It's easier to condemn homosexuality

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Now post the part of the law in which sex is a requirement, and my argument is that the sisters are heterosexuals

I know this is hard for you to beleive (which is strange), there actually are people that don't want to have sex with members of their own gender.

True story.

Why do you keep posing the same questions that have been answered ad nauseam?

Is it insanity or stupidity?

In your case only a good clinical psychologist could answer that.

I asked one. She said it was pure stupidity and bigotry on your part. Good advice, thanks.

(Means I can read and laugh at your posts in a dismissive manner)

If she's the same one that told you society will ever accept homosexuality as normal, I'd get a full And complete refund.

You do realize that it is already, right? Homosexuality is accepted as normal. Welcome to the 21st Century, Rip.

Sure, that's why an overwhelming number of parents hope their children grow to be homosexual.

Good lord, get a grip on your OCD.
Pop's argument is essentially that gay marriage is the same as incestuous marriage- and both should be banned

Which hardly coincidentally was the argument the State of Virginia made in support of mixed race bans

and that the state's prohibition of interracial marriage for this reason stands on the same footing as the prohibition of polygamous marriage or incestuous marriage

Congratulations for Pop- echoing the arguments of the racist's who opposed mixed race marriage.

Such a simplistic view.

Of course, it comes from a simpleton, so there Ya go

And note- you couldn't even manage to deny the truth of my post

Pop's argument is essentially that gay marriage is the same as incestuous marriage- and both should be banned

Which hardly coincidentally was the argument the State of Virginia made in support of mixed race bans

and that the state's prohibition of interracial marriage for this reason stands on the same footing as the prohibition of polygamous marriage or incestuous marriage

Congratulations for Pop- echoing the arguments of the racist's who opposed mixed race marriage.

How is two same sex hetro sisters marrying an incestuous relationship?

I've asked you this many times. Still no answer

You got the answer, you just don't like it.

There is no harm then.
Why do you keep posing the same questions that have been answered ad nauseam?

Is it insanity or stupidity?

In your case only a good clinical psychologist could answer that.

I asked one. She said it was pure stupidity and bigotry on your part. Good advice, thanks.

(Means I can read and laugh at your posts in a dismissive manner)

If she's the same one that told you society will ever accept homosexuality as normal, I'd get a full And complete refund.

You do realize that it is already, right? Homosexuality is accepted as normal. Welcome to the 21st Century, Rip.

Sure, that's why an overwhelming number of parents hope their children grow to be homosexual.

Good lord, get a grip on your OCD.

Poor Pops...doesn't realize that the country doesn't hate gays like he does anymore.


Time to check your Depends old man...and welcome to the 21st Century. Lots of cool stuff going on.
What makes my marriage any less "real" than yours (if you're married that is)?

Well if you mean what is the difference between two homosexuals engaging in homosexual relations and calling themselves married as opposed to a man and woman united in holy matrimony, I think the answer is self-evident and needs no clarification.

What's the difference between a mime pretending to be trapped inside a box and a person who was kidnapped and buried alive in a box? Both of them are real things.... can't deny that. There might even be some similar connection between the two, but they're never going to be the same thing and society is never going to accept them as the same thing. You can call them the same, have the SCOTUS rule they are the same, make all the long-winded rants calling people despicable names and insulting them every way you can think of... it's STILL not going to be accepted as the same.
In your case only a good clinical psychologist could answer that.

I asked one. She said it was pure stupidity and bigotry on your part. Good advice, thanks.

(Means I can read and laugh at your posts in a dismissive manner)

If she's the same one that told you society will ever accept homosexuality as normal, I'd get a full And complete refund.

You do realize that it is already, right? Homosexuality is accepted as normal. Welcome to the 21st Century, Rip.

Sure, that's why an overwhelming number of parents hope their children grow to be homosexual.

Good lord, get a grip on your OCD.

Poor Pops...doesn't realize that the country doesn't hate gays like he does anymore.


Time to check your Depends old man...and welcome to the 21st Century. Lots of cool stuff going on.

Now show the poll showing what sexuality parents hope their children become.

You have reluctant tolerance now, that's about it. Tolerance and acceptance are far different concepts.
What makes my marriage any less "real" than yours (if you're married that is)?

Well if you mean what is the difference between two homosexuals engaging in homosexual relations and calling themselves married as opposed to a man and woman united in holy matrimony, I think the answer is self-evident and needs no clarification.

What's the difference between a mime pretending to be trapped inside a box and a person who was kidnapped and buried alive in a box? Both of them are real things.... can't deny that. There might even be some similar connection between the two, but they're never going to be the same thing and society is never going to accept them as the same thing. You can call them the same, have the SCOTUS rule they are the same, make all the long-winded rants calling people despicable names and insulting them every way you can think of... it's STILL not going to be accepted as the same.

So you can't actually ascribe any differences, it's just a "feeling" you have.

That feeling is bigotry and homophobia.
What makes my marriage any less "real" than yours (if you're married that is)?

Well if you mean what is the difference between two homosexuals engaging in homosexual relations and calling themselves married as opposed to a man and woman united in holy matrimony, I think the answer is self-evident and needs no clarification.

What's the difference between a mime pretending to be trapped inside a box and a person who was kidnapped and buried alive in a box? Both of them are real things.... can't deny that. There might even be some similar connection between the two, but they're never going to be the same thing and society is never going to accept them as the same thing. You can call them the same, have the SCOTUS rule they are the same, make all the long-winded rants calling people despicable names and insulting them every way you can think of... it's STILL not going to be accepted as the same.

Her marriage does not include intercourse. It's kinda simple really
I asked one. She said it was pure stupidity and bigotry on your part. Good advice, thanks.

(Means I can read and laugh at your posts in a dismissive manner)

If she's the same one that told you society will ever accept homosexuality as normal, I'd get a full And complete refund.

You do realize that it is already, right? Homosexuality is accepted as normal. Welcome to the 21st Century, Rip.

Sure, that's why an overwhelming number of parents hope their children grow to be homosexual.

Good lord, get a grip on your OCD.

Poor Pops...doesn't realize that the country doesn't hate gays like he does anymore.


Time to check your Depends old man...and welcome to the 21st Century. Lots of cool stuff going on.

Now show the poll showing what sexuality parents hope their children become.

You have reluctant tolerance now, that's about it. Tolerance and acceptance are far different concepts.

:lol: I suppose it makes homophobic bigots feel better to think that.
In your case only a good clinical psychologist could answer that.

I asked one. She said it was pure stupidity and bigotry on your part. Good advice, thanks.

(Means I can read and laugh at your posts in a dismissive manner)

If she's the same one that told you society will ever accept homosexuality as normal, I'd get a full And complete refund.

You do realize that it is already, right? Homosexuality is accepted as normal. Welcome to the 21st Century, Rip.

Sure, that's why an overwhelming number of parents hope their children grow to be homosexual.

Good lord, get a grip on your OCD.

Poor Pops...doesn't realize that the country doesn't hate gays like he does anymore.


Time to check your Depends old man...and welcome to the 21st Century. Lots of cool stuff going on.


Yes... popularity is what counts in determining morality.

We know this because a majority of Germans eventually came to find Jews to be disease ridden vermin, thus morality made starving jews to death, gassing them with poison, or just shooting them for one's personal entertainment ... perfectly fine.

Now in reality, we (sound human minds) know that this fallacious (perverse) mindset is false... because the same person who is claiming that morality is determined by popularity... was in here claiming otherwise ten minutes ago... when popularity had homosexuality as being unacceptable.

What's more, if the same person were a Jew and living in 1930s Germany it would not have found popularity to be much of a comfort in determining that it was less than human, thus worthy of being stripped of all human trappings.

But, this is the nature of evil... .
homophobic bigots

Two things:

First, there is LITERALLY: NO Such thing as a Homophobe.

Second: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing about the word "Bigot", is that the use of the word, when directed toward another, is a precise demonstration of the meaning of the word.
homophobic bigots

Two things:

First, there is LITERALLY: NO Such thing as a Homophobe.

Second: The ABSOLUTE COOLEST thing about the word "Bigot", is that the use of the word, when directed toward another, is a precise demonstration of the meaning of the word.

1) there's no such thing as being irrationally afraid of homosexuality? is that what you'd like people to believe?

2) bigots often try to weasel out of being responsible for their bigotry, weasel.

. : a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.
Again you are just echoing exactly what the State of Virginia said.

It doesn't matter because the argument is different. Why are you not comprehending that? If you walk into court to defend yourself of a crime you didn't commit and you state to the judge that you are "not guilty" ...the judge doesn't accuse you of "echoing exactly what the last defended said!"
Why are you not comprehending the primary reason people marry is because they love each other and want to make the life long commitment to the person they love?
Virginia argued that there was no discrimination against black people- because they could marry any black person that they wanted.

But marriage remains the union of a man and woman, you're just denying the right to someone on the basis of race which is a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Uh, no it isn't in the U.S.. it's the union of two consenting people over the age of consent.

Denial is not a river.
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Lol boss is one of the batshits, huh? :lol: tell us again how words dont and havent been redefined throughout human history and i have a nice piece of oceanfront property to sell ya boss!!! Paypal me the downpayment and youll be all set you genius, you!
Again you are just echoing exactly what the State of Virginia said.

It doesn't matter because the argument is different. Why are you not comprehending that? If you walk into court to defend yourself of a crime you didn't commit and you state to the judge that you are "not guilty" ...the judge doesn't accuse you of "echoing exactly what the last defended said!"
Why are you not comprehending the primary reason people marry is because they love each other and want to make the life long commitment to the person they love?

And what does the state or a piece of paper from the government, OR... a SCOTUS ruling have to do with that? As I have said before... I attended a gay wedding in 1986... in rural Alabama! There was no redneck sheriff there to stop it... no county clerk there with her bible forbidding it. Just two beautiful gay people who were surrounded by supporting friends and family, enjoying a beautiful ceremony conducted by a Rastafarian pastor on a peaceful southern mountainside. 1986... Rural Alabama.

Strangely enough, it is this very couple who I credit for my personal views on this issue.
Virginia argued that there was no discrimination against black people- because they could marry any black person that they wanted.

But marriage remains the union of a man and woman, you're just denying the right to someone on the basis of race which is a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Uh, no it isn't in the U.S.. it's the union of two consenting people over the age of consent.

Denial is not a river.

Not during the Loving decision. Can you not keep up with the conversation, idiot?
Virginia argued that there was no discrimination against black people- because they could marry any black person that they wanted.

But marriage remains the union of a man and woman, you're just denying the right to someone on the basis of race which is a violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Uh, no it isn't in the U.S.. it's the union of two consenting people over the age of consent.

Denial is not a river.

Not during the Loving decision. Can you not keep up with the conversation, idiot?
Imbecile.... you said, "marriage remains the union of a man and a woman." That has nothing to do with Loving and it's not true in the U.S.

You don't understand what you write.
Again you are just echoing exactly what the State of Virginia said.

It doesn't matter because the argument is different. Why are you not comprehending that? If you walk into court to defend yourself of a crime you didn't commit and you state to the judge that you are "not guilty" ...the judge doesn't accuse you of "echoing exactly what the last defended said!"
Why are you not comprehending the primary reason people marry is because they love each other and want to make the life long commitment to the person they love?

And what does the state or a piece of paper from the government, OR... a SCOTUS ruling have to do with that? As I have said before... I attended a gay wedding in 1986... in rural Alabama! There was no redneck sheriff there to stop it... no county clerk there with her bible forbidding it. Just two beautiful gay people who were surrounded by supporting friends and family, enjoying a beautiful ceremony conducted by a Rastafarian pastor on a peaceful southern mountainside. 1986... Rural Alabama.

Strangely enough, it is this very couple who I credit for my personal views on this issue.
The state sanctions that. That is what it has to do with it. Sadly, you cannot grasp the reality that the primary reason people marry is out of love and commitment to each other.
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