it's almost like having you here

there seems to be no solace when you are blue
when the one you love no longer will be true
the betrayal and shock of pain
downpouring on the heart like rain
as gloomy gray clouds gather and surround you

sing a song of cheerful things when feeling sad
think of lovely days and joys when things go bad
try to recall something witty
give your misery no pity
gather sweetness in your soul; you will be glad

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vespers on a Sunday morning

heaven may be through sheer veil
through which the living must pass
some time or other, sister and brother
we would be wise not to fail

traditions taught to small child
sweetly his song swells the breeze
he sings for Jesus, if just to please us
who taught be kindly and mild

when times get rough on life's gales
sorrows come, winter cold, loss
oft when belongin' we maybe wrong him
his love for us never pales

do not forget lessons learned
we are much better for pain
when we feel weakened his word can strengthen
his caring on our hearts burned
circle of life in plant is rife
after the drought, branches fall out
down with a crack drawn to the back,
in a straight file to the burn pile
in several days light up the blaze
along with trash, turn them to ash
heat warps the air with its hot flare
would it like time skip through space chyme
from here to there getting no wear
adding no age bending the page?
paleness in face praying for grace
of secret known albeit flown
in falling fruit seed may take root
growing again life cycle win

there was a small squirrel annoying​
whose hole-digging antics employing
earth mounds here and there​
truth in fact: everywhere
in the lawn he grows cheerful destroying
summer envisioned on my rear view mirror glass
gentle, warm rains falling and quenching verdant grass
the blossom smiles facing the sun along its path
in kindred with bird by brook vibrating its bath
deep darkened plums on tree are sunned to sweetened batch
ten thousand berries feed the visitors to patch
birdsong is quick to fall upon aesthetic's ear
fragrance ubiquitous surrounds the soul sincere
and morning's dewdrop enlarges smallest leaf vein
as nature sings her industry in sweet refrain
a solstice night when starlight lightens darkened field
and fireflies to imagination have appealed
the cattle in the field a-lowing call to mind
the sweetest incident bequested to mankind
a love and freedom given to the soul of man
eternal peace in warmth unfolding as to plan
bestowed as gift like wisdom although set apart
to bless the affable and loving human heart
as snowflakes gather on the windowpane outside
endearing words between good friends o pray abide

ode to carolyn

her singing voice was resonant
her legend kindness known
but at her celebration wake
dear harmony had flown

molten tears from loving eyes
dripped quickly from each face
for n'er again her precious sound
will be heard in earth's place

we should be joyful in our heart
she's in a better home
and will have restored thoughts return,
confusion set to roam

ten years have passed since last she knew
daughters from strangers far
may like an angel from above
she now, their guiding star

carolyn, 1938-2009

mists from the graying cirrus skies once blue
softly adorn the meadow's grass with dew
and quench the branch withered by drought and sol
as chary hawk drinks from the wellspring's bowl
refractions blurred mix sky with trunk and leaf
with paint-stroke waves so minuscule and brief
one might not guess this light-enhanced collage
be aggregate of life's fleeting mirage
human constructs by impressions naive
ergo compare to that one may believe

each day plays out a different hand
reflected on the pond
the new spring green shows cheerfulness
uniquely at the dawn

sometimes the cirrus clouds on high
convert the sun to white
but softens not the terrapins
when fear turns into fright

at dusk the purple streaks become
dark shades of magnitude
except when full moon light appears
with golden tones imbued

when winter comes refraction shows
branch lace against the sky
and duplicates of every bird
skim surfing on the fly

the gracious pond still welcomes me
with soft and winding path
i favor and i savor it
when working out life's math

ode to yellowstone park

o'er northwest tannish cliffs of old
yon amber sawtooth, yea behold
bubbling spirits boil't on high
escaping earth to seek the sky
making groves of aspens shake
quiv'ring till their shadows quake
bighorns scale orthog'nal walls
enigmas spritz the bride's veil falls
aspiring spruce and lowly sage
turn many a man's soul-weary page
reviving sons and daughters fair
inhaling bracing mountain air
to view the tawdry cauldron bowl
we might know need for saving soul
and speaking thus of gratefulness
we mustn't swim old faithfulness
yet we might try two-ocean lake
averting bears with cow bell shake
avoid the bison cute and sweet
or you could quick thy maker meet
and moose abuse will get you grief
stay in the car, to make it brief
mosquitoes there have brutal stakes
as potent as the oil of snakes
yet cool and sleek jenny lake lays
below the peaks where sweet fawn plays
ah, yellowstone thy greatest worth
where tetons tower o'er the earth
is in refreshing, fragrant plant
and awesomeness as geysers rant

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a hundred
cattle egrets
of African descent
pondering my afternoon clearing
of weeds
on the fence line
at the neighbor's woods.
they well knew what i was doing
they knew fires were raging across the friendship state
they knew i was preventing our house, pond, buildings and fields
from any fires that could start here tomorrow
the caution danger level has been declared "extreme"
if the mowed fire line helps stop embers from falling to one of our tree,
we will have safety
but if the winds blow hot and harshly
a fire could roar past my feeble efforts
but the cattle egrets knew what was on my mind
maybe their flights presented them the facts of a million scorched acres
they knew and they didn't fly away like they usually do when they hear
the drumming of a riding mower for four consecutive hours
i thought of my stellar morning sewing sturdy quilted pillows for nursing home residents who need support
of egrets

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clear dusky surface telling details seen
amidst the gray of sky and quiet green
when light wind rising pillaging top glass
sends myriad of wavelets to harass
serenity as gifted from above
spry spirits speed to move the heart of love
one started quiv'ring obscure fish below
'twas large, assertive, angry and did blow
a smaller winsome faerie came to add
her shorter version of the angst she had
o nostradamic mirror silver pond
why hast thou chosen waving sparkler wand
for my attention span has widened with thee near
whatever is it spectre i should hear
that ordinary senses tell me not
about a legend long i had forgot
o worry not dear spirits from the dead
i chalked it off as loss and put it from my head

expatiating thunder rips heaven
terrifying raising cain like leaven
sentinel of earth defeating drought plain
bringing desert bare benevolent rain
roaring, shaking rattle of sky's marrow
thrown behind the lightning's blinding arrow
plangent drums routing solace throughout town
filling park and alley with surround sound
wise men run for cover from the deluge
wasting nothing till they find a refuge
sycophant of dissonance tags along
demanding swift justice for ev'ry wrong
pretending the earth should e'er be mellow
can you say he is a naive fellow
whether you prefer to saunter or rush
thor's cacophony retreats and leaves hush
earth in quietude may ever respond
thunder rusticates by filling fish pond

o dearest kindred carry me
whene'er i die to lone prairie
remote and wild where wind blows free
as i find cheer in reverie

sometimes when feeling so alone
i discoursed god on direct phone
no one else could soften moan
or comfort fibro's pricking bone

wandering's best away from fence
ah thinking thus should soften sense
remains rising in spite of rain
the here and now fracas of pain

too often crying from my bed
when hurt was thought to be in head
at least out there, the answers be
where freedom stays the last of me


Note: new medical panacea instituted a few months ago eliminated all that. ^^^ Life is good. :)
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You know you have friends here
You know you are missed.
I hope that your garden
Is by the Lord kissed
I hope that life brings you
The best ABCs
And a happy return soon
first light of dawn

sky colors soft o'er black lace horizon
created by leaves on the trees
mirrored in neutrals upon small lake waters
as still and as quiet as eden
shapes wild imagining create this unique scene
upside-down figures blurred by little fish
swimming in little dish causing slight stir
weeds at the foreground of beautiful morning round
binding the traced lines reflecting the grace fine
of sky colors intensifying somber sweet there's no denying
while moths and dragonflies sleep in their dreams of deep
morning is breaking out everywhere else
nothing frenetic it's all enigmatic
and calm as a coffee cup calls
and first birds chirp quietly​
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thundering, thankless, theatrical threats
heated hyperbolic hate-speech and hounding
atrocious, acerbic articulations
nefarious, ninnyhammer's narratives
kindly kempt keystrokes, kinship's kith
serenity's sensible scion, sound sleep

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the castle wall is lovely white
green gardens trim, tall spires
yet it was built with waste and spite
as peasants lives grew dire

the people kept it centuries
inhabited by none
to show vain wantonness brings spoil
when all is said and done
o God give heart to pass Thy test
obedience's gold
let never any sophist's wrong
cross over my threshold

should Thy righteousness expose
sophists' cruel derision
give me the strength to hold Thy will
to be my light and vision

if I am burned in anger's heat
receiving friendly fire
please hold me firmly in Thine arms
to do as Thou require

if any calumny is thrown
please do deliver me
for living right is all i ask
in beauty's reverie
Quercus alba White Oak

tall tree, sculpted leaves
lumber - floors, casks, boatbuilding;
nuts ground into breads


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