It's looking more and more like Trump is NOT BEING AUDITED. He lied.

Any proof yet?

No need, the poster is a liberal they just make shit up and go start another thread.

Let's say the poster did make it up.
Why is Trump unable to release previous years that are not under audit?
What's his excuse for those?

Maybe its none of your damn business, I know I'd flip you people the bird.

It's part of the process and has been for a long time. If a candidate is unwilling or unable then they shouldn't have run. Personally I believe it's a disqualifier. How can you trust someone who can't do the basic thing all others have done?

When someone aspires to be the leader of this country and the free world, there needs to be a full forensic audit of their entire financial and professional history, period the end.
Any proof yet?

No need, the poster is a liberal they just make shit up and go start another thread.

Let's say the poster did make it up.
Why is Trump unable to release previous years that are not under audit?
What's his excuse for those?

Maybe its none of your damn business, I know I'd flip you people the bird.

It's part of the process and has been for a long time. If a candidate is unwilling or unable then they shouldn't have run. Personally I believe it's a disqualifier. How can you trust someone who can't do the basic thing all others have done?

When someone aspires to be the leader of this country and the free world, there needs to be a full forensic audit of their entire financial and professional history, period the end.

Goddamn, hey feel free to move to North Korea if that's what you want commie. :cuckoo:
Yes, Trump is just like every other candidate who ran before.


He's running as the Republican nominee, not an independent, idiot.
And unlike other Republican nominees, he doesn't allow himself to be bullied.

You Leftists have become spoiled, accustomed to being able to get Republicans to do whatever you want. Now you're up against someone who tells you to fuck yourselves and it confuses and bewilders you.

Pray tell what have the liberals made the Republicans do? And here's another wake up call: Trump's daughter, a Republican, is pushing for govt paid child care. You think the liberals are making her do that, you poor simpering nitwit?
Did you forget who we're talking about?

When you were a kid, you ate the marshmallow, didn't you?

Yeah, stuffed it right in your mouth with a stupid little grin.

I see you've run out of gas. You only had about 1/16th of a tank to start anyway.
All I hear is "num num num num"
When the OP posts it's tax returns, then I'll read his post. Until then I can't believe a thing in it.

That is all.
He has no obligation to release his tax returns, Pogo stick, and since he predicated the tax return release on Dehydrated releasing her deleted emails, it looks like it will never happen. So you and CNN can go fuck yourselves.
All previous candidates going back to Gerald Ford did NOT predicate the release of their returns on the actions of any of the other candidates, so you just fucked yourself, didn't you?

Trump doesn't have to release his tax returns so suck it.

Looks like Trump supporters are the real suckers.

Righties complain about Obama and Clinton's lack of transparency but they are ready to swallow when Donald says get down on your knees.

:crybaby: Trump won't play by the left's rules :crybaby:

Not the left's rules. It's been the standard for every candidate for forty years.

Actually the first guy to do it was George Romney. 49 years ago.

Sounds like you are just making shit up. Have any sources?

Sounds like that's exactly what the OP is saying to Rump.
He has no obligation to release his tax returns, Pogo stick, and since he predicated the tax return release on Dehydrated releasing her deleted emails, it looks like it will never happen. So you and CNN can go fuck yourselves.

I didn't say he did, diarrhea-breath. I simply noted ---- not to you one might note ---- that what the poster (the one I actually addressed) posted to the OP .................... was exactly the same thing the OP posed to Doomed Rump. Which is still true.

So bite my ass.
The OP has no proof. Your argument fails right there.

Once again for those who somehow survived Catholic school without ever learning to read, I didn't say anything about what "proof" the OP has. I didn't even refer to a provable assertion. I simply said that the poster I was actually talking to --- which, once again for the slow kids was NOT YOU --- that the poster I actually DID address asked the same thing of Rump as that poster did of the OP.

There ain't a god damned thing in the world you can do about that.
...over 50% of black youth are unemployed...
A lie.

Try again.

According to the BLS, the black youth unemployment rate is 19.2 percent. The white youth unemployment rate is 10 percent.

Trump the Dumb Fuck counts people in college or high school as "unemployed".
So it doesn't matter to Republicans that Trump could owe billions to foreign companies and governments hostile to the United States?
All donald does is LIE!
You're dishonest. All Vote-for-my-vag does is lie. Trump hasn't even lied once yet.
You know that's not true. Every wife he's had, he's like to. He even admitted it.

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
I'm talking about this campaign. Has anyone who ever ran for president not ever told a lie? Even George Washington? Vag has lied repeatedly to the FBI, a documented fact thanks to Trey Gowdy. Trump by contrast hasn't even been under federal investigation like Collapse has.
We Investigated, Donald Trump is Named in at Least 169 Federal Lawsuits

You were saying?
I was saying, make a billion dollars and people will sue you.
Thousands of times? Can you prove that?

Funny, I searched Bill Gates stiffs workers and Koch Brothers Stiffs workers and a whole bunch more.

But Trump?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Dozens Of Lawsuits Accuse Trump Of Not Paying His Bills, Reports Claim

Report: Trump has refused to pay hundreds of workers
So it doesn't matter to Republicans that Trump could owe billions to foreign companies and governments hostile to the United States?

The loserterians want to bring this nation to its knees. They're happy that CHina and russia will rule over us with Trump in office.
You say the dumbest things. Do you EVER think before posting?
You're dishonest. All Vote-for-my-vag does is lie. Trump hasn't even lied once yet.
You know that's not true. Every wife he's had, he's like to. He even admitted it.

Lyin' Donald: 101 Of Trump's Greatest Lies
I'm talking about this campaign. Has anyone who ever ran for president not ever told a lie? Even George Washington? Vag has lied repeatedly to the FBI, a documented fact thanks to Trey Gowdy. Trump by contrast hasn't even been under federal investigation like Collapse has.
We Investigated, Donald Trump is Named in at Least 169 Federal Lawsuits

You were saying?
I was saying, make a billion dollars and people will sue you.
Thousands of times? Can you prove that?

Funny, I searched Bill Gates stiffs workers and Koch Brothers Stiffs workers and a whole bunch more.

But Trump?

USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills

Dozens Of Lawsuits Accuse Trump Of Not Paying His Bills, Reports Claim

Report: Trump has refused to pay hundreds of workers
You should try talking to some rich people. It will be a real eye opener. My inlaws are multimillionaires and get sued all the time, so yes, it doesn't strain credulity that billionaires get sued "thousands" of times. People know this instinctively, which is why you wingnuts go through all these lawsuits like some kind of treasure trove, but it doesn't give you any political traction.
So it doesn't matter to Republicans that Trump could owe billions to foreign companies and governments hostile to the United States?

The loserterians want to bring this nation to its knees. They're happy that CHina and russia will rule over us with Trump in office.

You've got no problem at all with Hillary owing favors to Ukrainian oligarchs, Saudi Arabia, other Gulf States so don't be a fucking hypocrite.
As to the OP, his lawyers necks are on the line. I just don't see a law firm lying about his taxes being audited.

But hey, the left wing wankers are getting really really desperate and throwing out all sorts of unfounded accusations.

Remember this fellow posters?

(CNN)Donald Trump on Wednesday released a letter from his tax attorneys attesting that the GOP presidential front-runner's tax filings from 2009 and onward are still being audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
The IRS has, however, completed audits of Trump's tax returns through his 2008 filing. Trump's tax returns have been audited by the IRS each year since 2002, the letter said, and Trump's tax returns between those years "have been closed administratively by agreement with the IRS without assessment or payment, on a net basis, of any deficiency," the lawyers stated."

Trump campaign releases letter confirming IRS audit -
Yawn. Only the media, Democrat politicians, and leftist loons care about tax returns. It's a contrived issue that voters don't care about. WTF are tax returns when over 50% of black youth are unemployed? You Leftists have all your priorities jacked.

Wrong. Trump supporters don't care about tax returns. Everybody else does, just like they always have in past elections.

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