It's Embarrassing How Easily Manipulated the Public Is

People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.
I hope you're right, but this is a horse of a different color, DTMB. Okay, maybe we shouldn't be panicking, but I'll tell ya, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable ring the fire siren to alert us, or the Church Auxiliary ladies send to ring the church bell?
I don't know. I am not "panicking," but I do not like having these questions in the back of my mind. I have absolutely no problem with having blasted away that general, in and of itself. I just worry about what it will lead to next. This is actually pretty "new" ground that we are standing on. It's not just another stand off such as we've been experiencing with Iran for several years.

If a nuke was on it's way you would have obummer to thank for it.
Wrong!.....Obama negotiated the nuclear deal which kept Iran from further developing its nuclear weapons despite what Trumpers say.

Trump fucked it all up.

If bombs come our way from Iran the blame falls on the orange moron.

Go blow it out your ass. You have no fucking clue what obummer did, and this post of yours proves it.

This is the type of post for someone who has lost an argument. Truth hurts.
He is a great man.

In what way?

Was it in supporting a thug who had just bashed an Hispanic man's head into the pavement by saying "he could be my son"?

Was in in the way he helped spread ISIS by helping to remove the more secular leaders who kept them in check?

Was it in the way he tried to sneak millions of dollars to the Palestinians on his last day in office so they could kill more Jews?

Was it in the way he created a treaty with Iran that gave them a clear path to nukes?

Sure, the guy was a good speechafier, but what made him great?
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.
I hope you're right, but this is a horse of a different color, DTMB. Okay, maybe we shouldn't be panicking, but I'll tell ya, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable ring the fire siren to alert us, or the Church Auxiliary ladies send to ring the church bell?
I don't know. I am not "panicking," but I do not like having these questions in the back of my mind. I have absolutely no problem with having blasted away that general, in and of itself. I just worry about what it will lead to next. This is actually pretty "new" ground that we are standing on. It's not just another stand off such as we've been experiencing with Iran for several years.

If a nuke was on it's way you would have obummer to thank for it.
Wrong!.....Obama negotiated the nuclear deal which kept Iran from further developing its nuclear weapons despite what Trumpers say.

Trump fucked it all up.

If bombs come our way from Iran the blame falls on the orange moron.

Go blow it out your ass. You have no fucking clue what obummer did, and this post of yours proves it.

This is the type of post for someone who has lost an argument. Truth hurts.

No, your post shows how clueless you are. You couldn't win an argument with a monkey.
I hope you're right, but this is a horse of a different color, DTMB. Okay, maybe we shouldn't be panicking, but I'll tell ya, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable ring the fire siren to alert us, or the Church Auxiliary ladies send to ring the church bell?
I don't know. I am not "panicking," but I do not like having these questions in the back of my mind. I have absolutely no problem with having blasted away that general, in and of itself. I just worry about what it will lead to next. This is actually pretty "new" ground that we are standing on. It's not just another stand off such as we've been experiencing with Iran for several years.

If a nuke was on it's way you would have obummer to thank for it.
Wrong!.....Obama negotiated the nuclear deal which kept Iran from further developing its nuclear weapons despite what Trumpers say.

Trump fucked it all up.

If bombs come our way from Iran the blame falls on the orange moron.

Go blow it out your ass. You have no fucking clue what obummer did, and this post of yours proves it.

This is the type of post for someone who has lost an argument. Truth hurts.

No, your post shows how clueless you are. You couldn't win an argument with a monkey.

LOL from the guy who made an ad hominem post that a monkey could have writen.

You have no refutation to my argument. That is obvious.

My advice:

Go back to your safe room and put your binky back in your mouth. You'll feel better.
He is a great man.

In what way?

Was it in supporting a thug who had just bashed an Hispanic man's head into the pavement by saying "he could be my son"?

Was in in the way he helped spread ISIS by helping to remove the more secular leaders who kept them in check?

Was it in the way he tried to sneak millions of dollars to the Palestinians on his last day in office so they could kill more Jews?

Was it in the way he created a treaty with Iran that gave them a clear path to nukes?

Sure, the guy was a good speechafier, but what made him great?
His ideals of world peace. His rational stance on guns. His self control and intelligence.
, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable .

You wish.
I made an honest post about how I felt. I have no idea why you would say that.
If a nuke was on it's way you would have obummer to thank for it.
Wrong!.....Obama negotiated the nuclear deal which kept Iran from further developing its nuclear weapons despite what Trumpers say.

Trump fucked it all up.

If bombs come our way from Iran the blame falls on the orange moron.

Go blow it out your ass. You have no fucking clue what obummer did, and this post of yours proves it.

This is the type of post for someone who has lost an argument. Truth hurts.

No, your post shows how clueless you are. You couldn't win an argument with a monkey.

LOL from the guy who made an ad hominem post that a monkey could have writen.

You have no refutation to my argument. That is obvious.

My advice:

Go back to your safe room and put your binky back in your mouth. You'll feel better.

Coming from a parrot, like you, that's rich! The American public can no longer think for itself. They are shoveled shit in the dark and like you, that's all the hear, and thus, that's all they spew back.
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He is a great man.

In what way?

Was it in supporting a thug who had just bashed an Hispanic man's head into the pavement by saying "he could be my son"?

Was in in the way he helped spread ISIS by helping to remove the more secular leaders who kept them in check?

Was it in the way he tried to sneak millions of dollars to the Palestinians on his last day in office so they could kill more Jews?

Was it in the way he created a treaty with Iran that gave them a clear path to nukes?

Sure, the guy was a good speechafier, but what made him great?
His ideals of world peace. His rational stance on guns. His self control and intelligence.
, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable .

You wish.
I made an honest post about how I felt. I have no idea why you would say that.

ISIS represents world peace?

In what universe?
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.
I hope you're right, but this is a horse of a different color, DTMB. Okay, maybe we shouldn't be panicking, but I'll tell ya, I have woken the last two mornings wondering if a missile has struck us somewhere while I slept, and if a nuke were headed toward the US, would our constable ring the fire siren to alert us, or the Church Auxiliary ladies send to ring the church bell?
I don't know. I am not "panicking," but I do not like having these questions in the back of my mind. I have absolutely no problem with having blasted away that general, in and of itself. I just worry about what it will lead to next. This is actually pretty "new" ground that we are standing on. It's not just another stand off such as we've been experiencing with Iran for several years.

If a nuke was on it's way you would have obummer to thank for it.
Wrong!.....Obama negotiated the nuclear deal which kept Iran from further developing its nuclear weapons despite what Trumpers say.

Trump fucked it all up.

If bombs come our way from Iran the blame falls on the orange moron.

For someone whose President made the Iran Deal, you seem to know very little about it. Let me give you a lesson:

What Iran got out of the deal:

A lift on $100 billion in sanctions.

They were paid more than $36 billion for “long overdue actions.”

Unlimited access to trade with Europe again.

A lift on the arms embargo. They can buy and sell weapons from anyone, anywhere, anytime they want to.

They are allowed to run “safety tests” on themselves.

They report “illegal actions” themselves to the U.N. Meaning, Iran will tell Obama and the U.N. if they are acting criminally or inappropriately.

But, would you like to hear the real kicker? The Iran Deal was non-binding. President Obama and John Kerry did not require Iran's leaders to sign the nuclear deal that his team negotiated with the regime. The Obama administration even acknowledged that.

Let me repeat that for you:

The deal was never signed by the Iranian leaders.

What a deal, eh? And here all this time, you though Obama's "Iran Deal" was something.

U.S. State Department Confirms Iran NEVER Signed Treaty, Obama's Nuclear Deal Fully Illegal - Conservative Daily Post

The Iranians Never Signed Obama’s Deal!
The mainstream media supported every conflict in the bloody 20th century no matter how mismanaged they were by the democrat administrations. FDR even forced the media to adhere to the War effort or be visited by Hoover's FBI. The media still uses the old 20th century playbook and unconditionally defends democrats but Americans are smarter and better informed than they were when Cronkite was king and JFK lived in Camelot. Didn't Trump's election teach them anything?
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

I primarily watch FOX News. I like Tucker Carlson but he seems to have lost it the last couple days, over the strike on the Iranian.

I will not listen to him again until he comes to his senses.

What is Tucker saying?

He was like "Ohhh woe is mee.... Trump is gonna start a nuclear war..."

Same shit we've been hearing from the left ever since Trump was elected.

That is only half true. That is not what Tucker was screaming about.

He is bashing those right wing and media people whose are cheering the bombing and pumping their chest for WAR.
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

I primarily watch FOX News. I like Tucker Carlson but he seems to have lost it the last couple days, over the strike on the Iranian.

I will not listen to him again until he comes to his senses.

What is Tucker saying?

He was like "Ohhh woe is mee.... Trump is gonna start a nuclear war..."

Same shit we've been hearing from the left ever since Trump was elected.

That is only half true. That is not what Tucker was screaming about.

He is bashing those right wing and media people whose are cheering the bombing and pumping their chest for WAR.

What a funny thing how Obama went on TV and took credit for killing an old man Osama bin Laden whom the Left claim was no threat to us at all and his organization dead, yet the very same people bemoan the killing of a terrorist general actively engaged in killing Americans and planning attacks upon our interests! Who WOULDN'T cheer the killing of this guy but no one is talking about war except you. As I've said many times, it is up to the Ayatollah now, he can read his tea leaves and admit he's fighting a losing battle or he can escalate this as he has promised, which will only get him more of the same, maybe worse. Maybe the next U.S. missile will come sailing in through his palace window.

Iran has been attacking and threatening us for 40 years. They could end all of this and the sanctions against them tomorrow. All we want is for them to end their terror hostilities around the planet.
The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.
It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.
You know that saying...
It's only funny 'til someone gets hurt... I see it like that

The vast majority don't give a fuck what's going on
until the consequences directly effects them
Even then, the farthest they're willing to go is to complain
Evident by the $20 trillion dollar ND Trump was handed
and the likes of Pelosi and Waters still getting a paycheck from us

Even more pathetic is living in an era
where information is at our fingertips
and anyone can go to the USAID or Congress website
and view the amount of money Congress took from taxpayers
gave to another country and what it was intended to fund

I don't know about anyone else but in 2008
when the gloom and doom of the 2nd Great Depression
being a certainty without $700 Billion dollars from us,

But, I want to know why Congress gave and disbursed
a total of $42 BILLION dollars of taxpayers money to 223 countries
for education programs, infrastructure, energy, democracy....

And yet, when it came to the $75 billion dollars set aside for
Obama's HAMP initiative to help 7-9 million homeowners...
to provide refinancing for 4-5 million struggling homeowners
and prevent 3-4 million low income, minority homeowners
from losing their homes with loan modifications

The $75 billion dropped to $50 billion
The $50 billion dropped to $30 billion
In the end, less than $4 billion dollars was spent helping homeowners
and prevented fewer than 1 million homes from foreclosure

What does that tell you when a Democrat controlled White House
'borrows' hundreds of billions of tax dollars, not even earned yet, then
that is costing us hundreds of millions of dollars every month, now...

And gives 223 countries a total of $42 billion dollars
during our 'worst financial crisis' since the Great Depression
and spends less than $4 billion dollars of our own money
not the $75 billion touted, to prevent fewer than 1 million foreclosures
Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.
The best decision I made was giving up the news some 10 yrs ago
People wonder how men like Hitler could get elected to office or people could be corralled into supporting (at least in the beginning) mad men like Che Guevera, Fidel Castro, or Ruhollah Khomeini, but it's not hard to understand when you look at the mass hysteria bubbling up all over social media the last two days. The public is largely ignorant, fearful, and easily manipulated.

Are we going to have a war with Iran? I suppose it's possible. After all, WWI was kicked off by the assassination of a man 99% of the world had never heard of, but is it likely? Highly unlikely, in my opinion. I imagine we're probably going to see the same old skirmishes here and there we've been seeing for years, which is precisely why we shouldn't be there in the first place, but based on all the panic out there you'd think Tehran had missiles bearing down on us ready to land at any minute. I just read an article how the Selective Service's Web site crashed because of alarmed people thinking the draft is getting reinstated. It's truly pathetic how easily the public allows themselves to be manipulated and whipped up into a frenzy by the media and so-called "experts" in the bureaucracy, all of whom have agendas to push.

Stop letting the media and other people do your thinking for you. We're supposed to be the superior species on this planet, but half the time you'd never know it.

I primarily watch FOX News. I like Tucker Carlson but he seems to have lost it the last couple days, over the strike on the Iranian.

I will not listen to him again until he comes to his senses.

What is Tucker saying?

He was like "Ohhh woe is mee.... Trump is gonna start a nuclear war..."

Same shit we've been hearing from the left ever since Trump was elected.

That is only half true. That is not what Tucker was screaming about.

He is bashing those right wing and media people whose are cheering the bombing and pumping their chest for WAR.

What a funny thing how Obama went on TV and took credit for killing an old man Osama bin Laden whom the Left claim was no threat to us at all and his organization dead, yet the very same people bemoan the killing of a terrorist general actively engaged in killing Americans and planning attacks upon our interests! Who WOULDN'T cheer the killing of this guy but no one is talking about war except you. As I've said many times, it is up to the Ayatollah now, he can read his tea leaves and admit he's fighting a losing battle or he can escalate this as he has promised, which will only get him more of the same, maybe worse. Maybe the next U.S. missile will come sailing in through his palace window.

Iran has been attacking and threatening us for 40 years. They could end all of this and the sanctions against them tomorrow. All we want is for them to end their terror hostilities around the planet.

My post has nothing to do with with what you are saying. There is a couple of threads about this subject then you can meet me there.

Start all over.
You wish.
I made an honest post about how I felt. I have no idea why you would say that.[/QUOTE]

The ignorance or the intentional evil of your statement about missiles. Iran doesn't have nukes...yet. It doesnt have missiles capable of hitting the the continental US..yet.

The only missile you could be thinking of would have to be launched from inside the US by one of your imported fifth columnists...the ones coming over the border you want open. Deep down you have to know this. Or maybe not. Thats why I give two choices.

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