It's Mueller Time!

Post up the transcript.
One last time, and then I am just going to ignore you because, as I stated, you are living proof you can't fix stupid when it's combined with a denial of reality:

"I want to add one correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said. "I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said and I quote, ‘You didn’t charge the President because of the OLC opinion.' That is not the correct way to say it. As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the President committed a crime.

Robert Mueller hearings: 5 big takeaways | Fox News


No shit. I posted the video, dope.

Now where does he say this

Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.

He says “we did not reach the determination whether the President committed a crime” LOL. Nothing to do with OLC. He could have been a cashier at WalMart and still have the same outcome. You’re dumb and a Leftist

That's been their assertion the entire time, dope. He was correcting his testimony to reflect that.

He certainly never said this, liar.

“Could” doesn’t mean should. He told him that if he were not president he still would not have been charged.
Dude, he never ever said that! Wow your search engine died
Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.
Didn't say that but then again you know that. Calls for pursuing political rivals after they leave office because you don't have the steam to do it now is disgusting.

No one is above the law. Political rivalry or not.
Never said they are.

You just cannot get past circumventing the process and imagining that it is justice.
No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.
Didn't say that but then again you know that. Calls for pursuing political rivals after they leave office because you don't have the steam to do it now is disgusting.

No one is above the law. Political rivalry or not.
Never said they are.

You just cannot get past circumventing the process and imagining that it is justice.
He fking hates jurisprudence
This thread is out of control. Where are the mods ? Do your job, guys. This dopey thing should have been shut down 2,000 posts ago.

Mueller was just a prop. The whole thing was a scam by the lawyers to rake in Millions$$. That's it.

Here's a couple of GOOD threads to be posting in >>

DOJ Restarting Federal Executions

Supreme Court Backs Trump on Military $$ for Border Wall

Their base cannot give this up after 2.5 years now....and it's something to see. I say let them have at is while Americans watch their House tenure go up in flames just before the 2020 elections. What could go wrong?
The mods need to close this thread. TDS insanity can be tolerated a little bit, but when they are obviously serious TDS victims and continue whining, etc., folks, there is no cure at the present time. And it is a waste of time to assume they can be cured. Very sad. But very true.
Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.
Didn't say that but then again you know that. Calls for pursuing political rivals after they leave office because you don't have the steam to do it now is disgusting.

No one is above the law. Political rivalry or not.
The dems keep saying that before barr is done.

Much like their saying "you must accept election results" this could backfire. Again.
I don’t know why there was investigation in the first place.
Obama said you can’t rig an election. Here is the video.

Obama said it, Is he stupid or is he lying?

So, Mueller did not say there was NO COLLUSION, he said there was not sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump feloniously conspired with non-Americans to flip an election, but there is evidence sufficicient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he feloniously conspired to obstruct justice. And Trump lies about what Mueller said.
Wrong. The report said there was no evidence.
Wrong. The report said there was no evidence

Of what?
A point?
No evidence of collusion, shit for brains. In fact, the report said that even though The Russian government made numerous attempts to reach out to the Trump campaign, their overtures were always rebuffed.

It said there was not sufficient evidence, dope.
Wrong. It said there was no evidence. None.
126 undisclosed meetings. "I love it". Flynn lied, manafort lied, gates lied, papadoulos lied, Cohen lied... All intelligence agencies and the report all agree Russia weighed in on tRump's side... tRump just recently said if offered information my a foreign government he would take it... WikiLeaks coordinated email dumps...

How much more do you need?

2 yrs
No conspiracy no obstruction
How much more do you need?
Even CNN says the Republicans won
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

Does it hurt to be as mentally retarded as you?

It hurts me to realize that in the time we find ourselves, there are so many grown people in places of great authority who have completely sold out to cynical surrender.

Not American greatness.

Plenty to go around.

So, you lie. Not just occasionally, lying is the bed rock of who you are. You seek to promote the cause of radical Marxism and are devoid of even a hint of integrity. You begin your post with "truthfully," but you aren't truthful, ever.

Tuesday was a disaster for you Communists. The video I posted shows just how overwhelming of a disaster it was. I don't know if you grasp it any more than an ant on the counter grasps that he is to take sugar back to the hive. I suspect awareness is not present among you of the drone caste. Despite the fact that you Communists crashed and burned, the morons ruling your hive came up with the idea that America is so ill informed that if you just blatantly and outrageously lie, you will fool a substantial number of Americans.

So when a drone bleats about "selling out" or "cynical" while spending days bald faced lying in hopes of creating a perception that will displace reality, well that is beyond the pale.

2 yrs
No conspiracy no obstruction
How much more do you need?
Even CNN says the Republicans won
You're a smart guy, why don't you read the report? That's not what it says.
Too late.
They've become rhetorical kamikazes. They've passed the the failsafe point and no longer have enough fuel to get back.

Does it hurt to be as mentally retarded as you?

It hurts me to realize that in the time we find ourselves, there are so many grown people in places of great authority who have completely sold out to cynical surrender.

Not American greatness.

Plenty to go around.

It hurts me more that my kids have to grow up in the world with illogical people like you living in it. PC pussies.

Hutch isn't illogical, Hutch is pathological.

democats are the party of lies.
"If there were enough evidence he would."


He said he couldn't because a sitting president can't be indicted. You'll never understand that because you lack the ability.

If you just LIE HARDER, reality will change..

What's funny is that in a week or two you'll be reprogrammed to say that Mueller was incapacitated so you have to redo the witch hunt. And you'll claim you never told THIS LIE... That's just how you fucking Communists operate.

"the Russian government interfered in 2016 in sweeping and systematic fashion. evidence began to surface in 2016" - Mueller
The Trump Campaign shot themselves in the foot with Roger Stone, the Russians and Wikileaks. Mueller tried to supoena the Trump banking records, Rod Rosenstein quashed the supoena. Now they're trying to claim they were set up. That the Steele Dossier was a Russian plant, a "set up". A set up never works unless the mark falls for it.

Trump enthusiastically accepted all of the help he could get from Russians and from Wikileaks, and he told George Stephanopolous that he'd do it again. And the Election Commission said that accepting help from a foreign power is still illegal.

And then he obstructed the Mueller Investigation in broad daylight. We all watched him do it, day after day.

The entire fiction you are posting has been proven false by the Weissmann Dossier (ne' Mueller Report). Like Mueller, you never bothered to read it. The ONLY ones who had help from Russians were Hillary and Potentate Obamugabe who used a web of agents directed by KGB John Brennan (what kind of president appoints an KNOWN KGB asset to head the CIA?) through Glenn Simpson and ultimately Christopher Steele to buy dirt from the Kremlin that Obama used no only to rig the election but to pervert the FISA court in order to spy on the opposition candidate and then the President of the United States, an act of treason.

But you're cool with this level of corrupt and treason, because you not only place party ahead of country, you actively work to end the country in favor of the international Communist dream.

both collusion and conspiracy are not defined in federal criminal law, as Mueller said!


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