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It's important for the rightwing to realize that the liberal outrage over Trump is unprecedented

Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
I agree there's some denial there.

There's also a great deal of denial on the Left about their role in his rise.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
I agree there's some denial there.

There's also a great deal of denial on the Left about their role in his rise.
I agree with that but I do think some liberals are aware of the democrats' failure to connect with working class voters. Of course, we are talking about low information, dumb voters for the most part. They don't even know what's in the Democratic Party platform.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
I agree there's some denial there.

There's also a great deal of denial on the Left about their role in his rise.
I agree with that but I do think some liberals are aware of the democrats' failure to connect with working class voters. Of course, we are talking about low information, dumb voters for the most part. They don't even know what's in the Democratic Party platform.
They know what they see constantly coming from the Democrats, they had enough of it, and it energized them with incredible intensity:

Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
I agree there's some denial there.

There's also a great deal of denial on the Left about their role in his rise.
I agree with that but I do think some liberals are aware of the democrats' failure to connect with working class voters. Of course, we are talking about low information, dumb voters for the most part. They don't even know what's in the Democratic Party platform.
They know what they see constantly coming from the Democrats, they had enough of it, and it energized them with incredible intensity:

I saw that video. That guy is totally right.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
I agree there's some denial there.

There's also a great deal of denial on the Left about their role in his rise.
I agree with that but I do think some liberals are aware of the democrats' failure to connect with working class voters. Of course, we are talking about low information, dumb voters for the most part. They don't even know what's in the Democratic Party platform.
You see, we think they do know what the democrat party platform is, and that they are not stupid, and as such, we don't look down on them, which is why we won.....

You democrats were soundly rejected by the people you call dumb.....pretty smart of them, no?
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.

Nobody cares what you think, what you can't stand, or what your stupid opinions are. That you launch a broadsides before the man is even sworn in and takes any action as president suggests you just have sour grapes and you are a sore loser which is very un-American.
You're just pissed because you know I'm right about Trump. You can't defend him and you know it.

You are an imbecile, the story of how you became an imbecile that I might find interesting from a case study perspective. Beyond that you are meaningless in the scheme of things.
Yeah more deflection, I see. You just can't handle me being right about Trump.

Whatever gets you through the dark days of being rejected by the American people, good luck with that.
Hopefully, going forward, the Democrats will understand that the American people are less interested in skin color, bathrooms and birthday cakes, and more interested in jobs and security.

The PC zealots need to be marginalized somehow, at least a bit.
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Now it is important that people give validation to the tantrum the left is throwing and buy into their justifications.

Umm, no actually it is not.

sometimes you get what you want, and sometimes you don't. that's life. adults realize that.
How the Democratic party was destroyed by the liberal wing of the party...

2010 - The liberal wing crammed Obamacare through congress over the objections from the American people. A furious American people punished the Democratic party by booting 56 moderate Democrats out of the House and handing control to the GOP. The liberal wing of the party said who cares, we didn't like those moderate Democrats anyway they were always objecting to the liberal agenda.

2012 - Obama lied his ass off. If you like your doctor and plan you can keep them, period. LIE! The average family will save $2,500 a year on healthcare LIE! Obama won re-election over Romney, a poor candidate but in the House even with Obama on the ballot they were only able to scrape back 6 of the 56 House seats they lost.

2014 - With Obama's lies on ACA now public knowledge a furious American people decimated the Democratic party. Dem's were being screamed at by their constituents at home, so they screamed at Obama to do something to save their careers. Obama went on national tv and tried to take the blame for his lies on ACA but the American people had heard enough of his lies and laid waste to the Democratic party, they lost the Senate and the GOP picked up more seats in the house. Briefly Obama acknowledged the American people took him to the woodshed but quickly reverted back to his fuck the American people attitude.

2016 - Liberal Dem's boasted of re-taking the Senate, a done deal in their minds. And they could not believe their luck in facing off with Donald Trump an amateur in politics who had never run for office. They were measuring the White House drapes before the first vote was cast. They underestimated the fury of the American people. Not just over Obamacare but illegals pouring across the boarder murdering Americans. Blue collar jobs sacrificed on the alter of global warming, anti coal, oil, and gas liberal ideology. Incredibly an amateur candidate Trump took on the Democratic party, the entire MSM who attacked him daily, and more than a few sour grapes GOP establishment hacks and beat them all. Tearing down the blue wall on the Democrats home turf in PA, MI, and WI. Dem's failed to retake the Senate even with the odds heavily in their favor.

So here we are, president elect Trump will be sworn in this Jan. Many Democrats are stunned at the destruction of their party. The liberal wing...they are as arrogant as ever. RIP Democratic party.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
You stupid snowflakes would bitch about the outcome no matter what actually transpired. You pulled out all the big guns. Held concerts with idiots, even trotted out your idols, yet you lost. Keep playing from an outdated playbook. Keep crying racism (while at the same time you want grown men to invade the women's bathroom).

This site is informative.
Oh really? So you can compare Trump'a election reaction to other republican president victories? Don't do be stupid. Liberals have never reacted with this much disdain.
They called Bush Hitler. Same old tired playbook. Blame everyone else for their failures.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.

Liberal Outrage??


How bout sore fucking losers who couldn't believe that Hillary could be beaten by a guy they all saw as a joke.

Guess who's laughing now???
Yes and don't forget they boasted about purple and red States turning blue.
They got so arrogant they actually thought that red State AZ was gonna turn blue.
Delusional loons.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.

I know exactly what we got in Trump, and I only ACCEPTED him after he won the Primaries, I didn't SUPPORT him until I got into the voting booth.

Your side screams bloody murder about anyone with an "R" after their name once they become a candidate, using any name or tactic they can. That person becomes the worst person on the planet, until the next election what that poor bastard becomes the worst person on the planet.

My support during the primaries ran from Walker to Jindal to Cruz, and that was it. I was one of 8 people in my district to vote Cruz in the Primary, compared to over 300 who voted Trump. People wanted change, and Hillary was the anti-change candidate.
Guess who's laughing now???

The entire world is laughing at you idiots. How stupid can you be? You've elected an incompetent crook, who will bleed your country white. The rest of us will be watching all of you protest voters get fucked by Trump and the other elites he's putting into office.

Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and W looted the Treasury for billions, signing untendered contacts with Haliburton (owned by Cheney and never placed in a blind trust), and these contracts continue to this day. Trump has had 30 years to practice bilking Americans and stealing their money. He's already refusing to put his company into a blind trust, and lining up foreign governments to contribute to his profit margin.

Watching you people get screwed over by "Saviour Trump" will never get old.
Picture the alternative reality of Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, or even Ted Cruz becoming president instead of Trump. Would there be any talk of recounts, pre-adminstration scandals, or worldwide scorn?


For me, I can't stand teabaggers like Ted Cruz or Mike Pence, but I would still feel much less anxious if they were president. There's a level of dignity, intelligence, and professionalism in their personalities. I respect that about them whenever I compare them to Trump. It just blows my mind how the rightwing is in denial about Trump.
Why do you think I voted for Trump? I originally was supporting Rubio but I soon realized Trump made liberals lose their little petty minds. I have longed for that, Bush did a pretty good job of it, Reagan of course scarred them for life, now Trump with make their pea brains boil over on a regular basis.

And no, none of the others would have got elected. Republicans typically play nice, Romney was turned into Satan by the leftists, which is what they always do regardless. It took someone of Trump's caliber to take it to the leftists in media, on the streets and wherever they reared their ugly heads.

I love this, your butthurt warms my heart.
Guess who's laughing now???

The entire world is laughing at you idiots. How stupid can you be? You've elected an incompetent crook, who will bleed your country white. The rest of us will be watching all of you protest voters get fucked by Trump and the other elites he's putting into office.

Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and W looted the Treasury for billions, signing untendered contacts with Haliburton (owned by Cheney and never placed in a blind trust), and these contracts continue to this day. Trump has had 30 years to practice bilking Americans and stealing their money. He's already refusing to put his company into a blind trust, and lining up foreign governments to contribute to his profit margin.

Watching you people get screwed over by "Saviour Trump" will never get old.
He who laughs last laughs best.
Guess who's laughing now???

The entire world is laughing at you idiots. How stupid can you be? You've elected an incompetent crook, who will bleed your country white. The rest of us will be watching all of you protest voters get fucked by Trump and the other elites he's putting into office.

Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and W looted the Treasury for billions, signing untendered contacts with Haliburton (owned by Cheney and never placed in a blind trust), and these contracts continue to this day. Trump has had 30 years to practice bilking Americans and stealing their money. He's already refusing to put his company into a blind trust, and lining up foreign governments to contribute to his profit margin.

Watching you people get screwed over by "Saviour Trump" will never get old.

Yeah, the dolt you guys currently have as your PM is really really a paragon of class.....
Guess who's laughing now???

The entire world is laughing at you idiots. How stupid can you be? You've elected an incompetent crook, who will bleed your country white. The rest of us will be watching all of you protest voters get fucked by Trump and the other elites he's putting into office.

Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and W looted the Treasury for billions, signing untendered contacts with Haliburton (owned by Cheney and never placed in a blind trust), and these contracts continue to this day. Trump has had 30 years to practice bilking Americans and stealing their money. He's already refusing to put his company into a blind trust, and lining up foreign governments to contribute to his profit margin.

Watching you people get screwed over by "Saviour Trump" will never get old.
Liar. You post, you lie. It's no more complicated than that. You do not speak for the rest of the world.

Many people are getting sick of you arrogant power mad assholes. Brexit wasn't supposed to happen either. There are conservative candidates winning elections overseas and you have many in your country.

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