"It's bad to Hate?"

Gabriella84 said:
It can't be too wrong to hate. cp hates almost everyone different from him, and he is a "Proud American."

Of course, what is contrary is that so many people who profess a love for and allegiance to God, also spew out a lot of hate. I have never heard our Lord referred to as "The God of Hate."
On the other hand, we hear a lot about terrorists being "filled with hatred." Their minds think of nothing but hate.

Which obviously means that, while some of prefer God's way of peace and love toward our fellow man, others think like terrorists.

If Gabby was as "close to God" <a href="http://www.usmessageboard.com/forums/showpost.php?p=303872&postcount=3" target=_blank">as she claims to be</a>, then that means she must spend a lot time in His word.

Having said that, then Gabby - better than anyone (seeing as "how close to God" she is - should know the following:

Psalm 97:10
Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.

Proverbs 8:13
To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.

Amos 5:15
Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts.

Romans 12:9
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Hmm.. . sounds to me like the Bible clearly states quite the opposite of her liberal-biased, Kum-by-ya, Oprahfied, Wussified views...
rtwngAvngr said:
You libs hate more than anyone I know. You can't argue your way out of a paper sack, so you turn to stirring up hate and envy to achieve your aims. Why don't you try a new approach?

How about pointing to one example of the success of socialism for starters?

I am not a liberal. Stop making dumb assumptions.
nucular said:
I am not a liberal. Stop making dumb assumptions.

What else is anyone supposed to assume after reading all the posts you make that spew ignorance and hatred towards our President?
Ignorance and hatred can come from all sides, to think otherwise is to be blind.

This reminicent of a night I spent watching a Leafs vs. Habs games where not one person could acknowledge that other team make some good plays, or their penalties deserved. Funny how life extends itself. Of course if it was the Oilers...
-Cp said:
What else is anyone supposed to assume after reading all the posts you make that spew ignorance and hatered?

What is "hatered"?

I am not a liberal. Calling me one will not make me one either. You're barking up the wrong tree. Woof, woof!
nucular said:
What is "hatered"?

I am not a liberal. Calling me one will not make me one either. You're barking up the wrong tree. Woof, woof!

It's that spew you continually post with a type-o
GunnyL said:
It's that spew you continually post with a type-o

Don't get what you guys are driving at. What's liberal about me? I don't consider my positions liberal.

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