It's Mueller Time!

No. It means exactly what is says. They didn't make a determination.

Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
The DOJ would have to make a determination that Trump committed a crime prior to that happening. Barr certainly isn't going to do that. It is also extremely unlikely that the next administration would reopen the investigation and determine/allege a crime. The Mueller investigation is over. You are blowing in the wind.

The evidence is already documented.The work has already been done. A new AG would simply hand it off to a prosecutor.
There is no evidence, moron.

The entirety of Vol 2 is evidence.
Half the report is evidence.
How do you reconcile the fact that Trump was cleared in one inststance but not the other?

They even said they would say if he was cleared. They determined they could not say that.
A prosecutor doesn't have the authority to "clear" anyone, dumbass. He either indicts or he doesn't.

Sure they do. If investigators don't find evidence of a crime, the subject is cleared.
What happens if evidence of criminality is found but indictment is not possible?
The only example where indictment isn't possible is when the target is the President of the United States. In that case he can be impeached, and once he's out of office, he can then be indicted. Or he can simply be voted out of office and then indicted.

However, Mueller stated in explicit terms that this case isn't one of those examples.
It's exactly one of those cases. Mueller said no such thing.
Mueller stated that Trump committed no crime, you fucking dumbass.

He never said that, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.

If he wasn’t cleared why has he not been impeached?


If he gets impeached and thrown out of office Nixon style, I ll give $100 to your favorite charity if not you do the same to mine. Deal?

It's too late for impeachment IMO. I was never banging the drum for it anyway.
Yeah, right.
Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
The DOJ would have to make a determination that Trump committed a crime prior to that happening. Barr certainly isn't going to do that. It is also extremely unlikely that the next administration would reopen the investigation and determine/allege a crime. The Mueller investigation is over. You are blowing in the wind.

The evidence is already documented.The work has already been done. A new AG would simply hand it off to a prosecutor.
There is no evidence, moron.

The entirety of Vol 2 is evidence.
It's total fucking bullshit. There are no crimes referred to in volume 2
A prosecutor doesn't have the authority to "clear" anyone, dumbass. He either indicts or he doesn't.

Sure they do. If investigators don't find evidence of a crime, the subject is cleared.
What happens if evidence of criminality is found but indictment is not possible?
The only example where indictment isn't possible is when the target is the President of the United States. In that case he can be impeached, and once he's out of office, he can then be indicted. Or he can simply be voted out of office and then indicted.

However, Mueller stated in explicit terms that this case isn't one of those examples.
It's exactly one of those cases. Mueller said no such thing.
Mueller stated that Trump committed no crime, you fucking dumbass.

He never said that, dope.
He failed to name a crime he committed, so it's the same thing.
No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
The DOJ would have to make a determination that Trump committed a crime prior to that happening. Barr certainly isn't going to do that. It is also extremely unlikely that the next administration would reopen the investigation and determine/allege a crime. The Mueller investigation is over. You are blowing in the wind.

The evidence is already documented.The work has already been done. A new AG would simply hand it off to a prosecutor.
There is no evidence, moron.

The entirety of Vol 2 is evidence.
It's total fucking bullshit. There are no crimes referred to in volume 2

You're right. It's all muffin recipes.

Sure they do. If investigators don't find evidence of a crime, the subject is cleared.
What happens if evidence of criminality is found but indictment is not possible?
The only example where indictment isn't possible is when the target is the President of the United States. In that case he can be impeached, and once he's out of office, he can then be indicted. Or he can simply be voted out of office and then indicted.

However, Mueller stated in explicit terms that this case isn't one of those examples.
It's exactly one of those cases. Mueller said no such thing.
Mueller stated that Trump committed no crime, you fucking dumbass.

He never said that, dope.
He failed to name a crime he committed, so it's the same thing.

Not at all.
"Bob does have integrity. but he fell asleep at the switch. and he let Weissman run the asylum. he couldn't find collusion. and now the Dems are acting like clows" - Giuliani just now on FOX News
The only example where indictment isn't possible is when the target is the President of the United States. In that case he can be impeached, and once he's out of office, he can then be indicted. Or he can simply be voted out of office and then indicted.

However, Mueller stated in explicit terms that this case isn't one of those examples.
It's exactly one of those cases. Mueller said no such thing.
Mueller stated that Trump committed no crime, you fucking dumbass.

He never said that, dope.
He failed to name a crime he committed, so it's the same thing.

Not at all.
Of course it is, dumbass.
So in America that means innocent. You fat idiot.

No. It means exactly what is says. They didn't make a determination.

Which in America means innocent. Idiot. Are you even American?

No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
Never going to happen at the very least because of how damaging to the country this would be. Using the government to go after your political rivals was rightly feared and viciously attacked when Trump was ranting about locking Hillary up.

Now it is being lauded as a valuable course of action when the democrats refuse to impeach Trump now. It is disgusting. The ball is in the dems court - they either impeach him or accept there will be no legal recourse.

I don't know if that would happen. I was making the point that Trump was not cleared of obstruction.

Political rivals didn't force Trump to commit multiple acts of felony obstruction of justice.
Didn't say that but then again you know that. Calls for pursuing political rivals after they leave office because you don't have the steam to do it now is disgusting.
Oh, please, OldLady. You and I have been here too long for you to claim that. Obviously you can’t be right if you don’t follow all the evidence. And, if you’d been following the evidence you would know that-
Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson Dined With Russian Lawyer Before & After Her Meeting at Trump Tower

Fusion GPS official met with Russian operative before and after Trump Jr. sit-down
Thanks, depotoo. I missed this; their contacts are described pretty thoroughly in that first link you gave me, and I don't see how it changes any of the facts of the Prevezon case that I described. You are talking about something entirely different.

I just want to thank you for your entire series of posts about Prevezon case, which Jeff Sessions settled personally, after firing Preet Bahara. Why did Sessions handle this case personally?

Why are Trump, the Republican Party, and the Russian trolls now trying to smear, slander and investigate the US Attorney who has caused the most trouble for corrupt Russian mobsters in the city of New York, putting many Russian criminals in jail, or on planes back to Russia? Ohr has made a lot of enemies in the Russian government and now he's being labelled by Trump, as the most corrupt prosecutor in America. Did Putin make him do it?

Posters here continue to say that Democrats are seeing Russians everywhere, but scratch a Trump enemies list, and you find they're also enemies of Russia, and the ones at the top of Trump's enemies list are guys like Mueller, and Ohr who have done the most damage to Russia, and guys like Christopher Steele who have exposed those connections, as well as Fusion GPS.

Anyone in the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA who had any part of the decision making process to pursue these investigations was fired by Trump as soon as he took office. Trump has accused all of these people who have served their country with distinction, valor, and for civil service pay, of lying and plotting against him. This is the same Donald Trump, who has lied in public and in private his entire adult life, who lied about Trump Tower Moscow, who lied about contacts with Russians, who knew that Russian hackers had the DNC emails, who has been charged with crimes of racial discrimination, illegal campaign contributions, fraud, has admitted to bribing publica officials for personal gain, and has gone bankrupt 7 times while bragging about how much money he walked away with, calling all of the heads of the American Security Agencies sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, liars.
Oh, just quit. Just quit. Both of you. That case had nothing to do with Trump. Nothing.
I can believe he wasn't involved in the money laundering. That time, anyway. But I find it hard to believe he had nothing to do with how the case was disposed of. Someone in Moscow called in a favor.. It's clear as day. We will probably never prove it.

The Mueller Investigation was seriously constrained by the authorizing Memo issued by the Justice Department when they appointed the Special Counsel. Justice refused to allow Mueller to supoena any of Trump's personal financial records, or those of his company or any of it's subsidiaries. Big commerical property developers incorporate a new company for every piece of property they attempt to buy, so that all costs related to the purchase, development and sale of the property can't impact or bring down the rest of the corporation, should the deal fail to close and people start filing lawsuits.

The last multi-billionaire developer,I did work for, had over 2000 active corporate charters, including a few shell companies with early incorporations to back date land transfers through for tax reasons. This is a private closely held company like Trump's, with about 200 active building projects in various stages of development, and 1500 full time employees. If they were laundering money, a forensic accountant would have to comb through the books, records and bank accounts of those 2000+ subsidiary companies, because it could be hidden in just one of them.

Construction is the dirtiest business there is. The bigger the project, the more shennanigans are involved. When one municipal offical demanded a $2,000 per lot bribe to issue building permits quickly, before impost charges rose in 8 weeks time, my client simply paid the $80,000 bribe as a cost of doing business and picked up his 40 building permits on his pre-sold homes.. He was also finished construction and gone before somebody filed a police report, the scandal hit the news and all new construction was halted until the investigation was completed.
Do you want Trump investigated until a crime is found?

We don't do that here in America.
Thanks, depotoo. I missed this; their contacts are described pretty thoroughly in that first link you gave me, and I don't see how it changes any of the facts of the Prevezon case that I described. You are talking about something entirely different.

I just want to thank you for your entire series of posts about Prevezon case, which Jeff Sessions settled personally, after firing Preet Bahara. Why did Sessions handle this case personally?

Why are Trump, the Republican Party, and the Russian trolls now trying to smear, slander and investigate the US Attorney who has caused the most trouble for corrupt Russian mobsters in the city of New York, putting many Russian criminals in jail, or on planes back to Russia? Ohr has made a lot of enemies in the Russian government and now he's being labelled by Trump, as the most corrupt prosecutor in America. Did Putin make him do it?

Posters here continue to say that Democrats are seeing Russians everywhere, but scratch a Trump enemies list, and you find they're also enemies of Russia, and the ones at the top of Trump's enemies list are guys like Mueller, and Ohr who have done the most damage to Russia, and guys like Christopher Steele who have exposed those connections, as well as Fusion GPS.

Anyone in the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA who had any part of the decision making process to pursue these investigations was fired by Trump as soon as he took office. Trump has accused all of these people who have served their country with distinction, valor, and for civil service pay, of lying and plotting against him. This is the same Donald Trump, who has lied in public and in private his entire adult life, who lied about Trump Tower Moscow, who lied about contacts with Russians, who knew that Russian hackers had the DNC emails, who has been charged with crimes of racial discrimination, illegal campaign contributions, fraud, has admitted to bribing publica officials for personal gain, and has gone bankrupt 7 times while bragging about how much money he walked away with, calling all of the heads of the American Security Agencies sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, liars.
Oh, just quit. Just quit. Both of you. That case had nothing to do with Trump. Nothing.
I can believe he wasn't involved in the money laundering. That time, anyway. But I find it hard to believe he had nothing to do with how the case was disposed of. Someone in Moscow called in a favor.. It's clear as day. We will probably never prove it.

The Mueller Investigation was seriously constrained by the authorizing Memo issued by the Justice Department when they appointed the Special Counsel. Justice refused to allow Mueller to supoena any of Trump's personal financial records, or those of his company or any of it's subsidiaries. Big commerical property developers incorporate a new company for every piece of property they attempt to buy, so that all costs related to the purchase, development and sale of the property can't impact or bring down the rest of the corporation, should the deal fail to close and people start filing lawsuits.

The last multi-billionaire developer,I did work for, had over 2000 active corporate charters, including a few shell companies with early incorporations to back date land transfers through for tax reasons. This is a private closely held company like Trump's, with about 200 active building projects in various stages of development, and 1500 full time employees. If they were laundering money, a forensic accountant would have to comb through the books, records and bank accounts of those 2000+ subsidiary companies, because it could be hidden in just one of them.

Construction is the dirtiest business there is. The bigger the project, the more shennanigans are involved. When one municipal offical demanded a $2,000 per lot bribe to issue building permits quickly, before impost charges rose in 8 weeks time, my client simply paid the $80,000 bribe as a cost of doing business and picked up his 40 building permits on his pre-sold homes.. He was also finished construction and gone before somebody filed a police report, the scandal hit the news and all new construction was halted until the investigation was completed.
Do you want Trump investigated until a crime is found?

We don't do that here in America.
That's exactly what many with TDS want.
I just want to thank you for your entire series of posts about Prevezon case, which Jeff Sessions settled personally, after firing Preet Bahara. Why did Sessions handle this case personally?

Why are Trump, the Republican Party, and the Russian trolls now trying to smear, slander and investigate the US Attorney who has caused the most trouble for corrupt Russian mobsters in the city of New York, putting many Russian criminals in jail, or on planes back to Russia? Ohr has made a lot of enemies in the Russian government and now he's being labelled by Trump, as the most corrupt prosecutor in America. Did Putin make him do it?

Posters here continue to say that Democrats are seeing Russians everywhere, but scratch a Trump enemies list, and you find they're also enemies of Russia, and the ones at the top of Trump's enemies list are guys like Mueller, and Ohr who have done the most damage to Russia, and guys like Christopher Steele who have exposed those connections, as well as Fusion GPS.

Anyone in the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA who had any part of the decision making process to pursue these investigations was fired by Trump as soon as he took office. Trump has accused all of these people who have served their country with distinction, valor, and for civil service pay, of lying and plotting against him. This is the same Donald Trump, who has lied in public and in private his entire adult life, who lied about Trump Tower Moscow, who lied about contacts with Russians, who knew that Russian hackers had the DNC emails, who has been charged with crimes of racial discrimination, illegal campaign contributions, fraud, has admitted to bribing publica officials for personal gain, and has gone bankrupt 7 times while bragging about how much money he walked away with, calling all of the heads of the American Security Agencies sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, liars.
Oh, just quit. Just quit. Both of you. That case had nothing to do with Trump. Nothing.
I can believe he wasn't involved in the money laundering. That time, anyway. But I find it hard to believe he had nothing to do with how the case was disposed of. Someone in Moscow called in a favor.. It's clear as day. We will probably never prove it.

The Mueller Investigation was seriously constrained by the authorizing Memo issued by the Justice Department when they appointed the Special Counsel. Justice refused to allow Mueller to supoena any of Trump's personal financial records, or those of his company or any of it's subsidiaries. Big commerical property developers incorporate a new company for every piece of property they attempt to buy, so that all costs related to the purchase, development and sale of the property can't impact or bring down the rest of the corporation, should the deal fail to close and people start filing lawsuits.

The last multi-billionaire developer,I did work for, had over 2000 active corporate charters, including a few shell companies with early incorporations to back date land transfers through for tax reasons. This is a private closely held company like Trump's, with about 200 active building projects in various stages of development, and 1500 full time employees. If they were laundering money, a forensic accountant would have to comb through the books, records and bank accounts of those 2000+ subsidiary companies, because it could be hidden in just one of them.

Construction is the dirtiest business there is. The bigger the project, the more shennanigans are involved. When one municipal offical demanded a $2,000 per lot bribe to issue building permits quickly, before impost charges rose in 8 weeks time, my client simply paid the $80,000 bribe as a cost of doing business and picked up his 40 building permits on his pre-sold homes.. He was also finished construction and gone before somebody filed a police report, the scandal hit the news and all new construction was halted until the investigation was completed.
Do you want Trump investigated until a crime is found?

We don't do that here in America.
That's exactly what many with TDS want.
They've never wanted justice. It's always been about revenge.
Does it hurt to be as mentally retarded as you?

It hurts me to realize that in the time we find ourselves, there are so many grown people in places of great authority who have completely sold out to cynical surrender.

Not American greatness.

Plenty to go around.

It hurts me more that my kids have to grow up in the world with illogical people like you living in it. PC pussies.

You mad, bro?
You seem frustrated.

He probably is, but he's also one of the more reasonable conservatives here so take it easy on the guy.

He hasn't been reasonable as far as I can tell.
He has repeatedly and perhaps deliberately misrepresented the facts.

I don't think it's deliberate, I think hes just misinformed.
No. It means he can be cuffed and perp walked as he steps out of the WH on Jan 21, 2021. That isn't innocent, dope.
The DOJ would have to make a determination that Trump committed a crime prior to that happening. Barr certainly isn't going to do that. It is also extremely unlikely that the next administration would reopen the investigation and determine/allege a crime. The Mueller investigation is over. You are blowing in the wind.

The evidence is already documented.The work has already been done. A new AG would simply hand it off to a prosecutor.
There is no evidence, moron.

The entirety of Vol 2 is evidence.
It's total fucking bullshit. There are no crimes referred to in volume 2

dumbasses. who let them breed? damn sure wasn't my idea.
Do you want Trump investigated until a crime is found?

We don't do that here in America.
We don't, but Democrats do. They don't care about our Constitution and laws.

They are globalists who are for open borders, approve Muslim supremacism, and violation of the civil rights laws, by supporting racial discrimination in Affirmative Action programs.

They go along with anything however unAmerican it may be, if they think it will get them votes.

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