it's almost like having you here

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two gaillardias
bright green, red-and-yellow-fringed
frivolous play suits

merlin's cup tilting
haloed eerily above
esoteric moon​


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oooo the morning light
may never know of heart's insight
into the bliss of thoughts surreal
that flutter past its valves of steel
that open slowly as the fog
creeps silently the flood plain's bog​
through thunder storm a songbird chat
trumpets tale of this and that
beneath the eaves on top-shelf perch
he sings a slightly scornful search
gray lake refills then overflows
as nature turns on heaven's hose
and drenches all the world with rains
as waters rise above flood drains
the lightning flicks repeatedly
and chastened streams flow to the sea
bearing mud and detritus
to abyss far away from us​
tis time to put the empty cup back on the shelf
it cannot be my vessel when he hung himself
with thoughts of others put so far ahead of me
his lying eyes beheld no lasting reverie
so limping through my final journey that is trod
my only love shall be the great almighty God​
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scalloped white puffs and grey mists soften heat of sun
they blend their colors rolling forces into one
and grass on burnt fields say farewell to verdant zest
a gold bird chastens mockingbird away from nest
trusting herself alone to guard her precious flock
from predators or busybodies' noisy squawk
a rustic scene reflected on the August lake
alleviating sore eyes from calescent bake
o beauty of the egret's wing
o'er seashore or the slum
in pairs they beat the still warm air
like echoes of a drum

their peerless majesty aside
they nest the tall oak's height
and when instruction season comes
they test each newbie's flight

they test for gracious movement from
the compass point around
no silver streak was e'er so sleek
as landing sans a sound

though no surprise to anyone
a suitor with a crest
displayed his glacier featherings
this grey heron, his best

the black guillemots two years gone
have told of Freedom Lake
that nothing any bird has seen
equals our gentle rakes

to verify this mystery
grey heron flew from north
to see heralded beauty that
each great egret brings forth
Based on observations, Freedom Lake, Walker County, Texas, 5pm-7:15 pm 09.11.2013​
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moth winged delight
teasing air currents homeward
powder soft alight​
blue skies grayed by clouds of night
still host starry lights
sparkling stars illumine bright
till the grays are whites
arise from slumber to greet morning's song
of bluebirds and laughter and joy
a twinkling blue eye wipes sleep from his eye
and stretches with smile of a boy
collected, small pleasures,
in all of life's treasures
though cobwebs swept under the rug
don't measure the warmth of a hug

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