It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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I think I have a reasonable viewpoint. It considers all sides and resolves the problem for everyone involved. The only people it doesn't seem to satisfy are the activists who get political traction out of the issue of gay marriage.

Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here.

How do you know. You can tell sexuality via a forum post?


Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!

What, pray tell, makes you think I'm a gay person?

I don't think I said what kind of person you are other than one who fights for homosexual rights. If you're not gay, why do you support homosexual behavior? You must at least be okay with it or can relate to it or something. Maybe you're gay curious?
Do you not read your own posts? You referred to me as "you, a gay person."

So because the idea of two people finding love and happiness with someone of the same gender doesn't make me reach for the fainting couch, that means I must be gay or gay curious? How appallingly ignorant.

Well okay, so take my usage of "you" to mean the royal usage? I'm sorry that your fighting on behalf of homosexuals caused me to assume you were one. But that's the risks you take when you advocate and fight for others. I wonder why it bothers you so much to be thought of as a gay person?

I have no problem with people finding love and happiness. Marriage is not a prerequisite for love or happiness. Marriage doesn't facilitate love or happiness. If we were arguing whether or not gay people were allowed to be in love or be happy, then you might have me on your side. As far as I know, any laws against being a homosexual are gone.

Now I can't do anything about gay people not feeling a sense of fulfillment like traditional couples often do with marriage. I guess that goes with the territory. Pretending their relationship is a marriage is not going to complete them, Jerry McGuire.
It bothers me far more to be called Jerry Maguire, sport. That movie sucks.

And you're lying. It was not the "royal you," you lying-ass liar who lies. You specifically said, directly addressing me, "you, a gay person." Why is that? Are you so ignorant that you can't fathom that someone who isn't utterly repelled by gay people might not be gay?

Your apparently faulty gaydar aside, you seem to be acting under some delusion that marriage only "counts" if the genitals are how you like them.

No, I think that if you believe homosexuality is okay and normal, you probably have the propensity to be a homosexual. Most straight people realize the behavior is abnormal and that's why we don't do it.

Wow- see I don't have sex with men because I am not sexually attracted to men- and I have sex with women because I am sexually attracted to women.

Boss doesn't have sex with men only because he thinks its wrong.

Seems to me that the person with a propensity to being homosexual is Boss.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here.

How do you know. You can tell sexuality via a forum post?


Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.
I don't think I said what kind of person you are other than one who fights for homosexual rights. If you're not gay, why do you support homosexual behavior? You must at least be okay with it or can relate to it or something. Maybe you're gay curious?
Do you not read your own posts? You referred to me as "you, a gay person."

So because the idea of two people finding love and happiness with someone of the same gender doesn't make me reach for the fainting couch, that means I must be gay or gay curious? How appallingly ignorant.

Well okay, so take my usage of "you" to mean the royal usage? I'm sorry that your fighting on behalf of homosexuals caused me to assume you were one. But that's the risks you take when you advocate and fight for others. I wonder why it bothers you so much to be thought of as a gay person?

I have no problem with people finding love and happiness. Marriage is not a prerequisite for love or happiness. Marriage doesn't facilitate love or happiness. If we were arguing whether or not gay people were allowed to be in love or be happy, then you might have me on your side. As far as I know, any laws against being a homosexual are gone.

Now I can't do anything about gay people not feeling a sense of fulfillment like traditional couples often do with marriage. I guess that goes with the territory. Pretending their relationship is a marriage is not going to complete them, Jerry McGuire.
It bothers me far more to be called Jerry Maguire, sport. That movie sucks.

And you're lying. It was not the "royal you," you lying-ass liar who lies. You specifically said, directly addressing me, "you, a gay person." Why is that? Are you so ignorant that you can't fathom that someone who isn't utterly repelled by gay people might not be gay?

Your apparently faulty gaydar aside, you seem to be acting under some delusion that marriage only "counts" if the genitals are how you like them.

No, I think that if you believe homosexuality is okay and normal, you probably have the propensity to be a homosexual. Most straight people realize the behavior is abnormal and that's why we don't do it.

Wow- see I don't have sex with men because I am not sexually attracted to men- and I have sex with women because I am sexually attracted to women.

Boss doesn't have sex with men only because he thinks its wrong.

Seems to me that the person with a propensity to being homosexual is Boss.

Of course you can't provide any proof of your heterosexuality, or for that matter, your homosexuality.

Or are we to take your word for it?

There is no known test.

That is unlike race or gender, which have reliable tests to determine.
How do you know. You can tell sexuality via a forum post?


Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.
Does anyone actually believe anything Boss posts? Remember- everything Boss posts is his opinion- not based upon facts, not supported by evidence- just his opinion.

And what is the background he has provided us?

My opinion was changed by my close friends who are gay couple, who had a wedding in 1986 in rural Alabama. I had assumed they supported gay marriage... being they were openly gay and had a wedding.

So Boss's close friends got married- not legally- but as Boss has pointed out marriage doesn't require a law- but he attended his 'close friends' marriage ceremony.

So what does Boss think about the marriage of his 'close friends'?

What keeps being brought to my attention is that it doesn't interfere with your little pretend gay thing you call marriage

Marriage is the joining together of a male and female in matrimony. (They can be gay or straight) Same sex partners can't marry the same reason they can't procreate. It takes a male and female... a union. They can pretend. We can all pretend.

With same sex partners there is no union of genders because they are the same. Their "marital union" can only be one of sexual behavior.

So we have "real" marriage, and we have "gay" marriage.... like real crab and imitation crab.

Now I can't do anything about gay people not feeling a sense of fulfillment like traditional couples often do with marriage.

Man- I wouldn't want to be Boss's close friends- since he thinks their marriage is not a real marriage- and it is only about sex.

Oh and how does Boss feel about women?

Summarized by one statement by Boss

I don't care about marrying Kate….. I just want to marry her titties

What a champ Boss is.

Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.
Yeah Boss keeps making this claim- quoting himself, citing himself.

And like always- he ignores the facts.

And the fact is that Obergefell was one of dozens- maybe hundreds of cases of gay couples filing lawsuit demanding that their constitutional right to marry be recognized.

The Supreme Court cases that gives Boss so much Butthurt was driven entirely by homosexuals. The DOMA case was driven by homosexuals.

The California case was driven by homosexuals.

Boss is lying again. Maybe even to himself- but he is lying.
Does anyone actually believe anything Boss posts? Remember- everything Boss posts is his opinion- not based upon facts, not supported by evidence- just his opinion.

And what is the background he has provided us?

My opinion was changed by my close friends who are gay couple, who had a wedding in 1986 in rural Alabama. I had assumed they supported gay marriage... being they were openly gay and had a wedding.

So Boss's close friends got married- not legally- but as Boss has pointed out marriage doesn't require a law- but he attended his 'close friends' marriage ceremony.

So what does Boss think about the marriage of his 'close friends'?

What keeps being brought to my attention is that it doesn't interfere with your little pretend gay thing you call marriage

Marriage is the joining together of a male and female in matrimony. (They can be gay or straight) Same sex partners can't marry the same reason they can't procreate. It takes a male and female... a union. They can pretend. We can all pretend.

With same sex partners there is no union of genders because they are the same. Their "marital union" can only be one of sexual behavior.

So we have "real" marriage, and we have "gay" marriage.... like real crab and imitation crab.

Now I can't do anything about gay people not feeling a sense of fulfillment like traditional couples often do with marriage.

Man- I wouldn't want to be Boss's close friends- since he thinks their marriage is not a real marriage- and it is only about sex.

Oh and how does Boss feel about women?

Summarized by one statement by Boss

I don't care about marrying Kate….. I just want to marry her titties

What a champ Boss is.

You might want to address that you think Bruce Jenner is a woman simply because he bought a set of titties.

What a hypocrite you are.
Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.
Yeah Boss keeps making this claim- quoting himself, citing himself.

And like always- he ignores the facts.

And the fact is that Obergefell was one of dozens- maybe hundreds of cases of gay couples filing lawsuit demanding that their constitutional right to marry be recognized.

The Supreme Court cases that gives Boss so much Butthurt was driven entirely by homosexuals. The DOMA case was driven by homosexuals.

The California case was driven by homosexuals.

Boss is lying again. Maybe even to himself- but he is lying.

If addressing Boss, quote Boss.

What a moron
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.

Most times that answer is because of bigots & their discrimination that they wouldn't want their children to experience. Of course there are the douches that would 'disown' their kids if they are gay, & couldn't 'prefer' anything else anyways.
Does anyone actually believe anything Boss posts? Remember- everything Boss posts is his opinion- not based upon facts, not supported by evidence- just his opinion.

And what is the background he has provided us?

My opinion was changed by my close friends who are gay couple, who had a wedding in 1986 in rural Alabama. I had assumed they supported gay marriage... being they were openly gay and had a wedding.

So Boss's close friends got married- not legally- but as Boss has pointed out marriage doesn't require a law- but he attended his 'close friends' marriage ceremony.

So what does Boss think about the marriage of his 'close friends'?

What keeps being brought to my attention is that it doesn't interfere with your little pretend gay thing you call marriage

Marriage is the joining together of a male and female in matrimony. (They can be gay or straight) Same sex partners can't marry the same reason they can't procreate. It takes a male and female... a union. They can pretend. We can all pretend.

With same sex partners there is no union of genders because they are the same. Their "marital union" can only be one of sexual behavior.

So we have "real" marriage, and we have "gay" marriage.... like real crab and imitation crab.

Now I can't do anything about gay people not feeling a sense of fulfillment like traditional couples often do with marriage.

Man- I wouldn't want to be Boss's close friends- since he thinks their marriage is not a real marriage- and it is only about sex.

Oh and how does Boss feel about women?

Summarized by one statement by Boss

I don't care about marrying Kate….. I just want to marry her titties

What a champ Boss is.

You might want to address that you think Bruce Jenner is a woman simply because he bought a set of titties.

What a hypocrite you are.

So you want to marry Kate Upton's titties also?
Please quote the post that said that I proposed to end marriage. I contend it will die under its own weight.

Marriage as a legal entity, that does not include a sexual relationship, love or nearly anything else that the government can't simply revoke, is a law destined to fail.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.

Most times that answer is because of bigots & their discrimination that they wouldn't want their children to experience. Of course there are the douches that would 'disown' their kids if they are gay, & couldn't 'prefer' anything else anyways.

No, it's because straight is normal and productive, both near time and far into the future. Male/female couplings are likely to create offspring. Same sex couplings never do.

Normal people want to provide for the survival of the species, abnormal don't give a flying fuck if the species continues.

That is why most would want a straight child......
Does anyone actually believe anything Boss posts? Remember- everything Boss posts is his opinion- not based upon facts, not supported by evidence- just his opinion.

And what is the background he has provided us?

My opinion was changed by my close friends who are gay couple, who had a wedding in 1986 in rural Alabama. I had assumed they supported gay marriage... being they were openly gay and had a wedding.

So Boss's close friends got married- not legally- but as Boss has pointed out marriage doesn't require a law- but he attended his 'close friends' marriage ceremony.

So what does Boss think about the marriage of his 'close friends'?

What keeps being brought to my attention is that it doesn't interfere with your little pretend gay thing you call marriage

Marriage is the joining together of a male and female in matrimony. (They can be gay or straight) Same sex partners can't marry the same reason they can't procreate. It takes a male and female... a union. They can pretend. We can all pretend.

With same sex partners there is no union of genders because they are the same. Their "marital union" can only be one of sexual behavior.

So we have "real" marriage, and we have "gay" marriage.... like real crab and imitation crab.

Now I can't do anything about gay people not feeling a sense of fulfillment like traditional couples often do with marriage.

Man- I wouldn't want to be Boss's close friends- since he thinks their marriage is not a real marriage- and it is only about sex.

Oh and how does Boss feel about women?

Summarized by one statement by Boss

I don't care about marrying Kate….. I just want to marry her titties

What a champ Boss is.

You might want to address that you think Bruce Jenner is a woman simply because he bought a set of titties.

What a hypocrite you are.

So you want to marry Kate Upton's titties also?

No, but if she wants to loan em to me for a bit, I'd have ta give that some thought!
What do you mean by "retain marriage?" How does the state retain something it doesn't have the capacity to hold?
Alabama would in fact hold the marriage contracts. So yes, they have the capacity to hold them and would be holding them should that law pass.

Amazingly, you still don't know this despite it being brought to your attention repeatedly.


Holding the contracts? What the hell does that mean and what does it have to do with endorsing, sanctioning or supporting marriage? There would be civil union contracts and any two people could apply for them. That's not "retaining marriage" in my view.

What keeps being brought to my attention is that it doesn't interfere with your little pretend gay thing you call marriage or any of your newly bestowed fundamental rights from SCOTUS. I think that's a good thing since I believe in passing laws that will withstand constitutional scrutiny. If you're okay with it and I'm okay with it, why are we arguing?
It means they would still recognize gay marriages as the legally binding union they are. Now legal in all 50 states, including Alabama should they pass that law.

They recognize whatever legally binding union they are required to. What other choice do you think they have?
I don't believe they have a choice. You're the one claiming they do not have to recognize same-sex marriage since there is nothing they hold.

I'm pointing out the lunacy of that since the state will in fact be holding the marriage contracts.

There will be no "marriage" contracts. There will be domestic civil union contracts. Is that what you mean the state will "hold" (whatever the significance of that is)? They also "hold" rapists and child molesters, does that mean the state is sanctioning, condoning and endorsing rape and child molesting? It must... they are holding them!

There will be no state sanctioning of marriages. No gay ones, no straight ones, no civil ones, no contracted ones, no "held" ones, no pretend ones or real ones. You can dismiss it as nothing more than a simple clerical detail in paperwork but it's a significant detail. You can think it's meaningless, loony, pointless, whatever... I don't care. In fact, I think that is a good thing. It means you don't have any objections.

If you're okay with this and I'm okay with this, why are we continuing to argue? You don't think it does what I claim? Okay... fine... again, I don't care. You're entitled to your opinion. I think it removes the state from sanctioning marriages. I also think it will ultimately be the solution many states adopt. Marriage, as a state-sanctioned institution is going bye-bye.
Hmmm since not a single hetero married person here agrees with your 'reasonable viewpoint'- and frankly no one agree's with your 'modest proposal'- that you think there is much if any support for your concept of ending legal marriage, just so you can get your revenge on homosexuals- is just as idiotic as everything else you post here

You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.

Most times that answer is because of bigots & their discrimination that they wouldn't want their children to experience. Of course there are the douches that would 'disown' their kids if they are gay, & couldn't 'prefer' anything else anyways.

No, it's because straight is normal and productive, both near time and far into the future. Male/female couplings are likely to create offspring. Same sex couplings never do.

Normal people want to provide for the survival of the species, abnormal don't give a flying fuck if the species continues.

That is why most would want a straight child......
? :lol:

Do you actually think many people, heterosexual or homosexual, consider the continuance of the species when they get in relationships or have sex or are preparing to have children? :lol:
You've stalked all the participants and can tell who are married or not?

Hell, then you must have the winning lottery numbers!


A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.

Most times that answer is because of bigots & their discrimination that they wouldn't want their children to experience. Of course there are the douches that would 'disown' their kids if they are gay, & couldn't 'prefer' anything else anyways.

No, it's because straight is normal and productive, both near time and far into the future. Male/female couplings are likely to create offspring. Same sex couplings never do.

Normal people want to provide for the survival of the species, abnormal don't give a flying fuck if the species continues.

That is why most would want a straight child......
? :lol:

Do you actually think many people, heterosexual or homosexual, consider the continuance of the species when they get in relationships or have sex or are preparing to have children? :lol:

Yes, but only heterosexuals actually have to consider it. We actually have skin in the game.
I'm not anti gay. I love gay people. They are some of the sweetest people I know. I'm in a creative field and have worked with gay people my entire professional life. They are funny, intelligent, very creative and colorful. That's not to say they all are, I don't want to stereotype gays, there are some belligerent assholes like you.

Sorry bigot, but nobody that "loves gay people" throws the faggot word around like you do.

Pshh.. I know gay people who use the word faggot. Is it like the "N" word with blacks, only gays can use it? That would be typical of the double standards you hypocrites promote.

Like I said before, you need to grow some thicker skin if you're going to be a weirdo.
A poll reflects how the attitudes of society are changing.

Just as society once considered mixed race marriages 'abnormal' and such couples were shunned by society- so to will some bigots shun homosexuals.

But attitudes change over time- and bigots like Boss are the ones that end up being shunned.

Yet, when asked by parents, would you prefer that your child be straight or gay, it's likely the overwhelming majority would say straight.

You are a long way from gay being accepted as normal.

Most times that answer is because of bigots & their discrimination that they wouldn't want their children to experience. Of course there are the douches that would 'disown' their kids if they are gay, & couldn't 'prefer' anything else anyways.

No, it's because straight is normal and productive, both near time and far into the future. Male/female couplings are likely to create offspring. Same sex couplings never do.

Normal people want to provide for the survival of the species, abnormal don't give a flying fuck if the species continues.

That is why most would want a straight child......
? :lol:

Do you actually think many people, heterosexual or homosexual, consider the continuance of the species when they get in relationships or have sex or are preparing to have children? :lol:

Yes, but only heterosexuals actually have to consider it. We actually have skin in the game.

How incredibly stupid and ignorant.

No human has to consider the 'continuance' of the species- and frankly most babies born are not conceived in order to further the species but because a man and a woman have sex which accidentally results in children.

Anyone who is fertile- male or female- can pass on his or her genes- with or without marriage.
I'm not anti gay. I love gay people. They are some of the sweetest people I know. I'm in a creative field and have worked with gay people my entire professional life. They are funny, intelligent, very creative and colorful. That's not to say they all are, I don't want to stereotype gays, there are some belligerent assholes like you.

Sorry bigot, but nobody that "loves gay people" throws the faggot word around like you do.

Pshh.. I know gay people who use the word faggot. Is it like the "N" word with blacks, only gays can use it? That would be typical of the double standards you hypocrites promote.

Like I said before, you need to grow some thicker skin if you're going to be a weirdo.

Yes- f*ggot is like n*gger and K*ke.

Basically people like Boss use the word f*ggot for the same reason that David Duke would use 'N*gger'.
Alabama would in fact hold the marriage contracts. So yes, they have the capacity to hold them and would be holding them should that law pass.

Amazingly, you still don't know this despite it being brought to your attention repeatedly.


Holding the contracts? What the hell does that mean and what does it have to do with endorsing, sanctioning or supporting marriage? There would be civil union contracts and any two people could apply for them. That's not "retaining marriage" in my view.

What keeps being brought to my attention is that it doesn't interfere with your little pretend gay thing you call marriage or any of your newly bestowed fundamental rights from SCOTUS. I think that's a good thing since I believe in passing laws that will withstand constitutional scrutiny. If you're okay with it and I'm okay with it, why are we arguing?
It means they would still recognize gay marriages as the legally binding union they are. Now legal in all 50 states, including Alabama should they pass that law.

They recognize whatever legally binding union they are required to. What other choice do you think they have?
I don't believe they have a choice. You're the one claiming they do not have to recognize same-sex marriage since there is nothing they hold.

I'm pointing out the lunacy of that since the state will in fact be holding the marriage contracts.

There will be no "marriage" contracts. There will be domestic civil union contracts..

Except that of course nothing you are saying is going to happen.
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