It's a FELONY and They WILL Prosecute

I had a chicken breast for dinner, so I really have no right to be upset about people leaving their pets tied up outside during hurricanes. :lol:
Feel better now that you got this silly rant off your chest?
What is silly about it?

I find it silly when grown and otherwise intelligent adults think that someone should go to hell for forgetting to get their outdoors dog when a hurricane arrived.

I find it silly to say that people who neglect their pets should be shot, or that it is the most disgusting thing humans do. I promise you it isnt.

But there is nothing silly about my observation that people have a need to feel morally superior, especially when they know in their heart of hearts that they are in fact moral degenerates themselves.

It is a simple Truth, if you deal in such things.
I had a chicken breast for dinner, so I really have no right to upset about people leaving their pets tied up outside during hurricanes. :lol:
No one is questioning your right to have emotional reactions.

I am questioning your rationality when you do, which is self explanatory.
Feel better now that you got this silly rant off your chest?
What is silly about it?

I find it silly when grown and otherwise intelligent adults think that someone should go to hell for forgetting to get their outdoors dog when a hurricane arrived.

I find it silly to say that people who neglect their pets should be shot, or that it is the most disgusting thing humans do. I promise you it isnt.

But there is nothing silly about my observation that people have a need to feel morally superior, especially when they know in their heart of hearts that they are in fact moral degenerates themselves.

It is a simple Truth, if you deal in such things.

I guess that makes it okay for people to treat their pets like shit since we are all degenerates at heart or something.
There is a special place in Hell for people that forsake their pets during these weather calamities.
Every time our tornado sirens go off here the first thing I do is grab my dog and put him in the basement in a kennel.
Sadly for many animals are seen as a prestige symbol and not part of the family.

These last two hurricanes...while they did not affect me in the mountains made me think - WHAT would I do?

I would never leave my pets.

Mr. C and I would figure out how to get 4 dogs and two cats into our cars and caravan it somewhere far and safe. Or stay. I couldn't leave them EVEr.
Hard to believe anyone with an animal would do this. But nothing humans do surprises me anymore

Dozens of dogs abandoned, left unable to escape as Irma bears down
It's like the guy in Colorado out hiking with his dog and the dog got stuck on a ledge. The guy couldn't manage to get the dog off the ledge, so he just went home and left it there. By sheer luck, days later, other hikers discovered the dog near death still on the ledge. They managed to get it off the ledge. When the story made the local news, the original owner heard about it and contacted the rescuers and wanting his dog back. People who are cruel to animals are generally low IQ.

I remember that story! I can't believe the original owners tried to get the dog back! I'm glad they didn't.
You pussy-lovers should do a few months on a real, working farm (not a holiday farmstop!), and learn a bit about the treatment given to the animals that end up on your plate.
I don't give a fuck about some stupid cow. I care about the animal that is loyal to me and gives me a smile everyday he is alive.

Go pretend to be a hardass somewhere else asshat.

I care about cows.

I think they deserve basic decent species appropriate treatment - the right to graze in a real pasture, to enjoy the company of their kind and when it's time for slaughter, the right to a humane and respectful death. Respect for the gift they give us. I'll still eat them though.
I could never leave my pets either.

That is NOT negotiable.
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I could never leave my pets either.

That is NOT negotiable.

I was reading recently that one of the reasons they had such a hard time getting people to evacuate during Katrina was they wouldn't leave their pets and shelters didn't allow pets! I had no idea. But there were heartrending stories of people forced to leave an animal behind especially those who are elderly or poor and have little else. NOW, apparently, they realize how much those companions mean - there are shelters designated for people with pets and they rescue pets along with people - people are no longer forced to make horrible choices.
How does one simply "forget" their pets!? It's not like they are set of keys or an earring. I don't by that excuse for a hot minute.
My animals would be so lost if they were abandoned. A fifteen year old aussie that was unadoptable...a 9 yr old 3 legged BC mix with cancer, a skittish, timid Akita mix...a normal terrier/bc mix...and two I could never leave them. We are a team together.
How does one simply "forget" their pets!? It's not like they are set of keys or an earring. I don't by that excuse for a hot minute.

It's like "forgetting" your children.
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There is a special place in Hell for people that forsake their pets during these weather calamities.
Every time our tornado sirens go off here the first thing I do is grab my dog and put him in the basement in a kennel.
Sadly for many animals are seen as a prestige symbol and not part of the family.

These last two hurricanes...while they did not affect me in the mountains made me think - WHAT would I do?

I would never leave my pets.

Mr. C and I would figure out how to get 4 dogs and two cats into our cars and caravan it somewhere far and safe. Or stay. I couldn't leave them EVEr.

Feel better now that you got this silly rant off your chest?
What is silly about it?

I find it silly when grown and otherwise intelligent adults think that someone should go to hell for forgetting to get their outdoors dog when a hurricane arrived.

I find it silly to say that people who neglect their pets should be shot, or that it is the most disgusting thing humans do. I promise you it isnt.

But there is nothing silly about my observation that people have a need to feel morally superior, especially when they know in their heart of hearts that they are in fact moral degenerates themselves.

It is a simple Truth, if you deal in such things.

"I find it silly when grown and otherwise intelligent adults think that someone should go to hell for forgetting to get their outdoors dog when a hurricane arrived.

I find it silly to say that people who neglect their pets should be shot, or that it is the most disgusting thing humans do. I promise you it isnt."

We usually agree on things Jim, on this we will have to agree to disagree.

POS who abandon members of their family which is what a pet is, they should be treated exactly as you would treat a POS who abandoned their small child.
Feel better now that you got this silly rant off your chest?
What is silly about it?

I find it silly when grown and otherwise intelligent adults think that someone should go to hell for forgetting to get their outdoors dog when a hurricane arrived.

I find it silly to say that people who neglect their pets should be shot, or that it is the most disgusting thing humans do. I promise you it isnt.

But there is nothing silly about my observation that people have a need to feel morally superior, especially when they know in their heart of hearts that they are in fact moral degenerates themselves.

It is a simple Truth, if you deal in such things.

We are responsible for all living things in our care - our families, dependents, children...and that includes our pets who depend on us for their every need. I was watching ranchers working like hell to save their cattle and horses ahead of the storm, of many people carrying their pets to safety.

"Forgetting" to get their "outdoor dog"...I guess that shows how much they think of the poor animal who depends on them? Can't agree....
Yeah for me my disappointment with folks who do this is not just my "family member bias", but also the reality that when you get a pet you're assuming a responsibility for their health because they can't really do so on their own.

How are they gonna open the front door when the water comes in? And then how long are the poor things going to tread water before they exhaust and drown?
Yeah for me my disappointment with folks who do this is not just my "family member bias", but also the reality that when you get a pet you're assuming a responsibility for their health.

The worst thing I remember seeing in some of the Katrina footage was people forced to leave pets behind because rescuers and shelters wouldn't take them. And many died because they wouldn't leave. No one should have to make those choices.

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