It's already started: Muslim Woman Attacked over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.
he should be charged with simple assault .

Holy Shit, you actually said something intelligent. Damn, I'm gonna have to give you some rep for that.
How many did batboy alone kill .. 24, With 58 Injured...newtown...28 dead...children !
these guys kill what ? 4 people ? and it throws a nation into fits of hatred, racism
paranoia.. a city in lock down in virtual martial law...because two guys have killed 4 people ?

They may have only killed four, but they destroyed the lives of many more.
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Moron. There's nothing to own up to. Surely the perp was a leftie who had a Obama 2012 button on him. Obama took Massechusetts handily remember?

Why would a leftie shout disparaging remarks at a Muslim woman? Lefties love Muslims, remember? And you think of that too, Sunni man. If it wasn't for lefties, Muslims would be kicked out of the country as conservatives like Jeremiah would love to see.

There is exactly the same amount of evidence that the perp was a lefty as there is that he was a rightie, that is to say, none. t's a stupid post and a stupid thread by a stupid left wing hack. You cannot be serious when you claim that there aren't ANY obama voters who would get angry at muslims for the bombing. Even a lefty cannot be THAT stupid. i know some people who vote for and support obama simply because he supports unions and some of them are the biggest racist bastards I've ever met. I have an in-law who lives in Rochester NY who carries a picture of Jim Jones and Adolph Hitler in his wallet because both of them killed the people he hates the most. He's a democrat voter through and through.

You and the OP don't know squat.


More at the link.

'To Boston From Kabul, With Love': Beth Murphy On Why Afghans Held Her Sign (PHOTOS)
Interesting that you have no rebuttal other than to attack the messenger, Sunni man. Typical. Bottom line is the West has done their best to extend hospitality to your own people, your own religion, your own mosques and in exchange for that hospitality Islam has tried to install their own brand of law in our courtrooms, used CAIR to demand that Americans cannot pray to our own God unless we pretend it includes yours ( it does not, we don't worship a moon god here ) used these same mosques as jihad training centers, the pulpits for hate speeches against America and Israel, prayed for our mutual destruction, blown up our twin towers, shot up our military base on our own soil (13 souls ) invaded our sovereign us embassies and raped our ambassador on camera for the world to see & now have murdered 3 more americans while maiming over 160 more. We've had enough. We don't want Islam in our nation. We realise our leaders are too politically correct to ever speak those words so I will speak them instead. ISLAM MUST GO! TIME TO DEPORT ISLAM AS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION OUT OF THE WEST. FOR GOOD.

Best wishes to you and the fam - just take it outside of the West and leave us out of your plans. We have no interest in being dominated by Islam and afterall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that is the goal here.

- Jeremiah

You preach exactly the opposite of what your god preached. You're also very ignorant.

You personify what I despise in organized religion. More than that, its "christians" like you that non-christians hate and distrust. When you're whining about being disliked and distrusted by non-christians, look at yourself in the mirror to see the reason.
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Tea partiers are verbally attacked like this all the time by Liberals and far left type. Why does it only become a story and get called an attack when they do it to a Muslim? Anyone? - Jeri

I can't remember the last time left-wing lunatic fringe punched a Christian woman in the shoulder and shouted "F*** you Christians" and "You are involved in bombing whatever" and then going on about it for two minutes. Can you?

I'm pretty sure the right-wing would bring that to everyone's attention.

And you have no proof that anyone punched or said anything to a Muslim woman, other than her say so.

That doesn't mean it happened or didn't happen.
slims are allowed by the Koran to lie as long as it advances Islam.

So are morms and that was okay with you.

"Christians" lie every day and that seems to be just fine with the right as well.

Come to think of it, the worst liars on the planet are all Republican and its been fun watching the getting caught - one right after another.

(I don't know what a "slim" is. A racist, bigoted slur?)
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

While I agree 100% that this is completely wrong and stupid, let me know when Christian civilians start going to muslim countries and blowing up people at public gatherings just for the heck of it.
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While I agree 100% that this is completely wrong and stupid, let me know when Christian civilians start going to muslim countries and blowing up people at public gatherings just for the heck of it.
The CIA, which is a civilian agency, sends drones to attack muslim mosques, weddings, family gatherings, etc.

In hopes of maybe killing a so called terrorist.

And at the same time murdering dozens of innocent people and families. ... :doubt:
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Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

While I agree 100% that this is completely wrong and stupid, let me know when Christian civilians start going to muslim countries and blowing up people at public gatherings just for the heck of it.

Ever hear of Iraq? Afghanistan?

Coming to a Republican War Near You ... Iran!
Moron. There's nothing to own up to. Surely the perp was a leftie who had a Obama 2012 button on him. Obama took Massechusetts handily remember?

Why would a leftie shout disparaging remarks at a Muslim woman? Lefties love Muslims, remember? And you think of that too, Sunni man. If it wasn't for lefties, Muslims would be kicked out of the country as conservatives like Jeremiah would love to see.

There is exactly the same amount of evidence that the perp was a lefty as there is that he was a rightie, that is to say, none. t's a stupid post and a stupid thread by a stupid left wing hack. You cannot be serious when you claim that there aren't ANY obama voters who would get angry at muslims for the bombing. Even a lefty cannot be THAT stupid. i know some people who vote for and support obama simply because he supports unions and some of them are the biggest racist bastards I've ever met. I have an in-law who lives in Rochester NY who carries a picture of Jim Jones and Adolph Hitler in his wallet because both of them killed the people he hates the most. He's a democrat voter through and through.

You and the OP don't know squat.

When it comes to racism, party affiliation has little to do with determining who is and who isn't. I lived in Chicago for fifteen years. Nearly the entire city votes Democrat, but most of the whites hate the blacks. In 1983, so many white Democrats voted for the Republican candidate Bernie Epton in the Mayor's race that he almost won against Harold Washington. Washington won the Democratic primary when the incumbent Jane Byrne and Rich Daley split the white vote. The backlash by white voters almost gave Chicago a Republican Mayor who really was not qualified for the position.

That's not to say Republicans don't have plenty of racists. We know who most of them are too. They just don't live in the big cities; most of them live in trailer parks. Yea, that was a bit stereotypical, but oh well.
Can anyone explain what the hell we are doing in the MIddle East?

Why are we there? What's the point?

Ask Dick Cheeney and the other R profiteers.

Good for President Obama for getting our of Iraq and I'm glad he has a timetable for Afghanistan as well. But, we need to get our of Afghanistan NOW.

I'm sad for the women and children because it will just get worse for them but its not like we've been any help to them. Now, if the world's oil was under the control of women and children ...
Why would a leftie shout disparaging remarks at a Muslim woman? Lefties love Muslims, remember? And you think of that too, Sunni man. If it wasn't for lefties, Muslims would be kicked out of the country as conservatives like Jeremiah would love to see.

There is exactly the same amount of evidence that the perp was a lefty as there is that he was a rightie, that is to say, none. t's a stupid post and a stupid thread by a stupid left wing hack. You cannot be serious when you claim that there aren't ANY obama voters who would get angry at muslims for the bombing. Even a lefty cannot be THAT stupid. i know some people who vote for and support obama simply because he supports unions and some of them are the biggest racist bastards I've ever met. I have an in-law who lives in Rochester NY who carries a picture of Jim Jones and Adolph Hitler in his wallet because both of them killed the people he hates the most. He's a democrat voter through and through.

You and the OP don't know squat.

When it comes to racism, party affiliation has little to do with determining who is and who isn't. I lived in Chicago for fifteen years. Nearly the entire city votes Democrat, but most of the whites hate the blacks. In 1983, so many white Democrats voted for the Republican candidate Bernie Epton in the Mayor's race that he almost won against Harold Washington. Washington won the Democratic primary when the incumbent Jane Byrne and Rich Daley split the white vote. The backlash by white voters almost gave Chicago a Republican Mayor who really was not qualified for the position.

That's not to say Republicans don't have plenty of racists. We know who most of them are too. They just don't live in the big cities; most of them live in trailer parks. Yea, that was a bit stereotypical, but oh well.

I lived in Tucson for more than 25 years and what I saw first hand is that both Mexicans or Native Americans are more careful and loving with their families than most whites. Most Mexicans are incredibly hard workers and honest. Native Americans have been so abused by the culture of forced reservations, they have many social problems with disease and poverty and yet, they are completely family and tribal oriented.

Another thing you find with Mexicans and NA's is that they will always stop to help another person. No matter what ethnicity you are, you can always count on no-strings-attached help from Mexicans and NA's. I saw this many times over the years.

I lived in NYC at the time of the six day war in Israel. The company I worked for had one other gentile working there. When the war broke out, the hallways were full of small groups, all hugging and crying and talking about their family members in Israel. That day, the very wealthy owner of the company announced that he was sending $1million dollars to the war effort and that, in addition, he would match all employee donations. Even though they were just office workers or sales people, those people gave very generously.

Whites have lost a sense of tribe and family. We may be close to our immediate family but we have no feeling of being in it together. There is no doubt that the right is worse for this. Not individual rw voters necessarily but certainly R politicians. Hardly a week goes by that we do not hear of yet another R politician screwing over all Americans or just his own constituents.

I suspect this is partly why we hate Mexicans, NA's, Muslims and just about anyone else who isnt' white bread. Sadly, the lies that are told every single day only serve to make us distrust and hate Muslims even more.
humm, I am sorry you took the low road and doubled down....imho class isn't a place or time, its how one conducts oneself, despite what may going on around them.....core values.

agreed, I have read some of your posts.....

you mean - 'without' don't you? :eusa_eh:

wishing people get blown up because they are 'misguided' or 'not thinking' straight or disagree with you hardly qualifies as a proportionate response, unless believe in say, what goes down when one trys becoming a Christian in Taliban land.....

see what I did there? :eusa_whistle:

Here is my logic and by the way, thank you for being the grammar Nazi.

uh huh, so you free to correct someone on th spelling of panther, yet.:rolleyes:

..and btw that wasn't a grammar correction , it was a contextual correction , it changes the entire gist of your comment....

Being classy on a board is as valuable as writing a letter to a blind person. I have been a member on these boards long enough to know having class is a rarity. There are far too many bigots, racist, xenophobes, homophobes, on this board for me to be classy. My asking for their death is because I personally feel that this world is better off without these kinds of people. FYI if I felt that this board had some real value in my personal life my tone would change. Since it doesn't I really don't care

I am sorry you took the low road and triplped down....imho class isn't a place or time, its how one conducts oneself, despite what may be going on around them.....core values.

There is exactly the same amount of evidence that the perp was a lefty as there is that he was a rightie, that is to say, none. t's a stupid post and a stupid thread by a stupid left wing hack. You cannot be serious when you claim that there aren't ANY obama voters who would get angry at muslims for the bombing. Even a lefty cannot be THAT stupid. i know some people who vote for and support obama simply because he supports unions and some of them are the biggest racist bastards I've ever met. I have an in-law who lives in Rochester NY who carries a picture of Jim Jones and Adolph Hitler in his wallet because both of them killed the people he hates the most. He's a democrat voter through and through.

You and the OP don't know squat.

When it comes to racism, party affiliation has little to do with determining who is and who isn't. I lived in Chicago for fifteen years. Nearly the entire city votes Democrat, but most of the whites hate the blacks. In 1983, so many white Democrats voted for the Republican candidate Bernie Epton in the Mayor's race that he almost won against Harold Washington. Washington won the Democratic primary when the incumbent Jane Byrne and Rich Daley split the white vote. The backlash by white voters almost gave Chicago a Republican Mayor who really was not qualified for the position.

That's not to say Republicans don't have plenty of racists. We know who most of them are too. They just don't live in the big cities; most of them live in trailer parks. Yea, that was a bit stereotypical, but oh well.

I lived in Tucson for more than 25 years and what I saw first hand is that both Mexicans or Native Americans are more careful and loving with their families than most whites. Most Mexicans are incredibly hard workers and honest. Native Americans have been so abused by the culture of forced reservations, they have many social problems with disease and poverty and yet, they are completely family and tribal oriented.

Another thing you find with Mexicans and NA's is that they will always stop to help another person. No matter what ethnicity you are, you can always count on no-strings-attached help from Mexicans and NA's. I saw this many times over the years.

I lived in NYC at the time of the six day war in Israel. The company I worked for had one other gentile working there. When the war broke out, the hallways were full of small groups, all hugging and crying and talking about their family members in Israel. That day, the very wealthy owner of the company announced that he was sending $1million dollars to the war effort and that, in addition, he would match all employee donations. Even though they were just office workers or sales people, those people gave very generously.

Whites have lost a sense of tribe and family. We may be close to our immediate family but we have no feeling of being in it together. There is no doubt that the right is worse for this. Not individual rw voters necessarily but certainly R politicians. Hardly a week goes by that we do not hear of yet another R politician screwing over all Americans or just his own constituents.

I suspect this is partly why we hate Mexicans, NA's, Muslims and just about anyone else who isnt' white bread. Sadly, the lies that are told every single day only serve to make us distrust and hate Muslims even more.

with a guilt complex like that you need to seek therapy....good luck on that:eusa_angel:
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

maybe it is a far left nut like yourself
slims are allowed by the Koran to lie as long as it advances Islam.

So are morms and that was okay with you.

"Christians" lie every day and that seems to be just fine with the right as well.

Come to think of it, the worst liars on the planet are all Republican and its been fun watching the getting caught - one right after another.

(I don't know what a "slim" is. A racist, bigoted slur?)

a "slim" happens when your cheap assed laptop at work has lag. It was supposed to be Muslim.

The biggest liar on the planet is barack hussein obama and it's ok with you.

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