It's Always A Good Day To Prank A Democrat


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Perhaps leave a scribbled note on their windshield - "I know what you did."
I love a good prank. I've proven it over the years by pulling off about 147,000 pranks on people.

I've turned a few more nervous type folks into shaky lil white haired gnomes.
Here's a good way to prank a Democrat: put a "Trump 2020" bumper sticker on the rear bumper of a liberal's car. There's a fair chance they won't notice it at first and end up driving around with it all day until they get confronted about it. And the more that liberal insists that it's not his bumper sticker and just a prank someone pulled, the less the other liberal will believe him and the madder he'll get. How do I know this? Because that's exactly how Trump Derangement Syndrome works.

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