It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.

The Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale is reported to have said,‭ “‬It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭”

On the morning of January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the crowd of loyal followers could not help feeling inspired by their grifter-in-chief’s stirring and motivating one-and-one-quarter hour long speech.‭ ‬The tone of his rhetoric was consistent throughout the entire seventy-three-and-a-half minutes.

But,‭ ‬during the final ninety seconds his words were of a more specific nature,‭ ‬as he said to all assembled,‭ “‬Our brightest days are before us,‭ ‬our greatest achievements still wait.‭ ‬I think one of our great achievements will be election security because nobody until I came along,‭ ‬had any idea how corrupt our elections were.‭ ‬And again,‭ ‬most people would stand there at‭ ‬9:00‭ ‬in the evening and say,‭ “‬I want to thank you very much,‭” ‬and they go off to some other life,‭ ‬but I said,‭ ‘‬Something’s wrong here.‭ ‬Something’s really wrong.‭ ‬Can’t have happened.‭’ ‬And we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”

“Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun.‭ ‬My fellow Americans for our movement,‭ ‬for our children and for our beloved country and I say this,‭ ‬despite all that’s happened,‭ ‬the best is yet to come.‭”

At this point in the final ninety seconds,‭ ‬the message was of the bright future they could create.‭ ‬Who could resist the opportunity to bring their children this potential utopia‭?

“So‭ ‬we’re going to,‭ ‬we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬I love Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬and‭ ‬we’re going to the Capitol and‭ ‬we’re going to try and give‭… ‬The Democrats are hopeless.‭ ‬They’re never voting for anything,‭ ‬not even one vote.‭ ‬But‭ ‬we’re going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

The impeached president trump made it clear to those present,‭ ‬they would walk together with their fearless leader,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬Anyone listening to the speech or reading the transcript understands the grifter-in-chief wants his audience to believe he will be by their sides when‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”‬

And why shouldn’t they believe he would be with them when they went to fight for their country,‭ ‬after such an emotionally charged and moving one-and-one-quarter hour‭?

“So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.‭ ‬I want to thank you all.‭ ‬God bless you and God bless America.‭ ‬Thank you all for being here,‭ ‬this is incredible.‭ ‬Thank you very much.‭ ‬Thank you.‭”

With his last few sentences,‭ ‬he assures his loyal followers he is united with them,‭ “‬let’s‭” ‬is the contraction of‭ “‬let us‭”‬.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬his words say to his loyal followers,‭ “‬Let‭ ‬us,‭ ‬walk together,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬It's now understood by all that they will be at the Capitol,‭ ‬together,‭ ‬with their grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬where they are‭ “‬going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

However,‭ ‬rather than simply help give the weak Republicans pride and boldness,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s loyal followers went right to the,‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell,‭” ‬part of their grifter-in-chief’s inspiring and motivating oratory.

So,‭ ‬it would appear that,‭ ‬even though their fearless cult leader had, unbeknownst to all, bugged out on them,‭ ‬the faithful,‭ ‬performed as the courageous Nathan Hale proclaimed,‭ “‬It's the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭” This would, of course, include not just officers, but all of the "righteous soldiers" obeying the orders of their, supposedly nearby, grifter-in-chief.

Nathan Hale,‭ ‬after being captured by the British and convicted of spying,‭ ‬stood proudly on the gallows the day of his execution.‭ ‬When asked if he had any last words,‭ ‬Hale spoke only,‭ “‬I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.‭”

January sixth’s deadly clown show,‭ ‬which resulted from the grifter-in-chief’s rousing address,‭ ‬has shown the‭ modern “‬Minutemen‭” ‬of the twenty-first century’s American Revolution, lack the courage‭ (‬and the eloquence‭) ‬of Nathan Hale.

When this century’s heroes of the Revolution were taken into custody by authorities,‭ ‬some cried and whimpered that they were sorry.‭ ‬That it was poor judgment that led them to participate.‭ ‬One‭ “‬hero‭” ‬arrested and jailed,‭ ‬had his mommy call the mean authorities where he is jailed.‭ ‬She complained that her little boy hadn’t eaten because he wasn’t provided organically grown food.

Recently,‭ ‬the FBI distributed a memo,‭ ‬warning of possible armed protests at the fifty state capitals the week of January‭ ‬17th.‭ ‬Also possible on the‭ ‬17th,‭ ‬according to the FBI,‭ ‬armed interference is threatened in D.C.‭ ‬if Congress attempts to use the Twenty-fifth Amendment to remove the impeached president trump.‭ ‬FBI officials were not concerned with the threat,‭ ‬since Congress cannot use the Twenty-fifth Amendment provision to remove a president from office.‭ ‬That can be done only by the Cabinet.

If the protests in the FBI memo occur in all or part of the fifty state capitals,‭ ‬and/or in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬gunfire and other forms of violence are likely inevitable.

For the RWNJs planning to attend,‭ ‬or those with a loved one determined to join in the Revolution,‭ ‬remember Nathan Hale’s words, and,‭ ‬more importantly,‭ ‬his courage and deportment when captured and facing execution.‭ ‬Don’t be a sniveler.‭‭‭‭‭

What they lack is an itchy trigger finger.

Just picture the original minutemen, the first Americans and a bunch of black thugs tears down a statue of George Washington. There wouldn't be a bail fund. There would be lots of teeny tiny pieces.
It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.

So you would prefer a fully armed protester carrying state of the art arms equal to the government like the Minutemen had?
Well Clyde, the truth is, they weren't protesting, they were, so they thought, armed, fighting a Righteous Revolution beside their grifter-in-chief.

But he skipped out on them, rather than do what he said, that, "‭we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue," that we're, quickly turned into, "You stupid a$$holes are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, while I go some place safe."

Their courage has quickly dissipated, with their sniveling, apologizing, crying to their mommies, etc.

The words of Nathan Hale are wasted on the many sissies now in jail or soon to be.

It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.

So you would prefer a fully armed protester carrying state of the art arms equal to the government like the Minutemen had?
Well Clyde, the truth is, they weren't protesting, they were, so they thought, armed, fighting a Righteous Revolution beside their grifter-in-chief.

But he skipped out on them, rather than do what he said, that, "‭we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue," that we're, quickly turned into, "You stupid a$$holes are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, while I go some place safe."

Their courage has quickly dissipated, with their sniveling, apologizing, crying to their mommies, etc.

The words of Nathan Hale are wasted on the many sissies now in jail or soon to be.


Poor baby. Cry me a river. :crybaby:
It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.

The Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale is reported to have said,‭ “‬It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭”

On the morning of January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the crowd of loyal followers could not help feeling inspired by their grifter-in-chief’s stirring and motivating one-and-one-quarter hour long speech.‭ ‬The tone of his rhetoric was consistent throughout the entire seventy-three-and-a-half minutes.

But,‭ ‬during the final ninety seconds his words were of a more specific nature,‭ ‬as he said to all assembled,‭ “‬Our brightest days are before us,‭ ‬our greatest achievements still wait.‭ ‬I think one of our great achievements will be election security because nobody until I came along,‭ ‬had any idea how corrupt our elections were.‭ ‬And again,‭ ‬most people would stand there at‭ ‬9:00‭ ‬in the evening and say,‭ “‬I want to thank you very much,‭” ‬and they go off to some other life,‭ ‬but I said,‭ ‘‬Something’s wrong here.‭ ‬Something’s really wrong.‭ ‬Can’t have happened.‭’ ‬And we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”

“Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun.‭ ‬My fellow Americans for our movement,‭ ‬for our children and for our beloved country and I say this,‭ ‬despite all that’s happened,‭ ‬the best is yet to come.‭”

At this point in the final ninety seconds,‭ ‬the message was of the bright future they could create.‭ ‬Who could resist the opportunity to bring their children this potential utopia‭?

“So‭ ‬we’re going to,‭ ‬we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬I love Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬and‭ ‬we’re going to the Capitol and‭ ‬we’re going to try and give‭… ‬The Democrats are hopeless.‭ ‬They’re never voting for anything,‭ ‬not even one vote.‭ ‬But‭ ‬we’re going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

The impeached president trump made it clear to those present,‭ ‬they would walk together with their fearless leader,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬Anyone listening to the speech or reading the transcript understands the grifter-in-chief wants his audience to believe he will be by their sides when‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”‬

And why shouldn’t they believe he would be with them when they went to fight for their country,‭ ‬after such an emotionally charged and moving one-and-one-quarter hour‭?

“So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.‭ ‬I want to thank you all.‭ ‬God bless you and God bless America.‭ ‬Thank you all for being here,‭ ‬this is incredible.‭ ‬Thank you very much.‭ ‬Thank you.‭”

With his last few sentences,‭ ‬he assures his loyal followers he is united with them,‭ “‬let’s‭” ‬is the contraction of‭ “‬let us‭”‬.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬his words say to his loyal followers,‭ “‬Let‭ ‬us,‭ ‬walk together,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬It's now understood by all that they will be at the Capitol,‭ ‬together,‭ ‬with their grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬where they are‭ “‬going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

However,‭ ‬rather than simply help give the weak Republicans pride and boldness,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s loyal followers went right to the,‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell,‭” ‬part of their grifter-in-chief’s inspiring and motivating oratory.

So,‭ ‬it would appear that,‭ ‬even though their fearless cult leader had, unbeknownst to all, bugged out on them,‭ ‬the faithful,‭ ‬performed as the courageous Nathan Hale proclaimed,‭ “‬It's the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭” This would, of course, include not just officers, but all of the "righteous soldiers" obeying the orders of their, supposedly nearby, grifter-in-chief.

Nathan Hale,‭ ‬after being captured by the British and convicted of spying,‭ ‬stood proudly on the gallows the day of his execution.‭ ‬When asked if he had any last words,‭ ‬Hale spoke only,‭ “‬I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.‭”

January sixth’s deadly clown show,‭ ‬which resulted from the grifter-in-chief’s rousing address,‭ ‬has shown the‭ modern “‬Minutemen‭” ‬of the twenty-first century’s American Revolution, lack the courage‭ (‬and the eloquence‭) ‬of Nathan Hale.

When this century’s heroes of the Revolution were taken into custody by authorities,‭ ‬some cried and whimpered that they were sorry.‭ ‬That it was poor judgment that led them to participate.‭ ‬One‭ “‬hero‭” ‬arrested and jailed,‭ ‬had his mommy call the mean authorities where he is jailed.‭ ‬She complained that her little boy hadn’t eaten because he wasn’t provided organically grown food.

Recently,‭ ‬the FBI distributed a memo,‭ ‬warning of possible armed protests at the fifty state capitals the week of January‭ ‬17th.‭ ‬Also possible on the‭ ‬17th,‭ ‬according to the FBI,‭ ‬armed interference is threatened in D.C.‭ ‬if Congress attempts to use the Twenty-fifth Amendment to remove the impeached president trump.‭ ‬FBI officials were not concerned with the threat,‭ ‬since Congress cannot use the Twenty-fifth Amendment provision to remove a president from office.‭ ‬That can be done only by the Cabinet.

If the protests in the FBI memo occur in all or part of the fifty state capitals,‭ ‬and/or in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬gunfire and other forms of violence are likely inevitable.

For the RWNJs planning to attend,‭ ‬or those with a loved one determined to join in the Revolution,‭ ‬remember Nathan Hale’s words, and,‭ ‬more importantly,‭ ‬his courage and deportment when captured and facing execution.‭ ‬Don’t be a sniveler.‭‭‭‭‭



Some were turned in by ex spouses. Others by family. Some by co-workers.

Many lost jobs. Many have been indicted.
All apologized and asked forgiveness
Quick question or two. . .

Did the nations founders / minutemen have tp concern themselves with a hostile media? Closed circuit cameras with facial recognition? Double standards where some rioter's acts are excused away and even justified with celebs willing to post bail while others are to be persecuted and tried with no acknowledgement of the double standard?

My prediction is that this road leads to more and more lone wolf type acts of violence.

It's not going to go away.
Quick question or two. . .

Did the nations founders / minutemen have tp concern themselves with a hostile media? Closed circuit cameras with facial recognition? Double standards where some rioter's acts are excused away and even justified with celebs willing to post bail while others are to be persecuted and tried with no acknowledgement of the double standard?

My prediction is that this road leads to more and more lone wolf type acts of violence.

It's not going to go away.

. . . actually, I think you forget, not everyone during the revolutionary days was of the same mind.

The loyalists were often tarred and feathered, which could lead to death. They were, yes, in fact, economically blocked in many cases from practicing their crafts, or locked out of civil society, and had their ability to voice their opinions and their side kept out of the written periodicals of the day. It is why many of them were forced to move to Canada.
LOL, your fake news narrative that this was an attempted “insurrection” is hilarious. They media is going with this narrative to make an excuse for the cowards hiding under their desks at the sight of flag waiving veterans and senior citizens.

Keep in mind, these same cowards that were hiding under their desks are the same who want send your kids to war.
It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.

The Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale is reported to have said,‭ “‬It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭”

On the morning of January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the crowd of loyal followers could not help feeling inspired by their grifter-in-chief’s stirring and motivating one-and-one-quarter hour long speech.‭ ‬The tone of his rhetoric was consistent throughout the entire seventy-three-and-a-half minutes.

But,‭ ‬during the final ninety seconds his words were of a more specific nature,‭ ‬as he said to all assembled,‭ “‬Our brightest days are before us,‭ ‬our greatest achievements still wait.‭ ‬I think one of our great achievements will be election security because nobody until I came along,‭ ‬had any idea how corrupt our elections were.‭ ‬And again,‭ ‬most people would stand there at‭ ‬9:00‭ ‬in the evening and say,‭ “‬I want to thank you very much,‭” ‬and they go off to some other life,‭ ‬but I said,‭ ‘‬Something’s wrong here.‭ ‬Something’s really wrong.‭ ‬Can’t have happened.‭’ ‬And we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”

“Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun.‭ ‬My fellow Americans for our movement,‭ ‬for our children and for our beloved country and I say this,‭ ‬despite all that’s happened,‭ ‬the best is yet to come.‭”

At this point in the final ninety seconds,‭ ‬the message was of the bright future they could create.‭ ‬Who could resist the opportunity to bring their children this potential utopia‭?

“So‭ ‬we’re going to,‭ ‬we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬I love Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬and‭ ‬we’re going to the Capitol and‭ ‬we’re going to try and give‭… ‬The Democrats are hopeless.‭ ‬They’re never voting for anything,‭ ‬not even one vote.‭ ‬But‭ ‬we’re going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

The impeached president trump made it clear to those present,‭ ‬they would walk together with their fearless leader,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬Anyone listening to the speech or reading the transcript understands the grifter-in-chief wants his audience to believe he will be by their sides when‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”‬

And why shouldn’t they believe he would be with them when they went to fight for their country,‭ ‬after such an emotionally charged and moving one-and-one-quarter hour‭?

“So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.‭ ‬I want to thank you all.‭ ‬God bless you and God bless America.‭ ‬Thank you all for being here,‭ ‬this is incredible.‭ ‬Thank you very much.‭ ‬Thank you.‭”

With his last few sentences,‭ ‬he assures his loyal followers he is united with them,‭ “‬let’s‭” ‬is the contraction of‭ “‬let us‭”‬.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬his words say to his loyal followers,‭ “‬Let‭ ‬us,‭ ‬walk together,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬It's now understood by all that they will be at the Capitol,‭ ‬together,‭ ‬with their grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬where they are‭ “‬going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

However,‭ ‬rather than simply help give the weak Republicans pride and boldness,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s loyal followers went right to the,‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell,‭” ‬part of their grifter-in-chief’s inspiring and motivating oratory.

So,‭ ‬it would appear that,‭ ‬even though their fearless cult leader had, unbeknownst to all, bugged out on them,‭ ‬the faithful,‭ ‬performed as the courageous Nathan Hale proclaimed,‭ “‬It's the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭” This would, of course, include not just officers, but all of the "righteous soldiers" obeying the orders of their, supposedly nearby, grifter-in-chief.

Nathan Hale,‭ ‬after being captured by the British and convicted of spying,‭ ‬stood proudly on the gallows the day of his execution.‭ ‬When asked if he had any last words,‭ ‬Hale spoke only,‭ “‬I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.‭”

January sixth’s deadly clown show,‭ ‬which resulted from the grifter-in-chief’s rousing address,‭ ‬has shown the‭ modern “‬Minutemen‭” ‬of the twenty-first century’s American Revolution, lack the courage‭ (‬and the eloquence‭) ‬of Nathan Hale.

When this century’s heroes of the Revolution were taken into custody by authorities,‭ ‬some cried and whimpered that they were sorry.‭ ‬That it was poor judgment that led them to participate.‭ ‬One‭ “‬hero‭” ‬arrested and jailed,‭ ‬had his mommy call the mean authorities where he is jailed.‭ ‬She complained that her little boy hadn’t eaten because he wasn’t provided organically grown food.

Recently,‭ ‬the FBI distributed a memo,‭ ‬warning of possible armed protests at the fifty state capitals the week of January‭ ‬17th.‭ ‬Also possible on the‭ ‬17th,‭ ‬according to the FBI,‭ ‬armed interference is threatened in D.C.‭ ‬if Congress attempts to use the Twenty-fifth Amendment to remove the impeached president trump.‭ ‬FBI officials were not concerned with the threat,‭ ‬since Congress cannot use the Twenty-fifth Amendment provision to remove a president from office.‭ ‬That can be done only by the Cabinet.

If the protests in the FBI memo occur in all or part of the fifty state capitals,‭ ‬and/or in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬gunfire and other forms of violence are likely inevitable.

For the RWNJs planning to attend,‭ ‬or those with a loved one determined to join in the Revolution,‭ ‬remember Nathan Hale’s words, and,‭ ‬more importantly,‭ ‬his courage and deportment when captured and facing execution.‭ ‬Don’t be a sniveler.‭‭‭‭‭

Blah......blah......blah......blah......blah. Still, at no point did Trump instruct anyone to actually break into the Capitol building. The blame for that falls solely on the small number of individuals that actually did the break in. Typical lefty stance. Blame the one not actually doing the act. That's just like the rioting, looting and arson throughout the summer by the left...."It's all the right-wing's fault!!!" A perfect example is the lefty stance on firearms. A criminal shoots someone and....."It's the gun's fault!" No, it's the criminal's fault. A 100 million law-abiding firearms owners aren't out running amok with their firearms and their firearms aren't a danger to the non-armed public. But, the left has to point the finger where it doesn't belong, including during riots and protests.
Some were turned in by ex spouses. Others by family. Some by co-workers.

Many lost jobs. Many have been indicted.
All apologized and asked forgiveness
Never to dispute the stolen election again. And a warning to all that don't obey .
It’s Clear,‭ ‬Twenty-First Century Revolutionaries Leave Something To Be Desired,‭ ‬When Compared To The Original Minutemen.

The Revolutionary War hero Nathan Hale is reported to have said,‭ “‬It is the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭”

On the morning of January‭ ‬6th,‭ ‬2021,‭ ‬the crowd of loyal followers could not help feeling inspired by their grifter-in-chief’s stirring and motivating one-and-one-quarter hour long speech.‭ ‬The tone of his rhetoric was consistent throughout the entire seventy-three-and-a-half minutes.

But,‭ ‬during the final ninety seconds his words were of a more specific nature,‭ ‬as he said to all assembled,‭ “‬Our brightest days are before us,‭ ‬our greatest achievements still wait.‭ ‬I think one of our great achievements will be election security because nobody until I came along,‭ ‬had any idea how corrupt our elections were.‭ ‬And again,‭ ‬most people would stand there at‭ ‬9:00‭ ‬in the evening and say,‭ “‬I want to thank you very much,‭” ‬and they go off to some other life,‭ ‬but I said,‭ ‘‬Something’s wrong here.‭ ‬Something’s really wrong.‭ ‬Can’t have happened.‭’ ‬And we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”

“Our exciting adventures and boldest endeavors have not yet begun.‭ ‬My fellow Americans for our movement,‭ ‬for our children and for our beloved country and I say this,‭ ‬despite all that’s happened,‭ ‬the best is yet to come.‭”

At this point in the final ninety seconds,‭ ‬the message was of the bright future they could create.‭ ‬Who could resist the opportunity to bring their children this potential utopia‭?

“So‭ ‬we’re going to,‭ ‬we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬I love Pennsylvania Avenue,‭ ‬and‭ ‬we’re going to the Capitol and‭ ‬we’re going to try and give‭… ‬The Democrats are hopeless.‭ ‬They’re never voting for anything,‭ ‬not even one vote.‭ ‬But‭ ‬we’re going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

The impeached president trump made it clear to those present,‭ ‬they would walk together with their fearless leader,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬Anyone listening to the speech or reading the transcript understands the grifter-in-chief wants his audience to believe he will be by their sides when‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell,‭ ‬you’re not going to have a country anymore.‭”‬

And why shouldn’t they believe he would be with them when they went to fight for their country,‭ ‬after such an emotionally charged and moving one-and-one-quarter hour‭?

“So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.‭ ‬I want to thank you all.‭ ‬God bless you and God bless America.‭ ‬Thank you all for being here,‭ ‬this is incredible.‭ ‬Thank you very much.‭ ‬Thank you.‭”

With his last few sentences,‭ ‬he assures his loyal followers he is united with them,‭ “‬let’s‭” ‬is the contraction of‭ “‬let us‭”‬.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬his words say to his loyal followers,‭ “‬Let‭ ‬us,‭ ‬walk together,‭ ‬down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol.‭ ‬It's now understood by all that they will be at the Capitol,‭ ‬together,‭ ‬with their grifter-in-chief,‭ ‬where they are‭ “‬going to try and give our Republicans,‭ ‬the weak ones,‭ ‬because the strong ones don’t need any of our help,‭ ‬we’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.‭”

However,‭ ‬rather than simply help give the weak Republicans pride and boldness,‭ ‬the grifter-in-chief’s loyal followers went right to the,‭ “‬we fight.‭ ‬We fight like Hell,‭” ‬part of their grifter-in-chief’s inspiring and motivating oratory.

So,‭ ‬it would appear that,‭ ‬even though their fearless cult leader had, unbeknownst to all, bugged out on them,‭ ‬the faithful,‭ ‬performed as the courageous Nathan Hale proclaimed,‭ “‬It's the duty of every good officer to obey any orders given him by his commander in chief.‭” This would, of course, include not just officers, but all of the "righteous soldiers" obeying the orders of their, supposedly nearby, grifter-in-chief.

Nathan Hale,‭ ‬after being captured by the British and convicted of spying,‭ ‬stood proudly on the gallows the day of his execution.‭ ‬When asked if he had any last words,‭ ‬Hale spoke only,‭ “‬I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.‭”

January sixth’s deadly clown show,‭ ‬which resulted from the grifter-in-chief’s rousing address,‭ ‬has shown the‭ modern “‬Minutemen‭” ‬of the twenty-first century’s American Revolution, lack the courage‭ (‬and the eloquence‭) ‬of Nathan Hale.

When this century’s heroes of the Revolution were taken into custody by authorities,‭ ‬some cried and whimpered that they were sorry.‭ ‬That it was poor judgment that led them to participate.‭ ‬One‭ “‬hero‭” ‬arrested and jailed,‭ ‬had his mommy call the mean authorities where he is jailed.‭ ‬She complained that her little boy hadn’t eaten because he wasn’t provided organically grown food.

Recently,‭ ‬the FBI distributed a memo,‭ ‬warning of possible armed protests at the fifty state capitals the week of January‭ ‬17th.‭ ‬Also possible on the‭ ‬17th,‭ ‬according to the FBI,‭ ‬armed interference is threatened in D.C.‭ ‬if Congress attempts to use the Twenty-fifth Amendment to remove the impeached president trump.‭ ‬FBI officials were not concerned with the threat,‭ ‬since Congress cannot use the Twenty-fifth Amendment provision to remove a president from office.‭ ‬That can be done only by the Cabinet.

If the protests in the FBI memo occur in all or part of the fifty state capitals,‭ ‬and/or in Washington D.C.,‭ ‬gunfire and other forms of violence are likely inevitable.

For the RWNJs planning to attend,‭ ‬or those with a loved one determined to join in the Revolution,‭ ‬remember Nathan Hale’s words, and,‭ ‬more importantly,‭ ‬his courage and deportment when captured and facing execution.‭ ‬Don’t be a sniveler.‭‭‭‭‭

Blah......blah......blah......blah......blah. Still, at no point did Trump instruct anyone to actually break into the Capitol building. The blame for that falls solely on the small number of individuals that actually did the break in. Typical lefty stance. Blame the one not actually doing the act. That's just like the rioting, looting and arson throughout the summer by the left...."It's all the right-wing's fault!!!" A perfect example is the lefty stance on firearms. A criminal shoots someone and....."It's the gun's fault!" No, it's the criminal's fault. A 100 million law-abiding firearms owners aren't out running amok with their firearms and their firearms aren't a danger to the non-armed public. But, the left has to point the finger where it doesn't belong, including during riots and protests.
Amen, and you can bet your ads Democrat will use this event to try an ban them . All this talk of more "riots" on the 20th makes me think dems are planning some false flags big time . They don't care if people die as long as they get their way . You better believe that.
Quick question or two. . .

Did the nations founders / minutemen have tp concern themselves with a hostile media? Closed circuit cameras with facial recognition? Double standards where some rioter's acts are excused away and even justified with celebs willing to post bail while others are to be persecuted and tried with no acknowledgement of the double standard?

My prediction is that this road leads to more and more lone wolf type acts of violence.

It's not going to go away.

. . . actually, I think you forget, not everyone during the revolutionary days was of the same mind.

The loyalists were often tarred and feathered, which could lead to death. They were, yes, in fact, economically blocked in many cases from practicing their crafts, or locked out of civil society, and had their ability to voice their opinions and their side kept out of the written periodicals of the day. It is why many of them were forced to move to Canada.

What makes you think that I was ever unaware of any of the above?

There is little to no comparison to what the people on both sides had to deal during the time of the revolutionary war and what both sides are faced with today.

That is the point of what I said
Quick question or two. . .

Did the nations founders / minutemen have tp concern themselves with a hostile media? Closed circuit cameras with facial recognition? Double standards where some rioter's acts are excused away and even justified with celebs willing to post bail while others are to be persecuted and tried with no acknowledgement of the double standard?

My prediction is that this road leads to more and more lone wolf type acts of violence.

It's not going to go away.

. . . actually, I think you forget, not everyone during the revolutionary days was of the same mind.

The loyalists were often tarred and feathered, which could lead to death. They were, yes, in fact, economically blocked in many cases from practicing their crafts, or locked out of civil society, and had their ability to voice their opinions and their side kept out of the written periodicals of the day. It is why many of them were forced to move to Canada.
Right. The British fielded whole units of "loyalists" who fought for them. In the battle of King's mountain Loyalists from the King's American Regiment fought American militia known as the Overmountain Men and all the "loyalists" were killed or captured and I hear the Americans were not too keen on taking prisoners. We had a bunch of traitor bitches run to Canada during the Vietnam era too. Unfortunately some idiot pardoned their sorry asses and let them come back. If you want to see some honest-to-God traitors you have only to look at Jane Fonda and John Kerry. The Army would not let us kill them and they were able to parley their treason into lots of money and luxury. So I guess it's true that modern minutemen have gone way down hill but it should be remembered that the original minutemen hadn't yet acquired the disadvantage of"friendly" politicians.

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