It's All Gone: The Democrats' Dead Ideals


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
It's All Gone: The Democrats' Dead Ideals

It's All Gone: The Democrats' Dead Ideals
As the spurious case against Brett Kavanaugh disintegrates, splinters, and re-forms into a cacophony of whiny, irrelevant expostulations, it is instructive to step back and survey the field upon which this battle took place.
The ground is littered with dead and wounded ideals: civility, dead; basic decency, dead; the presumption of innocence, gravely wounded, ditto for the idea of due process. And this disgusting carnage is all on you, O ancient one, Dianne Feinstein, and your self-important, preposterous colleagues. You were desperate to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court so you abandoned any semblance of decency and respect. You travestied the processes of the United States Senate for the sake of a cynical grab at power. I’d say that you should be ashamed of yourselves, but, like the thugs that you are, you have no shame. You believe the acquisition of power is a magical antidote to shame. You are wrong about that, and one can only hope that you will one day reap some portion of the obloquy you have sowed.... The travesty that was the smear campaign against Brett Kavanaugh is disintegrating. He will be confirmed, but the mephitic stench of the attack against him and the rule of law will linger. I wonder if the Democrats will remember it when the tallies come in on November 6 and their vaunted blue wave turns out to be a moist, impotent trickle.

My suggestion is that we do as the Romans did to Cataline(Catiline - Wikipedia): strip citizenships, thrust from the Senate, and lock and bar the door.
Where is the ACLU on all of this? "They are no longer civil libertarians. They are serving a different master now," said former ACLU vice president Michael Meyers, who served on the group's national board from 1981 to 2005. "It's not ironic, it's tragic," Meyers told the Washington Examiner. "It's hypocrisy. It's bald-face hypocrisy. It's outrageous hypocrisy. It's a violation of everything we believe in as civil libertarians. It's appalling, shocking. It's unacceptable."
I think evil like the extreme leftist Democrats has a relatively short half-life and burns out quickly. Because they are trying to get an entire population to hate themselves and hate their own country for no good reason and that simply isn't going to work.

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