It's Begun: Israel Under Fire From the North

It's been long debated who the armies of the North will be. Or will it just be from the North? Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan are not North of Israel. Although, they could move north and come down upon Israel. Turkey, Lebanon, Russia and China are north. I've always thought Russia would be the actual attacker with Muslims joining it. Gaza isn't north either. Gaza might end up being a valley of dry bones if the people there let Hamas continue this.
Update (1100ET): Israel has confirmed its forces are now striking targets in southern Lebanon, as the conflict slides into the much-feared scenario of a two-front war... Hamas in the south, Hezbollah in the north. Interestingly, it seems that Gaza-based militants are trying to provoke Hezbollah's entry into the war, given they need the firepower and for the IDF to be bogged down in the north:

ISRAELI WARPLANES ARE BOMBING SOUTHERN LEBANON. This is a severe escalation. This came after clashes between Israeli occupation forces and unknown gunmen.

According to CNN:

Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said in a brief statement on Monday that its helicopters are currently striking in Lebanese territory. No further details were provided.
Earlier, the IDF said a “number of armed suspects” who “infiltrated” into Israel from Lebanon were killed, and that IDF soldiers were searching the area.
The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) peacekeepers said in a statement on Monday that it has reported explosions near Al-Boustan in southwest Lebanon.
There are also reports IDF heavy armor has been seen headed to northern border with Lebanon:

Cross-border attacks are intensifying in the growing tit-for-tat:
According to CNN:

There are also reports IDF heavy armor has been seen headed to northern border with Lebanon:

Cross-border attacks are intensifying in the growing tit-for-tat:
Time for Israel to throw 2 small neutron bombs at Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north and end the war.
John wailing away in delirium on Patmos is a poor model. Boycott Gog & Magog.

'That is what French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing was saying in his military and polItical geography lesson: the more balanced things are between East and West, in an overcoding and overarmed dualist machine, the more "destabilized" they become along the other, North-South line. There is always a Palestinian or Basque or Corsican to bring about a "regional destabilization of security."

There is always something that flows or flees, that escapes the binary organizations, the resonance apparatus, and the overcoding machine....'
(A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, p. 216 Micropolitics and Segmentarity)
Time for Israel to throw 2 small neutron bombs at Hamas in
the south and Hezbollah in the north and end the war.


They won't throw shit because they don't want to become oven food again.

Once was bad enough.
Time for Israel to throw 2 small neutron bombs at Hamas in
the south and Hezbollah in the north and end the war.


They won't throw shit because they don't want to become oven food again.

Once was bad enough.
Who is "They?" We bombed Japan with 2 nukes in WW2. Not anyone in the middle east nor Russia.
Are you joking?

We are talking Nuclear weapons! o_O

Just to add....conventional weapons yes Nuclear weapons NO
Yes, nuclear weapons. Israel has them. They will use them if necessary. And, they won't see anymore attacks either. This attack is different from Hamas and Hezbollah. Biden gave Iran $6 billion and it isn't going to be used for what Biden says it will be for. Biden knows this. Democrats are not for Israel no matter what their talking heads say. Behind the scenes, they root for fascist terrorists.
For the genocidal style atrocity being perpetrated on Israel, the world must thank the insidious Palestinian people, Hezbollah, our American liberals, our miscreant demented President and his good pals in the Iranian regime.

Oh, and of course, we need to thank former President Obumbler for so badly “negotiating” with the Iranian scumbags in the first place.
These terrorist fuckers should avoid pissing off the U.S. or they will no longer exist on planet earth.
Hezbollah takes credit for this attack

Time for another 6 day war. This time Israel should not give back ANY of the lands they conquer. The Palestinians had their chance to.pive peacefully. These terrorists deserve death. No recognition at all. Wipe them off the face of the earth once and for all.

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