It's already started: Muslim Woman Attacked over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

You mean like we bombed the Marathon in the first place?

Can anyone explain what the hell we are doing in the MIddle East?

Why are we there? What's the point?

Because they have radical muslims there too.

We are there because there is terrorism over there too. The governments of those counries have asked us to be there to help protect the interests of their citizens who actually want to work and make money, and to keep the radical muslims from destroying the place.

We have not 'stolen' one barrel of oil as we are so vociferously accused of on forums like this. We protect the oil fields, then we pay top dollar demanded by the oil cartel to get it. Those countries are our allies, albeint questionable at times.
heba abolaban, muslim woman, says she was attacked over boston bombings

any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on usmb want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

the man should be apprehended and possibly prosecuted for his ways.

And many christians and christian churches are the first ones to come to that woman's aid.

Meanwhile, you prance around as one of biggest hypocries with your sickening defenses of pure evil. There is no telling how many more thousands or millions must die across the globe before you admit that fanatical islam is the real evil and problem in this world.

No instead you go hunting for the lone wolves and play your sick games. You obfuscate the truth, you truly act as a coward imo.

millions dying across the globe because of evil muslims ??..where ?...when ?

I asked you six questions in response to your questions for me. But apparently you are too busy or too clever to be put on trial. (Not too busy to do another top post though, mind you.) Just another narcissistic billboard. (yawn)

(“…and that kids, once again, is why internet exchanges are so worthless.”)
Christians are no better......In fact, are worse. In fact I would hope every Christian who carries the same attitude that I see here on USMB I wish was in the Boston bombing.

A true Christian does not need to demean another faith.

A true Christian demonstrates the mercy of Christ through compassion and understanding. I haven't met one Christian on this board that demonstrates those virtues. Therefore all deserve to or I wish were in the bombing attacks.

you are one sick POS
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Tea partiers are verbally attacked like this all the time by Liberals and far left type. Why does it only become a story and get called an attack when they do it to a Muslim? Anyone? - Jeri
Christians are no better......In fact, are worse. In fact I would hope every Christian who carries the same attitude that I see here on USMB I wish was in the Boston bombing.

A true Christian does not need to demean another faith.

A true Christian demonstrates the mercy of Christ through compassion and understanding. I haven't met one Christian on this board that demonstrates those virtues. Therefore all deserve to or I wish were in the bombing attacks.

you are one sick POS

A true Christian is not politically correct, friend. A true Christian will be the first to tell you that the Muslims serve a moon god named allah which is the antithesis of the G-d of the Torah and Bible. He demands blood sacrifices and you're it! Their book teaches them to wage jihad upon those who do not believe in their god. Christians & Jews first.

Now you can bury your head in the sand and ignore the warnings that Islam and the West mix about as well as beta fish and gold fish in the same fish bowl or you can pay attention and realise that when lawmakers are rushing to push through ALAC ( american law for american courtrooms ) in order to stop sharia law from ruling in our own states? We've got a problem, Houston. These two young men who waged jihad. This is not an abberation of Islam. They are the poster children for it. You just haven't realised it yet because you've never been outside the country and seen how Islam really operates.

How did liberals become the spokespersons for Islam? The liberal universities in America took money from the Saudis and allowed them to build Islamic Learning Centers on these campuses. The Saudis even paid the salaries of the Islamic teachers and as an extra bonus told these Univesities these teachers could also teach History, Math, you name it. All for free? So yes, The liberals took the deal. Therein began the indoctrination into a pseudo islam that doesn't exist. The one George Bush spoke about. The religion of peace. It isn't true. He knew it and what is more a Muslim on a war board asked me why he says things he knows isn't true. He told me that he knew very well ( and so did I ) that he didn't serve the same god as the Christians did. He was very clear that his god was not our God and I agreed with him. Islam and the West do not mix. Islam and the West will never mix. That is the reality of the situation. You have political leaders and their mouth pieces on this board trying to convince everyone that we must "discover" what it will take to bring understanding to the Muslim world. NASA can quit looking in outerspace for the answer. It's right here on earth. Its called the bible. I've never met an ex muslim who became a christian who wasn't the most joyful person in the world compared to where they were prior to conversion. That is the truth and THAT, MY FRIEND! IS THE ANSWER!

- Jeremiah
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^^^^ Retard post ...... :cuckoo: :cool:

No, it is the truth. I've seen the videos of sermons inside mosques throughout the USA, Sunni. I make it my business to stay up with your latest hate fests and the one consistent prayer you guys have been chanting & continue to chant? Death to the Americans! Death to the Jews! You should be straight with the liberals and explain to them how they were the first to go after Lebanon fell apart. Better yet, they should buy the book, Why they Hate By Brigitte Gabrielle. That would be an eye opener. I was especially horrified at the testimony after the jihad began about the christians.

Do you remember her story about the Muslims who took the children of the christians there, tying one leg & arm of the child to one parent and the other arm and leg to the other parent and then driving apart with vehicle ripping the child in two? How many children were ripped apart like that? Oh! Don't forget the one where the christian couple were taken by muslims and they put their infant into the blades of a ceiling fan right there in the police office? Was that justice after Islam took over? Doesn't sound like it to me! Tell CAIR no thanks. We don't want sharia law in our courtrooms. - Jeri
The best way to fight Islam in the United States would be to join groups such as Act!! For America!! Brigitte Gabrielle organization. Become a chapter leader for your area. She has thousands all over the nation. Become politically involved and show up for the votes concerning ALAC - American Law for American Courtrooms. Demand it be the law for your State. Expose the false preachers who are pushing Sharia law for our courtooms such as Joel Hunter from Orlando who is helping Muslims get Sharia law into courtrooms in Orlando. Joel Hunter was the man who counseled Obama on evangelical lingo - how to answer at the Rick Warren debate before the first election. Joel Hunter still boasts that he is Obamas spiritual counselor but people in Orlando know Joel Hunter is a false teacher and not a true christian at all. He is the Pastor of Northland in Orlando, Florida. These are the type of preachers Americans should know about. He was behind the scenes giving Obama all the right answers so he would win the christian vote. Joel Hunter is a modern day Judas in my opinion. - Jeri
^^^^ Retard post ...... :cuckoo: :cool:

No, it is the truth. I've seen the videos of sermons inside mosques throughout the USA, Sunni. I make it my business to stay up with your latest hate fests and the one consistent prayer you guys have been chanting & continue to chant? Death to the Americans! Death to the Jews! You should be straight with the liberals and explain to them how they were the first to go after Lebanon fell apart. Better yet, they should buy the book, Why they Hate By Brigitte Gabrielle. That would be an eye opener. I was especially horrified at the testimony after the jihad began about the christians.

Do you remember her story about the Muslims who took the children of the christians there, tying one leg & arm of the child to one parent and the other arm and leg to the other parent and then driving apart with vehicle ripping the child in two? How many children were ripped apart like that? Oh! Don't forget the one where the christian couple were taken by muslims and they put their infant into the blades of a ceiling fan right there in the police office? Was that justice after Islam took over? Doesn't sound like it to me! Tell CAIR no thanks. We don't want sharia law in our courtrooms. - Jeri

That's horrifying. I do not even want to know it to be a fact.

Those who call themselves peaceful moderate Muslims need to come to terms with the truth. We have no quarrel with their religion if there were not so many hundreds of thousands (millions?) on the fringe elements that are filled with contempt for any and all who do not subscribe to their beliefs and their laws. The world cannot accept thousands upon thousands of attacks upon the innocents. And then almost as bad, we have to endure sicko liberals who try to justify these horrors by reminding us Christians were involved in the Crusades and there are those abortion doctor killers. Therefore what ?... therefore we can say nothing or do nothing? therefore what Christianity does for this world is just as evil? I really don't get these secular and liberal apologists who have no idea how much of a menace they are to the truth and to an answer.
Interesting that you have no rebuttal other than to attack the messenger, Sunni man. Typical. Bottom line is the West has done their best to extend hospitality to your own people, your own religion, your own mosques and in exchange for that hospitality Islam has tried to install their own brand of law in our courtrooms, used CAIR to demand that Americans cannot pray to our own God unless we pretend it includes yours ( it does not, we don't worship a moon god here ) used these same mosques as jihad training centers, the pulpits for hate speeches against America and Israel, prayed for our mutual destruction, blown up our twin towers, shot up our military base on our own soil (13 souls ) invaded our sovereign us embassies and raped our ambassador on camera for the world to see & now have murdered 3 more americans while maiming over 160 more. We've had enough. We don't want Islam in our nation. We realise our leaders are too politically correct to ever speak those words so I will speak them instead. ISLAM MUST GO! TIME TO DEPORT ISLAM AS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION OUT OF THE WEST. FOR GOOD.

Best wishes to you and the fam - just take it outside of the West and leave us out of your plans. We have no interest in being dominated by Islam and afterall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that is the goal here.

- Jeremiah
Interesting that you have no rebuttal other than to attack the messenger, Sunni man. Typical. Bottom line is the West has done their best to extend hospitality to your own people, your own religion, your own mosques and in exchange for that hospitality Islam has tried to install their own brand of law in our courtrooms, used CAIR to demand that Americans cannot pray to our own God unless we pretend it includes yours ( it does not, we don't worship a moon god here ) used these same mosques as jihad training centers, the pulpits for hate speeches against America and Israel, prayed for our mutual destruction, blown up our twin towers, shot up our military base on our own soil (13 souls ) invaded our sovereign us embassies and raped our ambassador on camera for the world to see & now have murdered 3 more americans while maiming over 160 more. We've had enough. We don't want Islam in our nation. We realise our leaders are too politically correct to ever speak those words so I will speak them instead. ISLAM MUST GO! TIME TO DEPORT ISLAM AS A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION OUT OF THE WEST. FOR GOOD.

Best wishes to you and the fam - just take it outside of the West and leave us out of your plans. We have no interest in being dominated by Islam and afterall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that is the goal here.

- Jeremiah


You make Christianity look about as bad as Sunni makes islam look! You two should get a room!
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Moron. There's nothing to own up to. Surely the perp was a leftie who had a Obama 2012 button on him. Obama took Massechusetts handily remember?
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Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Tea partiers are verbally attacked like this all the time by Liberals and far left type. Why does it only become a story and get called an attack when they do it to a Muslim? Anyone? - Jeri

I can't remember the last time left-wing lunatic fringe punched a Christian woman in the shoulder and shouted "F*** you Christians" and "You are involved in bombing whatever" and then going on about it for two minutes. Can you?

I'm pretty sure the right-wing would bring that to everyone's attention.
Heba Abolaban, Muslim Woman, Says She Was Attacked Over Boston Bombings

Heba Abolaban, a Palestinian doctor who immigrated to the United States from Syria, says she was punched in the shoulder in Malden, Mass., on Wednesday by a man who shouted "F*** you Muslims!" and "You are involved in the Boston explosions," according to the Malden Patch.

The man, described as a white male in his 30s, allegedly shouted at Abolaban for about two minutes before continuing on his way, Patch reports.

Police Chief Kevin Molis told the Boston Globe the department was looking for the suspect.

“No investigative strategy will be overlooked in order to determine who’s responsible for this,” Molis said. “This is something that as a city and as a police department we take seriously.”

Any of the fringe-righties or hateful teabaggers on USMB want to own up to this?

Come forward, turn yourself in.

Moron. There's nothing to own up to. Surely the perp was a leftie who had a Obama 2012 button on him. Obama took Massechusetts handily remember?

Why would a leftie shout disparaging remarks at a Muslim woman? Lefties love Muslims, remember? And you think of that too, Sunni man. If it wasn't for lefties, Muslims would be kicked out of the country as conservatives like Jeremiah would love to see.

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