It's Mueller Time!

Should it be referred to as the Weissman report?

The Weissman Dossier. And that is how I refer to it. It's more of an editorial that belongs in the Holocaust denying New York Times than it is a legitimate legal document.

Carter Page worked in russia between 03 and 07. after returning to the US, Page became acquainted with 2 russian intelligence officers, one of whom was charged in 2015 with conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of Russia.

that's in the report!
What do the guilty-as-hell do under cross examination? They sweat, fall apart, collapse, melt down, break down, lose their composure, lie, stall, stutter, and gulp, and that’s exactly what we saw happen yesterday.

A guilty man was forced to take the witness stand, a Dirty Cop was cross examined, cornered, trapped, exposed, stripped of his media mythology shield, and found to be Dirty…

And it was glorious. Robert Mueller Isn't Senile; He Was a Dirty Cop Forced to Testify
"the GOP are the party of communists. they love Russia, China, North Korea..." - Marvelous Malcolm Nance
No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.
Didn't say that but then again you know that. Calls for pursuing political rivals after they leave office because you don't have the steam to do it now is disgusting.

No one is above the law. Political rivalry or not.
Never said they are.

You just cannot get past circumventing the process and imagining that it is justice.
Circumventing the process? justice?
That would be the Senate.

To ignore blatant criminality is to circumvent justice and would indeed confirm that any president is above the law.
It hurts me to realize that in the time we find ourselves, there are so many grown people in places of great authority who have completely sold out to cynical surrender.

Not American greatness.

Plenty to go around.

It hurts me more that my kids have to grow up in the world with illogical people like you living in it. PC pussies.
You mad, bro?
You seem frustrated.
He probably is, but he's also one of the more reasonable conservatives here so take it easy on the guy.
He hasn't been reasonable as far as I can tell.
He has repeatedly and perhaps deliberately misrepresented the facts.
I don't think it's deliberate, I think hes just misinformed.

See, I know that you and the other drones are deliberately lying.

Carter Page worked in russia between 03 and 07. after returning to the US, Page became acquainted with 2 russian intelligence officers, one of whom was charged in 2015 with conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of Russia.

that's in the report!

If you expect credibility, cite your claims.

Full Text of the Mueller Report's Executive Summaries
"“[W]hile this report embodies factual and legal determinations..., given these identified gaps, the Office cannot rule out the possibility that the unavailable information would shed additional light on (or cast in a new light) the events described in the report.” - Page 18

so he admits its BS
You know it’s bad when CNN and MSNBC admit defeat.

What a fucking disaster for the Dimms.

Nadler and Schiff are absolute twats.

I didn’t realize how short Nadler is.
Dude looks like a planet.
according to page 34 of the mueller report, the posts by russian hackers reached 129 million americans! the entire population that voted, in other words!
according to page 34 of the mueller report, the posts by russian hackers reached 129 million americans! the entire population that voted, in other words!


The Weissman claim is of course absurd and falls into the same level as "bigfoot may have pissed on 2 trillion trees."

But even if this were true, so what?

US. Department of Justice


Collectively, the social media accounts reached tens of millions of US. persons.
Individual IRA social media accounts attracted hundreds of thousands of followers. For example,
at the time they were deactivated by Facebook in mid?2017, the ?United Muslims of
America? Facebook group had over 300,000 followers, the ?Don?t Shoot Us? Facebook group had
over 250,000 followers, the ?Being Patriotic? Facebook group had over 200,000 followers, and
the ?Secured Borders? Facebook group had over 130,000 followers.61 According to Facebook, in
total the IRA-controlled accounts made over 80,000 posts before their deactivation in August 2017,
and these posts reached at least 29 million US persons and ?may have reached an estimated 126
million people.?62

4. US. Operations Through Twitter

A number of IRA employees assigned to the Translator Department served as Twitter

Specialists. Harm to Ongoing Matter

The lRA?s Twitter operations involved two strategies. First IRA specialists operated
certain Twitter accounts to create individual U.S. personas

Harm to Ongomg Matter

Separately, the IRA operated a network of automated Twitter accounts
(commonly referred to as a bot network) that enabled the IRA to amplify existing content
on Twitter.

a. Individualized Accounts

Harm to Ongoing Matter

Harm to Ongoing Matter

6? See Facebook ID 147993689565674?7 (United Muslims of America); Facebook ID
1157233400960126 (Don?t Shoot); Facebook ID 1601685693432389 Bein_ Patriotic; Facebook ID
757183957716200 Secured Borders). Harm t0 Ongomg Matter

Harm to Ongoing Matter

Harm to Ongoing Matter

62 Social Media Infuence in the 2016 US. Election, Hearing Before the Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence, 115th Cong. 13 (11/1/17) (testimony of Colin Stretch, General Counsel of Facebook).}
"Michael Cohen, after Wikileaks dump of DNC emails, Trump said to Cohen something to the effect of...REDACTED

Trump told Rick Gates more dumps would be forthcoming " - Pages 61-62 of Mueller report
On Oct 12, 2016, Wikileaks messaged Don Jr., complaining the media wasn't paying attention to its leaks, asking that he or his dad say something. MINUTES later, Trump tweeted this:

On October 3, 2016, WikiLeaks sent another direct message to Trump Jr., asking "you guys" to help disseminate a link alleging candidate Clinton had advocated using a drone to target Julian Assange. Trump Jr. responded that he already "had done so," - Mueller Report pg 60

“Hey guys what about this Wikileaks link (sent to you by Wiki about an anti-Trump PAC) and the password works and I follow them on Twitter so this is a DM and let me know your thoughts.” - Don Jr page 68
No, YOU and the other Lsfties WISH he obstructed. Too bad in MUELLER'S own words he was NEVER interfered with. Oops, your case just got thrown out. Barr did nothing wrong. Where we are today is you and other lefties crying and making any excuse and lie to keep this going.

You're smoking some good stuff under that MAGA hat lol

I don't take brits seriously any longer especially one that is a comedian with a laugh track audience.......its not a prosecutors job to exonerate...and he said the president can be prosecuted after leaving office...he didn't say President Trump could be...any wrong doing must be proven in court and the dems just don't have a case...if you think they do then spell it out...what crime did Trump commit?...lets start with that question...
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Felix Sater to Michael Cohen in 2015: “I will get Putin on this program and we will get Donald elected ... Buddy our boy can become President of the USA and we can engineer it." - page 79

Is election fraud "very legal & very cool" these days?
No, YOU and the other Lsfties WISH he obstructed. Too bad in MUELLER'S own words he was NEVER interfered with. Oops, your case just got thrown out. Barr did nothing wrong. Where we are today is you and other lefties crying and making any excuse and lie to keep this going.

You're smoking some good stuff under that MAGA hat lol
Nope we’re just watching TDS on steroids

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