Zone1 It's almost comical when liberals criticize "the God of the Bible"


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I say "almost" because there isn't too much that is comical vis a vis liberals...

But yeh, they criticize the God Christians believe in because of such things as this:

In the Old Testament, God told the Israelites to kill all those they were at war with. I don't think this pertains to ALL wars? But in some cases, yeh, they were told by God to even kill the children!

That is horrifying to us pro-life people of modern times.

But get this... It is also "horrifying" or at least unacceptable to liberals! They claim that no "God of love" would command such a hideous thing.

Then they go to the election polls to vote for PRO MUDER (of the unborn) political candidates...!

Abortion is a horrendous practice.
well, I pray you say this to as many people as you can because it is now old hat, namely abortion being legal. Everyone accepts it at least some certain age brackets (like when the child is under 6 weeks or..?)

I used to protest at abortuaries, probably should do that again soon (though it's not entirely feasible at this particular time). Even after the death of the infamous Roe, people are still screaming their heads off about the right to murder the innocent.
Now, Jesus was a righteous dude.
Nobody can question anything Jesus said or did in the Bible.

Now, OT God was one nasty SOB always punishing for any slight
Flooding the earth
Torturing Job for the fun of it
Killing the innocent first born of Egypt
But yeh, they criticize the God Christians believe in because of such things as this:

there is no such religion as christianity -

no where in public documents or in the hand of jesus is there the claim jesus claimed to be a messiah than the claim by judas who betrayed all those that new better - than what was being alleged by the jews of the time either for jesus or that a heavenly messiah will ever exist.

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