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It's Happening Again - Homes Lost - Some Rent Control Needed

These landlords were making a mint when rents were a fraction of what they are now.
You are basing your entire argument on assumption. You don't have the slightest idea what risks the landlord took in order to obtain a property. You also have been completely disingenuous when you called yourself a landlord when you are renting a parking lot.
These sleazy thieves are just taking advantage
More fucking misguided assumptions. Seventy-five and you've been hiding in a hole for the last fifteen years. This housing market problem started back then when democrat policies created a bubble that trashed the industry. Building came to a screeching halt resulting in higher housing costs due to lack of inventory. Hell, you should be happy you're in a state with reasonable housing costs. In my area I have seen middle class housing prices go from the mid 300Ks to the mid 600Ks in two years and Biden's inflationary measures have done nothing but drive them up more. People are offering more for a house than the owners are asking and the houses are selling in a week. Property owners are not boogie men that prey on you--they have to live as well. Quit whining, grab your bootstraps and quit expecting everyone else to pick up you slack. SMH. Commie.
I know what they had, and what they had in 1920, is some form of rent control. I know a lot more about it than what you posted here.

1. As for your alleged 81% of economists, how many if them grew up in a rent-controlled apartment, which if there had been no rent control there they might nit have ever been born ?

2. As I have stated before, this thread is about the effects the Florida housing crisi, on Florida renters, not landlords or economists or THEIR perceived economics.
You have made some bad life choices if you can't afford housing in Florida.

Go be poor some place else.
Rent control laws are designed to PROTECT the public. By your warped "logic", we could well be without laws against murder and rape
This statement is so stupid as to not require an answer.
As such, he needs to be responsive to the needs of those people whose lives he holds in his hands.
The landlord is not your mommy. He doesn't hold anyone's life in his hands but his own. He risked when he purchased the property and he has every right to be compensated for his property. He charges what the market will bear--if he over charges, the property would lie vacant and he would get nothing. There goes your contention that he is overcharging. Maybe you should get off of your lazy ass and quit expecting everyone else to support your commie ass.
As such, he needs to be responsive to the needs of those people whose lives he holds in his hands.
Does a rancher owe you one of his cattle because you don't have meat and it is $15 a pound? Your argument is ludicrous.
Rent control is not a "free lunch".
WRONG. That is exactly what it is. Where does that landlord get the money to pay the mortgage if the renter doesn't pay what the property costs. You are a moron troll. Go on welfare and live in section 8 housing. Commie
The US has been long been a combination of capitalism AND socialism, including rent control laws for over 100 years.
Wrong is wrong--if they've been doing it for a hundred years or not. You are looking for a free ride to cover for your own laziness. You don't want to move and you figure your landlord owes you something. He doesn't. Go down to McDonalds and tell them you want a Big Mac for a nickel and see how quickly you get laughed out of the place. You are a moron commie.
OMG! Are all the intelligent people in this forum reading this, believing their eyes ?

Good grief! :puhleeze: "a fair return on his investment" YIKES!! Never have I seen such a totally outrageous UNFAIR return on an investment. Here's a better description of it >> HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!!!!!

Here's your solution, moron. Go out, get a loan, build an apartment house on your parking lot and then rent the apartments for half of what the mortgage costs. You can afford it--you're a landlord. As for your contention that this is not about economists, landlords or business--you are living in fantasyland. They are all inter-related in a capitalist society. You want communism--move to Venezuela or Cuba.
They didn't go up $500/month. They went up a lot , but nit that much. Well what if gas prices went to $500/gallon ? You like being gouged ?
Hey Dum dum. Are you home ? Are you following what's going on here ?

YOU are the moron. Landlords ARE raising prices to WAAAAAAAY above what a major % of Americans can afford. That is the basis if this whole thread, that we are now 237 posts into (have you been following this?)

You missed the part about the POPULATION EXPLOSION in Florida ? What the market will bear is changing, and causing major socialogical change - ie. major housng saturation/shortage
You are a moron. Life changes everyday. Learn to adapt and overcome. That doesn't include expecting somebody else to feed you your pablum for free.
You are a moron. Life changes everyday. Learn to adapt and overcome. That doesn't include expecting somebody else to feed you your pablum for free.
I had a buddy who was an Engineer that back in the 1980s bought several lower priced houses as an investment to rent out.

He got them for a decent price but he had to do a lot of work to fix them up. Cost him a lot of additional money above the cost of the property. Then he had taxes and insurance.

Over the years he had many renters. Some of them were OK but a good percentage of them did significant damage to property that he had to fix.

He had a lot of problems with renters not paying their rent. They would just leave in the muddle of the night and take appliances or plumbing or light fixtures with them.

He spent far too many of his weekends working on the properties.

When he retired he sold the houses.

He told me that if he had to do all over again he wouldn't have done it. Far too much work and headaches.

He said he would have done better if had just put his money in a low risk mutual fund.

That was without rent controls. If there been any kind of interference in the amount of rent he collected that would have made the investment even worse.
But not if YOU needed them. You're just a selfish creep who doesn't think outside of your own little box. Someday somebody will sue your greedy ass, and leave you with nothing. Then all your high & mighty ideas will be out the window.

But not if YOU needed them.

They're bad ideas, even if I did need them.

You're just a selfish creep who doesn't think outside of your own little box.

And you're a wanna be thief.

Someday somebody will sue your greedy ass, and leave you with nothing.

Is that what happened to you. Awww......
Why is it bad ? Becasue sleazy greed freaks cant gouge renters and force them out of their homes. What if gas prices went to $100/gallon ? Wanna have gas price control ?
Sure you would, because YOU would be affected, Mr Hypocrite.

Why is it bad ?

Rent control is a bad idea because it reduces new supply and increases demand.

What if gas prices went to $100/gallon ?

That would be really bad.

Wanna have gas price control ?

No. Now, if it did go that high, how would "gas price control" work?
Spell it out.
You are a moron. Life changes everyday. Learn to adapt and overcome. That doesn't include expecting somebody else to feed you your pablum for free.
Oh shut the hell up you fuckin asshole. Let the fucking sleazebag landlords do the adapting, DUH!!!!!!
You have made some bad life choices if you can't afford housing in Florida.

Go be poor some place else.
You say that as if housing in Florida was cheap. You need to know the basic facts of a thread before you comment in it. Dumbass.

And if you're young, someday (if your lucky) you'll be old, and you may find getting to be poor comes with age, when you're not in the workforce anymore. Happens that way for a lot of people.
You are basing your entire argument on assumption. You don't have the slightest idea what risks the landlord took in order to obtain a property. You also have been completely disingenuous when you called yourself a landlord when you are renting a parking lot.

More fucking misguided assumptions. Seventy-five and you've been hiding in a hole for the last fifteen years. This housing market problem started back then when democrat policies created a bubble that trashed the industry. Building came to a screeching halt resulting in higher housing costs due to lack of inventory. Hell, you should be happy you're in a state with reasonable housing costs. In my area I have seen middle class housing prices go from the mid 300Ks to the mid 600Ks in two years and Biden's inflationary measures have done nothing but drive them up more. People are offering more for a house than the owners are asking and the houses are selling in a week. Property owners are not boogie men that prey on you--they have to live as well. Quit whining, grab your bootstraps and quit expecting everyone else to pick up you slack. SMH. Commie.
I'm in a state with reasonable housing costs ? Is there a doctor in the house ?

No knothead. You're still oblivious to what this thread is about. Then, instead of going with what it IS about (Biden - migrants - overpopulation - housing shortage - rent gouging - you come in here like a fool, and start making up your own scenarios and trying to inject them into the discussion.

It's only with the massive influx of people into the Tampa Bay area et al places in Florida, over the past 3 years, gone to extremes with Biden, that the prices have jumped so high and so suddenly. 2 yrs ago we were paying 550/mo for a 1 bedroom apt ia nice comples with amenities. New owner (dirtbag) came along and we had to pay 900. We move - 2 yrs later it happens again - 600 to 850. Not a single thought given to the people who's pockets are being picked. The "bubble" is in your wooden head, THIEF.
No doubt you know more about rent control than I do, but that does not make you correct.

1. As for your alleged 81% of economists, how many if them grew up in a rent-controlled apartment, which if there had been no rent control there they might nit have ever been born ?

Totally irrelevant.

2. As I have stated before, this thread is about the effects the Florida housing crisi, on Florida renters, not landlords or economists or THEIR perceived economics.

I do not believe that human nature and the laws of economics change with respect to location, and you were talking about rent control, which actually is nothing more than putting a band-aid on a problem instead of fixing it. How do you not see that rent controls affects landlords and the construction of new rental properties? Is that not the real answer to the problem of high rents? I.E., more supply of rental properties?

Curious to know of any economists who support the idea of rent controls, I'd like to see their logic and evidence on that.
No it is not irrelevant. in fact it is THE relevant part of the thread. Your goofball economists have NOTHING to do with the thread. As I said before, it's about the RENTERS. RENTERS. Get It ?

Get on TOPIC or get out of the thread.
No, you are confused. The burden is on you to live in housing that you can afford.

If you are so poor as to not be able to afford housing in the US then you may have to be homeless or move to a cheaper country.
So you think that millions of people who, for years, have had a standard of housing prices, supporting their # 1 element of human survival, should now suddenly have all that overturned and disrupted, and be required to bear all the burden of that disruption.

And at the same time you think the dirty, unscrupulous creeps who are overturning it and disrupting it, should be totally free of any and all duty and accountability to keep things in order.

You are more than confused. You are sick.
Put your stuff in your car and go. The only cost is gas. You are a renter so you can’t have a lot of stuff anyway. You just want everyone else to fix your problem
Cost of moving furniture > $800. Plane fare > $120. Up front housing cost (even with a VA home loan no down payment > $ 1500.

You just want the guys causing the problem to be without any accountability of fixing it. Maybe YOU're one of those guys, Hmmm ?
This statement is so stupid as to not require an answer.

The landlord is not your mommy. He doesn't hold anyone's life in his hands but his own. He risked when he purchased the property and he has every right to be compensated for his property. He charges what the market will bear--if he over charges, the property would lie vacant and he would get nothing. There goes your contention that he is overcharging. Maybe you should get off of your lazy ass and quit expecting everyone else to support your commie ass.

Does a rancher owe you one of his cattle because you don't have meat and it is $15 a pound? Your argument is ludicrous.

WRONG. That is exactly what it is. Where does that landlord get the money to pay the mortgage if the renter doesn't pay what the property costs. You are a moron troll. Go on welfare and live in section 8 housing. Commie

Wrong is wrong--if they've been doing it for a hundred years or not. You are looking for a free ride to cover for your own laziness. You don't want to move and you figure your landlord owes you something. He doesn't. Go down to McDonalds and tell them you want a Big Mac for a nickel and see how quickly you get laughed out of the place. You are a moron commie.
FALSE! The landlord is dealing with a product that holds people's LIVES in his hands. That is different than selling plants or sporting goods. Get it ?

:puhleeze: Oh you so stupid that you don't know this is rent GOUGING. Where does that landlord get the money to pay the mortgage if the renter doesn't pay what the property costs ? What a stupid question. The landlord gets the money to pay whatever he wished to pay from the rents that he received before he gouged the renters, just as he was doing all along.

To try to claim that these thieves actually NEED this xtra money is about the mist assinine thing anybody has said in this thread. But you're not the only one saying it. There's a bunch of other nitwits here also, who think they can pass that off. Fools.

And your commie comment is just as stupid. All businesses have constraints. None are completely without that (except your sleazey landlord friends). And now those other businesses are being hurt by your landlord pals, as much as the renters are.
FALSE! The landlord is dealing with a product that holds people's LIVES in his hands. That is different than selling plants or sporting goods. Get it ?

:puhleeze: Oh you so stupid that you don't know this is rent GOUGING. Where does that landlord get the money to pay the mortgage if the renter doesn't pay what the property costs ? What a stupid question. The landlord gets the money to pay whatever he wished to pay from the rents that he received before he gouged the renters, just as he was doing all along.

To try to claim that these thieves actually NEED this xtra money is about the mist assinine thing anybody has said in this thread. But you're not the only one saying it. There's a bunch of other nitwits here also, who think they can pass that off. Fools.

And your commie comment is just as stupid. All businesses have constraints. None are completely without that (except your sleazey landlord friends). And now those other businesses are being hurt by your landlord pals, as much as the renters are.

FALSE! The landlord is dealing with a product that holds people's LIVES in his hands.

Oh no, people's lives!!! DURR

Oh you so stupid that you don't know this is rent GOUGING.

Sounds like you should be allowed to steal.

To try to claim that these thieves actually NEED this xtra money is about the mist assinine thing anybody has said in this thread.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Here's your solution, moron. Go out, get a loan, build an apartment house on your parking lot and then rent the apartments for half of what the mortgage costs. You can afford it--you're a landlord. As for your contention that this is not about economists, landlords or business--you are living in fantasyland. They are all inter-related in a capitalist society. You want communism--move to Venezuela or Cuba.
Rent control is part of capitalism in America. Just like car companies who pay to provide air bags & seat belts (required by LAW I believe ?) Just like building construction companies whose materials must conform to GOVERNMENT specified CODES, I believe. Just like food products that are regulated by the FDA and Dept of Agriculture. Just like pharmaceuticals that are regulated, and the companies must abide.

Think all that is communism ? No you don;t. You just have burr up your ass about landlords, because you have some $$$ invested in that, you vested interested, bullshit artist.

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