Its kind of crazy how wherever Donald Trump goes, theres protests or riots

People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere

This country has never had so many illegitimate, crime seeking, bottom feeding, taxpayer draining, no pride having, un-American pieces of shits on it's soil.
Trumps agenda aligns with the agenda of America’s best citizens, he has ended that no boundaries, anything goes, free for all bullshit that came from the Super Zulu and filthy lowlife weirdos like you can’t fucking stand it.
Other nations hate him because he has made his “Fuck Foreigners, Americans First” message crystal clear and he has pulled the taxpayer tit from the suckling mouths of the leeches.
What else can I teach your dumbass?
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People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
He's such a unifying presence and gentleman it's a shame how people pick on him.
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere

The paradox of the Liberal mentality is that they are opposed to hate and yet they are unhinged raging bigots
So you are calling 90% of Americans leftwing morons? You calling famous rappers like eminem, ti, snoop dogg who all hate trump morons? Are the 100,000 people who protested him in the UK morons too?
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
Only leftwing morons like you hate him. You hate America. Therefore, you hate Trump.

Funny how the hate didn’t begin until he announced he was running for POTUS.

He was hated well before then. But the hate intensified when he became President
Is this when he was hated?

People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere

I quite frankly could give a flying fuck less how hated he is. He deserves it. Just google the harm he has done to folks. Besides, what do you care? Shouldn't you be adding another set of lips kissed to your enumeration?

What harm has he done to folks?
So you are calling 90% of Americans leftwing morons? You calling famous rappers like eminem, ti, snoop dogg who all hate trump morons? Are the 100,000 people who protested him in the UK morons too?
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
Only leftwing morons like you hate him. You hate America. Therefore, you hate Trump.

With all due respect...anyone that truly believes that 90% of America hates Trump is living in one of the little liberal bubbles talking only to other liberals! That's not the case. Those who hate Trump hate him to where it's a knee jerk reaction. You say his name and they start foaming at the mouth. It's not a reasoned opposition based on policy it's something far more dangerous. I had a woman start yelling at me in a restaurant last night because she was angry I didn't agree with her that Trump was "evil"! Other diners were looking at her like she'd lost her mind...which in a way she has.

That's why I love Trump.
Classic liberal scum. Accuse the other side of what they are doing. it worked for the nazis, but not you scum. Everyone has seen your true face.
So you are calling 90% of Americans leftwing morons? You calling famous rappers like eminem, ti, snoop dogg who all hate trump morons? Are the 100,000 people who protested him in the UK morons too?
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
Only leftwing morons like you hate him. You hate America. Therefore, you hate Trump.
90% of America doesn't hate Trump, moron. How did he win the election if that's true?
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So you are calling 90% of Americans leftwing morons? You calling famous rappers like eminem, ti, snoop dogg who all hate trump morons? Are the 100,000 people who protested him in the UK morons too?
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
Only leftwing morons like you hate him. You hate America. Therefore, you hate Trump.
You are loons that are pouting because you didn't get your way. Grow up.
I think she's paying them to mail fake bombs to fellow Democrats.
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
Trump is not hated everywhere. He attends gun free zone rallies just so he can be adored.

At taxpayer expense.
Fuckin' aye right I am. Them cunttrick celebrities don't make my world go 'round in any way whatsoever. Fuck those unAmerican fucks right up the ass with a cactus, k? And fuck you, too, bitch! :fu:

Why do they all have professionally made signs, Hmm?
Trump supporters have too much hate in their hearts. You will never be happy until you let go of anger and hatred.
If you said fuck you to me many years ago, I would insult you with words 10x as harsh.
But instead, I will simply wish you have a nice day :)

All this shit coming from someone who admits not knowing much about politics.
Go away Jr.

So you're saying you're stupid and a muslim?
Allah is the greatest, and Muhammad is his true messenger.
You're serious? No wonder you're so stupid.
He is hated because he's doing the right thing. Remember, Jesus Christ was also hated. This world is evil and the political left is the embodiment of that evil.
Biggest line of horse shit ever. You fuckers are sick
So you are calling 90% of Americans leftwing morons? You calling famous rappers like eminem, ti, snoop dogg who all hate trump morons? Are the 100,000 people who protested him in the UK morons too?
People really do hate this man. I can't imagine anyone being protested simply for paying respect to the deceased (Pittsburgh shooting).
Examples of Anti-Trump protests

Pittsburgh shooting - The residents did not want him to visit the state due to his "hate"

NYC protest

UK protest

Belgium protest

Even asians dont like him

Washington DC

German carnival

Mexico (not surprising)

Imagine being this hated. I wouldn't want to be in his position. He has billions of dollars but whats the point if everywhere you go everyone hates you and you are not welcome anywhere
Only leftwing morons like you hate him. You hate America. Therefore, you hate Trump.

Well, if the opinions of RAPPERS doesn't settle the deal, I guess nothing ever will.

How old are you, child? Your thinking that it is rappers who represent the cream of the educated crop is hilarious beyond words.
Trump supporters have too much hate in their hearts. You will never be happy until you let go of anger and hatred.
If you said fuck you to me many years ago, I would insult you with words 10x as harsh.
But instead, I will simply wish you have a nice day :)

All this shit coming from someone who admits not knowing much about politics.
Go away Jr.

So you're saying you're stupid and a muslim?
Allah is the greatest, and Muhammad is his true messenger.
You're serious? No wonder you're so stupid.

Meh...what can you expect from someone who worships a pedo?
He is hated because he's doing the right thing. Remember, Jesus Christ was also hated.
Hitler was hated, too.

Guess which one the pussy grabbing non-stop race baiting fraudster Trump is more like.

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