It's Halftime America...Clinton Eastwood Is Still A Bad Mutha..."HUSH YO MOUTH!!!"


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
[ame=]"It's Halftime in America" - Official Chrysler Commercial from 2012 NFL Championship Game - YouTube[/ame]

I mean, what a great commercial right? Inspirational, feel-good, and down right hopeful...truly American.

So why is that short, fat, evil tub-o-lard Rove all besides himself with rage over the thing?

Karl Rove ‘offended’ by Clint Eastwood’s Chrysler ad - The Washington Post

How many of you RWers are "offended" by this ad?

And LWers for that matter.

Me...? I LOVE it!!

Especially since it was Obama's idea to rescue those dying All-American Car companies which were the life-blood of Detroit...despite the many cries and nay-saying from the reicht.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
4 threads.... we could be going for a new record for the most threads on a single topic in one day by incompetent assclowns.
4 threads.... we could be going for a new record for the most threads on a single topic in one day by incompetent assclowns.

Oh whatever would we do without you, the self-appointed, residentm thread-counter.

The silence is deafening.

To funny! :lol:

BTW, where are the other/is the other thread(s) about this topic?

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