It's all about poor, poor, abused, unfairly set-upon ME

Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Trump said he was proud to own it Are you calling him a gd liar?
Demolosers own it. No game is necessary
Nah this is all on Trump. Stop with the both sides are equally to blame bullshit just because Democrats don't play Trump's game or swallow their narrative.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.
never said i wanted another politician.
Unfortunately, a politician is what is needed in today's political arena. We may hate them but we do need them.
disagree. policians to me are why we are in this mess.
Well, that's probably true, but without them this nation, at least as we know it would have ceased to exist years ago. To the uninformed, it appears all you need is good honest people in Washington and they will do the right thing. However, doing that is far harder than one can possibly imagine when decisions are shared between 535 people all with different goals and issues.

Rather than say we need politicians, I think it's more accurate to say we need people with political skills which is another way of saying people skills. In addition, these people need to have a good understanding of government and our laws and how it really works, not just how it should work. Lastly, every legislator needs to be able to build lasting relationships with his or her peers. No bill every gets pasted just because it's a good bill. It takes support from legislators and the leadership who have relationships with the sponsors of the bills. Often it takes years for a legislator to become effective. Without politician organization congress becomes an unruly mess and nothing is accomplished.

Actually, we need the people represented
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Millions died for these fking idiots to refuse we the people . TRAITORS
It's the job of elected officials to willingly accept criticism with no recourse or reply. If you disagree then you are partisan. Your beliefs are messed up
I hate that elected officials disregarded the will of the people in 2016! For that, shut this mthr fking government down until that error is corrected. Build that mthr fking wall
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
It's the job of elected officials to willingly accept criticism with no recourse or reply. If you disagree then you are partisan. Your beliefs are messed up
I hate that elected officials disregarded the will of the people in 2016! For that, shut this mthr fking government down until that error is corrected. Build that mthr fking wall
Actually that is what's causing the problem. Trump is doing exactly what his supporters want. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are doing likewise. What is missing is congress voting for what they believe is best for the nation. Instead they're following the will of their constituents.
Last edited:
It's the job of elected officials to willingly accept criticism with no recourse or reply. If you disagree then you are partisan. Your beliefs are messed up
I hate that elected officials disregarded the will of the people in 2016! For that, shut this mthr fking government down until that error is corrected. Build that mthr fking wall
Actually that is what's causing the problem. Trump is doing exactly what his supporters want. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are doing likewise.
No, the country voted for trump. A county voted for a congress person huge difference
It's the job of elected officials to willingly accept criticism with no recourse or reply. If you disagree then you are partisan. Your beliefs are messed up
I hate that elected officials disregarded the will of the people in 2016! For that, shut this mthr fking government down until that error is corrected. Build that mthr fking wall
Actually that is what's causing the problem. Trump is doing exactly what his supporters want. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are doing likewise.
No, the country voted for trump. A county voted for a congress person huge difference
The responsibility of a congressmen is to his people in his district or state.

The country did not vote for Trump, the Electoral College did. The majority of voters in the nation voted for Clinton and that's a fact.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
Yeah, we know. It was OK when Obama did it, but it's different with Trump because turds like you hate him.
It's the job of elected officials to willingly accept criticism with no recourse or reply. If you disagree then you are partisan. Your beliefs are messed up
I hate that elected officials disregarded the will of the people in 2016! For that, shut this mthr fking government down until that error is corrected. Build that mthr fking wall
Actually that is what's causing the problem. Trump is doing exactly what his supporters want. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are doing likewise.
No, the country voted for trump. A county voted for a congress person huge difference
The responsibility of a congressmen is to his people in his district or state.

The country did not vote for Trump, the Electoral College did. The majority of voters in the nation voted for Clinton and that's a fact.
It doesn't matter. Trump won. End of story. Who voted for Piglosi?
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
You mean why does Piglosi continue to keep costing the American people money? It's obviously not the amount of money involved. Obviously, she just wants more illegal aliens flooding into the country.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
Yeah, we know. It was OK when Obama did it, but it's different with Trump because turds like you hate him.
During the Obama administration there was one government shutdown during his 8 years in office lasting 16 days. It was resolved with a continuing resolution, an action Trump has so far rejected.

Donald Trump has been in office two years and has had 3 government shutdowns. The latest, is the longest in history. He has refused to negotiate on his demand and has not been open to signing a continuing resolution as Obama did.

The shutdowns under Obama are not comparable to Trump shutdowns, in number, length of shutdown, nor the suffering it has caused government workers.

This is what the nation gets when they put someone in office totally lacking in political skills and experience.
Last edited:
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
You mean why does Piglosi continue to keep costing the American people money? It's obviously not the amount of money involved. Obviously, she just wants more illegal aliens flooding into the country.
6 billion now is a lot better than locking the country into a 40 billion dollar worthless project that will take 10 years to complete.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
You mean why does Piglosi continue to keep costing the American people money? It's obviously not the amount of money involved. Obviously, she just wants more illegal aliens flooding into the country.
6 billion now is a lot better than locking the country into a 40 billion dollar worthless project that will take 10 years to complete.

Wrong. It won't take 10 years, and it won't cost $40 billion. Every time an illegal crosses the border, we're locked into provide social services for her and her children for their entire lives.
It’s true we can’t give in to the baby crying. Let him cry himself to sleep.
the hard part anymore is which side is really acting like a baby. both are damn good at it anymore.
Nah this is all on Trump. Stop with the both sides are equally to blame bullshit just because Democrats don't play Trump's game or swallow their narrative.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.
never said i wanted another politician.
Unfortunately, a politician is what is needed in today's political arena. We may hate them but we do need them.
Ice didn't want a politician and he's happy with this lying con man ??
It's the job of elected officials to willingly accept criticism with no recourse or reply. If you disagree then you are partisan. Your beliefs are messed up
I hate that elected officials disregarded the will of the people in 2016! For that, shut this mthr fking government down until that error is corrected. Build that mthr fking wall
Actually that is what's causing the problem. Trump is doing exactly what his supporters want. Republicans and Democrats in the House and Senate are doing likewise.
No, the country voted for trump. A county voted for a congress person huge difference
The responsibility of a congressmen is to his people in his district or state.

The country did not vote for Trump, the Electoral College did. The majority of voters in the nation voted for Clinton and that's a fact.
the electoral college is determined by votes in states you fool. The people that live in the districts that these congress people live in are for both sides idiot. As is the president. Trump won because of the wall, it's that simple. your congress person was elected by a million people in a district trump 63 million in most all districts. do you think the congress people don't have constituents that voted for the president? Don't give me your radical democrat bullshit.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
Yeah, we know. It was OK when Obama did it, but it's different with Trump because turds like you hate him.
During the Obama administration there was one government shutdown during his 8 years in office lasting 16 days. It was resolved with a continuing resolution, an action Trump has so far rejected.

Donald Trump has been in office two years and has had 3 government shutdowns. The latest, is the longest in history. He has refused to negotiate on his demand and has not been open to signing a continuing resolution as Obama did.

The shutdowns under Obama are not comparable to Trump shutdowns, in number, length of shutdown, nor the suffering it has caused government workers.

This is what the nation gets when they put someone in office totally lacking in political skills and experience.
Trump has already made massive compromises to his demand. Piglosi is the only one involved who refuses to compromise. It takes incredible dishonesty to claim Trump is the one who isn't willing to compromise

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