It's Mueller Time!

The case is closed.
Mueller is restricted to his report.
Drama, Emotional Political Theater
Truly nothing to see here worthwhile

You were nearly right. The added benefit was Demonicrats were exposed who they are..........again. And leftist's were left with nothing but flase hopes and narratives.....again.
Nor does it mean that he is guilty. The lies are not relevant unless he tried to get McGhan to lie to investigators. Politicians lie continually about things to put a good face on them publicly.

The key is, of course, intent. Intent is very difficult to establish particularly in this case where they were not able to establish the underlying crime itself. Again, that does not mean that he did not obstruct justice but equally does not establish that he did either.

Further, firing Muller would have had almost no impact on the investigation itself as well.
NADLER: But under DOJ -- under Department of Justice policy, the president could be prosecuted for obstruction of justice crimes after he leaves office, correct?

You are not even bothering to address my comments anymore.
Of course I did. You said Mueller didn't say trump was necessarily guilty, to which I pointed out he confirmed trump could be prosecuted when he's no longer president. That, along with Muelker not exonerating trump of obstruction as he did with conspiracy, is a strong indication trump is guilty and could face prosecution some day.

And yes, trump did try to get McGhan to lie, but I'm not sure to whom.

And your claim that firing Mueller would not affect the investigation is a throw away argument. You're making that up as no one knows how such a firing would have played out. For all anyone knows, that could have ended the investigation just as trump ended the FBI investigation when he fired Comey. Ir maybe he would have gotten a replacement who would circle the wagon for him like Barr is doing.

The fact remains, he tried to get Mueller fired because he feared how Mueller's investigationmight turn out. That's the very definition of obstruction.

A generic question with a generic answer means little to nothing. He carefully phrased the question. He didn't ask if there was enough evidence to prosecute Trump for obstruction after he left office. Mueller didn't accuse Trump of obstructing at any point.
Along with that is his report which details many instances of obstruction.

In your opinion. Your opinion doesn't mean that Trump obstructed.
Mishandling classified info is not dependent on intent.
Actually, the possible charges were completely dependent on intent. Comey literally spelled it out.
But he doesn’t get to make that call. Sorry, that’s up to a grand jury

I wonder how far we would get with any jury or any judge if we said:

I didn't know I wasn't supposed to run a red light. It was not my intent to break the law.
I didn't know that I was speeding. That was not my intent.
I didn't know punching him in the face would result in any harm. That was not my intent.
I didn't know destroying subpoenaed material was a crime.

But Hillary, a licensed attorney, who clearly and without question deliberately mishandled classified information, lied under oath to Congress, and obstructed justice, was not charged with anything because she was apparently too stupid to know she had broken the law.

But somehow a maliciously partisan Trump hating investigator/special counsel or whatever suggests that if we choose the most improbable possibility of maybe an intent to obstruct investigation of a crime that was never committed, the President could be indicted for an impeachable offense. And the media parroting TDS crowd are more than happy to keep up that chant.
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You can’t obstruct that which never occurred and it’s unlikely charges will be brought over multiple non events that never occurred.
Trump is not even Not Guilty because charges were never filed
He IS cleared, innocent and exhonerated
You can’t obstruct that which never occurred and it’s unlikely charges will be brought over multiple non events that never occurred.
Trump is not even Not Guilty because charges were never filed
He IS cleared, innocent and exhonerated

Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)

Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.
You can’t obstruct that which never occurred and it’s unlikely charges will be brought over multiple non events that never occurred.
Trump is not even Not Guilty because charges were never filed
He IS cleared, innocent and exhonerated

Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)

Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.
well that isn't what happened, so there's that.
You can’t obstruct that which never occurred and it’s unlikely charges will be brought over multiple non events that never occurred.
Trump is not even Not Guilty because charges were never filed
He IS cleared, innocent and exhonerated

Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)

Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.

The OLC says nothing about not filing charges. Only that a President cannot be indicted (impeached) for other than treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. The OLC in no way prohibited the Special Counsel or anybody else from identifying a crime that the President had committed. There is NOTHING in Mueller Report that does that.

Walsh did that in Iran Contra.
Jaworski did that in Watergate.
Starr did that in Whitewater/Clinton re perjury & obstruction of justice.
And Mueller could have done that in the Mueller Report but since he didn't find anything, he had nothing to accuse the President.

Again Mueller and 17 of the most viciously partisan anti-Trump people he could have assembled examined 1.4 million documents, issued more than 500 subpoenas, took 2-1/2 years and spent up to $50 million to find something with which to accuse the President.

All that they had was POSSIBLE obstruction of justice IF the least probable interpretation or manipulation of various statements taken out of full context are held up as criminal acts. Of course they worded it so that the hate-Trump-all-the-time media and the must gullible of Trump haters would do just that and keep the assinine theme going however intellectually dishonest and unethical.

Because the TDS crowd, including the media that embraces it, have no shame.
You can’t obstruct that which never occurred and it’s unlikely charges will be brought over multiple non events that never occurred.
Trump is not even Not Guilty because charges were never filed
He IS cleared, innocent and exhonerated

Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)

Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.

They can, however, be recommended for indictment, as Starr did for Bubba.
The OLC says nothing about not filing charges. Only that a President cannot be indicted (impeached) for other than treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
... wtf...

Report doesn't exonerate Trump, could be charged after leaving office: Mueller

10:52 a.m. Mueller explains why he did not indict Trump

"And I'd like to ask you the reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct," Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., asked, referring to a Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel opinion that it was DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

"That is correct," Mueller said.

Indictment is within an investigation
Impeachment is a process started by Congress.

Apples and oranges.... should we add grapes ? lol
Now that the witch hunt formally failed the lib loons are conjuring up other spells they can attempt to cast after Trump leaves office. It’s the only speculation they can still emotionally cling to.
You can’t obstruct that which never occurred and it’s unlikely charges will be brought over multiple non events that never occurred.
Trump is not even Not Guilty because charges were never filed
He IS cleared, innocent and exhonerated

Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)

Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.
good luck with that.
The OLC says nothing about not filing charges. Only that a President cannot be indicted (impeached) for other than treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
... wtf...

Report doesn't exonerate Trump, could be charged after leaving office: Mueller

10:52 a.m. Mueller explains why he did not indict Trump

"And I'd like to ask you the reason, again, that you did not indict Donald Trump is because of OLC opinion stating that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct," Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., asked, referring to a Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel opinion that it was DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

"That is correct," Mueller said.

Indictment is within an investigation
Impeachment is a process started by Congress.

Apples and oranges.... should we add grapes ? lol

And then there is honest reporting.

An impeachment is an indictment. It formally charges the President with a serious crime which is the very definition of indictment. The Senate then tries the President to determine whether he will or will not be convicted for the crime as charged. If the Senate votes to convict then the President is removed from office.

However, as to Mueller's testimony:

Kerri Kupec, spokeswoman for the Department of Justice and Peter Carr, spokesman for the Special Counsel's Office, released the following statement:

The Attorney General has previously stated that the Special Counsel repeatedly affirmed that he was not saying that, but for the OLC opinion, he would have found the President obstructed justice. The Special Counsel's report and his statement today made clear that the office concluded it would not reach a determination - one way or the other - about whether the President committed a crime. There is no conflict between these statements.​
DOJ, Mueller’s Office Release Joint Statement Clarifying Mueller’s Comments

And in Mueller's recent testimony before joint House committees, he opened the afternoon session with this statement:

“I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu, who said, and I quote, ‘you didn’t charge the president because of the OLC opinion.'”

“That is not the correct way to say it.”

“As we say in the report, and as I said in the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”​
Mueller unfamiliar with key parts of own report
Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)
Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.
good luck with that.

Exactly !!! That's why Pelosi won't pull the trigger until fine wine has been produced. Anything less than a crucifixion is a waste of time.
Now that the witch hunt formally failed the lib loons are conjuring up other spells they can attempt to cast after Trump leaves office. It’s the only speculation they can still emotionally cling to.

Except for those out of desperation and straining at gnats insisting on keeping the witch hunt alive.
Another way of saying this:
He's not guilty because charges could not be filed. (ie. OLC opinion)
Charges could be filed once Trumpolicious is out of office... Dem's finally decide to impeach with enough evidence and the guy is removed from office.
good luck with that.

Exactly !!! That's why Pelosi won't pull the trigger until fine wine has been produced. Anything less than a crucifixion is a waste of time.

Mueller did not reach a determination that the President committed any crime. So what will he be indicted for?
Now that the witch hunt formally failed the lib loons are conjuring up other spells they can attempt to cast after Trump leaves office. It’s the only speculation they can still emotionally cling to.

Except for those out of desperation and straining at gnats insisting on keeping the witch hunt alive.

Putin for president !!! Yay !!!

I suppose you intended that to make sense. Hint: to the majority of people still capable of independent thought, it doesn't.
Mueller did not reach a determination that the President committed any crime. So what will he be indicted with?

Mueller purposely decided with his staff not to reach any determination of guilt... leaving that task to Congress. Unfortunately Billy Barr decided to reach a 'no-guilt' verdict after reading a 450 page document in 2 hours and misrepresenting Robert Mueller's report.
At least five detailed incidents of obstruction fully described in the Mueller report. The one involving Don McGahn is the most damning... (ie read the report).

... the Mueller report is only the tiny tip of the iceberg.

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