It's Embarrassing How Easily Manipulated the Public Is

People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

I primarily watch FOX News. I like Tucker Carlson but he seems to have lost it the last couple days, over the strike on the Iranian.

I will not listen to him again until he comes to his senses.

What is Tucker saying?

He was like "Ohhh woe is mee.... Trump is gonna start a nuclear war..."

Same shit we've been hearing from the left ever since Trump was elected.

now they’re all excited because they’re hoping it’s finally coming to fruition

They should be careful what they hope for.

I also want to say that I am thoroughly disappointed. Some little fat guy in North Korea promised me a Christmas present, and I didn't get one damned thing from him. I was hoping for a nice sweater, or some chopsticks, or a jar of Kimchi.
In other words, JG, Little Kim threatened, Trump called his bluff, and the Rolly Polly blinked. Viva La Trump.
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

I primarily watch FOX News. I like Tucker Carlson but he seems to have lost it the last couple days, over the strike on the Iranian.

I will not listen to him again until he comes to his senses.
I know you reside in Trumplandia, but I hate to break the news to you Mr. Galt but Trump is not right 100% of the time. Carlson is every bit a Trump brown noser. Even he has to take his head out of Trump’s ass once in a while.

I have proven that I can think for myself, regardless of what FOX News tells me. You've proven nothing but the fact that you're so easily-manipulated by CNN and MSNBC, that you can't even see the good things Trump has done for this country.

I bet you can't name a single one of them. Or two. Or twenty. Or a hundred.

BTW: Who even uses terms like "Trumplandia", "Trump brown noser", or "take his head out of Trump’s ass", besides an easily-manipulated brainwashed idiot?
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People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

Easily manipulated? Where have you been all these years?

Remember the smoking gun coming in the form of a mushroom cloud? It's been quite the knee-slapper at the time.
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

No matter how you spin this there is no denying this attack took the Middle East on a new trajectory. Will there be a war with Iran? Probably not. Does the attack increase the probability of a war with Iran? Most definitely. As a matter of fact, you acknowledge that possibility yourself.

The media has a duty to report and debate. The 24 hour news cycle insures that we will be hearing about this continuously for the next few days. Don’t kid yourself though. Nearly everyone on this forum is getting their news through websites of their own choice and most of those are just opinion sites and not news sites.

We are in a waiting game now. The cards have been drawn. Will the the side raise, fold or call?

There is nothing wrong in speculating Iran’s next move.
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

No matter how you spin this there is no denying this attack took the Middle East on a new trajectory. Will there be a war with Iran? Probably not. Does the attack increase the probability of a war with Iran? Most definitely. As a matter of fact, you acknowledge that possibility yourself.

The media has a duty to report and debate. The 24 hour news cycle insures that we will be hearing about this continuously for the next few days. Don’t kid yourself though. Nearly everyone on this forum is getting their news through websites of their own choice and most of those are just opinion sites and not news sites.

We are in a waiting game now. The cards have been drawn. Will the the side raise, fold or call?

There is nothing wrong in speculating Iran’s next move.

If you pick a fight with someone 10X your size (we won't even worry about who started it) and they cut off a finger, what do you do? If you learned your lesson, you settle, compromise and seek peace. There is no doubt that America the Bully would rather have peace. We are the easiest people in the world to get along with, just don't piss us off!

But instead you kick the bully in the shin out of pride, then the bully cuts off two fingers. So you punch him in the gut and he cuts off four fingers. Then you knee him in the groin so you take a hand. Then an arm. Then both arms, finally, both arms and both legs.

In a conflict you cannot win against a bully that shows he's not willing to back down, and DOUBLES his price for every act of impudence, sooner or later, you either settle and seek peace or you lose everything.

The only reason why all these conflicts in the Middle East and Palestine have gone on for decades ad nauseam is because instead of standing resolute like the absolute bully, we keep flinching and leaving the door open to further conflict. We didn't flinch with Japan, we took an enemy wholly unwilling to ever surrender, and we MADE them surrender. WE ENDED IT. We made that choice for them. Yes, it was horrible. But the result has undeniably resulted in a lasting peace, a good friend, and today, one of the most modern, advanced and healthy countries in the world.
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.
I hope you're right, but this is a horse of a different color, DTMB. Okay, maybe we shouldn't be panicking, but I'll tell ya, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable ring the fire siren to alert us, or the Church Auxiliary ladies send to ring the church bell?
I don't know. I am not "panicking," but I do not like having these questions in the back of my mind. I have absolutely no problem with having blasted away that general, in and of itself. I just worry about what it will lead to next. This is actually pretty "new" ground that we are standing on. It's not just another stand off such as we've been experiencing with Iran for several years.

Truth is the missile did strike and it killed you. This is one of those things like on the movie Beetlejuice where it takes the dead person a couple of days to figure out they're actually dead. But you'll be glad to know that they can't kill you twice. You'll probably miss beer though.

People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

No matter how you spin this there is no denying this attack took the Middle East on a new trajectory. Will there be a war with Iran? Probably not. Does the attack increase the probability of a war with Iran? Most definitely. As a matter of fact, you acknowledge that possibility yourself.

The media has a duty to report and debate. The 24 hour news cycle insures that we will be hearing about this continuously for the next few days. Don’t kid yourself though. Nearly everyone on this forum is getting their news through websites of their own choice and most of those are just opinion sites and not news sites.

We are in a waiting game now. The cards have been drawn. Will the the side raise, fold or call?

There is nothing wrong in speculating Iran’s next move.

If you pick a fight with someone 10X your size (we won't even worry about who started it) and they cut off a finger, what do you do? If you learned your lesson, you settle, compromise and seek peace. There is no doubt that America the Bully would rather have peace. We are the easiest people in the world to get along with, just don't piss us off!

But instead you kick the bully in the shin out of pride, then the bully cuts off two fingers. So you punch him in the gut and he cuts off four fingers. Then you knee him in the groin so you take a hand. Then an arm. Then both arms, finally, both arms and both legs.

In a conflict you cannot win against a bully that shows he's not willing to back down, and DOUBLES his price for every act of impudence, sooner or later, you either settle and seek peace or you lose everything.

The only reason why all these conflicts in the Middle East and Palestine have gone on for decades ad nauseam is because instead of standing resolute like the absolute bully, we keep flinching and leaving the door open to further conflict. We didn't flinch with Japan, we took an enemy wholly unwilling to ever surrender, and we MADE them surrender. WE ENDED IT. We made that choice for them. Yes, it was horrible. But the result has undeniably resulted in a lasting peace, a good friend, and today, one of the most modern, advanced and healthy countries in the world.

Great post!

People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

No matter how you spin this there is no denying this attack took the Middle East on a new trajectory. Will there be a war with Iran? Probably not. Does the attack increase the probability of a war with Iran? Most definitely. As a matter of fact, you acknowledge that possibility yourself.

The media has a duty to report and debate. The 24 hour news cycle insures that we will be hearing about this continuously for the next few days. Don’t kid yourself though. Nearly everyone on this forum is getting their news through websites of their own choice and most of those are just opinion sites and not news sites.

We are in a waiting game now. The cards have been drawn. Will the the side raise, fold or call?

There is nothing wrong in speculating Iran’s next move.

If you pick a fight with someone 10X your size (we won't even worry about who started it) and they cut off a finger, what do you do? If you learned your lesson, you settle, compromise and seek peace. There is no doubt that America the Bully would rather have peace. We are the easiest people in the world to get along with, just don't piss us off!

But instead you kick the bully in the shin out of pride, then the bully cuts off two fingers. So you punch him in the gut and he cuts off four fingers. Then you knee him in the groin so you take a hand. Then an arm. Then both arms, finally, both arms and both legs.

In a conflict you cannot win against a bully that shows he's not willing to back down, and DOUBLES his price for every act of impudence, sooner or later, you either settle and seek peace or you lose everything.

The only reason why all these conflicts in the Middle East and Palestine have gone on for decades ad nauseam is because instead of standing resolute like the absolute bully, we keep flinching and leaving the door open to further conflict. We didn't flinch with Japan, we took an enemy wholly unwilling to ever surrender, and we MADE them surrender. WE ENDED IT. We made that choice for them. Yes, it was horrible. But the result has undeniably resulted in a lasting peace, a good friend, and today, one of the most modern, advanced and healthy countries in the world.

That reminds me of a movie I saw just last night...

People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

No matter how you spin this there is no denying this attack took the Middle East on a new trajectory. Will there be a war with Iran? Probably not. Does the attack increase the probability of a war with Iran? Most definitely. As a matter of fact, you acknowledge that possibility yourself.

The media has a duty to report and debate. The 24 hour news cycle insures that we will be hearing about this continuously for the next few days. Don’t kid yourself though. Nearly everyone on this forum is getting their news through websites of their own choice and most of those are just opinion sites and not news sites.

We are in a waiting game now. The cards have been drawn. Will the the side raise, fold or call?

There is nothing wrong in speculating Iran’s next move.

If you pick a fight with someone 10X your size (we won't even worry about who started it) and they cut off a finger, what do you do? If you learned your lesson, you settle, compromise and seek peace. There is no doubt that America the Bully would rather have peace. We are the easiest people in the world to get along with, just don't piss us off!

But instead you kick the bully in the shin out of pride, then the bully cuts off two fingers. So you punch him in the gut and he cuts off four fingers. Then you knee him in the groin so you take a hand. Then an arm. Then both arms, finally, both arms and both legs.

In a conflict you cannot win against a bully that shows he's not willing to back down, and DOUBLES his price for every act of impudence, sooner or later, you either settle and seek peace or you lose everything.

The only reason why all these conflicts in the Middle East and Palestine have gone on for decades ad nauseam is because instead of standing resolute like the absolute bully, we keep flinching and leaving the door open to further conflict. We didn't flinch with Japan, we took an enemy wholly unwilling to ever surrender, and we MADE them surrender. WE ENDED IT. We made that choice for them. Yes, it was horrible. But the result has undeniably resulted in a lasting peace, a good friend, and today, one of the most modern, advanced and healthy countries in the world.

I'm going to suggest one change of vocabulary.... it's true that the United States has played the role of bully occasionally in many of these conflicts. It's also true that the United States has played the role of rescuing good guy in many of these conflicts.

You are 100% correct however in stating that if one commits to war one must be committed to war and not to a partial version of it. It's going to be ugly, innocent people are going to die and the scars will last a generation. Unfortunately however wars will be a part of humanity for as long as humanity exists.

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People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

unfortunately when you facing defeat, it is easy to find someone to blame and then start a war under the premise that I am a war president now

if the US had such intelligence of a plan attract then it would have been easy to stop it and defend for it

killing one man will not stop terrorist attacks

An eye for eye may mean that there would be a terrorist attack. Killing one person is suppose to determine potential terrorist.

This is what happens when you select a business man with no experience in government to run a government

I do not even know why they have an embassy in Iraq or rather a fortress pretending to be an embassy.
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

unfortunately when you facing defeat, it is easy to find someone to blame and then start a war under the premise that I am a war president now

if the US had such intelligence of a plan attract then it would have been easy to stop it and defend for it

killing one man will not stop terrorist attacks

An eye for eye may mean that there would be a terrorist attack. Killing one person is suppose to determine potential terrorist.

This is what happens when you select a business man with no experience in government to run a government

I do not even know why they have an embassy in Iraq or rather a fortress pretending to be an embassy.

So are we done calling Trump a pussy on the middle east now?

I think Trump has been playing it right, and all the carping backbenchers are undermining our foreign policy. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to appreciate Senator Vandenberg's words:

To me, “bipartisan foreign policy” means a mutual effort, under our indispensable two-party system, to unite our official voice at the water’s edge so that America speaks with maximum authority against those who would divide and conquer us and the free world. It does not involve the remotest surrender of free debate in determining our position. On the contrary, frank co-operation and free debate are indispensable to ultimate unity. In a word, it simply seeks national security ahead of partisan advantage. Every foreign policy must be totally debated (and I think the record proves it has been) and the “loyal opposition” is under special obligation to see that this occurs.
I think Trump has been playing it right, and all the carping backbenchers are undermining our foreign policy. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to appreciate Senator Vandenberg's words:

To me, “bipartisan foreign policy” means a mutual effort, under our indispensable two-party system, to unite our official voice at the water’s edge so that America speaks with maximum authority against those who would divide and conquer us and the free world. It does not involve the remotest surrender of free debate in determining our position. On the contrary, frank co-operation and free debate are indispensable to ultimate unity. In a word, it simply seeks national security ahead of partisan advantage. Every foreign policy must be totally debated (and I think the record proves it has been) and the “loyal opposition” is under special obligation to see that this occurs.

Trump undermined foreign policy when he did not notify congress of what he would be doing.

Foreign policy is not just the president, Congress has a say and with Trump he does not like discussion of different views as it confuses him

and that makes him mad

better to have people who kiss his hand on his team and just listen to the chorus of "yes ma'ma " which is always a snappy tune and very funny in most movies

Unfortunately that is not the american way

That why we don't have a King
I think Trump has been playing it right, and all the carping backbenchers are undermining our foreign policy. One does not need to be a Trump supporter to appreciate Senator Vandenberg's words:

To me, “bipartisan foreign policy” means a mutual effort, under our indispensable two-party system, to unite our official voice at the water’s edge so that America speaks with maximum authority against those who would divide and conquer us and the free world. It does not involve the remotest surrender of free debate in determining our position. On the contrary, frank co-operation and free debate are indispensable to ultimate unity. In a word, it simply seeks national security ahead of partisan advantage. Every foreign policy must be totally debated (and I think the record proves it has been) and the “loyal opposition” is under special obligation to see that this occurs.

Trump undermined foreign policy when he did not notify congress of what he would be doing.

Foreign policy is not just the president, Congress has a say and with Trump he does not like discussion of different views as it confuses him

and that makes him mad

better to have people who kiss his hand on his team and just listen to the chorus of "yes ma'ma " which is always a snappy tune and very funny in most movies

Unfortunately that is not the american way

That why we don't have a King

Fuck didn't care about it when Obama did it multiple times.

You can't consult Congress on something like that they would positively run to the enemy to warn them.

I defended Obama's right to do it also for the very same reason.

People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.
Look at how many on USMB right now think Russia made Hillary lose. Gullibility without thinking is what this era brings.
That why we don't have a King

Like Clinton or Obama?

there is a new kid in town but I am pretty sure you complain about it if they did it

still Obama did notify the Gang of Eight (repubs and demos) in 2011 that he had authorized a raid targeting Osama bin Laden, which is what most presidents have done consistently.

So why could not Trump at least notify the informal Gang of Eight
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That why we don't have a King

Like Clinton or Obama?

there is a new kid in town but I am pretty sure you complain about it if they did it

still Obama did notify the Gang of Eight (repubs and demos) in 2011 that he had authorized a raid targeting Osama bin Laden, which is what most presidents have done consistently.

So why could not Trump at least notify the informal Gang of today precludes the entire procedure of full warningEight

That why we don't have a King

Like Clinton or Obama?

there is a new kid in town but I am pretty sure you complain about it if they did it

still Obama did notify the Gang of Eight (repubs and demos) in 2011 that he had authorized a raid targeting Osama bin Laden, which is what most presidents have done consistently.

So why could not Trump at least notify the informal Gang of Eight

Obama knew and does Trump that the number of traitorous sell outs in the government today precludes all attempts to forewarn anyone of anything. Doesn't matter what party announce it to a room full of people sworn to secrecy about the matter is equal to announcing on the evening news worldwide these days.
NO....Obama had right to proceed without warning and so does Trump.....

The forewarning is inherent in the POTUS designation as commander in chief....that is all that is needed.

That why we don't have a King

Like Clinton or Obama?

there is a new kid in town but I am pretty sure you complain about it if they did it

still Obama did notify the Gang of Eight (repubs and demos) in 2011 that he had authorized a raid targeting Osama bin Laden, which is what most presidents have done consistently.

So why could not Trump at least notify the informal Gang of Eight

Because they would have immediately warned the enemy with no hesitation at all.


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