It's all about poor, poor, abused, unfairly set-upon ME

Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
Yeah, we know. It was OK when Obama did it, but it's different with Trump because turds like you hate him.
During the Obama administration there was one government shutdown during his 8 years in office lasting 16 days. It was resolved with a continuing resolution, an action Trump has so far rejected.

Donald Trump has been in office two years and has had 3 government shutdowns. The latest, is the longest in history. He has refused to negotiate on his demand and has not been open to signing a continuing resolution as Obama did.

The shutdowns under Obama are not comparable to Trump shutdowns, in number, length of shutdown, nor the suffering it has caused government workers.

This is what the nation gets when they put someone in office totally lacking in political skills and experience.
Trump has already made massive compromises to his demand. Piglosi is the only one involved who refuses to compromise. It takes incredible dishonesty to claim Trump is the one who isn't willing to compromise
Giving back what he took away is compromise ?? Keeping his same demand for 5.6 billion for a wall is compromise???Don't you know the history of this vile swine of a man???
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
He turned downed amnesty first and the wall later. That's what the Dims were offering.
Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
Yeah, we know. It was OK when Obama did it, but it's different with Trump because turds like you hate him.
During the Obama administration there was one government shutdown during his 8 years in office lasting 16 days. It was resolved with a continuing resolution, an action Trump has so far rejected.

Donald Trump has been in office two years and has had 3 government shutdowns. The latest, is the longest in history. He has refused to negotiate on his demand and has not been open to signing a continuing resolution as Obama did.

The shutdowns under Obama are not comparable to Trump shutdowns, in number, length of shutdown, nor the suffering it has caused government workers.

This is what the nation gets when they put someone in office totally lacking in political skills and experience.
Trump has already made massive compromises to his demand. Piglosi is the only one involved who refuses to compromise. It takes incredible dishonesty to claim Trump is the one who isn't willing to compromise
Giving back what he took away is compromise ?? Keeping his same demand for 5.6 billion for a wall is compromise???Don't you know the history of this vile swine of a man???
Trump didn't take away squat. DACA is illegal.

His original request was for $25 million, you fucking dumbass. What you want is for him to compromise on his compromise. That's the way it is with Dims. No matter how many concessions Republicans make, the Dims always demand more.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
Keep in mind Trump started this with his demand for money to build a wall and then saying it's non-negotiable.

This is a perfect example of a Trump negotiating strategy which in politics is a disastrous move because it leaves your opponent with only one face saving move, declare that money for the wall is not negotiable. That creates a negotiating impasse in which neither side can submit an acceptable offer without losing face, a really stupid move by Trump.
Yeah, we know. It was OK when Obama did it, but it's different with Trump because turds like you hate him.
During the Obama administration there was one government shutdown during his 8 years in office lasting 16 days. It was resolved with a continuing resolution, an action Trump has so far rejected.

Donald Trump has been in office two years and has had 3 government shutdowns. The latest, is the longest in history. He has refused to negotiate on his demand and has not been open to signing a continuing resolution as Obama did.

The shutdowns under Obama are not comparable to Trump shutdowns, in number, length of shutdown, nor the suffering it has caused government workers.

This is what the nation gets when they put someone in office totally lacking in political skills and experience.
Trump has already made massive compromises to his demand. Piglosi is the only one involved who refuses to compromise. It takes incredible dishonesty to claim Trump is the one who isn't willing to compromise
Giving back what he took away is compromise ?? Keeping his same demand for 5.6 billion for a wall is compromise???Don't you know the history of this vile swine of a man???
Trump didn't take away squat. DACA is illegal.

His original request was for $25 million, you fucking dumbass. What you want is for him to compromise on his compromise. That's the way it is with Dims. No matter how many concessions Republicans make, the Dims always demand more.
small correction, the dims never compromise. if they do, they reneg. history is on our side there. so, the dims are not honest.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
educate yourself jcc
As a Shutdown Looms, a Reminder that Trump Already Turned Down a Border Wall Deal. Twice.

STEPHEN SPIKER / December 13, 2018
Polling has been consistent over the past two years: most Americans oppose building a wall on the Southern border with Mexico. Going further, polling shows that just 28 percent support President Trump’s plan to shut down government if he doesn’t secure funding for a border wall, with 68 percent opposing, and 60 percent said they would blame Trump and Republicans if a shutdown occurred.

On the other hand, after two years of false promises and endless rally chants, the Republican base is agitating for a wall. Whipped into a frenzy, and with bold threats from Trump, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where Trump feels he can back down.

Some voters may be wondering how we got to this point at all. And to those people, as well as those who consider themselves Trump’s “base” who desperately want to see a wall built, there’s something you need to know. Or, that is, recall:

Trump already turned down an offer from Democrats to build a border wall.


It was earlier this year in 2018. And so we’re clear, I don’t mean some euphemism like “fencing” or “border security” which may or may not mean a wall, and I don’t mean an attempt to hold to Trump’s long-abandoned campaign promise of having Mexico pay for it. I mean Democrats offering the full $25B that Trump has requested for construction of a border wall.


That’s text from proposed legislation that got 54 votes in the U.S. Senate. President Trump threatened to veto it. He turned down the same offer two months later.

Don’t remember any of this? I don’t blame you. A lot of this has to deal with detailed policy proposals, some of which were introduced in a bunch, and the media took a shortcut in describing the substance of it all, instead focusing on the jockeying and winners and losers.

Furthermore, if your media diet includes a lot of FOX News, Breitbart, or other anti-immigration platforms, you likely heard next-to-nothing about these developments; or, what you did hear was falsely describing literally everything as “amnesty.” So let’s take a walk down memory lane.

Fall 2017 – End of DACA

President Trump unilaterally ended a program President Obama unilaterally created, protecting children who were brought here illegally by their parents from deportation and allowing them to work and live legally in the United States as long as they meet certain requirements and stay out of trouble. This program is overwhelmingly popular: a June 2018 poll by CNN shows 80 percent of Americans support DACA, including 67 percent of Republicans.
Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
educate yourself jcc
As a Shutdown Looms, a Reminder that Trump Already Turned Down a Border Wall Deal. Twice.

STEPHEN SPIKER / December 13, 2018
Polling has been consistent over the past two years: most Americans oppose building a wall on the Southern border with Mexico. Going further, polling shows that just 28 percent support President Trump’s plan to shut down government if he doesn’t secure funding for a border wall, with 68 percent opposing, and 60 percent said they would blame Trump and Republicans if a shutdown occurred.

On the other hand, after two years of false promises and endless rally chants, the Republican base is agitating for a wall. Whipped into a frenzy, and with bold threats from Trump, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where Trump feels he can back down.

Some voters may be wondering how we got to this point at all. And to those people, as well as those who consider themselves Trump’s “base” who desperately want to see a wall built, there’s something you need to know. Or, that is, recall:

Trump already turned down an offer from Democrats to build a border wall.


It was earlier this year in 2018. And so we’re clear, I don’t mean some euphemism like “fencing” or “border security” which may or may not mean a wall, and I don’t mean an attempt to hold to Trump’s long-abandoned campaign promise of having Mexico pay for it. I mean Democrats offering the full $25B that Trump has requested for construction of a border wall.


That’s text from proposed legislation that got 54 votes in the U.S. Senate. President Trump threatened to veto it. He turned down the same offer two months later.

Don’t remember any of this? I don’t blame you. A lot of this has to deal with detailed policy proposals, some of which were introduced in a bunch, and the media took a shortcut in describing the substance of it all, instead focusing on the jockeying and winners and losers.

Furthermore, if your media diet includes a lot of FOX News, Breitbart, or other anti-immigration platforms, you likely heard next-to-nothing about these developments; or, what you did hear was falsely describing literally everything as “amnesty.” So let’s take a walk down memory lane.

Fall 2017 – End of DACA

President Trump unilaterally ended a program President Obama unilaterally created, protecting children who were brought here illegally by their parents from deportation and allowing them to work and live legally in the United States as long as they meet certain requirements and stay out of trouble. This program is overwhelmingly popular: a June 2018 poll by CNN shows 80 percent of Americans support DACA, including 67 percent of Republicans.
never happened eddie. never happened. your puppeteers lie to you daily.
And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
educate yourself jcc
As a Shutdown Looms, a Reminder that Trump Already Turned Down a Border Wall Deal. Twice.

STEPHEN SPIKER / December 13, 2018
Polling has been consistent over the past two years: most Americans oppose building a wall on the Southern border with Mexico. Going further, polling shows that just 28 percent support President Trump’s plan to shut down government if he doesn’t secure funding for a border wall, with 68 percent opposing, and 60 percent said they would blame Trump and Republicans if a shutdown occurred.

On the other hand, after two years of false promises and endless rally chants, the Republican base is agitating for a wall. Whipped into a frenzy, and with bold threats from Trump, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where Trump feels he can back down.

Some voters may be wondering how we got to this point at all. And to those people, as well as those who consider themselves Trump’s “base” who desperately want to see a wall built, there’s something you need to know. Or, that is, recall:

Trump already turned down an offer from Democrats to build a border wall.


It was earlier this year in 2018. And so we’re clear, I don’t mean some euphemism like “fencing” or “border security” which may or may not mean a wall, and I don’t mean an attempt to hold to Trump’s long-abandoned campaign promise of having Mexico pay for it. I mean Democrats offering the full $25B that Trump has requested for construction of a border wall.


That’s text from proposed legislation that got 54 votes in the U.S. Senate. President Trump threatened to veto it. He turned down the same offer two months later.

Don’t remember any of this? I don’t blame you. A lot of this has to deal with detailed policy proposals, some of which were introduced in a bunch, and the media took a shortcut in describing the substance of it all, instead focusing on the jockeying and winners and losers.

Furthermore, if your media diet includes a lot of FOX News, Breitbart, or other anti-immigration platforms, you likely heard next-to-nothing about these developments; or, what you did hear was falsely describing literally everything as “amnesty.” So let’s take a walk down memory lane.

Fall 2017 – End of DACA

President Trump unilaterally ended a program President Obama unilaterally created, protecting children who were brought here illegally by their parents from deportation and allowing them to work and live legally in the United States as long as they meet certain requirements and stay out of trouble. This program is overwhelmingly popular: a June 2018 poll by CNN shows 80 percent of Americans support DACA, including 67 percent of Republicans.
never happened eddie. never happened. your puppeteers lie to you daily.
Trumpty Dumbty sat on a wall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,how did that end jcc?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
educate yourself jcc
As a Shutdown Looms, a Reminder that Trump Already Turned Down a Border Wall Deal. Twice.

STEPHEN SPIKER / December 13, 2018
Polling has been consistent over the past two years: most Americans oppose building a wall on the Southern border with Mexico. Going further, polling shows that just 28 percent support President Trump’s plan to shut down government if he doesn’t secure funding for a border wall, with 68 percent opposing, and 60 percent said they would blame Trump and Republicans if a shutdown occurred.

On the other hand, after two years of false promises and endless rally chants, the Republican base is agitating for a wall. Whipped into a frenzy, and with bold threats from Trump, it’s hard to imagine a scenario where Trump feels he can back down.

Some voters may be wondering how we got to this point at all. And to those people, as well as those who consider themselves Trump’s “base” who desperately want to see a wall built, there’s something you need to know. Or, that is, recall:

Trump already turned down an offer from Democrats to build a border wall.


It was earlier this year in 2018. And so we’re clear, I don’t mean some euphemism like “fencing” or “border security” which may or may not mean a wall, and I don’t mean an attempt to hold to Trump’s long-abandoned campaign promise of having Mexico pay for it. I mean Democrats offering the full $25B that Trump has requested for construction of a border wall.


That’s text from proposed legislation that got 54 votes in the U.S. Senate. President Trump threatened to veto it. He turned down the same offer two months later.

Don’t remember any of this? I don’t blame you. A lot of this has to deal with detailed policy proposals, some of which were introduced in a bunch, and the media took a shortcut in describing the substance of it all, instead focusing on the jockeying and winners and losers.

Furthermore, if your media diet includes a lot of FOX News, Breitbart, or other anti-immigration platforms, you likely heard next-to-nothing about these developments; or, what you did hear was falsely describing literally everything as “amnesty.” So let’s take a walk down memory lane.

Fall 2017 – End of DACA

President Trump unilaterally ended a program President Obama unilaterally created, protecting children who were brought here illegally by their parents from deportation and allowing them to work and live legally in the United States as long as they meet certain requirements and stay out of trouble. This program is overwhelmingly popular: a June 2018 poll by CNN shows 80 percent of Americans support DACA, including 67 percent of Republicans.
never happened eddie. never happened. your puppeteers lie to you daily.
Trumpty Dumbty sat on a wall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,how did that end jcc?
nothing has ended. so again, you are the fool.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?

Why do the communists keep refusing to fund the wall?

Oh, that's right, democrats hate America.

What this boils down to is;

Does the democrats hatred of America outstrip their love of government and government workers?
Last edited:
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
65,853,514 people said no to Trump in 2016.
62,984,828 people said yes to Trump in 2016.
Congress is accepting the will of the people.
Yes, this is on Trump and most Americans agree. He asked for 5.7 billion dollars and didn't get it so he refused to sign the bill funding the government.

This is what you get when put a business man in the presidency who is totally lacking in the political skills. Nothing better illustrates this than his vendetta with Pelosi, the key person he needs to get what he wants. I'm sure his refusal to allow her use of federal transportation was really satisfying after her suggestion that he postpone the State of Union speech but how did that help his cause. It simply drove the two further apart and made any agreement less likely.

Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
President Donald Trump said Monday that he rejected a compromise plan to reopen the government temporarily, so he could continue negotiating a border wall with his Democratic congressional foes.
President Trump says he rejected plan to reopen the government to negotiate border wall
Yep, The President want's to defend America.

But you democrats hate America, so you'll allow the government to be shutdown forever if it means endangering the land and constitution you so bitterly despise.

$5.7 billion is less than Pelosi and pals spend flying to Europe - oh, did her lavish vacation get cancelled... :lol:

And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
President Donald Trump said Monday that he rejected a compromise plan to reopen the government temporarily, so he could continue negotiating a border wall with his Democratic congressional foes.
President Trump says he rejected plan to reopen the government to negotiate border wall

Surrender is not compromise.

The democrats offered to let Trump give them everything they want and get nothing in return.

The question boils down to this, do you democrats hate America more than you love government workers?
And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
President Donald Trump said Monday that he rejected a compromise plan to reopen the government temporarily, so he could continue negotiating a border wall with his Democratic congressional foes.
President Trump says he rejected plan to reopen the government to negotiate border wall

Surrender is not compromise.

The democrats offered to let Trump give them everything they want and get nothing in return.

The question boils down to this, do you democrats hate America more than you love government workers?
What we hate is what the republican party has become a group who love their party before their country
In a nation that is supposedly great we have to shut down govt and hold average middle class workers hostage while both childish sides stamp their feet. Can't make this stuff up. We have the ruling class elites who don't know what it means to live paycheck to paycheck unaware of what life is like for the average citizen.
What we hate is what the republican party has become a group who love their party before their country

You democrats know that if America gets a wall, America will survive. You are dedicated to the destruction of America, the land you bitterly hate.

BUT Trump has you traitors by the short hairs, your core constituency will soon feel real pain.

So the question remains, do you democrats hate America more than you love government workers?

Give up your war to end America, or see the shutdown go on and on....
Along with the wall hire another 3000 border agents with full benefits and pensions. The wall must be patrolled as well.
And, it's less than the 6.1 billion dollars that it is costing this country every week that the government is shut down. This shutdown has already cost over 4 times what Trump asked for. Why does he continue to keep costing the American people money?
because he made a campaign promise that got him elected in the job. Why can't the congress just accept the will of the people and add the funds. it's my money. I choose where it goes through my vote. ooh and everyone of those congress fks wanted the wall before trump was elected, so at best they are hypocrites to their constituents. they knew their constituents wanted a wall.
What did Trump turn down that coulter warned him about ?
trump hasn't turned down anything.
President Donald Trump said Monday that he rejected a compromise plan to reopen the government temporarily, so he could continue negotiating a border wall with his Democratic congressional foes.
President Trump says he rejected plan to reopen the government to negotiate border wall

Surrender is not compromise.

The democrats offered to let Trump give them everything they want and get nothing in return.

The question boils down to this, do you democrats hate America more than you love government workers?
The position of democrats is the wall which Trump is proposing will take over 10 years to complete, will cost in excess of 40 billion dollars, and it's a solution for a problem that may well not exist by the time the wall is finally completed. There are many ways of reducing illegal immigration faster and cheaper.

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