heaven. :) 2 Kings 2:11

Elijah being 'taken up' in a whirlwind is just a euphemism for his death. The whirlwind being figurative for some sort of swirling out of control mob.
A euphemism? Really?

How'd you figure that?


A healthy imaginative faculty combined with a sober knowledge of the sciences and reality makes me see in my mind an angry swirling mob with Elijah at the center being 'taken up', killed.

People do not float up into the sky.

The Torah is by definition books of instruction or teaching that uses many metaphors allegories, homonyms, hyperbole, etc., etc., most likely intended to educate children who couldn't decipher the deeper implications of the metaphors, allegories, and euphemisms until they were old enough to handle the naked truth.

In the same way when I read about Jesus calming the storm I see him quelling a riot that, like a growing and menacing storm, was gathering to 'take him up" . The disciples weren't afraid of the weather, they were afraid of being lynched.

People can't control the weather with a word, but people can stop violence with the right ones.
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I'm afraid your sober knowledge of science is a little behind the times. You seem to try to compensate the lack of understanding by categorizing Biblical events according to what limited knowledge you do have, e.g. you see Jesus quelling a riot, because you can't calm waves, and you and Jesus are and were men, and men have limits.
There was no riot. Just a storm, and He can do anything He wants with His creations. That's where the two of you differ, in ability.
As for the disciples, they were human, and were just as afraid of drowning as they were lynching. (until endowed with the Holy Spirit.)
Christ was more than "people". He created weather and can rain down fire and brimstone with a word. He can pummel Jezebel's army with giant hail. He can cause the rain not to fall, or promise to have it fall abundantly, as we have seen Him do in Israel. You can't control the weather, but that doesn't mean He can't.
I could see you saying, "People do not float into the sky", if it was the 1800's, but science has given you the revelations necessary for understanding your floatation conundrum. We found dimensions! That can be freely moved about in, with no regard for gravity or time. Christ appeared and disappeared at will in His glorified body. That takes 2 more dimensions that we were previously unaware of.
If you perceive God according to your limitations, you'll never know His power, strength, love and grace.

Nicodemus was one account I offered. If what was testified to was not correct, the accounts would be immediately countered as heresy by those that were there. Not one account was brought into question, or refuted. Over a million people were in the city at Passover. I can't find one person's testimony that nullifies what the others including the Jewish rabbi's said they saw. Not one Pharisee rebutted what happened in their own temple.

And Avatar,
You are so knowledgeable in Biblical understanding, I hate to disagree with you, but I am almost positive that what you posted is backwards.

We are made in God's image. We are a triune. Body, spirit and soul. God crafted the body, breathed the spirit of life into the sculpture of Adam, resulting in a living individual personality, the soul. The breath of life, the spirit God breathed, is not the Holy Spirit of God, but a personal breath, that is the spirit of man.
It returns to God upon our demise, and is in fact the reason for our demise. When the spirit of man, the breath of life, returns to God, our bodies cease to function. We drop dead.
Our souls, also spirit form, live on. That was why the souls in Abraham's bosom were recognizable even without their terrestrial part.
The best example we have I think, is Christ Himself. As soon as He commanded His spirt to return to God, the body stopped functioning. It went to a tomb and remained there under Roman lock and key. The part that was left, went to retrieve the souls in Abraham's bosom. And He proclaimed who He was to the souls in Hades, and to the evil spirits and their offspring in Tartarus. Those are the demons currently chained there, evil spirits, and the nephalim they spawned.
Souls no longer have to wait, for Christ to redeem us. Being in Christ, our souls go straight up now, right behind our spirits, and will reunite with the 3rd part of our triune, our bodies at the rapture, because we will be right behind Jesus when He returns at Har Megiddo. to usher in real peace on earth.
I'm afraid your sober knowledge of science is a little behind the times. You seem to try to compensate the lack of understanding by categorizing Biblical events according to what limited knowledge you do have, e.g. you see Jesus quelling a riot, because you can't calm waves, and you and Jesus are and were men, and men have limits.
There was no riot. Just a storm, and He can do anything He wants with His creations. That's where the two of you differ, in ability.
As for the disciples, they were human, and were just as afraid of drowning as they were lynching. (until endowed with the Holy Spirit.)
Christ was more than "people". He created weather and can rain down fire and brimstone with a word. He can pummel Jezebel's army with giant hail. He can cause the rain not to fall, or promise to have it fall abundantly, as we have seen Him do in Israel. You can't control the weather, but that doesn't mean He can't.
I could see you saying, "People do not float into the sky", if it was the 1800's, but science has given you the revelations necessary for understanding your floatation conundrum. We found dimensions! That can be freely moved about in, with no regard for gravity or time. Christ appeared and disappeared at will in His glorified body. That takes 2 more dimensions that we were previously unaware of.
If you perceive God according to your limitations, you'll never know His power, strength, love and grace..

Very nice Irish Ram. And thank you. Let me be nice in return.

The way I have shown you how to understand the miracles of Jesus is the only way those stories could possibly have been and still be true.. I have shown you the only right way to interpret the stories that conforms to and is confirmed by reality which reveals the true subjects conveyed in scripture and the true nature of the power of God which is not about supernatural demonstrations of divine power over the laws that govern the reality he created but is about penetrating the deep darkness within the minds of those lost souls whose only guiding light in life is a lie, freeing them from those chains of darkness and bringing light healing and life to their previously dead and crippled lives.

You have been diverted by archaic superstitious lore. You have not understood the lessons of the past and have no knowledge of what is actually taking place, consequently you have done nothing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

In the revelation of John there are exactly seven seals placed on scripture which prevents everyone from looking inside. In the gospel of John there are exactly seven miracles. I have shown you how to beak those seals and decipher the miracles unlocking what has been hidden inside.

Go inside and you will find treasure that fulfills everything that you have set your hopes on in this life.

Stop wasting this life hoping for some future reward that will never come by denying the truth and living in a fantasy world.

Stop with the we are triune bullshit already. You are one person with one life and one brain.

Use it.
I'm afraid your sober knowledge of science is a little behind the times. You seem to try to compensate the lack of understanding by categorizing Biblical events according to what limited knowledge you do have, e.g. you see Jesus quelling a riot, because you can't calm waves, and you and Jesus are and were men, and men have limits.
There was no riot. Just a storm, and He can do anything He wants with His creations. That's where the two of you differ, in ability.
As for the disciples, they were human, and were just as afraid of drowning as they were lynching. (until endowed with the Holy Spirit.)
Christ was more than "people". He created weather and can rain down fire and brimstone with a word. He can pummel Jezebel's army with giant hail. He can cause the rain not to fall, or promise to have it fall abundantly, as we have seen Him do in Israel. You can't control the weather, but that doesn't mean He can't.
I could see you saying, "People do not float into the sky", if it was the 1800's, but science has given you the revelations necessary for understanding your floatation conundrum. We found dimensions! That can be freely moved about in, with no regard for gravity or time. Christ appeared and disappeared at will in His glorified body. That takes 2 more dimensions that we were previously unaware of.
If you perceive God according to your limitations, you'll never know His power, strength, love and grace.

Nicodemus was one account I offered. If what was testified to was not correct, the accounts would be immediately countered as heresy by those that were there. Not one account was brought into question, or refuted. Over a million people were in the city at Passover. I can't find one person's testimony that nullifies what the others including the Jewish rabbi's said they saw. Not one Pharisee rebutted what happened in their own temple.

And Avatar,
You are so knowledgeable in Biblical understanding, I hate to disagree with you, but I am almost positive that what you posted is backwards.

We are made in God's image. We are a triune. Body, spirit and soul. God crafted the body, breathed the spirit of life into the sculpture of Adam, resulting in a living individual personality, the soul. The breath of life, the spirit God breathed, is not the Holy Spirit of God, but a personal breath, that is the spirit of man.
It returns to God upon our demise, and is in fact the reason for our demise. When the spirit of man, the breath of life, returns to God, our bodies cease to function. We drop dead.
Our souls, also spirit form, live on. That was why the souls in Abraham's bosom were recognizable even without their terrestrial part.
The best example we have I think, is Christ Himself. As soon as He commanded His spirt to return to God, the body stopped functioning. It went to a tomb and remained there under Roman lock and key. The part that was left, went to retrieve the souls in Abraham's bosom. And He proclaimed who He was to the souls in Hades, and to the evil spirits and their offspring in Tartarus. Those are the demons currently chained there, evil spirits, and the nephalim they spawned.
Souls no longer have to wait, for Christ to redeem us. Being in Christ, our souls go straight up now, right behind our spirits, and will reunite with the 3rd part of our triune, our bodies at the rapture, because we will be right behind Jesus when He returns at Har Megiddo. to usher in real peace on earth.

There's no such thing as trinity. This is a big Roman religious lie that they added to the new testament of their's. Nowhere in the prophecies does it suggest trinity but they do reveal that our Creator is one.

Isaiah 43
1: But now thus says the LORD, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.
2: When you pass through the waters I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.
3: For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. I give Egypt as your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba in exchange for you.
14: Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "For your sake I will send to Babylon and break down all the bars, and the shouting of the Chalde'ans will be turned to lamentations.
15: I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King."

Isaiah 44
6: Thus says the LORD, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the LORD of hosts: "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god.
24: Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: "I am the LORD, who made all things, who stretched out the heavens alone, who spread out the earth -- Who was with me? --

We have ONE Creator, not three-in-one.
Hob, I have a choice. I can try to decipher all of the interpretations over the last 2000 years concerning what Christ said, or I can just listen to what He said. Interpretations come and go. 1,000 years from now, no one will remember what Hob thinks, but what Christ said will endure forever:

John 14:6-7
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”

Try not interpreting. Just listen.

I am 1 person. Yet, I am a wife, a mother and a daughter and function differently in each role. 3 in 1. We have 1 creator. Yet He is Father, Son, Holy Spirit and functions differently in each role. 3 in 1.
Hob, I have a choice. I can try to decipher all of the interpretations over the last 2000 years concerning what Christ said, or I can just listen to what He said. Interpretations come and go. 1,000 years from now, no one will remember what Hob thinks, but what Christ said will endure forever:

John 14:6-7
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”

Try not interpreting. Just listen.

Try listening yourself.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again... Matthew 13:44

Take care then how you listen; for the man who has will be given more and the man who has not will forfeit even what he thinks he has. Luke 8:18

Why do you keep calling me Lord, Lord, and never do what I tell you? Everyone who comes to me and hears what I say, and acts upon it - I will show you what he is like. He is like a man who in building his house , dug deep, and laid his foundation on rock. Luke 6:48

I will give you treasures from dark vaults, hoarded in secret places, that you may know that I am the Lord, Israel's God who calls you by name. Isaiah 45:3
I'm not sure what point you are trying to make with the verses you selected. Just like word. He posts scripture that he thinks compliments his belief that he's the chosen one, and lying Romans and things, due to his interpretation.......

Are you taking these ones literally, or is an interpretation of what the words mean forthcoming? There is a reason why we aren't to add to or take away from the word of God.
You read sea, and hear riot.
Bob reads sea and he hears desert.
Karen reads sea and thinks it means calming her nerve endings.

It means sea.
If we were standing on the shore and I said, "I can calm the sea with one word.", would you start looking for riot gear?

Proverbs 30: 5-6
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.
Matthew 6:19-21
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust ... For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Don't short change your inheritance, or your heart. Don't add to. ( unless it is in the area of faith.)
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I'm not sure what point you are trying to make with the verses you selected. Just like word. He posts scripture that he thinks compliments his belief that he's the chosen one, and lying Romans and things, due to his interpretation.......

Are you taking these ones literally, or is an interpretation of what the words mean forthcoming? There is a reason why we aren't to add to or take away from the word of God.
You read sea, and hear riot.
Bob reads sea and he hears desert.
Karen reads sea and thinks it means calming her nerve endings.

It means sea.
If we were standing on the shore and I said, "I can calm the sea with one word.", would you start looking for riot gear?

Proverbs 30: 5-6
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.
Matthew 6:19-21
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust ... For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Don't short change your inheritance, or your heart. Don't add to. ( unless it is in the area of faith.)

I am not adding to anything or taking away anything from the written word by applying intelligence to what Jesus said to arrive at a rational and correct understanding of what he must have meant.

In John 16;25, Jesus said, "till now I have been using figures of speech." This is after everything he said from the Father and I are one, to I am bread from heaven and eat my flesh and drink my blood, everything, which means one must decipher all of those figures of speech to understand what he meant well enough to act on it according to an intelligent and rational understanding.

If a person does not apply discernment to the commands of Jesus they might end up doing something as silly and offensive to God as teaching others that Jesus meant that God must be worshipped and eaten in the form of a lifeless cracker for a person to attain eternal life.,

Could you imagine the type of living hell society would become and the carnage such madness would inspire under such an ignorant approach to understanding and applying scripture?

If not, read a history book.
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When you replace sea with riot you have taken away from, then added your own "discernment." That is called replacement theology. And what you end up with is the Bible of Hob, the Bible of theword, and so on. Catholics replaced Israel with 'the Church'. Sadly for those in the 'church', when God says Israel, He means Israel. He will not be reigning from Rome.

Police can quell a riot, no Jesus necessary. Christ can calm the sea, no discernment, analysis, or Hob understanding necessary. You demean Him by restricting Him to your understanding. What if you are an idiot who thinks he's a genius? Your rational and correct understanding is limited.

For instances, did you discern dimensions and their attributes from Genesis? No? That's because your intelligence doesn't measure up to the intelligence of Nachmanides, or Job.

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.
How long did we have to suffer through the rational understanding of 'the earth is flat' intelligence, before we rationally and correctly figured out what Job knew all along?

Your lack of understanding of dimensions meant you had to come up with some other explanation for people "floating" up in the sky, when the truth went right over your head. Gravity, and the lack thereof, depending on the dimension you are in. But if you don't possess the necessary dimensional knowledge, you come up with your own version of what really happened. A lesser understanding of the truth. A corruption of the truth. Do you see why leaning on our own understanding is dangerous?

*Like your misunderstanding of why Christ spoke (for a short time in parables) and when that practice stopped. In fact you stopped Christ in mid sentence and ran with it from there.
What He actually said was:
I have spoken these things to you in figures of speech. But the time is coming when I will no more speak to you in figures of speech, but will tell you plainly about the Father.

He used the parables to separate those who were susceptible to his teaching and those who were not. To those that were susceptible, e.g. the disciples, He spoke plainly. There is no need for you to interpret anything the disciples tell us, that the Lord told them. He spoke plainly.
Matthew 13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand."

If Christ spoke in code, decipher this:
Love one another as I have loved you.
Because I think it means love one another as He has loved us......... Silly me.
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I'm not sure what point you are trying to make with the verses you selected. Just like word. He posts scripture that he thinks compliments his belief that he's the chosen one, and lying Romans and things, due to his interpretation.......

Are you taking these ones literally, or is an interpretation of what the words mean forthcoming? There is a reason why we aren't to add to or take away from the word of God.
You read sea, and hear riot.
Bob reads sea and he hears desert.
Karen reads sea and thinks it means calming her nerve endings.

It means sea.
If we were standing on the shore and I said, "I can calm the sea with one word.", would you start looking for riot gear?

Proverbs 30: 5-6
Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.
Matthew 6:19-21
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust ... For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Don't short change your inheritance, or your heart. Don't add to. ( unless it is in the area of faith.)

No Christian has any understanding of these scriptures because they're sinners, not sinless saints with the knowledge of God to understand all things.
When you replace sea with riot you have taken away from, then added your own "discernment." That is called replacement theology. And what you end up with is the Bible of Hob, the Bible of the word, and so on. Catholics replaced Israel with 'the Church'. Sadly for those in the 'church," when God says Israel, He means Israel. He will not be reigning from Rome.

Police can quell a riot, no Jesus necessary. Christ can calm the sea, no discernment, analysis, or Hob understanding necessary. You demean Him by restricting Him to your understanding. What if you are an idiot who thinks he's a genius? Your rational and correct understanding is limited.

For instances, did you discern dimensions and their attributes from Genesis? No? That's because your intelligence doesn't measure up to the intelligence of Nachmanides, or Job.

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.
How long did we have to suffer through the rational understanding of 'the earth is flat' intelligence, before we rationally and correctly figured out what Job knew all along?

Your lack of understanding of dimensions meant you had to come up with some other explanation for people "floating" up in the sky, when the truth went right over your head. Gravity, and the lack thereof, depending on the dimension you are in. But if you don't possess the necessary dimension knowledge, so you come up with your own version of what really happened. A lesser understanding of the truth.
*Like your misunderstanding of why Christ spoke (for a short time in parables) and when that practice stopped.

Since Christ spoke in code, decipher this:
Love one another as I have loved you.
Because I think it means love one another as He has loved us......... Silly me.

You need to BE the Word of God before you can understand anything in the scriptures. Only us saints can understand the difference between the religious lies that the Jews and Romans added to the Bible and the written words that came from "Christ", the knowledge without deception.
When you replace sea with riot you have taken away from, then added your own "discernment." That is called replacement theology. And what you end up with is the Bible of Hob, the Bible of theword, and so on. Catholics replaced Israel with 'the Church'. Sadly for those in the 'church', when God says Israel, He means Israel. He will not be reigning from Rome.

Police can quell a riot, no Jesus necessary. Christ can calm the sea, no discernment, analysis, or Hob understanding necessary. You demean Him by restricting Him to your understanding. What if you are an idiot who thinks he's a genius? Your rational and correct understanding is limited.

For instances, did you discern dimensions and their attributes from Genesis? No? That's because your intelligence doesn't measure up to the intelligence of Nachmanides, or Job.

Job 26:10
He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters,
At the boundary of light and darkness.
How long did we have to suffer through the rational understanding of 'the earth is flat' intelligence, before we rationally and correctly figured out what Job knew all along?

Your lack of understanding of dimensions meant you had to come up with some other explanation for people "floating" up in the sky, when the truth went right over your head. Gravity, and the lack thereof, depending on the dimension you are in. But if you don't possess the necessary dimensional knowledge, you come up with your own version of what really happened. A lesser understanding of the truth. A corruption of the truth. Do you see why leaning on our own understanding is dangerous?

*Like your misunderstanding of why Christ spoke (for a short time in parables) and when that practice stopped. In fact you stopped Christ in mid sentence and ran with it from there.
What He actually said was:
I have spoken these things to you in figures of speech. But the time is coming when I will no more speak to you in figures of speech, but will tell you plainly about the Father.

He used the parables to separate those who were susceptible to his teaching and those who were not. To those that were susceptible, e.g. the disciples, He spoke plainly. There is no need for you to interpret anything the disciples tell us, that the Lord told them. He spoke plainly.
Matthew 13:13 This is why I speak to them in parables: "Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand."

If Christ spoke in code, decipher this:
Love one another as I have loved you.
Because I think it means love one another as He has loved us......... Silly me.

Job was describing the world as a flat disc not a round globe.

The creation account in Genesis is not a description of the solar system or the universe. It is a fairy tale account of the law coming into an earth that was previously without form and void. The light separates the darkness like the law separates clean from unclean, good from evil, right from wrong, true from false, life from death. It is also where certain fundamental metaphors are established that are consistent throughout the Bible, Old and New testament. Light and darkness, living and the dead, and the identity of angels and demons, giants and low life's, children of God and the children of the devil clearly defined.

The water above and the water below symbolic of earthly and heavenly wisdom. Its not about any mystical dimension of existence other than the difference between the wisdom of a person whose head is filled with the vile and contaminating flesh of unclean beasts and the wisdom of a person whose mind is pure.

Without deciphering the metaphors it is impossible to achieve understanding and where there is no understanding there is no life.

I will tell you something, try to hear.

In the very day that you first got down on your knees to worship a false triune godman you died and descended into the netherworld where you remain tormented day and night by confusion and irrational nightmares about angels and demons and an edible triune godman that never existed.

If you think that's salvation maybe you need a few more decades to become more intimately acquainted with reality?

Perhaps then you will be able to bear the news that santa clause never existed and God never diddled a virgin or wore diapers?

Maybe then you will repent and come out of your grave.....if you still have a body to ascend in.......if not you will find no place in the world to come if scripture is true.
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