It's Mueller Time!

Do you want Trump investigated until a crime is found?

We don't do that here in America.
We don't, but Democrats do. They don't care about our Constitution and laws.

They are globalists who are for open borders, approve Muslim supremacism, and violation of the civil rights laws, by supporting racial discrimination in Affirmative Action programs.

They go along with anything however unAmerican it may be, if they think it will get them votes.
Very true.

they didn't even charge the guy who started this whole damn thing (Joseph Mifsud)
Pretty amazing that this thread could go over 2,000 posts, even after the Mueller hearing exposed the whole ruse for what it was. And posters here are still talking about it as if it was a real investigation of something, with an ounce of credibility.

It's especially amazing for so many people to be in here when really big things are happening right now.

Ilhan Omar Introduces Resolution Condemning Racism, White Men, And The Jews

Supreme Court Backs Trump on Military $$ for Border Wall

DOJ Restarting Federal Executions
No. It means exactly what is says. They didn't make a determination.

Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.
Didn't say that but then again you know that. Calls for pursuing political rivals after they leave office because you don't have the steam to do it now is disgusting.

No one is above the law. Political rivalry or not.
It's exactly one of those cases. Mueller said no such thing.
Mueller stated that Trump committed no crime, you fucking dumbass.

He never said that, dope.
He failed to name a crime he committed, so it's the same thing.

Not at all.
Of course it is, dumbass.

Mueller never said anything close to that.
LOL it is a fact. Do you want me to post proof that the Patriots won the most recent SB too? You’re just trying to goad me. You’re a loser.

No. I want you to be a grown man and handle yourself with competence.


Mueller corrects testimony on one question
Former special counsel Robert Mueller took a moment in testimony before the House Intelligence Committee to correct an answer he had given to Rep. Ted Lieu in his earlier appearance before the Judiciary Committee about whether President Trump could be charged with obstruction after he leaves office. Watch his statement.JUL 25, 2019

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not, dope.
Straight up lying and misrepresentation is all you dopes have left after Mueller destroyed your narrative.

yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not say this, dope

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

The full correction

Sure he did, you’re not hearing it and I can’t help you
Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
The DOJ would have to make a determination that Trump committed a crime prior to that happening. Barr certainly isn't going to do that. It is also extremely unlikely that the next administration would reopen the investigation and determine/allege a crime. The Mueller investigation is over. You are blowing in the wind.

The evidence is already documented.The work has already been done. A new AG would simply hand it off to a prosecutor.
There is no evidence, moron.

The entirety of Vol 2 is evidence.

Forget the Mueller debate. Hutch do you believe the world is round? I need A baseline.
its like the Dems were telling Mueller: Granny put your name here on the mortgage document!

It was like watching elder abuse
“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He didnt. Did you not watch the video?
The Reversed “Gotcha” Moment of Mueller’s Testimony Is a Metaphor for the Whole Thing
That says exactly what I said, dope.
Nowhere in your link does it say this
Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.
OMG day is night in your world.

Where does he say that, liar?
He didn’t say Day was night, he said trump didn’t commit a crime. I’m waiting for you to name it. Go
yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not, dope.
Straight up lying and misrepresentation is all you dopes have left after Mueller destroyed your narrative.

yes he did when he made his correction at the start of the afternoon session. sorry, but a duck is still a duck

He did not say this, dope

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

The full correction

I am all set with Hutch. He is a moron. He calls dogs, cats and day, night. Again. Moron.

Where does he say what you attributed, liar?

Liar? You’re the one with the hearing problem. Why did he make the redaction? Again you’re brave on a keyboard. Pussy.

You've been exposed, loser.

You should cover up!
So, Mueller did not say there was NO COLLUSION, he said there was not sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump feloniously conspired with non-Americans to flip an election, but there is evidence sufficicient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he feloniously conspired to obstruct justice. And Trump lies about what Mueller said.
Wrong. The report said there was no evidence.
Wrong. The report said there was no evidence

Of what?
A point?
No evidence of collusion, shit for brains. In fact, the report said that even though The Russian government made numerous attempts to reach out to the Trump campaign, their overtures were always rebuffed.

It said there was not sufficient evidence, dope.
No evidence, no crime, you’re starting to understand

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