It's Daylight

it's been daylight for about 30 minutes already up here!!! or out east. like us in Maine! about 4:30 am you can walk your dog and not need a flash light!

What time does the sunset care4 all?

Down here around 9 pm
it's still daylight at 9 pm here too.... yu can still walk the dog without a flash light.......

we have longer days than you all in the south.... during the summer, and much shorter days than you in the winter!

the long daylight in our very short summers, allows us to grow crops to fruition, in a shorter time period....

When I lived in Chicago it was rare to have days last till 9pm ..
It only lasts for around 60 days at the most around here, till 9pm or a little after.... it is still dusk....

in winter, when we change is dusk at 3:30 pm, dark by 4pm or 4:15pm.... it's gosh awful!

3:30 pm?

Jesus.. i would be pissed.
ahhh New Hampshire is almost just as beautiful as Maine, only missing the coast!

New Hampshire is LIVE FREE OR DIE state!

Yeah. I was gonna join the free state project. I still do want to, but there's more than just me to think about now, so. I dunno.
We have the very earliest sunrise in the USA way up here! In fact, come June 21, longest day of the year, we have tourists that specifically come to witness the earliest sunrise from the cliffs near Acadia National Park, or from Bar Harbor..... they haul their folding chairs out to the ocean, when pitch black and wait, to watch the sun rise at 4 am something!

Wow I should of known that, but never realized it.
It's cool, did it once on the ocean with my sister visiting on vacation, with friends! Now I just watch the earliest sunrise in the USA from my living room window, and watch it come up from behind the ridge of hills.....abutting the meadow out front.... and don't have to bundle up! It's still cold cold cold here at night and early morning, especially at the beach, with the wind! :eek:
it's been daylight for about 30 minutes already up here!!! or out east. like us in Maine! about 4:30 am you can walk your dog and not need a flash light!

What time does the sunset care4 all?

Down here around 9 pm
it's still daylight at 9 pm here too.... yu can still walk the dog without a flash light.......

we have longer days than you all in the south.... during the summer, and much shorter days than you in the winter!

the long daylight in our very short summers, allows us to grow crops to fruition, in a shorter time period....

When I lived in Chicago it was rare to have days last till 9pm ..
It only lasts for around 60 days at the most around here, till 9pm or a little after.... it is still dusk....

in winter, when we change is dusk at 3:30 pm, dark by 4pm or 4:15pm.... it's gosh awful!

3:30 pm?

Jesus.. i would be pissed.
It's awful! Lasts for about 60 days....come the shortest day of the year, December 21st, we add a minute or two, to each day that passes, of by the end of January, things are sort of back to normal....

Our sun in the winter is of course, still the earliest sunrise in the USA, even in winter..... so we deal with it, by being Early Risers

Early to bed, Early to Rise.....type of people here in Maine.... took me a bit to get used to it.
When we were kids growing up in Canada, we used to go skiing at 4am. Dawn had just broken. The water was as calm and smooth as glass. Clouds would often be forming off the water. It was absolutely beautiful.

Also, we were drunk.
My cat is a nightmare this time of the year....she starts screaming and yelling at me to wake up and let her outside at around 4 am when dawn is arriving.... so I get up, go to the kitchen window and open it so she can go in and out through there....there is a smaller shed under it at an angle that she can jump to to then jump to the deck to then get to the she goes in and out, that way, and I can go back to only problem is she was a stray before she found us, and is an excellent hunter, and likes to bring her catches home to mommy and daddy, so to show them off.... this morning it was a snake....dead thank goodness....and no poisonous snakes in it all worked out....after the PANIC ATTACK that is.... :D

and two days ago, it was a bunny rabbit...nearly the size of herself....I do not know how she managed to jump from the deck to the shed then to the window sill, with the rabbit in her mouth, but she did....

she's a killer!

but basically, I can not go back to sleep after she wakes me up, because I have to guard the house from whatever she might bring in....they are not always dead! :eek:

then, whenever the kitty takes her nap later on, I try to take a nap!!!!
When we were kids growing up in Canada, we used to go skiing at 4am. Dawn had just broken. The water was as calm and smooth as glass. Clouds would often be forming off the water. It was absolutely beautiful.

Also, we were drunk.
drunk at 4am?
those were the good ole days!!! hahahahaha!
Have lived in Maine and Delaware (a state few can find on a map!). Nice not have sales tax, eh?
When we were kids growing up in Canada, we used to go skiing at 4am. Dawn had just broken. The water was as calm and smooth as glass. Clouds would often be forming off the water. It was absolutely beautiful.

Also, we were drunk.
drunk at 4am?
those were the good ole days!!! hahahahaha!

No kidding. I used to go to bed at 4am. Now I get up at 4am.
My cat is a nightmare this time of the year....she starts screaming and yelling at me to wake up and let her outside at around 4 am when dawn is arriving.... so I get up, go to the kitchen window and open it so she can go in and out through there....there is a smaller shed under it at an angle that she can jump to to then jump to the deck to then get to the she goes in and out, that way, and I can go back to only problem is she was a stray before she found us, and is an excellent hunter, and likes to bring her catches home to mommy and daddy, so to show them off.... this morning it was a snake....dead thank goodness....and no poisonous snakes in it all worked out....after the PANIC ATTACK that is.... :D

and two days ago, it was a bunny rabbit...nearly the size of herself....I do not know how she managed to jump from the deck to the shed then to the window sill, with the rabbit in her mouth, but she did....

she's a killer!

but basically, I can not go back to sleep after she wakes me up, because I have to guard the house from whatever she might bring in....they are not always dead! :eek:

then, whenever the kitty takes her nap later on, I try to take a nap!!!!

We need a love button .that's nice..
When we were kids growing up in Canada, we used to go skiing at 4am. Dawn had just broken. The water was as calm and smooth as glass. Clouds would often be forming off the water. It was absolutely beautiful.

Also, we were drunk.
drunk at 4am?
those were the good ole days!!! hahahahaha!

No kidding. I used to go to bed at 4am. Now I get up at 4am.

Didn't we all...
Here in Tennessee its light enough to wake us at 0445. Get out to the garden by 0530 for a couple hours work

Pfft Alaska sun path time lapse:


it's been daylight for about 30 minutes already up here!!! or out east. like us in Maine! about 4:30 am you can walk your dog and not need a flash light!

What time does the sunset care4 all?

Down here around 9 pm
it's still daylight at 9 pm here too.... yu can still walk the dog without a flash light.......

we have longer days than you all in the south.... during the summer, and much shorter days than you in the winter!

the long daylight in our very short summers, allows us to grow crops to fruition, in a shorter time period....
Depends on which side of your own time zone you are on.

In eastern Michigan, it is daylight from 5:30 until 10:00 this this time of year. I love it!
it's been daylight for about 30 minutes already up here!!! or out east. like us in Maine! about 4:30 am you can walk your dog and not need a flash light!

What time does the sunset care4 all?

Down here around 9 pm
it's still daylight at 9 pm here too.... yu can still walk the dog without a flash light.......

we have longer days than you all in the south.... during the summer, and much shorter days than you in the winter!

the long daylight in our very short summers, allows us to grow crops to fruition, in a shorter time period....
Depends on which side of your own time zone you are on.

In eastern Michigan, it is daylight from 5:30 until 10:00 this this time of year. I love it!
I love it too! This is the best time of the year!!! :)

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